Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Published 03.02.2022

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, having considered results of the work of the sectors of the national economy for January of this year, drafts of a number of documents, as well as other topical issues of state life.

Opening the meeting, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who reported on the results of the work carried out in January of this year in the sectors of the national economy.

During the reporting month, GDP growth amounted to 6.2 percent, including 7.4 percent in industry, 0.3 percent in construction, 4 percent in the transport and communications sector, 8.8 percent in trade, 3.2 percent in agriculture, and 6.1 percent in the service sector.

In January, compared to the same period last year, the indicator of manufactured goods increased by 7.7 percent.

During the period under review, the volume of retail trade increased by 9.9 percent compared to the same period last year, and foreign trade turnover grew by 6.3 percent.

According to preliminary results for January, the revenue side of the State Budget was executed at the level of 102 percent, and the expenditure side - 83.2 percent.

For large and medium-sized enterprises, the average monthly salary became higher by 10.4 percent compared to the same period last year. Wages, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships have been allocated in a timely manner.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh G. Mammedova informed about the work carried out in January in the field of lawmaking, and about the preparations for the extraordinary meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty.

It was reported that a draft Plan of the legislative activity of the Mejlis for 2022 had been prepared.

At present, the development of a number of bills continues to contribute to the consistent implementation of the socially oriented policy of our state, further dynamic development of the sectors of the national economy and other spheres of life of the Turkmen society. Among them are new editions of the Criminal and Civil Codes, the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Notaries and Notarial Activities”, “On Dog Breeding and Cynology”, “On State Support for Large Families”.

Deputies of the Mejlis made business trips, where they met with voters on the ground, inquiring about the living and working conditions of the population.

Focusing on the Law “On State Support for Large Families”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of this document in the context of the large-scale work carried out in the country to support motherhood and childhood, to provide comprehensive assistance to large families.

Further, the Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh K. Babayev informed about the work carried out in the first month of the Year “The era of the people with Arkadag” to improve the living standards of the people.

Speaking about the preparations for the upcoming extraordinary meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh and emphasizing its enduring importance in strengthening the democratic foundations of the Turkmen society, the head of state drew the attention of the leaders of the Milli Gengesh to the need to keep all issues related to the organization of the national forum under unremitting control, ensuring a high level of its organization.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrakhmanov reported on the results of the work for January of this year, carried out in the areas under his supervision as part of the implementation of the Oil and Gas Industry Development Program for the period up to 2030.

Over the past month, the plan for oil production was fulfilled at the level of 100.4 percent, oil refining - 108.3 percent, gasoline production - 112.2 percent, diesel fuel - 116.8 percent, lubricating oils - 114.8 percent, polypropylene - 124 .5 percent, extraction of natural and associated gas - 105 percent, and the volume of exports of “blue fuel” – at 110.7 percent.

The growth rate of liquefied gas production compared to the same period last year amounted to 113.1 percent, oil and gas exploration - 120.1 percent.

Information was also provided on the indicators achieved in the field of oil and gas condensate production, development of investments.

Pointing to the importance of further diversification of the fuel and energy complex, stepping up work on introducing the latest scientific and technical developments and advanced technologies into the domestic oil and gas industry, which is designed to increase hydrocarbon production and increase the output of finished products, the head of state addressed a number of specific instructions to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiev reported on the results of the activities of the sectors under his supervision in January of this year, on the progress of field work in the velayats, as well as on the integrated development of the country's agriculture.

It was noted that since the beginning of the year, the growth rate of production in the Ministry and departments of the agro-industrial complex compared to the same period last year amounted to 110.4 percent. This figure reached 110.7 percent for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, 105.4 percent for the State Committee for Water Resources, and 103.4 percent for the Türkmen Atlary State Association. The investment development plan was fulfilled by 112.7 percent.

Information was provided on the preparation of a draft resolution “On setting prices for cotton seeds”. The document provides for ensuring the profitability of cotton ginning enterprises, regulating their financial and economic relations with enterprises producing vegetable oil, as well as maintaining the price of seed material sold to cotton growers at the same level.

In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister submitted a draft of the relevant Resolution for consideration by the head of state.

Noting that targeted measures will continue to be taken to support farmers and develop the country's agriculture, the leader of the nation signed the submitted document and sent it via digital system to the Deputy Prime Minister, giving specific instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the results of the work of the construction, industrial and energy complexes, State Concern “Turkmenhimiya” and the capital's administration in January of this year.

During the reporting period, production and work plan in the construction and industrial sector was implemented at the level of 143.6 percent.

According to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, in January of this year, the plan for the work performed was completed by 106 percent.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production fulfilled its production and work plan by 122.4 percent.

Since the beginning of the year, the plan for production of goods, work performed and services rendered by the Ministry of Energy has been fulfilled by 127.6 percent.

The growth rate of electricity production amounted to 109.9 percent, and its export - 133.7 percent.

Türkmenhimiýa State Concern fulfilled the plan for production of goods and provision of services by 184.8 percent.

According to the hyakimlik of the city of Ashgabat, the plan for the work performed and services provided in the reporting period was fulfilled by 125.1 percent.

The Deputy Prime Minister also presented a draft Decree “On the establishment of the State Agency for Road Construction Management” and the relevant Resolution on the proper organization of the work of the State Agency for Road Construction Management, developed on behalf of the head of state.

