Events of the week
Turkmenistan’s development program for 2022-2052 – a pivot of the Motherland’s bright future
Events of the week
Turkmenistan’s development program for 2022-2052 – a pivot of the Motherland’s bright future
Published 14.02.2022

A historically significant event in the life of our state and society – the session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, which was held in the capital’s «Maslahat köşgi» on February 11, was centered on the issues of the Motherland’s future fate. The Program “Revival of new epoch of the powerful state: National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in the period 2022-2052”, which was developed on the initiative of the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and adopted at the forum, has ushered in the start-up of a new phase of large-scale changes aimed at achieving of grandiose goals.

In his deeply contentious statement, the President of Turkmenistan gave high assessment to a great deal of work accomplished in the country over the years of independence to build the modern state with sustainable upward development of the economy, establish the fair civil society and favorable conditions of the life. The leader of nation has also declaimed the priority directions of the national policy and foreign-policy course based on peacefulness and desire for the constructive international cooperation.

Among the primary tasks of the new historical Program the leader of nation has singled out further active development and strengthening of the statehood and statecraft sphere, widening of the powers of Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan in order to promote greater confidence of citizens to the governmental and social institutions.

Not the least important is to improve on continuing basis the management and administrative staff resources, as well as to do our best for enhancing in the future ever-increasing role of human capital as a basic factor of economic development of our country; effective functioning of the branches determining the quality of human capital is to become an important ingredient of work in this direction, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

– We’ll form a new social model of development, which will provide high standards of life of the Turkmen people, - the leader of nation noted.

It was particularly highlighted that the state would do its utmost to bring qualitative living accommodations within the reach of our population.

Speaking of the country’s foreign policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that it is based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan, Constitutional Law on Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality, Foreign Policy Concept of Turkmenistan as a neutral state and other legislative acts. This policy is an exemplary policy, calling the entire mankind to perfection of relations. Neutrality is our political doctrine; in the years ahead the positive international cooperation with all foreign partners will further develop on the principles of equality and mutual respect, the head of state stressed.

In the long term, the reforms will be kept going aimed at the innovation-based diversification of the national economy.

To increase considerably the volume of Turkmenistan’s export potential and its role in the global economy, every kind of assistance will also be rendered to promote the development of processing industries on the basis of high-tech and ecology-healthy technologies.

Making insight into the future, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has concentrated attention on the issues of the budgetary and taxation policy improvement.

To enhance the country’s economic potential, along with rendering all-round support to entrepreneurship, all advantageous conditions will be created for investment-favored climate.

Turkmenistan will continue to strengthen its leadership in energy supplies to world markets, diversify the oil/gas sector, which envisions construction of modern complexes specialized in oil and gas processing as well as the accelerated industrial development of new deposits, including the Caspian Sea sector and «Galkynyş» deposit.

One of the most important aspects is further advocacy of ecological diplomacy, active and productive cooperation in this direction with international organizations. The activity in the frames of the Hague Convention remains thereto to be the topic of the day.

The leader of nation has also noted that in the years ahead Turkmenistan will advance interstate dialogue on the issues of rational use of water, environment protection and enhancement, adaptation to climate change, global warming, desertification control, land amelioration, landscaping and forestation of territories.

Touching upon the future-orientated tasks, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has declaimed that Turkmenistan’s global competitive advantages in such traditional spheres as energy, transport, agrarian sector, use of natural resources will be strengthened and expanded.

The research activity will be continued on investigating the cosmos, as well as on increasing competitiveness in international markets, adoption of innovations, and creation of new technologies, as well as active participation in the digital environment of the world.

The reform-based changes will further be kept going in the spheres of education, science and healthcare to signalize a new technological wave, which increases dramatically the role of innovations.

To successfully achieve the goals outlined, the head of state has ranked the following tasks of priority: formation of the complex of high-tech branches and enhancement of the country’s positions at the world markets of science-intensive produce; innovatory leadership of Turkmenistan in the world on the basis of advanced research endeavors, modern technologies and educational services; transition from the mass education system (typical for industrial economy) to uninterrupted individual education for all, necessary for creating of innovatory socially-orientated economy; provision of services accessibility in education and healthcare through deep structural and technological modernization of these spheres.

Now and in the long term, the primary task is in collecting, keeping, studying and advocating the priceless heritage of national culture, the President of Turkmenistan stressed.

Particular hope is placed thereto on our youth, the head of state noted, for the rising generation is the embodiment of all our hopes for the future. All we do today in the country – is done for our youths. Most of them are the peers of our independent Turkmenistan. Soon, they will be mature citizens and take active participation in realization of the plans we’ve outlined. They will decide on our Motherland’s future fate.

– It is 15 years already I hold the highest and very responsible post of the President of Turkmenistan, executing simultaneously the duties of Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the State Security Council, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Force of Turkmenistan, Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, - the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

As is known, the head of state continued, two years ago I came of the age of Prophet. In this regard, the President of the country has avowed difficult-for-him decision.

