The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 05.05.2022

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held the meeting of the State Security Council, at which the outcome of the work of security forces for four months of the current year was discussed and priority areas of their activity for the near future were outlined. Among the issues considered were also issues of maintenance of security and peace in our independent country, further strengthening of material and technical basis of military and law enforcement bodies as well as improvement of their work and others.

Passing to the agenda of the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to Secretary of the State Security Council, Minster of Defence B.Gundogdyev who reported on the work carried out by subordinate bodies from the beginning of the year as well as measures for maintenance of stable development of the country, law and order, strengthening of combat capacity, improvement of work, social and living standards of servicemen and training of highly qualified personnel.

Attorney General B.Atdayev reported on the results of activities of subordinate bodies for January-April months of the current year and steps taken with a view of control over proper fulfilment of legal acts. The information on fulfilment of the instructions given earlier by the head of Turkmenistan as well as introduction of digital system and improvement of professionalism of personnel was also delivered.

Further, Attorney General B.Atdayev reported on the outcome of inspection carried out in the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations in relation to the committed crimes connected with corruption and bribery.

As a result of inspection, carried out recently in the trade enterprises of Akhal region, Ashgabat city, criminal acts were made by people who wanted to grow rich by concealing white flour and plant oil produced by honest labour of peasants from open sale and selling them at a overprice.

As the Attorney General of the country reported, people who held responsible posts and abused them, committed crimes, which cannot be forgiven. So, R.Durdynazarov, who held the post of chairman of the consumers' association of Akhal region by abusing his duties made such crimes as lump sum bribery, corruption, official forgery, acquisition of entrusted property or embezzlement, legalization of illegally gained funds and other properties.

Thus, R.Durdynazarov was prosecuted for his illegal acts and was sentenced to 20 years.

R.Bashimov, who worked as chairman of the consumers’ association of Buzmeyin by abusing his duties committed crimes, which led to serious accidents, in particular, taking bribe of large sums, giving bribe, official forgery, deception of consumers and violation of rules of trade.

R.Bashimov was prosecuted and by decision of the court, was sentenced to 20 years.

G.Babayev, who worked as director of the self-supporting market of Buzmeyin by abusing his post committed crimes leading to serious acts as large sum bribe taking, official forgery, and theft of entrusted property in particularly large amount.

For these committed crimes and violation of rules of trade, G.Babayev was sentenced by the court to 20 years.

Accomplice to serious crimes Ch. Atdayev, who worked as head of the department of trade of the consumers’ association of Akhal region, was prosecuted on the basis of the relevant article of the Criminal Code of the country and by decision of the court, was sentenced to 8 years.

Kh.Ashyrov, who worked as inspector of Buzmeyin self-supporting market was prosecuted for his committed crimes and sentenced to 15 years by the decision of the court.

Accomplice to these crimes, former director of the warehouse of Buzmeyin consumers’ association M.Abdullayev, who committed such crimes as official forgery, taking and giving bribe, was prosecuted and sentenced to 20 years by the decision of the court.

Unfortunately, it is pity that these persons have their accomplices who wanted to grow rich by fraud. For such offences, by the decision of the court each of the following persons was sentenced to 8 years: employee of Buzmeyin consumers’ association M.Goshunov, seller of shop № 1 of the consumers association B.Zakhirov, director of shop № 3 Y.Meredov, director of shop № 4 Ya.Seydalyev, forwarding agent of Buzmeyin consumers’ association Y.Zakhyrov as well as citizens A.Sakhetmyradov, B.Atayev and R.Chopanov.

Addressing members of the State Security Council, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the state policy pursued to combat corruption, bribetaking is aimed at protection of rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring of security of the country from threats proceeding from corruption as well as ensuring of efficient work of officials of public institutions.

However, as they say «one scabbed sheep infects the whole flock», there are cases when some persons, putting ahead their personal gain, violate the law and practice bribery.

Those, who steal the property of the state and people, criminals and bribe takers not only disgrace themselves but also their families and relatives. No doubt, that persons who are linked to corruption, in the prescribed manner will be held responsible before the law, the head of Turkmenistan stated.

–In our society, there will be no place for such criminals. No one has the right to embezzle the property of people, state and make illegal gains, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country once again made an emphasis on the fact that we will further combat those persons who commit offenses by infringing on the property of people and state and necessary measures will be taken to root out corruption and bribetaking.

