The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 04.03.2022

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held an online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which the outcome of work of sectors of national economy for two months was summed up, reports of relevant heads were heard and a number of other topical issues of state life were considered.

Turning to the agenda of the meeting, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who reported on macro-economic indicators of January-February months of 2022.

As compared with the same period of the past year, production of goods as a whole grew by 10,7 percent.

By the outcome of January- February, the volume of retail goods turnover as compared with the relevant period of 2021, grew by 10,6 percent, foreign trade turnover by 30, 7 percent.

The revenue of the state budget was fulfilled by 106,1 percent, the expenditure by 96,9 percent.

By large and medium enterprises the salaries as compared with the same period of 2021, grew by 10,4 percent. Salaries, pensions, state benefits and scholarships of students were fully financed.

Within the framework of realization of the new version of the National rural redevelopment program, construction of 101 social projects, water treatment facilities, over 326 thousand square meters of housing as well as infrastructure systems was carried out.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Sh.Abdrahmanov reported on the outcome of work of sectors under his supervision for January-February of the current year within the framework of the Program for development of oil and gas industry for the period till 2030 as well as the work carried out at the second stage of development of «Galkynysh» gas field.

For the period under reporting, the plans for production of oil was fulfilled by 100,8 percent, oil refinery by 110,3 percent, petrol production by 117,8 percent, diesel fuel by 116 percent, lubricant oils by 111 percent, polypropylene by 118,9 percent.

As compared with the same period of the past year, the growth rate of production of natural gas and accompanying gas made up 102,7 percent, production of liquefied gas – 108,8 percent.

The Deputy-Chairman reported that the plan for export of the blue fuel was fulfilled by 114,7 percent.

According to the policy implemented on international partnership in the fuel and energy complex, mutually beneficial cooperation with the People’s Republic of China is maintained in the gas sector. In this connection, for consideration of the leader of the nation were submitted proposals on the second stage of development of Galkynysh gas field at the expense of investment funds prepared in accordance with the law of Turkmenistan «On hydrocarbon resources» based on the «Risk Services contracts».

«Türkmengaz» and «Türkmennebit» State Concerns as well as Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex cannot fulfil planned tasks stably by separate indices.

In this connection, the head of the state commissioned the Deputy-Chairman to analyse in detail the developed situation and to submit proposals on improvement of work of sectors under his supervision.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Purchekov reported on the outcome of work in construction, industrial and energy complexes, «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern and the capital administration for two months of the current year.

For the period under reporting, the plan for production of goods and fulfilment of work in the construction and industrial sector was fulfilled by 156 percent.

By the Ministry of Construction and Architecture the plan for work for January-February of the current year was fulfilled by 107 percent.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Materials fulfilled the plan for production of goods and realization of work by 159,2 percent.

For the period from the beginning of the year, by the Ministry of Energy the plan for production, work and services provided was implemented by 133,3 percent.

«Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern fulfilled the production and services plan by 187 percent.

By the khyakimlik of Ashgabat the plan for work and services for the accounting period made up 118, 9 percent.

As was pointed out, within the formwork of the city planning policy, all over the country the construction of industrial and social projects by application of advanced technologies is carried out a rapid pace.

The Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet reported that in accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan, khyakimliks of regions and Ashgabat city jointly with sectoral ministries and departments considered the list of large buildings and projects, completion of construction and commissioning of which are planned for 2022.

The draft of the relevant Decision was submitted for consideration of the head of the state.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined necessity of the soonest and active realization of measures on commissioning of different projects into operation envisaged in the recently adopted Investment program for this year.

Having signed the submitted Decision, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it online to the Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, giving him concrete instructions for proper execution of the given document.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch.Gylyjov reported on the outcome of work carried out in the ministries and trade and textile complexes under his supervision as well as in the private sector for January-February months of the current year.

By the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, as compared with the same period of the past year, the growth rate of trade turnover made up 104 percent, production of goods – 109, 4 percent.

The volume of goods produced by enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry as compared with the same period of the past year, including cotton yarn and fabrics, made up relatively 130,5 and 124,4 percent, garments and knitted goods – 118,7 percent, leather goods – 109,6 percent.

Fulfilment of the carpet production plan by enterprises of «Türkmenhaly» State Corporation made up 114 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 49 trade sessions and registered 5 thousand 560 contracts in them for the accounting period.

The growth rate of work carried out by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for January-February months of the current year made up 104, 1 percent, the period under consideration two exhibitions were held.

By the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the growth volume of agricultural and industrial goods for two months of the year reached relatively 162, 8 and 113, 7 percent.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toyliev reported on the work carried out in January-February months of the current year in the spheres of education, science, healthcare and sports.

In the period under reporting measures on improvement of education system were carried on. Advanced methods are widely introduced in the education procession. Textbooks and manuals were published. The efficient method for improvement of quality of education by digitalization and introduction of innovative technologies is carried out.