Having stressed that he wholly supports the opinion on the necessity to open the gates to the public management at the new phase of our country’s development to young leaders educated in the spiritual environment in tune with high requirements of the times, the leader of nation has informed about his intention to use his enormous life and political experience at the post of Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty.

– Holding the responsible post of the head of state, I express heartfelt gratitude to all fellowmen for great successes in the development of the country achieved together, hand in hand, - said the leader of nation, having assured the Turkmen people that now and in the long term he would spare no efforts in the name of happy life and great fate of the beloved Motherland, courageous people and future generations.

In tune with great goals – to become one of the prosperous countries of the world, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has proposed to name the future period of the country’s development “Revival of new epoch of the powerful state”.

During the break in the Halk Maslakhaty session, a meeting was held led by Deputy Chairman of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan K. Babayev with the participation of representatives of Ashgabat city and velayats, senior officials of governmental structures, social organizations, and political parties.

Particular attention was given to the initiatives forwarded in the keynote speech of the Turkmen leader, National Program of the country’s socioeconomic development in the period 2022-2052, and key directions on implementing of the tasks enshrined in the Program.

By results of the Halk Maslakhaty session, to the burst of applause of the session attendees, the head of state has signed the Resolution “On approval of the Program “Revival of new epoch of the powerful state: National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in the period 2022-2052”.

In their speeches at the Halk Maslakhaty session, honorary elders supported the important initiative of the leader of nation – to entrust young leaders with responsible positions, to make them able to educe all their abilities and intellectual potential. The initiative complies with noble traditions of the Turkmen people and testifies to the start-up of a new phase of radical changes in the life of the state.

It was stressed that this important endeavor would be of great importance for realization progress of the new Program.

Particular accent was fixated on the demand for rich experience of public activities of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov – the nation-wide leader, a politician of new structure. The cardinal progressive changes implemented under the leadership of the head of Turkmenistan in all spheres aimed at the country’s prosperity and happy life of citizens – is an eloquent lofty example of love for Motherland, for the native people.

Declaimed in the course of forum, the proposal about participation of the youth in further governing the state was approved by the people assembled. In this regard, Chairman of the Central Commission for Conducting Elections and Referenda was exhorted to embark on the relevant work in tune with the Constitution and legislation of Turkmenistan.

The session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh was preceded by the enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers to draw together conclusions from the past year’s activities accomplished by the Government, as well as to discuss the tasks of the country’s socioeconomic development in the running year.

The macroeconomic indices of 2021 testify to sustainable growth of the GDP, which increased 6.2 percent as compared to 2020. This indicator increased 9.2 p c – in the industrial sector, 0.3 p c – in construction, 4.3 p c – transport-communication sector, 8.8 p c – trade, 3.8 p c – agriculture, 5.8 p c – service industry.

On the whole, the output of production increased 7.7 p c; positive production indicators were registered in the branches of economy.

In the reporting period, a 16.6 p c increase was observed in the retail trade turnover and a 20.5 p c increase – in the foreign trade turnover.

Wage rates of large and medium-sized enterprises of the country increased 10.5 p c; wages and salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships were timely and completely funded.

In the frames of the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025” the works have been accomplished at the 42 objects projected for construction, at 276 objects – intended for reconstruction, at 167 objects – construction works are now in progress.

Throughout the last successful year proclaimed under the motto “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” and under the sign of the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s scared independence, top-down control was exerted over the issues pertaining to construction and timely commissioning of different objects erected in the capital and regions of the country. All in all, 73 large objects of industrial and social purpose were put into operation in 2021.

At the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has approved the Investment Program-2022 of Turkmenistan and the Program of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2022.

The results were also summed up of the traditional contest among the etraps and towns (with etrap rights) of velayats for educing the best one by economic and social indicators achieved in 2021.

Dyanev etrap, Lebap velayat, was recognized the winner of the contest; in pursuance of the Order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, khyakimlik of the etrap was awarded US $1 million money prize.

Returning to the past week’s chronology of events, worth of mentioning is the February-7 telephone conversation between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In the course of the talk, the leader of nation in his own name and on behalf of his spouse Ogulgerek has extended wishes of the soonest recovery to the head of friendly state and his spouse Mrs. Emine who fell ill with coronavirus infection, having thereto confirmed the Turkmen side’s readiness to render all-round assistance and support.

On February 8, the head of state conducted an online working session centered on the country’s further economic development and increase of the people’s standards of life.

Consideration was given to the state of affairs in the oil/gas complex, further advancement of the financial-economic system, training of young scientists in different branches of science, enhancement of the textile industry’s production infrastructure, and implementation progress of reforms carried out in the AIC.

Diversification and transition of industries to digital system is a key condition of tackling the strategic task – to increase capacities of the country’s FEC , which plays a considerable role in the dovetailed development of economy of Turkmenistan in its striding confidently toward new heights of development, the leader of nation noted.

