Events of the week
Strengthening of the basics of secular, democratic, neutral Turkmenistan – a guarantee of the people’s welfare
Events of the week
Strengthening of the basics of secular, democratic, neutral Turkmenistan – a guarantee of the people’s welfare
Published 14.03.2022

The past week of the first spring month was saturated with the events significant for the life of our country. It has begun with the striking festivities devoted to our nice representatives of fair sex, working successfully in the political, economic, social, and cultural spheres, who play the leading part in the spiritual life of modern society.

In the Message of Congratulation on the occasion of International Women’s Day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has placed particular accent on the active civic stand of our countrywomen. Nowadays, our women and girls invest considerably in the enrichment and enhancement of the material and spiritual values, cultural heritage at large, in instilling in the rising generation the feeling of love for Motherland, pride in its glorious past and confidence in the future, lofty humanistic principles of friendship and fraternity, the Message says.

Celebrations in honor of the mothers who gave birth to more than eight children were impressive and unforgettable events of the week. In pursuance of the presidential Ukase, they were conferred on the honorary title «Ene mähri» and presented with the keys to new apartments of enhanced comfort. 

In the run-up to the holiday, the solemn ceremonies were held throughout the Motherland of giving money presents on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan to all women of the country – foremost toilers of enterprises and offices, pensioners, students, school- and preschool girls; the holiday program included also the countrywide festive ceremonies in honor of winners of different contests, concerts of masters of art, art exhibitions, theater premieres, children and youth contests, conferences and social actions.

On March 8, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a holiday measure, which was attended by representatives of the country’s Establishment, ministries and departments, mass media, mothers of many children, labor veterans, foremost women, activists of social organizations, scientists and workers of culture, toilers of different branches, female officials of diplomatic missions and international structures accredited to Turkmenistan.

In the online format, from the Palace Complex “Oguzkhan”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov joined the celebration.

In his greetings and congratulations to the countrywomen, the head of state has highlighted that respects for the women, elevation of their merits are the national principles, which throughout millenniums were perfected and upgraded by our ancestors and thenceforth have assumed a sacred sense.

Performance of the «Ýadymda» song (words and music are by the leader of nation) was a striking landmark moment of the celebration. The show of popular variety artists, who inspiredly praised the beauty of Turkmen women, set the enthusiastic tone for the rest of the festive event.

Passing on to the business chronicle, worth of noting is the online joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council with the participation of khyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on March 10. The priority issues of the state life were in the focus of the agenda.

In the heart of session agenda was the issue of holding the Presidency elections at a high organizational level. The Presidency elections are a social-political measure of paramount importance for our independent Motherland. In this regard, particular accent was placed on the importance of organizing elections in tune with national customs, generally-admitted democratic norms, which guarantee constitutional rights to citizens, including right to labor, voting right, election to government positions, participation in different proceedings of the country, and so on, the leader of nation noted.

In Turkmenistan and abroad, over 2,600 polling stations were organized. In the course of the pre-election campaign, 9 candidates were nominated for election to the post of President of the country by the political parties and initiative groups of citizens, who in compliance with the Election Code, the nominees conducted the meetings with voters in velayats and Ashgabat city. All of them were granted equal rights and possibilities for conducting canvassing, meetings with voters, making speeches with their pre-election programs in mass media.

At the same time, not the least important is that for the international observers, who came to the capital on invitation of the Turkmen side to monitor the Presidency elections in the frames of their authorities and relevant legal norms, all conditions were created to monitor the election campaign and election process on Election Day. 

At the joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council, consideration was also given to the preparation measures for sowing cotton – a valuable raw material for industry.

Given the great importance of the incoming cotton-seeding campaign in the life of farmers of the country, the Turkmen leader has stressed that the future cotton yield depends at large on conducting of the campaign at a high quality level, in tune with agri-technical standards. Having expressed confidence that in the running year, proclaimed under the motto “Epoch of the people with Arkadag”, the courageous cotton-growers will produce heavy yield of “white gold” and achieve great labor victories, the head of state has blessed the start-up of cotton-growing campaign in Akhal, Balkan, and Mary velayats on March 23, in Dashoguz velayat – on March 30.

On March 10, in the Office of Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Chairman of the TURKSOY Elders Council Binali Yyldyrym.

In the course of meeting, particular importance was attached to the development of the traditional cooperative partnership of the Turkish Republic with Turkmenistan based on the principles of age-old friendship, trust, and understanding.

