Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of peacemaking and stability
Events of the week
Turkmenistan – the country of peacemaking and stability
Published 11.07.2021

Mutuality-based foreign-policy cooperation, effective use of the abundant natural resources, realization of large-scale projects of the international significance, transition to the market-orientated economy, industrialization and digitization of all branches of the economy, systematic increase of Turkmen citizens’ living standards, and provision of ecological welfare – just these key vectors of the general reform-based strategy consistently pursued by the leader of nation reflect the picture of the past eventful week.

On July 5, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov had a meeting with Chairman of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly Volkan Bozkir.

The talk was an interested exchange of opinions on the prospects for the future-orientated interaction advancement in the context of its key aspects and multi-faceted potential available.

Avowing the Turkmen side’s major positions and views on the partnership with the UN, the leader of nation has highlighted that Turkmenistan fully supports the priority trends of the UN General Assembly’s activity related to rendering assistance to refuges, migrants and stateless persons , as well as to realization of the generally-admitted standards of the international humanitarian law.

The head of state has also expressed gratitude to Mr. Volkan Bozkir for supporting the initiatives Turkmenistan has forwarded at the last session of the UN Assembly. In particular, it was noted that in the nearest future, in the UN headquarters in New York, consideration would be given to the Turkmenistan-initiated draft Resolutions of the UN Assembly on ensuring sustainable transport communication under the emergency conditions and on promoting cooperation between the United Nations Organization and the Economic Cooperation Organization.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has also placed accent on the initiatives Turkmenistan has advanced in the course of the UN Global ‘round table’ on May21, 2021. The talk is about the proposals on developing of the UN Strategy on implementation of measures for promoting low-carbon energy sphere advancement and on creating under the UN aegis of the international ‘road map’ on making hydrogen one of the priority alternative directions in the energy sphere.

In the course of meeting, consideration was also given to the issues of the Turkmenistan-UN interaction enhancement in such spheres, as gender equality, Afghan situation settlement, energy security, and sustainable transport.

The sides have thereto noted the significance of the Turkmen leader’s initiatives, which were fully approved and recognized by the global community of nations, having confirmed in turn their actuality and timeliness. In this context, not the least significant is the opening in Ashgabat of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

On the day of the meeting with Chairman of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly Volkan Bozkir, the negotiations were conducted in the MFA of Turkmenistan and the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.

On July 6, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov made a working trip to Balkan velayat to inspect the implementation progress of works aimed at the region’s transport-logistics infrastructure advancement.

Having examined the state of the road bridge extended from the Garabogazgol Gulf (notable for its rich natural resources) to the Caspian Sea, the President of the country has authorized the officials concerned to announce the international tender for construction of a new bridge and the approach road.

Attachment of the important engineering structure of the Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan international transport route to the Ashgabat-Turkmenbashy autobahn will enable to considerably enhance the trade-economic relations with the neighboring states.

Necessitating industrial development of the Garabogazgol Gulf’s raw material resources and creation of modern processing industries, the head of state has ordered to apply science-based approaches in solving the issues of the region’s natural resources rational use (including its mineral therapeutic springs) and further development of tourism in the region.

Welcoming upward trends in the carrying capacity of the transport-transit corridor in Balkan velayat, which plays a decisive role in activating partnership with foreign states, the head of state has exhorted to speed up the project development of the international airport construction not far from the settlement of Jebel in tune with the traditions of national architecture and modern achievements of world practice in that sphere, and with a glance to the ecology of the region.

That same day, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov gave lengthy consideration to the activity of the Turkmenbashy International Seaport and addressed a number of assignments on widespread adoption of innovatory technologies and activation of the training-staff work in the seaport.

Particular attention the leader of nation has also concentrated on the state of affairs at the construction of the 7-story 400-bed multisectoral hospital and a new cottage complex in the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone. Implementation of the new large-scale projects will enable to efficiently employ the recreation potential of one of the wonderful natural corners of the Turkmen land, to render high-quality services to the holidaymakers at the Caspian Sea coast.

In the course of the walk together with his associates in the “Avaza” NTZ territory, the head of state has fixated attention on the importance of maintaining favorable environment condition and enhancement of park zones in the “Avaza” NTZ.

At the informal tea-hour meeting devoted to the results of the working trip to Balkan velayat, the leader of nation has stressed that concern for wealthy life of the people is to be reflected in the National Program of the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone Development.

Being an active proponent of the healthy life style, who regards development of mass physical culture and sports as one of the most conspicuous trends of the state policy, the leader of nation stands invariably for making physical culture and sports a lifeline of each and every one of the people.

On the July 7 early morning, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov did his keep-fit exercises at the Caspian Sea coast and made a cycle ride, having demonstrated, as usual, his excellent physical conditioning.

Favorable climate conditions and rich recreational potential of “Avaza” NTZ create every prerequisite for turning the NTZ into the center of the sanatorium-recreation rest and sports.

After the cycle ride, the President of Turkmenistan took part in the “happy journey!” blessing ceremony of the new high-speed passenger ship “Rahat”, which has arrived at the disposal of the «Türkmendeňizderýaýollary» Agency.

