Official news
Official news
Published 09.07.2021

By the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Atayev Serdar Orazmyradovich was appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection for Environmental Protection and Land Resources.


By the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Annadurdyev Merdan Ovezovich was released from posts of managing director from the Turkmen side for the International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank.


By the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Chairman of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan Mushshikov Gadyrgeldi Mushshikovich was appointed managing director for the International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank from the Turkmen side.


By the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Berdimuhamedov Serdar Gurbangulyevich has been entrusted to carry out control over the complex of economic, bank and international financial organisations.


With a view of organisation of activity of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan according to requirements of the time the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, having ordered to cancel the post of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers which is simultaneously the Chairman of the Chamber of Supreme Control and member of the State Security Council.

The document also obliges the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet for Economic, Bank and International Financial Organisations together with the Ministry of Justice with a month’s period to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers the proposal on entering changes and additions following from the given Resolution into the legislation of Turkmenistan.


Mushshikov Gadyrgeldi Mushshikovich was dismissed by the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan from the post of the representative from Turkmenistan at the Economic Council of CIS member countries.


By the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Berdimuhamedov Serdar Gurbangulyevich was appointed representative from the side of Turkmenistan at the Economic Council of member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


With a view to reduce in an optimum condition of structure of executive power and state structures during the prosperous epoch of the powerful state in connection with transition of our country into the market economy, according to article 134 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, abolition of excessive posts in them and also perfection of activity of the Cabinet of Ministers according to the requirement of the time, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, having ordered to cancel the post of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for Transport and Communication Complex and having approved structure and staff of departments of the Cabinet of Ministers which is under supervision of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for Security, Military and Legal Affairs.

The document also obliges the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for Security, Military and Legal Affairs together with the Ministry of Justice with a month’s period to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers the proposal on entering changes and the additions following from the given Resolution into the legislation of Turkmenistan.


With a view of appropriate adjustment of work of the Transport and Communications Agency at the Cabinet of Ministers the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution , having assigned the Transport and Communications Agency at the Cabinet of Ministers together with the Ministry of Justice and other corresponding ministries within a month’s period to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers drafts of Regulations about the above-named Agency and structures of its central office, the proposal on entering into the legislation of Turkmenistan changes and the additions following from the given Resolution, and also to develop drafts and to approve regulations of "Turkmendemiryollary", "Turkmenaragatnashyk", "Turkmenawtoulaglary", "Türkmenhowaýollary" and "Türkmendeňizderýaýollary" agencies.


With a view of the appropriate organisation of work on realisation «Programs of the President of Turkmenistan for Social and Economic Development of the country for 2019-2025», strengthening of control over measures undertaken in this direction, and also the further increase of responsibility of deputy chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and khyakims for social and economic development of regions and the city of Ashkhabad the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution , having appointed responsible officials in charge:

For Akhal province - Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Gylyjov Chary Bayramovich;

For Balkan province - Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamedov Serdar Gurbangulyevich;

For Dashoguz province - Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Geldiniyazov Mammetmyrat;

For Lebap province - Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Abdrahmanov Shahym;

For Mary province - Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Orazgeldiev Esenmyrat;

For the city of Ashkhabad – Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Purchekov Charymyrat Hyvalievich.


With a view of successful solution of the tasks set in the «Program of the President of Turkmenistan for Social and Economic Development of the country for 2019-2025» and «Government Program for Development of Bank System of Turkmenistan for 2011-2030», development of securities market and perfection of financial system of the country, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, having assigned the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Central Bank and having changed the organizational-legal form of the State Commercial Bank "Turkmenbashi", in an established order to transform it into Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Turkmenbashi" with the organizational-legal form of joint-stock company of open type.

The document also authorizes to accept as founders of Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Turkmenbashi" individual share of the Ministry of Finance and Economy - from shares in an authorised capital stock at a rate of 99 per cent, and the State Insurance Organisation - from shares in an authorised capital stock at a rate of one per cent.

According to the document the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Central Bank together with the Ministry of Justice within a month’s period to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers the proposal on entering into the legislation of Turkmenistan changes and the additions following from the given Resolution.