It was stressed that in the country’s foreign-policy strategy an important role is assigned to the complex development and strengthening of the bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Turkic states, productive interaction in the frames of the reputable international and regional structures, including the TURKSOY, which Turkmenistan acceded to in the last year’s November.

Chairman of the TURKSOY Elders Council Binali Yyldyrym gave high assessment to the multifaceted activity of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and initiated-by-him large-scale reforms, which had radically changed the life of Turkmen people and had a catalytic impact on socioeconomic development of the Turkmen state and enhancement of its global name recognition. 

That same day, Ashgabat hosted the video-conference dedicated to development of the country’s tourism industry, which was organized in the frames of the World Exhibition “EXPO-2020” (Dubai) in association with the Ministry of Culture and the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union. The goal of the forum was – establishing and strengthening of the mutuality-based cooperation and systemic dialogue in the tourism industry, popularizing and advancing of Turkmenistan’s tourism potential. 

The all-round concern for the rising generation is one of the priorities of the progressive state policy pursued by pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. All possibilities were created in the country for advancement of education and science, for bringing these important spheres at the international level, getting high-quality modern education by the youth, including getting education in the best high education schools and scientific-educational centers abroad.

Provision of necessary conditions for homecoming of Turkmen students from Ukraine in connection with the by-now difficult circumstances in Ukraine is yet another confirmation of particular attention of the head of state to the issues of wellbeing of the young generation. Thus, on March 10, a special flight was organized to deliver a large group of our young countrymen to Turkmenabat.

Preparation measures to the Presidency election campaign, which was held on March 12, were ongoing in strict compliance with the country’s existing election legislation and standards of international law. The fact was confirmed by the CIS Observers Mission led by First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee – the CIS Executive Secretary L. Anfimov. 

The International Observers Mission, which monitored the Presidency election campaign, was represented by members of the United Nations Organization, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), TURKSOY.

On getting acquainted with the plan of measures of the election campaign developed by the Central Commission for Conducting Elections and Referenda in Turkmenistan (CEC) and with the work accomplished, observing the pre-election campaign progress, representatives of international structures placed emphasis on major principles of the existing international norms in the present election campaign – universal suffrage, voluntary participation of citizens in elections, availability of equitable possibilities for all nominees, freedom of agitation in the course of the campaign, protection of electoral rights of citizens, publicity and transparency. 

Divisional election committees, made up of the authoritative representatives of labor collectives and social organizations, have demonstrated responsible attitude to their duties. They have conducted broad awareness-rising and advocacy activities among the population, encouraging thereby manifold the activity of electorate. Citizens, who for some reason were away from their local polling stations on Election Day, were granted the right for early voting. Their ballots were kept in special sealed ballot boxes until the procedure of calculation of votes.

Each polling station was in advance equipped with specially equipped polling booths, transparent ballot boxes (including portable ones), ballots, and necessary reference information and methodological materials, reliable communication channels, and transport vehicles. 

The major phase of election process – voting of citizens, was held on March 12 in every corner of the country and in the polling stations, which were arranged under the abroad embassies and consular agencies of Turkmenistan. Being based on a broad alternative basis, this social-political campaign has most convincingly demonstrated the unity, solidarity and civic maturity of Turkmen citizens. 

The nominees for the post of President of Turkmenistan were the first to come to polling stations, which opened at 7 o’clock in the morning sharp throughout the country, and in abroad – in compliance with the local time of each region of the planet.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a nominee for the post of President of Turkmenistan from the Democratic Party of the country, realized his constitutional election right, having come the first with members of his family to vote at the polling station #48 of Kopetdag etrap, Ashgabat city, located in the specialized secondary education school #68 named after Annanyyaz Artyk. 

At the polling station, the presidential aspirant had a talk with national and international observers who monitored the voting process, heads and representatives of foreign and national media communities who widely covered all phases of the election campaign, answered their questions.

The head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with his mother Ogulabat Eje has also realized his constitutional right, having voted for the worthiest candidate for the post of President of Turkmenistan at the polling station #48 of Kopetdag etrap.

Later, in the talk with national and international observers, representatives of national and foreign mass media, the leader of nation has noted the historical meaningfulness of the present social-political event, which was conducted in the atmosphere of publicity, transparency and equality, on the democratic principles. This is in conformity with high status of our secular, democratic, sovereign neutral state, in which human rights and freedoms are protected. 