In January-February months online meetings with representatives of international organizations, as well as online educational and methodological conferences with foreign partner higher educational establishments were held.

The scientific work on such priority areas as nanotechnology, biotechnology, agriculture, ecology, information and communications systems, innovative economy and humanitarian sciences was coordinated.

In the National Institute of Education the Information Access Centre equipped with modern technologies, computer and severs was launched into operation.

Measures were taken to celebrate solemnly the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi within the framework of the plan of events.

In the period under reporting, the training of sportsmen for planned Asian Games in 2022, the 31st Summer Student Games, Championships of world and Asia and other large international tournaments continued. Preparation of the national teams of Turkmenistan for the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games and XVII Summer Paralympic Games, which will take place in Paris (French Republic) in 2024, is also carried out.

Director General of Transport and Communications Agency of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakyev reported on the outcome of activities of subordinate institutions and profile departments for two months of the current year.

As was informed, for the designated period, the growth rate of work carried out and services provided by the given complex was equal to 114, 3 percent. Fulfilment of marked goals for realization of investment made up 105, 6 percent.

The plan in the sphere of cargo transportation by motorways, railways, airways, marine and river transport was fulfilled by 108, 3 percent, goods turnover by 107, 1 percent.

The growth rate of services provided by «Türkmendemirýollary» Agency made up 120,9 percent, by «Türkmenawtoulaglary» Agency - 139 percent, by «Türkmenhowaýollary» Agency – 108,7 percent, by «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency – 107,8 percent and by «Türkmenaragatnaşyk» Agency – 107,1 percent.

Having heard the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made an emphasis on the fact that in the given complex the results of activities carried out are not satisfactory enough. The sector has still the issues which require solution, the leader of the nation continued his word and commissioned him to attach due responsibility for work upon them and intensify measures in this area.

Further, Deputy-Chairwoman of the Cabinet M.Mammedova reported on the outcome of work carried out in the spheres under her supervision for two months of the current year.

For the period under accounting, events devoted to significant dates as well as creative evenings, scientific and practical conferences, round tables, exhibitions and promotional and propaganda activities connected with the motto of the year 2022 were held.

With a view of active propaganda of programs of state development adopted in the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, the conference on the theme «Khalk Maslakhaty – a national model of democracy» was held.

A number of events were devoted to familiarization of population widely with new woks by the leader of the nation. A solemn presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan «Abadançylygyň röwşen gadamlary» was held.

Within the framework of cooperation with foreign partners, different online events were also organized. Turkmen specialists took part in a number of international online seminars and conferences.

The solemn conference and exhibition on the occasion of inclusion of the craft of making dutar, performing musical art of playing it and the art of bakhshi in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage was organized.

Large-scale achievements of our country, its success in realization of transformation programs as well as the opening of social and cultural projects were widely highlighted by the printed media, TV and radio channels and internet sites.

Concrete instructions were given to the Deputy-Chairwoman to continue explanatory work connected with the measures taken in the country to prevent the infectious diseases.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet E.Orazgeldiyev was the next to report on the outcome of the work carried out for the past two months of the year in the sector under his supervision.

As a whole, the growth rate of production by the ministry and departments of the agro-industrial complex as compared with the same period of the past year, made up 110,7 percent. By the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection the given index reached 111,1 percent, by the State Committee for Water Economy – 105,1 percent, by the State Association «Türkmen atlary» – 103,5 percent. The plan for realization of investment was fulfilled by 102 percent.

The information on large-scale work carried out within the framework of the state nature protection policy to create the clean environment and ensure ecological safety as well as the measures taken to prepare for the spring afforestation campaign was also delivered.

In this connection, the Deputy-Chairman submitted for consideration of the head of the state the draft of the Resolution «On organization of the nationwide tree planting action in Turkmenistan».

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Minister of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov reported on the outcome of activity of MFA for the past two months of the year.

With a view of implementation of the foreign policy strategy of independent neutral Turkmenistan, fulfilment of the instructions given by the head of the state and the goals set for the designated period, the relevant work on development of fruitful cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats within the framework of authoritative regional and international organizations was carried out.

In the strengthening of constructive relations with foreign partners, a special significance is given for visits and meetings at high levels. So, on February 3–5 the working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the People’s Republic of China took place. Within the framework of his visit, the leader of the nation took part in the opening ceremony for the XXIV Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and held talks with the Chairman of PRC.

In January, the head of the state took part online in the Summit «Central Asia-China» and the first Summit «Central Asia-India». In the period under consideration telephone talks were held between the President of Turkmenistan and heads of a number of foreign countries as well as Executive Director of the Business Council “Turkmenistan –USA”.

For the accounting period, 198 online meetings of different character were held. With a view of strengthening the legal basis of international relations of Turkmenistan 7 documents were signed in the course of the year.