The science-based approach, competent economic management and strategic planning are a salient feature of the economic policy. Its successful realization invests in turning our Motherland in the prosperous powerful, strong state capable to invest enormous funds to the development of industries President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The head of state considers advisable to continue implementation in the country of the preventive sanitary measures and exert control over the work in this direction, having noted that the citizens’ health protection is a priority of the state policy. In this context, the leader of nation has highlighted the importance of consistent solving of the tasks enshrined in the State Program “Saglyk”, as well as further construction in the capital of necessary medical entities, the Medical Pediatric Center and one more Stomatology Center in particular.

Not the least significant is to successfully implement the measures for ensuring food abundance in the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed. It is necessary to give particular significance to the effective use of science-based development-favored approaches in the agricultural sphere, widespread adoption in the AIC of digital technologies, rational use of water resources.

In the course of session, the head of state signed a number of documents, notably – Resolution on allocating investments (over 250 million manats) to «Türkmennebit» State Concern for development; Resolution on construction of the Culture Center «Dokmaçylar» of the Textiles Ministry. The quotas were also approved of postgraduates’ and doctoral candidates’ admission to post-graduate courses and institution of doctoral candidacy in different directions of science, as well as registration of applicants seeking academic degrees, and admission of attending medicals to clinical residency in 2022.

The current year’s January results of the military and law enforcement agencies’ activity, as well as the issues of security and peace safeguarding in the Turkmen state, further strengthening of the hardware and logistics base of security structures were on the agenda of a regular session of the State Security Council, which President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted on February 9.

On February 10, the leader of nation got acquainted with work progress at some of the capital’s construction objects and with new projects to be realized.

A number of erections in the center of Ashgabat will be modernized. In particular, the former Governmental tribune would be transformed into the Business Center to host the negotiation processes with businessmen and presentations of various projects.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was also familiarized with the projects (buildings and facilities) of the Economic Department of military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan, which included construction of 150-seat barracks, three two-story 18-apartment dwelling houses for the State Border Service.

General Plans and general view of Trade and business-centers to be built along the Magtymguly Shayoly, A. Niyazov Shayoly and Hoja Ahmet Yasavi Street, General Plan of partial reconstruction of residential houses along Magtymguly Shayoly and Kemine Street, draft design and schemes of the capital’s 320-seat kindergarten, plans of repairing the section of road between Taslama and Julge Streets and reconstructing of Kopetdag Shayoly, specimens of bus stops, road signs, and lighting supports were also presented to the leader of nation for familiarization and consideration.

Particular attention was given to the design of objects of “Tashkent” park , which are under construction along Magtymguly Shayoly. The designs were developed with a glance to national salient features of the people of fraternal Uzbekistan.

After lengthy consideration of the projects and proposals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that while constructing and decorating the objects it is necessary to apply only high-quality materials with a glance to climate conditions of our country and in tune with high ecology standards; in equipping of new construction objects, the latest technologies, now-how, possibilities of digitization and advanced experience are to be used.

On February 12, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar who arrived in Turkmenistan as the head of the governmental delegation.

The Turkmen leader and his guest have discussed the prospects for cooperation in the trade-economic sphere, the issues of motivating investment activity, interaction of the two countries’ business communities, and expansion of the cultural-humanitarian dialogue.

That same day, in the course of meeting of the guest with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers with Serdar Berdimuhamedov, particular accent was placed on advancement of partnership in the fuel-and-energy sphere, industry, enhancement of international and regional motor, railway, and marine cargo transportation with active involvement of state and private sectors of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On February 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a briefing dedicated to the historical solutions adopted on February 11 at the session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan conducted by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The briefing was attended by senior officials and representatives of the MFA, heads of diplomatic missions and offices of international organizations accredited to our country.

It was noted that at the nation-wide forum, having signed the Resolution “On approval of the Program “Revival of new epoch of the powerful state: National Program of Turkmenistan’s socioeconomic development in the period 2022-2052”, the head of state highlighted that in realization of the future-orientated plans and programs particular hope was placed on our youth.

In compliance with the errand, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has avowed at the session of Halk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh on February 11, a meeting of the Central Commission for Conducting Elections and Referenda (CEC) in Turkmenistan was held on February 13. The agenda of meeting was centered on the preparation measures to the elections of President of Turkmenistan in compliance with Constitution and legislation of the country.

In the run-up to the CEC meeting (on February 12), in compliance with the Resolution of Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, Article 81 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, Article 86 of the Election Code of Turkmenistan the elections of the President of Turkmenistan are appointed on March 12, 2022.

According to the Election Code, the CEC has announced the start-up of the election campaign from February 14, 2022. The campaign includes several phases – nomination of candidates, their registration, meetings with electors, and so on.

Last week, the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi hosted the presentation of the President-authored “Spiritual world of Turkmens” translated into the Korean language.

In his speech at the presentation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea in Turkmenistan Sung-chul Shin has noted that the within-named event is yet another confirmation of high development level of bilateral relations, which will invest considerably in further strengthening of the interstate mutuality-based dialogue.

Thus, the last eventful week has demonstrated far-sightedness and effectiveness of the state policy pursued under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and aimed at reaching for new heights of progress. The path the leader of nation steers confidently the country is the path of peace, welfare and creativity.

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