Having extended wishes of success to all nominees for the highest state post in their noble activity, the head of Turkmenistan expressed firm confidence that the elected President, the people place trust in, would lead the country onward and would do his utmost for the prosperity of the independent neutral Motherland.

All the nominees for the post of President of Turkmenistan have voted at the relevant polling stations: Perhat Begenjov – at the polling station #50, Turkmenabat town (Lebap velayat library); Agajan Bekmyradov – #6, Vekilbazar etrap, Mary velayat (Culture Center, Mollanepes Gengeshlik); Berdimammet Gurbanov – #2, Avaza etrap, Balkan velayat (Specialized secondary education school #15); Babamyrat Meredov – #79, S.A.Niyazov etrap, Dashoguz velayat (Secondary education school #43); Hydyr Nunnaev – #63, Kopetdag etrap, Ashgabat city (Secondary education school #88); Maksat Odeshov – #3, S. Turkmenbashy etrap, Dashoguz velayat (Sport School #1); Maksatmyrat Ovezgeldiyev – #9, Babadaikhan etrap, Akhal velayat (Secondar education school #23); Kakageldi Saryev – #36, Mary town (Sport School #8).   

Since early morning, people were going to polling stations to realize their constitutional right – to vote for the worthiest candidate for the highest state post.

In the atmosphere of uplifted mood, the Presidency elections were ongoing all over the country. Concerts, sales outlets set the tone for the remarkable day. For the young first-time voters the Election Day was particularly unforgettable. They were welcomed with flowers and keepsakes. 

The valorous Turkmen soldiers, who stand guard over protection of peaceful life of countrymen, have also voted for further prosperity of the beloved Motherland. 

The international community and world media evinced great interest in the elections of the head of state and election-associated events. Numerous foreign journalists had an opportunity to see with their own eyes the democratic character of the election process. 

According to the CEC data, toward 9 o’clock in the morning, on the whole, 25 percent from the total number of voters have voted; toward 11 o’clock – over 51 percent; at 13:00 – 71 percent; at 15 o’clock – over 86 percent; 17.00 – over 93 percent; 19.00 (to the moment of closing the polling stations) – over 97 percent.

On March 13, at the CEC session, which was attended by journalists of large foreign and national news agencies, electronic, printing and other mass media, international observers, the preliminary results of the Presidency elections of Turkmenistan were promulgated. 

The session attendees were informed about large-scale work accomplished to ensure conducting of well-organized, very important social-political action. On the whole, 97.17 percent of voters took part in elections – the fact that demonstrates high civic activity of the population, awareness of their role and participation in furthering of democratic changes in Turkmenistan. 

At present, the final calculation of votes is in progress with a glance to the time-lagged data (because of difference in time zones) to be presented from some polling stations under the aboard diplomatic missions and consular agencies of Turkmenistan. In the nearest days, the final outcomes of elections will be promulgated.

That same day, representatives of national and foreign mass media and the CEC of the country had an opportunity to attend the briefings of international observers arranged by such reputable organizations, as ShCO, TURKSOY, and the CIS Observers Mission.

At the meeting, the results were avowed of the monitoring of the pre-election phase and elections of President of Turkmenistan. Special accent was placed on the fact that the present election campaign, which was an important step toward further development of democratic processes in the Turkmen society, was yet another confirmation of our country’s adherence to friendly relations with all state of the world. 

On March 13, at the meeting in Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis of Milli Gengesh, representatives of the Russia delegation of international observers – senators of the Federation Council and deputies of State Duma of the Federal Assembly, the Russian Federation – have noted that the Presidency elections were conducted, being guided by principles of openness, transparency, democracy, and freedom, in compliance with the constitutional-legal norms.  

In the course of meeting in the MFA of Turkmenistan, the TURKSOY Secretary General Bagdat Amreyev gave high assessment to the atmosphere of openness, transparency, democracy at the Presidency election campaign. At the same time, meaningfulness was stressed of active participation of Turkmenistan in the activity of the Turkic States Organization.

Thus, having added a new chapter to the annals of era – Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, the past week’s events have become a striking illustration of the contemporary Turkmen society’s democratization, openness, publicity, awareness by the people of their high responsibility for the future of Motherland, which is striding confidently toward progress and prosperity.

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