Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 13.05.2022

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, having considered priority aspects of state policy and drafts of a number of documents.

Opening the meeting, the head of state noted that, in accordance with the instructions given earlier, the main topic on the agenda is the digital system.

First, the President of the country gave the floor to the General Director of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev, who reported on the measures taken to implement the “Concept for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” and the “State program for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”.

The tasks envisaged in the Concept are planned to be implemented in three stages. As part of the first stage, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the country, the Interdepartmental Commission for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan was established and the Regulations on its composition were approved. Türkmenaragatnaşyk agency was appointed as the authorized body in this area.

Practical steps are also being taken to create a single information center.

In continuation of the meeting, a report was made on the implementation of the instructions previously given by the head of state on the preparation of a draft resolution “On the approval of standards for the protection of communication lines.”

In this context, a draft of the relevant document was submitted for consideration by the head of state.

Having given specific instructions on resolving the issues of managing the protection of communication systems, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution “On Approval of Standards for the Protection of Communication Lines” and sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system.

Then the head of the Agency reported on the efforts to improve the legal framework of the transport and communication complex, carried out within the framework of the socio-economic reforms carried out in the Revival of the new epoch of powerful state. In this regard, information was provided on prepared proposals for the creation of an Intersectoral Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers for classifying the degree of importance of information infrastructure facilities.

Further, the Vice-Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh K. Babayev informed about the ongoing work on further modernization of the domestic legislative and legal framework, democratization of public life.

At the sixth meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of the first convocation, a number of laws were discussed, which were unanimously approved.

For merits in the development of parliamentarism, contribution to the improvement of the legal foundations for the functioning of the Commonwealth of Independent States, strengthening of international relations and inter-parliamentary cooperation, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was also awarded a jubilee medal established on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.

Heartily congratulating the Hero-Arkadag on these high awards, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished him good health, longevity and new outstanding successes in large-scale activities for the benefit of the Motherland and people.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mukhammedov, who then spoke, reported on the implementation of the measures provided for in the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” and the “State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”.

Then the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the practical steps being taken to launch a digital system at the Ministry of Finance and Economy for holding tenders for the purchase of goods, as well as auctions for the privatization of state property.

After listening to the report, the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the submitted project and ordered to continue work in this direction.

During the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the comprehensive measures being taken to improve the digital system, expand the Internet-bank system, and build up the system of remote online payments. Since 2019, the provision of such services has been carried out by the Joint Stock Commercial Bank “Rysgal”. Given the great interest of bank customers in this type of service and the accumulated positive experience, a proposal was submitted to the President of the country for the introduction of the Internet-bank system in the State Commercial Bank “Daýhanbank”, as well as in the Joint Stock Commercial Banks “Halkbank” and “Senagat” for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Then the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the ongoing work to improve the Bank's foreign economic activity of the international payment system. In this regard, information was provided on the results of the international tender.

Having approved the submitted proposal, the head of state ordered to control the implementation of the relevant work in this direction at the proper level.

Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused the Deputy Prime Minister's attention on the importance of accurately fulfilling the set tasks for the development of the digital economy.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrakhmanov reported on the ongoing work on the introduction of a digital system in the structural divisions of the fuel and energy complex.

In accordance with the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” and the “State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025” special departments for the introduction of digital technologies and information security have been created in the central offices of the State Concerns "Türkmengaz", "Türkmennebit", the State Corporation "Türkmengeologiýa" and Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, and plans for their work have been approved. All necessary equipment and software, electronic document management systems were installed.

In order to switch to an electronic service format, control the digital system for the sale of natural gas to domestic consumers in a non-cash form, carry out trade in storage facilities and manage data on gas fields and wells, the "Settlement Center" was created in the State Concern “Turkmengaz” along with the program "Elektron ammar".

The State Concern "Turkmennebit" operates an internal network, including the electronic document management system "Netije" and the official website, as well as installation and commissioning of measuring equipment in order to determine the volume of emulsion water and control by monitoring the level of oil in the tanks for collecting and preparing commercial oil.

