The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting devoted to the sphere of trade
The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting devoted to the sphere of trade
Published 04.11.2021

Today President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held the online working meeting devoted to the state of affairs in the sphere of trade of the country and priorities for its further development. Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov who supervises the sphere of trade, heads of corresponding ministries and sectoral departments took part in the meeting.

Opening the meeting, the head of the state underlined that the sphere of trade is one of the key industries of the national economy. Maintenance of well-being of people and food abundance in many respects depends on the successes in the given sphere.

The head of the state first gave the floor to Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov who reported on the results of work of the trade complex for January-October of the current year.

By the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the growth of volume of goods turnover for the accounting period in comparison with the same period of the past year made up 118,8 % and the rate of production increase - 118,2 %.

The growth in the volume of goods produced by enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, including cotton yarn and fabrics, was equal to accordingly 120,8 and 105,3 %, sewing and knitted products - 117,6 %, leather products - 105,6 %.

The production plan of «Türkmenhaly» State Corporation was fulfilled by 110,9%.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange for January-October held 248 trading sessions and concluded 26, 341 contracts.

By the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the rate of increase of the work made up 105,5 %. For the considered period, 8 exhibitions and 37 conferences were organized.

By the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the rate of increase of volumes of output of industrial goods for January-October was equal to 134,6 % and agricultural and food - 119,5 %.

Having emphasised issues of application of digital system, the head of the state charged the Deputy-Chairman to study modern management methods and widely to introduce them in manufacture, to modernise marketing and management.

Then, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations O.Gurbannazarov who reported on the results of the work for January-October of the current year.

For the accounting period the growth rate of production by the enterprises and departments of the Ministry made up 118, 2 %.

Indicators of the rate of increase made up: revenues - 138, 3 %, profits - 133, 2 %.

The Minister also informed that, along with other branches, in the sphere of trade corresponding work on successful realisation of the «Program of the President of Turkmenistan on social and economic development of the country for 2019-2025» is conducted.

The work according to the instructions given earlier by the leader of the nation on acceleration of process of privatisation of state property proceeds.

The head of the state gave the minister a number of concrete commissions on perfection of activity of the sphere of trade, increase in volumes of foreign trade turnover, expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign business partners, growth of manufacture import replacing production, and increase of culture of service for population.

Further, Minister of Textile Industry R.Rejepov who reported on the work carried out in January-October, took the floor. It was underlined that thanks to efforts of the leader of the nation in the country all conditions and possibilities for development of textile branch are created.

As was informed, in comparison with the similar period of the past year for the accounting period the rate of growth made by enterprises of the Ministry made up 126,9 %, the plan was fulfilled by 165,8 %.

The growth rate of revenue from production realisation made up 133,3 %.

The volume of production realised in home market in comparison with the similar indicator of the past year increased by 125,7 %.

Having heard the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined further development of branch, implementation of investment projects as the basic directions of forthcoming work, having given the minister the commission on their successful fulfilment.

Chairman of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange B.Charyev reported on the large-scale work carried out within the government programs on diversification of export and expansion of volumes of foreign trade.

In January-October of the current year 248 exchange sessions in which course 2 thousand 82 transactions were held, were organized.

For the accounting period the total cost of registered export-import transactions was equal to 23 billion 372 million manats of which export contracts made up 23,8 % and import - 76,2 %.

According to commissions of the President of Turkmenistan at the Stock Exchange, the system of electronic document circulation was introduced. It was informed that with a view of registration of agreements in electronic format, conduction of digital exchange trade, technical development and introduction of digital system the international tender was announced.

Having heard the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasised the importance of modernisation of activity of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, as the principal establishment regulating export-import transactions in the country.

The digital working meeting proceeded with the report of Chairman of «Türkmenhaly» State Corporation O.Ishangulyeva who reported on results of activity of the establishment she supervises for January-October, 2021.

It was informed that for the specified period the production plan was fulfilled by 135,1 %.

The growth rate of revenue part in comparison with the similar period of the past year was equal to 142, 8 %.

It was also informed on receipt of financial assets for the account of increase in volumes of realised production, search of new commodity markets of carpet products. Besides, the electronic auctions are regularly organised, possibilities of digital system for realisation of carpets through online orders are used.

Then Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry D.Rejepov reported on the work carried out in January-October of the current year and also on the solution of tasks put by the President of Turkmenistan with a view of extended coverage of grandiose social and economic achievements in exhibitions and business forums held both in and outside the country, promotion of business cooperation and volumes of export of production of domestic commodity producers.

The growth rate of the work and rendered services for the accounting period made up 105,5 %, and profits - 114,5 %.

For ten months, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry held 8 exhibitions and 37 business meetings, «round tables» in digital format.

