Expanded Session of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Expanded Session of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 12.01.2022

Today, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held an expanded session of the State Security Council to sum up the activities of the country’s military and law enforcement agencies for 2021 and determine priority tasks for the power structures for the near future.

Defense Minister B.Gundogdiyev was the first to report on the measures implemented last year to reinforce the country’s defense capability, strengthen the material and technical base of the national army and improve the professional level of military personnel. There was also information about the results of the work of the subordinate structure and the implementation of the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan on the training of highly qualified military specialists, the introduction of a digital system.

As part of the report, the minister informed the head of state about high-level preparations for the annual military parade on the occasion of the glorious celebration of the sacred independence of the Motherland.

Then the Prosecutor General B.Atdaev reported on the work executed in 2021, the key vector of which is the supervision of the strict enforcement of the sufficiency in law, the steps taken to introduce a digital system in subordinate institutions, as well as the results of inspections conducted on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country.

Then the Minister of Internal Affairs O. Khojanyyazov reported on the work done over the past year in the framework of maintaining public order and crime prevention in the country. There was also a report on the progress of modernization of the material and technical base of the department, provision of structural units with the latest technology, combating crime and public safety, compliance with fire safety and traffic rules, active implementation of the digital system in the relevant structures.

During the session of the State Security Council, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed relevant Resolutions on the release of police Lieutenant Colonel M.Babagulyev from the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, on the appointment of Police Major V.Atayev to this post with his release from the post of head of the Ashgabat city police Department, as well as on the appointment of Police Major M.Mukhammetmyradov as head of the Ashgabat city Police Department.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G.Ussanepesov reported on the work carried out in 2021, the practical steps taken to implement the tasks defined in the State Program for the Development of the Judicial System of Turkmenistan. In accordance with the instructions of the leader of the nation, concrete measures are being taken to introduce a digital system and strengthen the material and technical base.

During the expanded session, the head of state signed a decree “On the appointment and dismissal of judges of the courts of Turkmenistan, as well as the assignment of qualification classes to them”.

Minister of National Security G.Annaev reported on the activities of the Ministry headed by him for 2021 and the concrete measures taken to maintain an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the country, which are an essential condition for the successful solution of the tasks of state development.

The head of the State Border Service Ya.Nuryev reported on the results of the activities of subordinate units for 2021, as well as practical steps taken on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country to modernize the material and technical base of border units and create conditions for the service and life of defenders of the Fatherland.

During an expanded session of the State Security Council dedicated to the results of the activities of the security forces in 2021, the head of state considered a number of organizational issues and made appropriate decisions concerning some units of the Border Troops.

Then Minister of Adalat M.Taganov reported on the work carried out in 2021 aimed at the consistent implementation of a unified state policy in the field of lawmaking to ensure reliable protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, the rule of law. There was also a report on the practical steps taken during the period under review to improve the legal awareness and legal culture of Turkmen citizens.

Chairman of the State Customs Service M.Khudaikulyev reported on the activities carried out over the past year, as well as measures implemented to apply advanced working methods of structural units.

As noted, in connection with the current situation in the world, concrete steps are being taken to modernize the activities of the Service and establish customs control over transit cargo in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Chairman of the State Migration Service N.Atagarayev reported on the results of work in 2021, the creation of conditions for effective service of employees, measures implemented to improve their qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov reported on the progress of the large-scale military reform initiated by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country in 2021, the measures taken to strengthen the defense capability of the national army.

Addressing the participants of the session of the State Security Council, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the work in the military and law enforcement agencies last year was carried out on a planned basis.

The head of state assigned Defense Minister B. Gundogdiyev to keep in the center of constant attention issues related to the successful implementation of the Defensive Military Doctrine, improving the military-professional level of the heads and officers of the department, as well as strict observance of discipline.

The work carried out in the Border Troops should be aimed at turning the sacred borders of the Motherland into the border of friendship and brotherhood, the President of the country noted, emphasizing the need to keep issues related to the border guards service in the center of constant attention.

In continuation, the head of state drew attention to the importance of improving the activities of Adalat bodies, issues of widespread introduction of best practices and digital system achievements into its activities, emphasizing the need for a detailed study of the issues of training highly qualified specialists in the field of international law.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country noted the importance of registering, together with the khyakimliks, citizens at the place of residence who temporarily leave their place of permanent residence for other velayats, and in order to ensure proper control, internal migration activities should be further improved.

The head of state, continuing the conversation about this, emphasized that, taking into account the current difficult circumstances in the world, it is necessary to improve the work carried out in the country’s military and law enforcement agencies in accordance with increased international experience, and in this aspect gave several specific instructions to the Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council.

Then the leader of the nation, noting that on the basis of the Military Doctrine adopted in accordance with the humanistic policy based on the peace-loving principles of our state and being strictly defensive, the material and technical base of military and law enforcement structures is systematically strengthened, constant care is shown for servicemen and their family members, also stressed that a lot of work is being done to create all the necessary conditions for further improvement of their social and living conditions, good rest, selfless work, service to the Fatherland and achieving great success.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, saying that work in this direction will continue in the future, and the state will constantly take care of military personnel, concluded an expanded session of the State Security Council.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health, family well-being, great success in their responsible service for the peaceful and happy life of the people.

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