The head of the state has given a start to the construction of the next wells at the huge gas deposit «Galkynysh» and a new building in Mary region
The head of the state has given a start to the construction of the next wells at the huge gas deposit «Galkynysh» and a new building in Mary region
Published 23.08.2021

Today President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during his working trip to Mary region has visited the largest gas deposit «Galkynysh» where in the context of the actions developed in the entire country to welcome worthily the 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan has given a star to the construction of new wells and also has taken part in the stone-laying ceremony of a premise for organization of mass festive events at the building «Türkmeniň ak öýi» in the region administrative centre.

In the morning the helicopter of the head of the state landed on a special platform near huge natural depository of "blue fuel». Then the leader of the nation headed towards the venue of the solemn action.

Within the first stage of industrial development of the deposit «Galkynysh», carried out by «Turkmengaz» SC together with foreign partners, a number of infrastructural objects were constructed. In the solemn ceremony of their commissioning which took place in September, 2013, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping took part. This event became one more evidence of long-term, strategic character of interstate partnership.

After the arrival in the venue of the solemn action where the atmosphere of enthusiasm and a high emotional spirit reigned, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was welcomed warmly by participants of the ceremony.

On the occasion of a significant event with inspired, colourful musical-dancing composition masters of art was performed.

Having greeted participants of the celebration, the head of the state passes onto specially designated place.

Addressing the gathered, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that now every day of our independent neutral Native land is marked by joyful events and big achievements. Here and today a start is given to the next grandiose work having importance for the further development of national gas branch; - to the building of new wells on the huge deposit «Galkynysh».

The commissioning of the world's largest gas deposit «Galkynysh» which stocks, together with resources of deposits «Ýaşlar» and «Garaköl», are estimated almost in 27 trillion cubic metres became an important step on the way of realisation of energy strategy of Turkmenistan, strengthening of raw-material base of export gas pipelines.

The contract on fulfilment of this work has been concluded between "Turkmengaz" SC with Chinese "СNPС" company. Term of realisation of the project makes 30 months, payment for the company’s service, according to the agreement signed in 2007, will be carried out at the expense of deliveries to China natural gas within three years.

At the same time, today the stone-laying ceremony of a premise for 3 thousand persons for organizing of mass festive events near the building «Türkmeniň ak öýi» in Mary will also take place.

At the end of his speech, having wished participants of the ceremony sound health, longevity, family well-being and new successes in their large scale activity for the benefit of prosperity of our beloved Fatherland and increase of wellbeing of people, the leader of the nation warmly congratulated all on the solemn actions held on the threshold of the glorious 30th anniversary of great independence.

Then the floor was given to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Chinese Peoples Republic in Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng who expressed to the head of the state sincere gratitude for participation in the present ceremony.

At the end having congratulated all on the start of the infrastructural project and 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, the Ambassador, using the presented possibility, expressed his best regards to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Turkmen people.

Further the floor was given to director general of the branch office of Chinese National Petroleum Corporation («CNPC») «International Ltd» in Turkmenistan by Chen Huailong.

From the name of «CNPC» Mr. Chen Huailong assured that at conduction of civil work modern scientific and technical substantiations and methods will be used, and drilling of wells will be fulfilled at the highest qualitative level.

Having thanked Mr. Chen Huailong for his speech, the head of the state expressed gratitude to all employees of «CNPC» for their contribution to increase in volumes of Turkmen gas exported to China. Now 40 billion cubic metres of "blue fuel» is delivered to the People’s Republic of China. According to the concluded agreement it is planned to deliver 65 billion cubic metres of gas, the President of Turkmenistan noted, having underlined that it is not a limit. In the future volumes of natural gas exported to China will reach 100 billion cubic metres, the leader of the nation said, having wished heads and workers of the company big successes in the solution of tasks in view.

Throughout the ceremony the video clip devoted to successes, reached in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan thanks to the innovative energy strategy initiated and realised under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, development of the gas deposit «Galkynysh» was shown.

Via space bridge the expert addresses the head of the state with request to bless the beginning of drilling activities at the next objects of extracting infrastructure of huge hydro carbon depository.