Summarising the given information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that the activity of CCI is of great importance in demonstration of successes and modern achievements of our country, study of foreign advanced experience that promoted directly by regular participation in large-scale international reviews, and gave the Chairman of the Chamber concrete commissions in this respect.

Then Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan D.Hudayberdiev reported on the work carried out to maintain food and commodity abundance in the country, to manufacture import-replacing production, increase in quantity and assortment of export-focused goods, and also create new workplaces.

In the current year private businessmen plan to plant on 9 thousand 162 hectares of land vegetable and gourd crops and to receive 174 thousand 407, 5 tons of crop, and on 13 thousand 246 hectares - fruit trees and grapes, collecting further 70 thousand 523 tons of crop.

Besides, it is planned to grow 5 thousand 110 tons of oil yielding crops, as well as to sow 11 thousand 159 hectares of corn, and 13 thousand 930 hectares - food seeds, receiving accordingly 51 thousand 526, 5 tons and 15 thousand 846 tons of crop.

It was informed also that now in the hothouses with a total area of 530,54 hectares belonging to the UIET, on 500 hectares they plan to grow tomatoes for 2021-2022 with expectation of gathering of 85 thousand tons of the given vegetable. A considerable quantity of grown production is planned to export abroad.

Then leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed all participants of the digital working meeting tem, having put before them a number of specific targets.

Addressing Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ascertained that the foreign trade analysis as a whole showed export increase in comparison with the past year by 23 %.

Without taking into the account fuel and energy resources, volumes of exported production grew approximately by 48 percent, and it is a quite good indicator, the leader of the nation noted underlining that together with Deputy-Chairman E.Orazgeldiyev it is still necessary to spend a big work in the given direction.

In connection with the upcoming International Day of Neutrality and New year which are widely marked in our country, the President of Turkmenistan charged Deputy-Chairman Ch. Gylyjov and Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations O.Gurbannazarov, considering a growing demand for consumer goods, to undertake measures for maintenance of home market with necessary production and organisation of fairs from now on.

Addressing Deputy-Chairman Ch. Gylyjov and Minister of Textile Industry R.Rejepov, the leader of the nation gave a number of the commissions, concerning the commissioning of a textile complex in the planned terms in Babadaykhan district, conduction of corresponding work for organisation of the opening ceremony of the infrastructure project at high level.

Focusing the attention on the activity of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out that the prices in the world markets constantly change, therefore it is necessary to carry out their daily monitoring at foreign stock exchanges.

The leader of the nation specified that production made in our country should favourably, on a competitive basis to be realised through the exchange auctions. In this connection, the sides, which act as sellers, should be provided regularly the review of stock quotes in the world markets, the head of the state said, having given Deputy-Chairman Ch. Gylyjov and Chairman of SCRMET B.Charyev instructions in this respect.

Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov and Chairwoman of «Türkmenhaly» State Corporation O.Ishangulyeva were given commissions to keep the quality of carpets made in the country and carpet production under strict control.

Having directed the attention to the importance of rendering of assistance to private exporters in search of foreign buyers and adjustment of long-term cooperation, the head of Turkmenistan gave Deputy-Chairman Ch. Gylyjov and Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry D.Rejepov concrete orders.

Having underlined that in November the meeting of business circles of countries-participants within the Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization is planned, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov charged the head of CCI to fulfil the tasks put before the department on the organisation of the forum at high level.

The head of the state gave a number of concrete commissions to Deputy-Chairman Ch. Gylyjov and Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs D.Hudayberdiev, having stated necessity of acceptance of measures on creation agricultural, food and industrial productions for the account of active realisation of investment projects.

At the same time, it is necessary to encourage businessmen to introduction of innovations, expansion of assortment of production, and also to support in realisation of the goods in the internal and external markets, establishment of bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation, the leader of the nation specified.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov charged Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov to pay steadfast attention to the quality and observance of terms of building of the objects planned to be opened in the jubilee year.

The winter season approaches and in this connection it is necessary to supervise strictly maintenance of the markets and shops in the country with various goods and products, especially during the upcoming holidays and not to suppose rise in prices, head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov specified, having given the Deputy-Chairman concrete commissions.

During the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan gave the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry D.Rejepov a reprimand for inadequate fulfilment of his duty and shortcomings admitted in his work.

The leader of the nation also signed the Order to send Deputy-Chairman of the Cabinet Ch. Gylyjov on a business trip to the city of Bishkek of the Kirghiz Republic for participation in the first Economic forum the European Union - Central Asia, and sent it to the Deputy-Chairman by the system of electronic document circulation.

Concluding the online working meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished its participants sound health, family well-being and big successes in their work for the benefit of prosperity of our sovereign Fatherland.

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