President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan
Published 16.02.2022

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has received newly appointed Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program in Turkmenistan, Ms. Narine Sahakyan.

Presenting her credentials, the diplomat conveyed warm greetings to the head of Turkmen state from UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who expressed the deep interest of the largest and authoritative organization headed by him in further deepening long-term productive cooperation with independent Turkmenistan, which is confidently going along the path of progressive transformations.

The opening of the headquarters of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat, as well as the regular holding of joint representative forums of world importance in the Turkmen capital can be clear evidence of the great trust and respect shown to Turkmenistan.

Having warmly welcomed UNDP representative in Turkmenistan Narine Sahakyan and congratulating her on beginning the work in our country, the leader of the nation conveyed his best wishes to the leadership of the United Nations, partnership with which is a priority of the foreign policy strategy of our country.

During the conversation, the progress of joint projects was considered, and the prospects for further work aimed at the successful implementation of the provisions outlined in the adopted programs for country’s socio-economic development, as well as the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals adapted by Turkmenistan at the national level among the first countries in the world were discussed.

In accordance with the Cooperation Program for the period 2021-2025, economic diversification, digitalization, climate change, healthcare, social protection, human rights and many other issues were specified as priority areas.

The UNDP Resident Representative took the opportunity to once again congratulate President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all the people of Turkmenistan on the adopted new National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for the next 30 years.

– Your country can always rely on the UN Development Program, our full support. As an international organization, we will be happy to bring world experience and new technologies to Turkmenistan, the diplomat assured.

Having pointed out with satisfaction the significantly increased recently dynamics of collaboration between Turkmenistan and UNDP, which has been proved by a number of projects being carried out in various fields, the United Nations representative highly appreciated the active position of our country in finding solutions to topical issues of our time.

Thanking for the full support from the UN for the proposals of the Turkmen party, directly related to such urgent problems of mankind as stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan, ensuring global energy security, developing broad international cooperation in the transport sector, rational use of resources, climate change, as well as environment preservation, the leader of the nation said that Turkmenistan intends to continue to take an active part in the open discussion of issues on the global agenda, closely cooperating with the relevant agencies and divisions of the authoritative organization.

Wishing Narine Sahakyan success in her responsible and important mission, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed firm conviction that the established productive dialogue between Turkmenistan and UNDP would be actively carried on.

Thanking for the kind parting words, the Resident Representative of the UN Development Program in Turkmenistan assured that she would make every effort to ensure that traditional cooperation that meets common interests is strengthened year by year, as well as brought to a more effective stage of partnership.

“I worked here 10 years ago and today I returned to hospitable Turkmenistan in a new capacity and with such a feeling as if I had returned home, the diplomat emphasized, expressing her best wishes to the leader of the nation and all the people of Turkmenistan.

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