Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 02.03.2022

Today, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the State Security Council, which reviewed the results of the activities of the military and law enforcement agencies for January-February 2022. The agenda also included issues related to ensuring the security of the Turkmen state, further strengthening the material and technical base of law enforcement agencies and improving their work.

Having opened the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave the floor to the Minister of Defense B. Gundogdyev, who reported on the work done by the reporting units for the first two months of 2022, as well as on the measures taken to strengthen the country's defense capability, improve the service and social conditions of military personnel, and train highly qualified cadres.

After listening to the report, the leader of the nation noted that Turkmenistan, committed to the status of positive neutrality, steadily follows the principles of peace, good neighborliness and broad international cooperation, which are reflected in the successfully implemented defensive military doctrine. Having identified in a number of perspectives the increase in the theoretical and combat training of personnel of military structures, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country addressed a number of specific instructions to the head of the defense department.

Prosecutor General B. Atdaev reported on the results of the activities of subordinate structures for January-February of this year and the steps taken to oversee the strict implementation of legislative acts. There was also information about the fulfillment of instructions given by the head of Turkmenistan earlier.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that one of the main areas of work of the department is the implementation of prosecutorial checks in various sectors. To ensure the rule of law, protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the employees of this structure must conscientiously and flawlessly fulfill their powers, the leader of nation noted, addressing the head of the Prosecutor General's Office with specific instructions.

Then the Minister of Internal Affairs O. Hodzhanyyazov reported on the work done since the beginning of the year, as well as on the practical measures taken to prevent traffic accidents, ensure fire safety, and maintain law and order.

Having listened to the report, the head of state focused on the need for active introduction of new methods, wider use of advanced technologies in order to effectively solve the tasks facing this body. Among the main functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are the prevention of offenses, ensuring traffic safety on the roads, as well as taking measures to comply with the fire regime, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country noted, having addressed the minister with relevant instructions.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov, who then spoke, reported on the results of the work for two months of 2022 to improve the national judicial system and increase the professional level of employees.

Judicial activity is focused on ensuring lawfulness, justice and law and order, elimination of the causes and conditions that led to offenses, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Noting the role of this body as an effective mechanism of state protection, including all areas of legal regulation, the leader of the nation focused on the importance of systematic organization of advanced training courses for judges and gave specific instructions to the head of the Supreme Court.

Minister of National Security G. Annaev reported on the work done since the beginning of the year to ensure security, reliable protection of the achievements of the independence of his native Motherland, as well as on the implementation of instructions previously given by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country.

After listening to the report, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized that the special responsibility of the employees of this structure obliges them to apply all their strength and abilities, knowledge and experience for further progressive development of the state. Speaking about the importance of continuing joint work with other law enforcement agencies to ensure law and order in society in accordance with the requirements of the time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Minister with a number of specific instructions.

Further, the head of the State Border Service, Y. Nuryev, reported on the results of the activities of the structure he heads for January-February this year, the implemented comprehensive measures for the reliable protection of the land and sea borders of the Fatherland.

Summing up the report, the leader of the nation noted that the Military Doctrine adopted by our independent neutral state is exclusively defensive in nature, which corresponds to the principles of the country's peaceful foreign policy. Declaring the sacred borders of the Motherland as the borders of friendship and brotherhood, we maintain constructive dialogue and fruitful cooperation with all states, primarily with neighboring ones, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued.

The key tasks of the Service include the protection of the territorial integrity of Turkmenistan and its economic interests, the successful protection of which demands improving the work of the border troops and creating all conditions for effective service, proper life and leisure of military personnel, said the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, giving specific instructions to the head of the department.

Further, Minister of Adalat M. Taganov reported on the work carried out over two months on draft new laws, as well as on measures to explain the existing legal acts to the population within the framework of systematically organized public receptions of citizens.

After listening to the report, the leader of the nation focused on the need for further comprehensive development of the country's legislative framework. In this context, the head of state noted the importance of actively studying the best practices in the legal field, instructing the minister to provide qualified legal assistance to the population.

Then, addressing the audience, the leader of the nation noted that at the meeting held the day before with members of the Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, an instruction was given to make the necessary changes and additions to the laws in order to further modernize and bring, in accordance with the realities of the time, legislation regulating activities in all spheres.

Addressing Minister of Adalat M. Taganov, the head of Turkmenistan instructed to take an active part in the development of draft legal acts, prepare relevant proposals and legal opinions.

The Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Hudaykuliyev, who then spoke, reported on the activities of this structure since the beginning of the year and the fulfillment of instructions given by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on technical re-equipment and professional development of employees. A report was also made on the measures taken, aimed at organizing of work of the department in accordance with the requirements of the time, related to the increase in cargo transportation through the territory of Turkmenistan, including transit.