In accordance with the plan for the development of the digital economy for 2022, the GOLDAW electronic document management system was put into operation in the central office of the TCOR, an Internet website was created, financial statements and other activities are carried out using electronic equipment in digital format.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the implementation of the tasks outlined in the “Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” and the “State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy for 2021-2025”, adopted in order to turn our country into an industrial developed state, increasing the effectiveness of work to improve the national economy.

Departments of cybersecurity and digital technologies have been opened in the ministries and sectoral departments of the construction and industrial complexes and in the Ashgabat city hyakimlik, official websites have been put into operation, where all the information of interest about the work performed, services provided, products, etc. is posted.

Preparatory work on advertising products manufactured by the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production and the State Concern “Türkmenhimiýa”, as well as on the organization of electronic commerce has reached final stage.

Further, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the preparations for the upcoming holidays and the XXI International Universal Exhibition “White City of Ashgabat”.

Practical steps are being taken to hold high-level festive celebrations and cultural events to mark the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag of Turkmenistan.

The 21st International Universal Exhibition “White City of Ashgabat” is traditionally timed to celebrate the Day of the City of Ashgabat, in which over 80 local and foreign companies, government agencies and enterprises, and representatives of the private sector expressed their readiness to take part this year.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the measures taken to implement the "Concept for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025" and the "State program for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025" in the supervised area.

In order to implement the tasks, set in these documents, an electronic document management system has been introduced and is operating in the structural divisions of the trade complex. Internet sites have been created in ministries, sectoral departments, as well as large enterprises under their jurisdiction to obtain the necessary information in Turkmen, Russian and English.

The online trade and goods delivery service established by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, retail enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country are expanding. Orders for carpet products from domestic and foreign buyers are accepted through the website of the State Association “Türkmenhaly”.

The website of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange provides data on goods sold at daily exchange auctions, as well as their prices on world markets. Exchange trading is carried out interactively through the e-commerce system, and registration of contracts - through the "Single Window" system.

During 2021 and four months of 2022, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry held 54 conferences and 4 virtual exhibitions using the digital system.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toylyev reported on the implementation of the measures provided for in the "Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025" and the "State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025".

At the first stage, all institutions of the complex were provided with computer equipment, servers, a network system, necessary programs, and were connected to the Internet. In addition, in accordance with other legal documents, relevant departments have been opened in ministries and sectoral departments and websites have been created. IT-specialists work in these departments, and measures are being taken to improve their skills.

Digital educational portals have been created in higher and secondary vocational schools, educational work is regularly enriched with electronic aids, books, textbooks, video and audio materials, interactive and multimedia technologies, presentations, information about the achievements of science and technology. In the Innovation Information Center of the Ministry of Education, effective measures are being taken to organize subject Olympiads and exams in an online format.

The Academy of Sciences, its research institutes and the Technology Center are united through a single internal network. National manuscripts, books, monographs related to the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people are converted into electronic format.

Medical institutions are also connected to a high-speed information network, and appropriate equipment has been installed in the Telemedicine system.

Socio-political organizations are provided with modern computers, network systems and telecommunications equipment.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the context of solving the important tasks set.

Created on the initiative of the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the new partnership format, called the "Ashgabat format", has confirmed its relevance as an effective platform for discussing topical issues of inter-parliamentary cooperation, developing proposals for strengthening it and filling it with new specific content. An agreement was also reached on the formation of a secretariat of this structure with headquarters in the Turkmen capital.

In this regard, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh of the country for the all-round support provided in the successful implementation of the foreign policy of an independent neutral Motherland.

Then the Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on the steps taken to develop the digital economy and implement the relevant Concept for 2019-2025.

As part of the implementation of the Concept, the country also provides for the launch of a unified online platform "SIngle Window". In this context, measures are being taken to connect the Internet sites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan abroad to it. In particular, along with the launch of a single Information Center (Data Center), steps were taken to synchronize the work of the MFA website with this Center.