After signing the documents, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent them to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system, giving a number of specific instructions for their proper implementation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the results of the work of the supervised ministries and departments of the trade and textile complexes, as well as the business sector in January of this year.

According to the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, compared to the same period last year, the growth in trade turnover amounted to 107 percent, production - 115.3 percent.

Compared to the same period last year, the volume of products manufactured by enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, including cotton yarn and fabrics, is 129.9 and 126.2 percent, respectively, garments and knitwear - 126.9 percent, leather goods - 105.6 percent.

Since the beginning of this year, the plan for production of carpets of the State Association “Türkmenhaly” has been fulfilled by 107.8 percent.

In January, the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 24 trading sessions, at which 2,743 contracts were registered.

The growth rate for the work carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the reporting period amounted to 104.3 percent.

According to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the growth in agricultural and food production in January reached 160.3 percent, industrial production - 112 percent.

Deputy Chairwoman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the results of the work of the spheres under her supervision for the first month of the year.

During the reporting period, various events were held, including celebrations, conferences, creative meetings and exhibitions dedicated to the announcement of the motto of 2022 “The era of the people with Arkadag”, as well as on the occasion of significant dates and the opening of social and cultural facilities dedicated to them.

Further, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the preparation of the Program of celebrations and events planned for February this year.

After listening to the report and focusing on the planned celebrations, including those on the occasion of significant events of the year, the head of state ordered to organize all events at a high level, giving specific instructions.

Then the Deputy Prime Minister submitted to the President of the country a draft Resolution on approval of the procedure and conditions for granting theaters the legal status of “National” or “Academic”, prepared in accordance with Article 19 of the Law of Turkmenistan “On theater and theatrical activities”.

Having given specific instructions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the presented document and handed it over to the Vice-premier by digital system.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toylyev reported on the work done in January this year in the field of education, science, health and sports.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan, the Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts published a number of works related to the national heritage.

A plan is being developed to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fraghi's birth.

Noting that Deputy Prime Minister S. Toylyev is a member of the delegation that is going on a working trip to the People’s Republic of China to participate in the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov assigned the temporary duties of Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan for Combating the Spread of Diseases to Deputy Chairman of this Commission, Minister of Health and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov.

In this regard, the head of state signed the relevant Resolution and sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister via the digital system, giving specific instructions.

Then the leader of the nation turned to the vice-premier to express his proposals on how to proceed after returning from China.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers S. Toylyev said that, in accordance with the Regulations of the Extraordinary Commission, upon returning from a business trip, in order to comply with sanitary standards, it is necessary to undergo mandatory quarantine. The shortest period is 3 days, the average quarantine time is 10 days, and the longest period is 21 days.

Based on this message, the head of state noted that members of the delegation would also have to undergo quarantine. According to sanitary requirements, they will have to be in quarantine for 3 days - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the results of the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for January of this year.

In strengthening a constructive dialogue with foreign partners, high-level contacts are of particular importance. Last month, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took digital participation in the Summit “Central Asia – China” and the First Summit “Central Asia – India”. The leader of the nation also had telephone conversations with the Presidents of the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The regular character is inherent in bilateral contacts and consultations through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Consistent steps are also being taken to expand and diversify the foreign economic relations of Turkmenistan. Here, a significant role is assigned to interaction within the framework of the relevant bilateral structures. Thus, in January, a meeting of the co-chairs of the Joint Intergovernmental Turkmen-Iranian Commission on Economic Cooperation and a regular meeting of the Joint Turkmen-Tatarstan Working Group on Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation took place.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported on the ongoing work on further modernization of the judicial system.

As reported, specific measures are being taken to improve the principles of justice and legal proceedings, the active introduction of the digital system, and the strengthening of the material and technical base of the judiciary.

At the same time, work is underway to study the modern practice of making legal decisions, bringing national legislation in line with generally recognized norms of international law in this area. At the same time, much attention is paid to improving the professionalism and legal culture of the judiciary, as well as explanatory activities among the population, through organizing meetings on the ground, posting relevant information on the website of the Supreme Court.

Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiev reported on the results of the activities of subordinate institutions in January.

The plan for the provision of services and production of goods for the reporting period for this complex was fulfilled by 104 percent.

For the first month of the year, the growth rate for “Türkmendemirýollary” Agency was 118.5 percent, for “Türkmenawtoulaglary” Agency - 120.3 percent, for “Türkmenaragatnaşyk” Agency - 104.8 percent, and for “Türkmenhowaýollary” Agency - 108.2 percent. Relevant work was carried out by “Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agency.

In this context, the head of state pointed to the need to modernize the sectoral infrastructure and introduce the latest technologies.

The Leader of the Nation focused on the importance of increasing the scale and volume of freight traffic through transport and transit corridors and improving the quality of services, emphasizing that the development of the transport complex is among the priorities of state policy.

Noting that large-scale international projects are being implemented in the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed a number of instructions to the Vice-premier on timely commissioning of infrastructure facilities.

Summing up the results of the meeting, the head of state stated that some issues were considered at it, and a number of documents aimed at the development of industries were adopted.

Pointing to the need to prepare for the upcoming meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty Milli Gengesh, the leader of the nation stressed that it would sum up the results of the work carried out over the past year, as well as make historic decisions to determine the key directions for the development of our country for the next 30 years.

Concluding the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers using digital system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished its participants good health, family well-being and great success in work for the prosperity of the sovereign Motherland.

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