The extended meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
The extended meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan
Published 01.07.2021

Today President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held the extended meeting of the State Security Council. Its agenda included results of activity of military men and law enforcement bodies for January-June of the current year, definition of topical tasks before law enforcement and military services to strengthen the material base, further improvement of their activity, control over the state property, including funds, introduction of digital system, and also a number of other issues.

Opening the meeting, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Minister of Defence B. Gundogdyev who reported on the work carried out by subordinated structures from the beginning of the year. The report on results of spring conscription campaign was also delivered.

Preparation for the military parade on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Fatherland was also reported.

Then Minister of Internal Affairs M.Chakyev reported on results of the activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for six months of 2021. Maintenance of fire-prevention mode became a separate topic of his report.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also reported on the draft of the Resolution on amending some of regulatory legal acts of the President of Turkmenistan and recognition of some of them as invalid.

The head of the state signed the presented document.

Then the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country released M.Chakyev from the post of Minister of Internal Affairs in connection with his transition to other work, having signed the corresponding Decree.

The leader of the nation appointed O.Khojaniyazov to the post of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having released him from the post of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and having conferred upon him a special rank of colonel of police.

Then Prosecutor General B. Atdaev reported on the undertaken measures for the considered period for the purpose of supervision of strict execution of operating regulatory legal acts, and also about results of supervisions which have been carried out at the instruction of the President of the country.

Further the report of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court G.Ussanepesov for January-June, 2021 on reforming of national judicial system as well as on the undertaken practical steps to fulfil instructions of the head of Turkmenistan was heard.

Minister of National Security G.Annaev reported on fulfilment of the commissions given earlier by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the practical measures taken for six months of 2021 on maintenance of reliable protection of foundations of sacred state independence. 

For consideration of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country the draft of the Resolution «On perfection of activity of the Institute of National Security of Turkmenistan» was submitted.

Then Chief of the State Border Service J.Nuryev reported on results of work of the structure under his supervision for the first half of the current year.

Within the report the draft of the Resolution «On issues of the Turkmen State Border Service Institute» was presented.

Throughout the meeting the head of the state signed the Resolution «On issues of the State Border Service Institute of Turkmenistan» and commissioned him to hold in the centre of attention fulfilment of the regulations designated in the given document.

Then Minister of Justice B.Muhammedov reported on the work carried out for the first half of the year on further all-around development of national legislative basis, organised explanatory actions among citizens about the purposes of accepted and operating regulatory legal acts.

Then head of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev reported on the state of affairs in the department, results of work for six months of the current year, and also about undertaken complex steps on increase of professionalism of employees.

Head of the State Migration Service B.Ovezov reported on the realised actions from the beginning of the year for the purpose of maintenance of effective activity of the department, and also about performance of commissions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Head of Supreme Control Chamber S.Berdimuhamedov reported on the work carried out for six months to supervise over the state property effective utilisation according to the legislation. 

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Secretary of the State security Council Ch.Amanov reported on the advancement course of the large scale military reform in the first half of the year 2021 initiated by Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country and undertaken measures for further strengthening of defensibility of the national army. 

Having directed attention to the priorities facing military men and law-enforcement bodies, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov charged the Deputy Chairman, Secretary of the State Security Council to hold under a strict control over proper execution of the designated activities by all accountable structures.

Then the extended meeting of the State Security Council continued with participation of heads of the Mejlis and Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, deputy chairmen of the Cabinet, khyakims of regions and Ashkhabad city, heads of political parties and public organisations.

Then the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov who reported on the state of affairs in the country in connection with the issue under consideration and also on undertaken practical steps for the purpose of successful solution of tasks facing military men and law enforcement bodies.

Throughout the meeting the head of the state set a number of the concrete facts connected with inadequate level of preventive works, held by law enforcement bodies for prevention of various offences. Having directed attention to strict observance of the traffic regulations by all its participants, the head of Turkmenistan gave a number of concrete commissions to Minister of Internal Affairs O.Khojaniyazov.

The leader of the nation also focused attention on necessities to carry out corresponding work with the persons released from jails. In particular, it was noted that it is necessary to undertake concrete steps of social and economic, educational and legal character that they have integrated with society and have adjusted their life. First of all, jointly with khyakimliks it is necessary to solve issues of their employment, head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Addressing head of the Ministry of Justice B.Muhamedov, the President of the country assigned him to strengthen the activity carried out in this direction, to take an active part in improvement of legislation on prevention of offences. 

Having directed attention to priorities of the Ministry of National Security, the head of Turkmenistan gave head of the department G.Annaev corresponding instructions.

Addressing head of the department B.Ovezov, the head of Turkmenistan commissioned him to provide a strict control over registration of the citizens temporarily changing their permanent addresses in connection with employment in other regions of the country. This work should be held together with khyakimliks of regions, the President of the country said.

Further leader of the nation of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a number of concrete orders to Minister of Defence B.Gundogdyev, Chief of the State Border Service J.Nuryev and Head of the State Customs Service M.Khudaykuliyev. Among priorities tasks such issues as the strengthening of educational, social-legal activity held among the staff of establishments under their supervision, realisation of the analysis of observance of military discipline and strict control over it were named.

Then, addressing participants of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan noted a role of establishments of education , trade unions, the Union of Women, the Youth Organisation, Committees of the Mejlis and Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh in advocating -educational, explanatory actions of educational value held for the purpose of counteraction to offences. 

- Only having united and carrying out a well-co-ordinated, purposeful activity, we can prevent offences, strengthen the law and order, provide public stability, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. It will also promote education of the highly moral, deeply patriotic, diligent younger generation who have cultivated the best traits of national mentality and achievement of high boundaries on transformation of our native Fatherland into one of the highly developed countries of the world and formation of perfect society.

At the end President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished participants of the expanded meeting of the State Security Council sound health, family well-being, big successes in their responsible service for the sake of prosperity of our country and happiness of its people.  

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