Summing up the report, the head of state stressed that, taking into account the growth of foreign economic activity and the volume of international cargo transportation, more thorough inspection of goods imported into the country and its full compliance with established quality standards should be ensured. Focusing on the key areas of activity of the Service, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the need to apply the best practices of specialized structures of foreign states to build the capacity of transport and transit corridors running through the territory of Turkmenistan.

It is important to keep the issues of modernization of the material and technical base of customs terminals and the use of modern methods in the work in the focus of constant attention, the leader of the nation noted, addressing the head of the Service with specific instructions.

Further, the Chairman of the State Migration Service N. Atagaraev reported on the measures implemented over the specified period aimed at effectively solving the priority tasks facing the department.

Having listened to the report, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized that the policy of the state in this area is aimed at ensuring the interests and security of citizens, observing their rights of movement within the country and beyond its borders in accordance with the generally recognized norms of international law. For the successful fulfillment of the functions assigned to the Service, it is necessary to combine the positive world experience and the fundamental principles of national legislation, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country said, instructing to more actively use advanced information technologies in the work.

Then, addressing the members of the State Security Council, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan noted that a socio-political campaign was currently launched in the country to cover the elections of the President of Turkmenistan. This event is a significant step towards further democratization of the modern Turkmen society, strengthening in it the principles of genuine democracy inherent in the Turkmen people.

In the current electoral process, 9 young candidates are running for the highest state post, who these days, in accordance with the current legislation, meet with voters and acquaint them with their election programs.

Elections will be held on Saturday, March 12th this year. Every citizen of Turkmenistan who has the right to vote will vote at the place of residence and the most worthy contender for the post of President of Turkmenistan will be elected.

During the meeting, the head of the Security Service of the President of Turkmenistan D. Meredov noted that the Constitution of the country established special legal norms on the ex-president, and, based on this, reported as the head of the Security Service of the President of Turkmenistan on the work that should be carried out on the basis of the articles of the Basic Law.

After listening to the report, the head of state instructed to carry out the relevant work on the basis of the Constitution of the country.

The head of the Security Service of the President of Turkmenistan assured the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that he would take all measures to properly fulfill this order.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported on the results of the activities of military and law enforcement agencies for two months of this year, the comprehensive steps taken to introduce a digital system into the work of accountable departments, train qualified personnel, strengthen discipline among personnel, patriotic education young warriors.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that positive neutrality, peacefulness, good neighborliness and active international cooperation are the main directions of the state policy. Successful solution of the tasks facing the law enforcement agencies directly depends on the level of professionalism of officers, their legal literacy, skills in mastering modern technical means and technologies, the leader of nation said, addressing specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council.

In continuation of the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country signed the Resolution “On Approval of the State Program for Ensuring Cybersecurity of Turkmenistan for 2022-2025”, ordering to keep under strict control the precise and timely implementation of the measures outlined in this document.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov once again drew the attention of the members of the State Security Council to the fact that at a meeting held on March 1st this year with members of the Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, instructions were given to make the necessary changes and additions to laws in order to modernize and bring them into line with the realities of modern legislation of the country.

The Leader of the Nation stressed the importance of continuing the military reform and improving work in this direction in accordance with the provisions of the Military Doctrine, which is purely defensive in nature. In this context, it was noted that within the framework of the peace-loving policy of our neutral state, it is necessary to continue to carry out transformations in the military sphere and update the legislation in this area. In particular, an order was given to make appropriate changes and additions to the Laws of Turkmenistan “On military duty and military service”, “On defense”, “On the State border of Turkmenistan”, “On customs service”.

Ensuring law and order and the rule of law is a prerequisite for the democratization of society in the modern era. In this regard, it is necessary to continue improving the norms and provisions of the Criminal Code. Particular emphasis was placed on the need to pay close attention to combating cybercrime, preventing illegal actions in the Internet and information systems.

To successfully fulfill these tasks, appropriate measures should be taken, including active participation in the work on modernizing legislative acts in this direction, as well as preparing appropriate proposals and recommendations, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country ordered.

Summing up the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan noted that, based on the legal status of permanent neutrality, our Motherland develops friendly, good neighborly relations with the states and peoples of the world. The Military Doctrine adopted on the basis of these goals has a defensive character. Guided by the provisions of this strategic document, the structure of military and law enforcement agencies will continue to be improved on an ongoing basis, the country's defense capability will be strengthened, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

At the same time, special emphasis was placed on the fact that practical steps will be taken in the future aimed at improving the social and living conditions of the defenders of the Fatherland and their families, creating opportunities for fruitful service and the life of officers. As the leader of the nation emphasized, the state will constantly take care of the servicemen.

At the meeting of the State Security Council, other issues were also considered, on which appropriate decisions were made.

At the end of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all those present good health, family well-being, great success in their important and responsible work for the benefit of a peaceful and happy life of the people.

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