Rating high the technical parameters and fitting of the vessel, the leader of nation and his associates have become first passengers of that modern cruise ship, which was built in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation.

In the course of the marine trip, the head of state has concentrated attention on the issues of diversifying the types of active rest and increasing the quality and variety of services rendered to the holidaymakers. Not the least important is maintaining of high level of ecology wealth and biodiversity of the ancient Hazar, scientific study of the local flora and fauna.

Pending the survey of the past week’s events, worth of noting is the enlarged session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held on July 9 to draw together conclusions from the first half-year activity of the national economy branches and outline the tasks of priority for the remainder of the running year.

As of July 1 of the current year, the revenue part of the country’s State Budget was 119.1 percent, expenditure part – 97.3 percent. The correlation between the investments channeled to the development of the national economy (to the construction of industrial objects and the objects of the social-cultural purpose particularly) and the GDP was 15.9 percent.

In the reporting period, the GDP dynamic growth rate was 6.1 percent; the output of products increased by 5.2 percent in comparison with the last year’s similar period.

In several months, the country will celebrated the 30th anniversary of the our sovereign state’s sacred independence, the leader of nation noted. In this context it is advisable to hold a major session devoted to the jubilee date on September 25; on September 26 – to conduct the ceremony of decorating the foremost citizens with state awards; on September 27 – to countrywide celebrate the Motherland’s major holiday.

Maintenance of the country’s economic and financial stability, increase of the citizens’ employment level and direct foreign investments volumes are the tasks of primary importance.

Particular accent was placed on intensification of the process of the state’s share decrease and increase of the private sector’s share in the national economy of the country.

In the course of the session, consideration was also given to the personnel problems, and a number the economy-favored documents were approved. In particular, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Ukase on instituting of the Transport and Communications Agency in the capacity of Ministry under the Cabinet of Ministers, the Orders on transfer of a number of high education schools on a self-supporting basis and on introduction of amendments to the organizational-legal structure of the State Commercial Bank “Turkmenbashy”, as well as on approving the institutional structure of the International Relations Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Orders of the head of state have approved the trainees’ admission plans and exams procedure of the State Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan, the admission plans-2021 of the higher and secondary vocational education schools and the Selection Commission composition.

Summing up the semiannual outcomes, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has noted that in compliance with the National Program of the country’s socioeconomic development for 2019-2025, the work was kept going on strengthening of the Motherland’s role in the global economy. High rates were demonstrated in creating of the innovatory-industrial enterprises capable to manufacture the diverse, competitive and high-quality produce highly-acclaimed at the domestic and foreign markets.

The head of state has placed particular emphasis on the fact of timely settlings with China for the loans obtained for construction of the large-scale Turkmenistan-China large-scale piped gas ‘artery’ and on gaining profit at present time form selling the natural gas.

The leader of nation has stressed that in the frames of the economy diversification, we intensified implementation of the state programs on strengthening the capacities of the import-substituting industries, increasing the outputs of the export-orientated production, creating of the electronic industry.

Proceeding to the international news survey, not the least important is to mention of the online ministerial meeting on the issues related to Afghanistan. The online dialogue with the participation of representatives of the foreign-policy departments of the Central Asian states was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

The online meeting was attended by the foreign-policy departments’ heads of Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Central Asia, the head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya Herman, Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Afghanistan Affairs Talgat Kaliyev, and the UN Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan-related Political Affairs in the UN Mission for rendering assistance to Afghanistan Mette Knudsen.

The Turkmen side has stressed the importance of the global community’s political and socioeconomic support in achieving of the favorable advancement of the peaceful process in Afghanistan, the positive outcome of which directly depends on the political, economic and social situation in the region and beyond.

On the past week, the Country Presentation “Investment and business-based possibilities of cooperation with Turkmenistan” for the Italian companies was conducted in the online format.

In this regard, investments, digital technologies, agri-industry, light industry, transport and logistics, health, financial-banking system were reckoned among the priority directions of interaction.

In the frames of Presentation, the sides gave lengthy consideration to the financial, economic and technical instrumentalities, which the Italian State Export-Credit Agency “SACE” would have been able to propose for funding business in Turkmenistan.

On July 8, the Turkmen capital hosted the meeting with the delegation of the Russian Federation, which arrived to Turkmenistan on a working visit, led by Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of Saint Petersburg E. Grigoryev.

The sides placed particular emphasis on the long-term cooperation advancement in the spheres of trade, innovatory economics and interaction between the commercial structures of the two countries.

In the frames of the Russian Federation delegation visit, a number of meetings were held with the chief leaders of core ministries and departments of Turkmenistan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the online Turkmen-Moroccan inter-ministerial political consultations with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Morocco Nasser Bourita.

The online meeting incorporated a broad range of issues of bilateral cooperation in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres. In this context, the sides discussed the possibilities of instituting the joint Economic Cooperation Commission.

The oil/gas and chemical sphere, textile industry, processing industries, agriculture and tourism were sorted out among the priority directions of cooperation. Not the least important was enhancement of interaction in the health sphere and medical industry.

On the whole, the events of the past week were yet another evidence of the progressive development of our state, in which all reform-based changes and grandiose achievements realized under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov were orientated towards advancing the Motherland’s innovatory development and ensuring the people’s well-being.

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