President of Turkmenistan convenes a working meeting on seasonal agri-works
President of Turkmenistan convenes a working meeting on seasonal agri-works
Published 09.06.2021

Today, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held a working meeting via videoconferencing with the participation of the Cabinet Deputy Chairman in charge of the agricultural sector, and velayat khyakims.

Opening the meeting, the head of Turkmenistan gave the floor to Vice-Premier E. Orazgeldiev, who announced good news that domestic silk breeders had successfully met their cocoon production targets, before presenting his report.

As noted, as a result of the ongoing comprehensive measures initiated by the President of Turkmenistan, the sector boasts everything necessary for developing sericulture, our ancestors’ valuable legacy, as well as for stepping up silkworm cocoon production.

Thanks to massive state support, assiduous silkworm breeders have achieved notable success and admirably fulfilled their contractual obligations, having produced more than 2, 100 tons of silk cocoons the year when our country is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its sacred independence. This is also the favorable outcome of the assistance rendered to domestic sericulture.

On behalf of farmers, the Vice-Premier expressed gratitude to the head of Turkmenistan for the favorable working conditions created for them.

Delighted to hear the good news, the nation’s leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov offered his sincere congratulations to everyone, including velayat khyakims and agricultural workers, on the successful fulfillment of the state order for high-quality cocoon production.

The nation’s leader highlighted the need for ensuring timely payments to sericulturists, as well as giving special attention to planting young mulberry trees all over the country with the aim of stimulating local silk farming.

The head of state assigned the khyakims of Lebap and Mary velayats to keep strict control over the grain harvest campaign and to ensure a high degree of its organization in compliance with the necessary requirements.

The nation’s leader gave commissions to the khyakims of Balkan and Dashoguz velayats to start the grain harvesting operations on Friday, June 11, and by tradition, invite honorary elders to attend the official launch of the agri-campaign.

The working meeting continued with reports by Cabinet Deputy Chairman E. Orazgeldiev, the Akhal velayat khyakim and heads of the region’s etraps.  

Akhal velayat khyakim Ya. Gurbanov reported that the harvest season is well underway in the region and local grain producers are making every effort to boost the campaign. Grain producers do their best to reach their production targets and to make a meaningful contribution to the implementation of the socially-oriented policy of the head of Turkmenistan, aimed to strengthen the country’s economic power and provide quality-of-life improvements to the people.

With the total area of 195,000 hectares under winter wheat cultivation in Akhal velayat, local farmers are expected to produce 400,000 tons of wheat this year. Some 100, 000 tons have been harvested by now, that is the production plan is 25 percent complete.

Then, Bakherden etrap khyakim D. Hojaev was invited to deliver his report. The khyakim informed that winter wheat areas in the etrap cover 21,100 hectares. Local grain farmers have 63 combine harvesters and 315 trucks at their disposal. Four grain-receiving centers, equipped with everything necessary to ensure the proper storage of wheat, are operational in the etrap.

Of the 44,000 tons of wheat targeted, some 11, 000 tons have been already harvested. The plan is 24.5 percent executed.

Geoktepe etrap khyakim Ch. Charlyev centered his report on the ongoing massive efforts to comprehensively modernize rural areas in the epoch of power and happiness thanks to the constant care and attention of the head of state.

Speaking of the harvest campaign’s progress, the khyakim informed that 21, 500 tons of wheat are planned to be produced in Geoktepe etrap. 35 grain harvesters and 175 trucks are currently employed in the harvesting operations. As of today, the performance plan is 26.6 percent implemented with more than 7 percent daily. Harvested wheat is promptly transported to two designated grain centers.

Ak Bugdai etrap khyakim H. Ashyrmyradov covered the ongoing agri-campaign in his report. As informed, with the total area of 28, 100 hectares under winter wheat, the etrap is expected to harvest 62, 550 tons. Timely agronomic practices and state support have ensured everything necessary to raise abundant grain crops.

At the farmers’ disposal are 105 combine harvesters and 525 trucks. Ten grain centers are now in operation.

To date, 16, 683 tons of wheat have been harvested in the etrap. The performance targets are 26.67 percent achieved (with 7 percent daily).

In the report follow-up comments, the President of Turkmenistan necessitated taking steps to reach the wheat production targets, and assigned to ensure well-managed collaboration of all those engaged in the seasonal operations.

The report made by Kaakhka etrap khyakim P. Orazov was an extensive coverage of the ongoing harvest campaign. As informed, with a total of 41, 000 hectares under wheat in the etrap, local producers have grown bountiful grain yields thanks to the timely implemented agrotechnical measures and other agricultural operations. The etrap is set to meet its grain production targets of 80, 500 tons.

Owing to the care and support of the head of state and the favorable conditions provided, Kaakhka etrap growers have harvested 20, 251 tons of wheat by now. Their production plan is 25.16 percent executed (with 6 percent daily).

104 grain harvesters and 520 trucks are being effectively used during the campaign in the etrap with eight grain centers receiving harvested wheat.

The progress of the harvesting operations and practical steps taken to successfully fulfill the contractual obligations were in the focus of the report made by Tejen etrap khyakim G. Baigeldiev.

With the 42, 900-hectare winter wheat area, etrap farmers are expected to produce 86,000 tons of the valuable crops. By now, 18, 658 tons have been harvested. The performance targets are 21.7 percent met (with 4.47 percent daily).

119 harvesters are working in the fields in the etrap with 595 trucks delivering harvested wheat to nine designated centers that boast suitable storage conditions. Prompt payments are now being made to grain growers.

The implementation progress of the agri-campaign and practical measures taken to run it effectively and smoothly were the key issues the report made by Babadaikhan etrap khyakim P. Ishangulyev was centered on.

With the area of 28, 700 hectares seeded to winter wheat, the etrap is expected to produce 58, 000 tons.

The well-organized labor of farmers helps to speed up the harvesting operations, and the effective use of farm machinery contributes to the steady progress of the campaign.

82 combine harvesters, 416 trucks and 6 wheat-receiving centers are now operational in the etrap. As of today, 13, 529 tons of wheat have been brought in. The production plan is 23.33 percent complete (with 4.77 percent daily).

In his report Serakhs etrap khyakim G. Yazgulyev addressed the progress of the agri-works in the wheat fields and the rich harvest grown in the etrap. The khyakim expressed his profound gratitude to the head of state for providing etrap farmers with everything needed to harvest and store valuable crops.

As reported, with the wheat seeded area of 22, 400 hectares, Serakhs etrap farmers are expected to produce 47, 450 tons. 65 harvesters and 325 trucks are now at work in the etrap. The efforts made well in advance have enabled to bring the implementation of the production plan to 8 percent daily. Etrap producers have already harvested 13,715 tons of wheat. The performance targets are 28.9 reached. The harvested crops are being transported to five wheat centers.

Closing the working meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the participants every success in the harvesting season and strengthening the country’s food security, and expressed his confidence that hardworking farmers would successfully meet their contractual obligations and harvest abundant grain crops.

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