A regular character is typical of bilateral contracts of MFA. From the beginning of the year, a number of meetings and consultations were held in the given area.

Consecutive measures are taken to enhance foreign economic relations of our fatherland. In this regard, it was noted that in the course of the successive session of World Trade Organization (WTO) General Council, Turkmenistan was granted the status of an observer.

Proper work is carried out to organize meetings of bilateral Intergovernmental commissions and other related structures. So, in January the regular meeting of the Joint Turkmen-Tatar working group for economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation and the meeting of co-chairmen of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian commission for economic cooperation were held.

Having heard the report, leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov drew the attention to the upcoming elections of the President of Turkmenistan.

In this connection, the head of the state gave the Deputy-Chairman, head of MFA instructions to ensure the high level of organization of polling stations at embassies and consulates of Turkmenistan abroad. Further, the leader of the nation developing upon the topic, noted necessity of providing all-round facilitation for international observers, creation of relevant organizational, technical and legal conditions for them to carry out their monitoring over the elections campaign and to fulfil their mission properly.

In addition to it, the head of the state commissioned him to make a list of planned international events with the president elect of Turkmenistan and to submit it for his consideration.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported on the state of affairs in the subordinate structures, fulfilment of instructions given earlier by the President of Turkmenistan.

Having heard the report, leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan, having declared positive neutrality, peace-loving, good neighbourhood, constructive international cooperation as main principles of its state policy, realizes the Military doctrine, which bears strictly a defensive character and gave the Secretary of the State Security Council concrete instructions.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh G.Mammedova informed on the activity carried out to further improve the national legislation from the beginning of the current year.

Further, Deputy-Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh K.Babaev informed on the work carried out by the Khalk Maslakhaty for two months of the year to modernize the legal basis of the fatherland with a view of progressive advance of all sectors of the national economic complex.

Addressing Chairwoman of the Mejlis G.Mammedova and Deputy-Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty K.Babaev, the head of the state underlined that in the recent meeting of the Milli Gengesh the goals for 2022 were considered and noted necessity to intensify the work for their realization.

Further, drawing attention of participants of the meeting to the outcome of work of sectors of the national economy for the past two months, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with satisfaction pointed out that they testify that our independent country continues to develop stably. From the beginning of the year GDP remains at the level of 6,2 percent.

For the two months the growth rate in agriculture made up 3, 2 percent, in trade – 8, 8 percent, transport and communications – 4 percent. Large-scale construction of various projects worth 37 billion USA dollars, the prevailing number of them are social projects, continues, the leader of the nation stated. It is especially noteworthy that the great part of these new projects for over 18 US dollars is erected by local construction and erection organizations.

Along with it, at present, taking into account the situation developed in the world economy, we should keep the reached growth rate. Recently, the program for work for the current year has been approved. And now we should work upon its fulfilment, the head of the state underlined.

Having removed all shortcomings in the sectors, one should create a good basis for successful realization of the long-term program for socio-economic development of our independent country for 2022-2052. We should further work to continue economic and social reforms as well as to transformations in the spheres of education, science, healthcare, digitization and ecology, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

In the given context, leader of the nation commissioned all Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet and in particular, Deputy-Chairmen who supervise regions and Ashgabat city, to keep the course of realized reforms under an unremitting strict control jointly with khyakimliks.

Besides it, such issues as construction of subordinate projects, especially social projects, fulfilment of programs for housing and clean drinking water supply should be always under a strict control. As a whole, close attention should be paid to further improvement of living and social standards of people, the head of the state pointed out.

Continuing the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution «On organization of the nationwide tree planting action in Turkmenistan». Having sent it online to Deputy-Chairman E.Orazgeldiyev, the head of the state noted that taking into account the situation developed, every region and the capital should take responsibility for the organizational level of the afforestation campaign marked for March 20 and events on the occasion of the national spring holiday –Intentional Nowruz in its territory.

Further, addressing participants of the meeting, the leader of the nation said that on Tuesday our country will mark solemnly International Women’s Day. Having congratulated sincerely all our women compatriots –mothers, women, girls with the upcoming wonderful holiday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished them sound health, happiness and wellbeing.

Further, the head of the state signed the Decision «On bestowal of the honorary title of Turkmenistan «Ene mähri» on mothers of many children. The leader of the nation gave local governing bodies the instruction to take relevant measures for fulfilment of the given document. In this connection, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed on the decision to allocate new modern flats to the mothers who have given birth to eight and more children as a gift to mark the occasion of International Women’s Day.

The head of Turkmenistan commissioned khyakimliks in places to organize presentation of women with holiday gifts as well as those women, who have been entitled to, with keys to new flats on the occasion of the 8th of March in a solemn atmosphere.

Other topical issues of state life were also considered and relevant decisions were made at the meeting.

Concluding the online meeting of the Cabinet, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family wellbeing and great successes in their work for the benefit of further development of our sovereign fatherland.

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