Since August 2020, the Internet newspaper "International News" has been published on the website of the country's foreign ministry.

Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, noted that digitalization work is not being carried out in the country at the proper level. In this context, emphasis was placed on the priority tasks in this direction.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the activities of the General Director of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiev, the head of the digital system in Turkmenistan, the head of state reprimanded him and signed the relevant Order, demanding that work be done at the proper level.

Speaking further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the ongoing measures to transition to a digital system in the agricultural sector.

In accordance with the "Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025" and the "State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025", a digital system is being actively introduced in the supervised area. Special departments have been created in the subordinate ministries and departments and their work plans have been approved.

According to the Concept of transition to a telematic digital system, which consists of three stages, the first batch of the latest harvesting equipment equipped with telematic sensors was purchased from John Deere. As part of the implementation of the relevant Decree, work is underway to deliver the second and third batches of this equipment and inventory by the end of this year.

Measures are being taken to ensure that 154 grain receiving points are fully ready for the start of the grain harvest season. This year, during the mowing, it is planned to use 2,64 grain harvesters, which will be managed by 4,47 machine operators, working in two shifts. 463 repair and adjustment teams have been created, equipped with mobile workshops, welding machines and vehicles for transporting fuel.

The harvest will be delivered to collection points, elevators and barns by 9,817 trucks. At the field camps, all conditions are created for the comfortable rest of grain growers, mobile trade will be organized.

The Deputy Prime Minister submitted a draft of the relevant Resolution for consideration by the head of state.

Having signed the Decree “On measures for organized wheat harvesting in Turkmenistan in 2022”, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system.

Summing up the report, the head of Turkmenistan focused on the upcoming grain harvest campaign and addressed a number of instructions.

Then, addressing Vice-premier Ch. Purchekov, the head of Turkmenistan ordered, by concluding contracts with enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, to provide trucks of the relevant ministries, sectoral departments of the construction and industrial complex, as well as the hyakimlik of the city of Ashgabat for timely transportation and without loss wheat to reception points, storages and elevators.

Deputy Prime Minister Ch. Gylyjov was instructed to provide the appropriate trucks of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for timely and lossless transportation of grain harvested from the fields to reception points, storage facilities and elevators through the conclusion of agreements with enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev was instructed to conclude contracts headed by the Agency with enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection to ensure timely transportation and without loss of wheat harvested from the fields to reception points, storage and elevators, as well as the smooth and efficient operation of vehicles.

"Türkmenawtoulaglary" Agency was instructed to control the proper operation and use of vehicles during the mowing period.

In continuation of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan focused the attention of Deputy Prime Minister Sh. Abdrakhmanov on the fact that, on the basis of agreements with enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, trucks of the relevant ministries, sectoral departments of the oil and gas complex should be provided for timely transportation and without loss of grain harvest to reception points, storage facilities and elevators.

At the same time, the TCOR, together with the enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, in accordance with the concluded contracts, was instructed to ensure the uninterrupted supply of the relevant ministries and sectoral departments with the necessary oil products at the expense of the limits allocated for the current year for transporting crops harvested from the fields to reception points, storage and elevators.

Addressing Deputy Prime Minister M. Mukhammedov, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the Daýhanbank State Commercial Bank to ensure timely settlement with producers for the delivered crop during the harvest period.

The main state service "Turkmenstandartlary" during the harvest season must ensure proper acceptance of grain after checking its quality in laboratories at the relevant points, as well as keep accurate records of the volumes of grain handed over.

The Minister of Defense, Secretary of the State Security Council B. Gundogdyev was instructed during the harvest to carry out work to ensure fire safety in the fields, at reception points, on combine harvesters and vehicles engaged in the transportation of crops, and to ensure that drivers comply with traffic rules.

At the meeting of the Government, a number of other issues were also considered, important documents aimed at the development of industries were adopted.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.

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