With a view of further acceleration of economic, cultural, scientific and technological development of the country, perfection of basic principles, purposes, tasks of the education system and its management, and also further improvement of financial and economic condition of higher educational institutions which provide education on a paid basis during the prosperous epoch of the powerful state , the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, having assigned to put from September 1, 2021 the International University for the Humanities and Development, International Oil and Gas University named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management, Turkmen State Institute of Finance , Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute of the Ministry of Education, and also Engineering-Technology University of Turkmenistan named after Oghuz khan of the Academy of Sciences on a self-supporting basis.

The document assigns the Ministry of Education, Academy of Sciences, and Ministry of Finance and Economy:

within a month’s period to prepare and submit the Procedure of expenditure of financial assets of the above-stated higher educational institutions for approval by corresponding deputy chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers;

together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection to prepare and in an established order to approve the procedure of payment of teachers and the experts invited from foreign countries for teaching in the above-stated higher educational institutions;

together with the Ministry of Justice within a month’s period to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers the proposal on entering into the legislation of Turkmenistan changes and the additions following from the given Resolution.


With a view of successful realisation of large-scale reforms in the sphere of education, training of highly educated diplomats capable adequately to represent interests of our country in the international relations in the prosperous epoch of the powerful state, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, having approved the staff of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The document also assigns to carry out the following work at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

To open the Research Centre for Strategic Researches, School of Young Diplomats and Department of Digital Systems and Communications;

Temporarily to suspend work of the Education Centre for administration and technical personnel with the account of formation of reserve staff for administrative-technical personnel in the system of diplomatic service of Turkmenistan.


By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, for inadequate fulfilment of his duties, shortcomings admitted in his work Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Orazdurdyev Myratdurdy was given a reprimand.


By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, for inadequate fulfilment of his duties, the shortcomings admitted in his work Chairman of “Turkmendemiryollary" agency Atamyradov Azat Silapovich was given a strict reprimand.


By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, for inadequate fulfilment of his duties, easing the control over receipt of funds in foreign currency Minister of Finance and Economy Serdarov Muhammetgeldi Nurgeldievich was given a notice.


By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, for inadequate fulfilment of his duties, easing the control over receipt of funds in foreign currency State Minister - Chairman of State Concern "Turkmengaz" Amanov Batyr Amangeldievich was given a notice.


By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan for inadequate fulfilment of his duties, easing the control over receipt of funds in foreign currency Director General of State Insurance Organisation Nurmuhammedov Guvanch Halberdievich was given a notice.


By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, for inadequate fulfilment of his duties, easing the control over receipt of funds in foreign currency Chairman of "Türkmenhowaýollary" agency Saburov Dovran Reimbaevich was given a notice.


The President of Turkmenistan has signed the Decree, having approved staff of the State Commission for Admission into higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan for 2021.

The above-named State Commission is authorized to carry out an organizational-methodical management of admission into the higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of the country for 2021 and to organise it in an established order.

Khyakimliks of regions and the city of Ashkhabad are commissioned to create necessary conditions for appropriate activity of the working committees for admission into higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan.


The President of Turkmenistan has signed the Decree, having approved the plan of admission for 2021 into higher educational schools of Turkmenistan by regions and the city of Ashkhabad, and also the plan of admission for 2021 into secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan.

Higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan are assigned to organise admission from July 12 – to August 27, 2021 and to hold entrance examinations in regional centres and the city of Ashkhabad.


With a view of training according to the world standards during the prosperous epoch of the powerful state top government officials and employees, and also masters for central and local enforcement authorities, local self-government institutions the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Decree, having approved:

The plan of admission of attendees into the retraining courses for employees of state institutions (term of training is two academic years) of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan for 2021-2022 academic years;

The plan of admission of attendees into refresher courses for employees of state institutions (term of training is five months) of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan for 2021-2022 academic years;

The plan of admission of attendees into refresher courses for civil servants in commercial arbitration (term of training is four months) of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan for 2021-2022 academic years;

The plan of admission of attendees into refresher courses for employees of local executive bodies and local government (term of training two months) of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan for 2021-2022 academic years;

The admission plan for a paid course in training of masters (term of training from one academic year to two) of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan for 2021-2022 academic years;

The Procedure for organisation of entrance examinations for admission of attendees and students into courses of the Academy of Public Service under the President of Turkmenistan for 2021-2022 academic years.

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