The President of Turkmenistan attended the exhibition of achievements of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
The President of Turkmenistan attended the exhibition of achievements of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Published 13.04.2022

Today, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended the exhibition timed to the 14th anniversary of the establishment of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and familiarized himself with the assortment of produce and industrial goods manufactured by business circles of the country.

In recent years, the exhibition of achievements of the private sector has become a traditional platform for display of various innovations and high tech applied by entrepreneurs in production of import replacing and export-oriented goods.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch.Gylyjov and head of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs D.Khudayberdiev reported on the goods displayed at the exhibition in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry located in one of the most beautiful corners of the Turkmen capital.

At present, UIET unites over 27 thousand representatives of the local business community. The exposition platform houses pavilions of about two hundred exhibits, including those of structural units of the Union, «Rysgal» Joint Stock Commercial Bank, large enterprises and economic societies engaged in realization of large-scale projects in the capital and regions of the country.

During his attendance to the exposition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov familiarized himself closely with the information of dynamics of their steady progressive development displayed at the pavilions of JSCB «Rysgal» and «Seljeriş we tehnologiýalar merkeziniň». Having noted that businesspeople take a key place in intensification of entire national economy, the head of the state underlined that practical measures for development of the private sector will further continue. It is important, first of all, in the light of successful solution of the tasks outlined in the Program «Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022–2052», the President of the country stated.

Further during his familiarization with the goods displayed at the exhibition, the head of the state got interested in the confectionary of trademarks «Bars», «Kindi», «Oguzhan», «Ak gar», «Datmeni» as well as high quality goods produced by enterprises «Hasar», «Misgär», «Duýgy» and «Altyn ýunus», which thanks to their excellent taste, have gained popularity both in our country and abroad.

As known, goods of the given brands enjoy a great demand in the world market due to their taste and compliance with international standards. At the exhibition of achievements of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, they displayed new kinds of confectionary – sweets, biscuits and other sweets.

Brands «Talhan» and «Tomus» have also strengthened their positions in the market of highly demanded food commodities. Bakery products of brand «Talhan» have become an essential attribute of the festive tablecloth of Turkmen nationals. It serves an example for optimal use of the state support and establishment of modern manufacture by entrepreneurs and a complex approach to solution of the goals set before them to ensure food abundance and expand a range of the outlet.

During the conversation with head of «Täze aý» economic union G.Orazov, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got interested in the assortment, quality and taste qualities of foodstuffs produced by the entrepreneur.

Further, during their conversation, the entrepreneur also informed that the economic union possesses 500 units of specialized vehicles, which ensure a regular delivery of ready-made goods to outlets. As was marked, processing enterprises of «Täze aý» economic union manufacture daily over 100 tons of food commodities.

It should be pointed out that Turkmen businessmen have adjusted production of new types of milk and sausage goods and the ice cream, beverages and juices produced in the country fully meet the international standards of quality. Today, the produce of such trademarks as «Ak gar», «Aý aýdyň» and «Oguzhan» enjoys a great demand both at local and foreign markets.

Having marked the significance of processing of vegetables and fruits grown by representatives of the private sector, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov familiarized himself with the exposition of food commodities of brand «Sahabatly», which is a leader in the sphere of production and processing of agricultural goods.

Goods manufactured by enterprises «Rowaçly sähra», «Ýunus» and «Parahat» take separate places at the exhibition. The quality and level of ecological cleanness of various goods made from natural local raw material enjoy a high assessment.

The head of the state gave concrete instructions to Deputy-Chairman Ch.Gylyjov and head of UIET D.Khudayberdiev to ensure a constant control over solution of issues connected with increase in production of high quality goods, which fully meet ecological standards of food commodities as well as to enhance the activity of the private sector in the given area.

Such trademarks as «Nurly meýdan», «Arçalyk» and others also display their various goods at the exhibition of UIET, which testifies to the steady expansion of the range of goods produced by local entrepreneurs.

Here one can see a wide range of household chemicals. New kinds of goods produced by company «Täç hil» which is specialized in production of synthetic washing detergents, disinfecting, cosmetic goods and perfumes assume a growing popularity at the market of the country.

At the exhibition one can also see achievements of individual enterprises and companies which provide transport and logistics services. Among them are «Bir dünýä» and «Ulag ekspeditorçylyk hyzmatlary» economic unions, «Bir Kuwwat» individual enterprise and others. The range of cargo transportation services provided by enterprises also expands. A special significance is attached to the activities of transport and logistics companies within framework of international projects implemented in this field.

The goods of «Aýdyň gijeler» economic union, which manufactures modern industrial and electronic engineering goods, are also widely displayed here. The assortment of goods manufactured by the economic union regularly increases: mobile phones with two SIM cards, smartphones, various mono blocks, smart TV sets, split air conditioners, distributors of the internet networks –routers as well as coolers designed for cooling and heat of drinking water, LED lamps.

The entrepreneur who is engaged in production of handcraft, decorative and applied art goods told that the activity of members of the Union plays an important role in popularization of national cultural heritage of our people. At the exhibition, one can familiarize himself with wonderful unique carpets, jewellery articles and embroideries. Carpet weaver O.Eyebediyeva informed that along with production of various kinds of carpet products, bags, and cases for the dutar, she revives old traditions of carpet making, designs and ornaments.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch.Gylyjov and head of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs D.Khudayberdiev expressed their sincere gratitude to the President of the country on behalf of entrepreneurs for the constant care of development of the private sector and necessary support provided by the state.

Having given concrete instructions to the relevant heads for further regular development of local private sector and having wished its representatives great successes, who by their noble work, make a worthy contribution to the strengthening of national economy and improvement of living standards of our people, the head of the state left the place.

The exhibition timed to the 14th anniversary of the establishment of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, will continue its work till April 18 inclusive, which will enable all those wishing to familiarize themselves with achievements of private commodity producers.

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