There comes a solemn moment: by pressing the button on the panel the leader of the nation gives a start to the construction of new wells at the deposit «Galkynysh».

By space bridge participants of the celebration observe the course of this hi-tech process.

Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to all and headed towards the helicopter waiting for him and by which left the place of the event.

After arrival in Mary city , the head of the state went to the square intended for construction of a premise for 3 thousand persons for organizing of mass festive events which will be located near the building «Türkmeniň ak öýi» to create a uniform complex.

Here the leader of the nation with huge enthusiasm was welcomed by participants of the ceremony.

Having greeted the gathered, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov passes onto specially designated place.

Representatives of the younger generation address the head of Turkmenistan with request to bless the beginning of work on erection of a new building and to make a memorable record to be placed in a special capsule.

By the established noble tradition to the applause of the present the leader of the nation together with elders gave a symbolical start to the construction, having put the first shovels of concrete in the foundation of the new object.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a talk with children, having inquired after their affairs. In answer children expressed to the Arkadag-president warm gratitude for all-round paternal care of the younger generation of Turkmen nationals.

The head of the state got photographed for memory with children and representatives of the senior generation.

The leader of the nation proceeded to «Türkmeniň ak öýi» before which, and also near established a number of set of festive yurtas developed a colourful musical-dancing composition performed by actors.

The head of the state, having given to «Türkmeniň ak öýi» a new bus as gift, enters the building where he is welcomed joyfully by children who have prepared on the occasion of a significant event their performance.

The leader of the nation passes into the hall where the solemn concert took place.

In its program visible embodiment of the richest potential of domestic art, its primordial creative traditions and modern rhythms was displayed.

At the end of the concert young Turkmen nationals presented the President of Turkmenistan with bouquets of flowers.

Here the exhibition was developed, allowing receiving evident representation about national arts and crafts and creativity, variety and originality of national crafts. On his way President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov watched the large scale exposition which become an evidence of many-sided creative talent of Turkmen people, brought the worthy contribution to the treasury of world culture.

Having said goodbye to participants of the event, the leader of the nation left «Türkmeniň ak öýi».

On his way the head of Turkmenistan stopped off near the medical-diagnostic city centre of Mary.

Here the leader of the nation informed on the decision to allocate from the Charitable Foundation for the Provision of Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov 10 modern ambulance cars for paediatric units of city and district hospitals of Mary region.

Having handed to the Minister of Health and Medical Industry keys to new special vehicles completed with all necessary equipment, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that issues of strengthening of health of people, and especially younger Turkmen nationals, will be further in the centre of attention of the state.

Today President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the festive sadaka which was accompanied by performance of the dutar bakhshis, musicians and singers.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highly appreciated performances of masters of art at the concert in honour of today's events, which spectators also became respectable elders and grey-haired mothers. Having noted that here is national actor of Turkmenistan taking part in the concert, Honourable elder of Turkmenistan Kakageldi Charyev, the head of the state asked him to sing the song «Ýaşlaň arasynda garrylar gerek».

The request of the leader of the nation was fulfilled with great pleasure.

At the end of the festive sadaka President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to the gathered and left the place of the event.

The same day the head of Turkmenistan came back to Ashkhabad.

* * *

Today in Mary city a solemn ceremony of opening of a seven-story 188-room housing complex constructed along Mahtumkuli Street by individual enterprise «Ojar Aziýa», a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan also took place.

The same day in Bayramali city the opening of a new carpet shop constructed to the order of Mary carpet making enterprise of the State Association «Turkmenkhaly» took place.

In the shop equipped with modern profile equipment and corresponding technical life-support systems, all is provided necessary for fruitful work of carpet makers. There is also a dining room, a rest room, a first-aid post, studies, a conference hall, a workshop, a warehouse for raw materials and finished goods storage. Here is also a museum of carpet.

By the established noble tradition costly presents were handed to distinguished builders.

* * *

Thus, the celebrations which took place today in Mary region, made a new important chapter in historical annals of the prosperous epoch of the powerful state. These events became an eloquent evidence of steady movement of Turkmenistan for which this year is marked with the glorious date – 30th anniversary of independence, forward - on the selected way of peace, creation and progress by which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov leads the country and its people confidently.

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