Minister of Interior Affairs M.Khydyrov who spoke further, reported on the results of work carried out for January-April months of 2022 and measures carried out to prevent offences, enhance road traffic rules in the capital and regions and ensure fire safety in all parts of the country.

With a view of further strengthening of road safety, the Ministry of Justice was entrusted to consider drafts of legal acts from legal viewpoint and make its proposals on them.

Further, addressing the Minister of MIA, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out that on the occasion of Gadyr gijesi, a number of convicted persons were pardoned and released from imprisonment. In this connection, one should take social, economic, educational and legal measures so that they can integrate into society and clean up their lives. The head of the state commissioned him to keep proper register of persons who have been released from imprisonment by departments of interior affairs and jointly with khyakimliks carry out necessary work to provide them with employment and help them to clean up their lives.

Head of the Supreme Court G.Ussanepesov reported on the results of activity for January-April months of this year to improve the national judicial system and to enhance professionalism of personnel. Control over work of subordinate institutions and introduction of digital technologies were separate topics of the report.

Further, Minister of National Security G.Annayev reported on the outcome of work for the past four months of the current year and regular and purpose-oriented measures taken to defend national interests of the state, to maintain stability and favourable climate of thought.

Head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on the results of work of the service under his supervision for the past four months and practical measures taken to defend sacred borders of the fatherland, to accomplish frontier checkpoints, to create necessary conditions for efficient service, proper living standards and recreation of servicemen.

Further, Minister of Justice M.Taganov reported on the outcome of activity of the ministry for January-April months of the current year and measures taken to modernize the national legal basis, prepare proposals on making alterations and additions to legal acts as well as to provide professional judicial aid to population.

Further, head of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev reported on the work carried out from the beginning of the year to equip the departments under his supervision with technologies and to improve professionalism of the personnel, to maintain well-coordinated work of structural units at all customs checkpoints.

Having heard the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country commissioned him to take proper measures for enhancement of efficiency of work of the given department. In this connection, necessity of introduction of advanced international practice and modern technologies in the given sphere was marked.

Having underlined that at present, special attention is attached to development of transport-logistics and transport-transit corridors of Turkmenistan, which possesses a favourable geographical position as well as acceleration of trade turnover through customs borders, the head of the state made an emphasis on importance of creation of proper conditions for prompt transportation of transit goods and transport means.

Among the tasks of the Service introduction of advanced methods of inspection, exploration and application of world practice, use of specialized equipment, technical means and software, training of highly qualified personnel were also outlined. In this regard, the head of the department was given concrete instructions.

Head of the State Migration Service Kh.Atagarayev reported on the results of work carried out for four months and concrete measures taken to improve the activity of the department with a view of more efficient realization of migration policy.

In this connection, the scale of activity of the Service is expanded and it requires constant attention to the issues of enhancement of professionalism of officers, creation of conditions for relevant international standards for migration procedures, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov continued his word, having given a number of instructions.

Further, addressing members of the State Security Council, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country drew the attention to necessity, in accordance with their authorities in their departments, to further enhance the work to reveal corruption and bribery, to prevent and uproot their consequences as well as to bring the guilty to justice. We will never turn a blind eye to the criminals who try to make illegal gains by infringing upon the property of people and state, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stated.

One should take measures to maintain stability and security in the country, to strengthen state management as well as to improve conscientiousness of public officials, the head of Turkmenistan said.

With a view of intensification of work on combat of corruption and bribery, pubic prosecutors’ offices, courts and justice institutions were commissioned to develop proposals for improvement of national legislation and submit them at an established order.

Further, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country underlined necessity to adopt long-term plans for organization of activity of military and law enforcement bodies at more modern level and to develop these bodies on the basis of world advanced practice. In this connection, they were commissioned to ensure preparation of drafts of seven-year plans for development of departments under their supervision for 2022 -2028 within the shortest term and submit them for approval at an established order. After adoption of plans, one should keep implementation of the tasks and measures envisaged in them under a strict control.

Having summed up the meeting, the head of the state noted that committed to principles of neutrality, independent neutral Turkmenistan steadily maintains relations of friendship and good neighbourhood with countries and peoples of the world. Based upon these principles, the military doctrine bears fully a defensive character, in accordance with its provisions, military and law enforcement bodies will be further improved an defence capacity of the country will be strengthened, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined.

As was marked, the large-scale work for improvement of social, living standards, and work conditions of defenders of the fatherland and members of their families will be also continued.

At the end of the meeting, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the gathered sound health, wellbeing and great successes in their responsible service for the benefit of peaceful and happy life of our people.

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