Petrochemical products and textile goods at SCRMET transactions
Petrochemical products and textile goods at SCRMET transactions
Published 09.08.2021

115 transactions were registered at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

Businessmen from Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, the UK, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Uzbekistan among others purchased aviation kerosene, gasoline, liquefied gas, calcined petroleum coke, hydrotreated diesel fuel, low-sulfur fuel oil, produced at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, as well as liquefied gas, produced by Türkmengaz Group of Companies, and liquefied gas, ECO-93 gasoline, and sulfur-free diesel fraction, produced by “Türkmenhimiýa” State Concern.

Moreover, businessmen from the Russian Federation, the UAE, the UK, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan purchased cotton yarn, denim and gray cloth, carpets, float sheet glass, and Portland cement to the total amount of more than 109.678 million US dollars.

Businessmen from the UAE, Hong Kong and Afghanistan concluded transactions in deposit manats for cotton yarn and carpets to the total amount of over 3.604 million manats.

Turkmen entrepreneurs purchased cotton fiber to the amount of more than 1.209 million manats.

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