State Security Council session of Turkmenistan
State Security Council session of Turkmenistan
Published 02.06.2021

On June 2nd, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, chaired the regular session of the State Security Council, during which the results of activities of law enforcement agencies for five months of this year were considered, the priority vectors of their activities for the near future were identified.

The agenda also included issues on ensuring security and peace in the independent state, strengthening the material and technical base of military and law enforcement agencies, further improvement of their work, control of the rational use of state property, including financial resources, introduction of a digital system, and etc.

Opening the session, the leader of the nation gave the floor to Cabinet Deputy Chairman, State Security Council Secretary Ch. Amanov, who reported on works carried out by supervised agencies in January-May of the current year and fulfillment of instructions previously given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country. The report also included the information on the progress of the implementation of the initiated military reform, the solution of issues of social security for servicemen and their families.

Summing up the report, the head of state noted the importance of coordinated activities of all departments for the successful implementation of plans for further development of Armed Forces. The timely and impeccable execution of orders by the supervised structures should be kept under constant control, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, giving to the Vice-Premier, Secretary of the State Security Council a number of specific instructions.

Continuing the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country announced a severe reprimand to Cabinet Deputy Chairman, State Security Council Secretary Ch. Amanov for improper fulfillment of responsibilities and weakening the control over the activities of supervised bodies and warned him for the las time to correct the shortcomings, signing the relevant Decree.

Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Supreme Control Chamber Chairman S. Berdimuhamedov reported on the work on control over the implementation of normative legal acts and targeted and rational use of state property by ministries and sectoral departments carried out in five months. A report was also made on the implementation of the instructions previously given by the President of Turkmenistan on monitoring the state of affairs at construction sites, commissioning of which is scheduled for the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of the Homeland.

Having heard the report, the leader of nation noted that at present, the priority direction of our domestic policy is the transformation of the country into an industrially developed state, ensuring a prosperous and happy life for our people. The adopted programs and realized large projects are the clear evidence of this. It is necessary to monitor the implementation of the planned work in a strictly established timeframe, said Head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having addressed a number of specific instructions to the Vice-Premier, head of the Supreme Control Chamber.

Further, State Migration Service Chairman B. Ovezov, reported on the state of affairs in the headed structure, as well as on the measures taken to improvement of activities, including the qualifications of employees, over the period under review. In addition, a report was made on the work of a special commission for issuing permits to citizens wishing to go on vacation in the summer season to Avaza National Tourist Zone, created as part of the fulfillment of instructions of the President of Turkmenistan.

Summarizing up the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country emphasized the necessity of taking complex approaches the issues of introduction of advanced methods, including the effective use of digital system and positive experience. The priority targets facing this structure impose a special responsibility on the department’s personnel, the leader of the nation said, identifying among the priority vectors the training of personnel and creation of conditions for carrying out migration procedures that meet international standards.

It is necessary to keep in the center of constant attention the work carried out by a special commission, which is entrusted with registering citizens, who would like to spend their vacation in Avaza National Tourist Zone, as well as controlling the registration of travel documents in accordance with the requirements, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized. having addressed a number of specific commissions to the Service head.

State Customs Service Chairman M. Khudaykuliyev reported on the consistent steps taken since the beginning of the year to improve the efficiency of this structure. The head of the Service also reported on the implementation of the instructions previously given by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country's Armed Forces to equip subordinate institutions with modern technical means designed to carry out strict monitoring of goods passing through the border.

Summing up the report, the leader of the nation noted that today the geostrategic role of Turkmenistan on the Eurasian continent is increasing as an important crossroads of transit-transport corridors. In connection with the increase in the volume of work, a responsible approach to the execution of the powers entrusted to the Service is necessary, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, ordering to attach special importance to the observance of order of goods and vehicles movement across the customs border.

Minister of Justice B. Muhamedov reported on the state of affairs in the department headed by him, as well as on the measures taken during the reporting period for comprehensive development of the national legislative framework.

Having listened to the report, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country noted that one of the main requirements of our time is the constant monitoring of existing regulations and further improvement of legislation in accordance with realities of the time. Improvement of legal literacy of the population, clarification of adopted laws, application of new methods in work were named among the priority areas.

The transformations implemented in this area are designed to contribute to the successful advancement of Turkmenistan to new heights of socio-economic progress, the leader of the nation said, instructing the minister to keep under strict control the issues of studying the norms of international law and advanced world experience.

Further, head of the State Border Service Y. Nuryyev reported on the results of the activities of the structure headed by him for five months of this year, the comprehensive steps taken to protect the borders of the Homeland.

Having heard the report, the Esteemed President emphasized that the officers of the border troops are entrusted with the responsible objectives of protecting the sacred borders of the sovereign Homeland, which should always remain the borders of friendship with all neighboring countries, with whose peoples we are bound by centuries-old relations of good-neighborliness and cooperation. Focusing on the work ahead, the head of Turkmenistan, among its most important areas, identified the modernization of border posts, the creation of appropriate conditions for the effective service of valiant defenders of the Homeland. In this regard, the head of Service was given specific instructions.

Then, Minister of National Security G. Annayev made a report on the measures taken since the beginning of the year to maintain a favorable social climate in the country. As reported, priority attention during the designated period was given to the issues of strengthening human resources, the use of modern methods and innovative technologies by the staff of the department.

Summing up the report, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that ensuring a peaceful life is a solid basis for sustainable development of the Homeland. The great successes and high goals achieved are inextricably linked with the security in the country.

Focusing on the special mission entrusted to the Ministry of National Security and on the enormous responsibility of employees in solving the targets, the leader of the nation addressed the head of the ministry with specific instructions in this regard.

Chief Judge of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov reported on the comprehensive work carried out over the past five months of this year to improve the country's judicial system. There was also information about the measures taken to improve the qualifications of employees, the digital technologies under introduction and their use in daily activities.

Summing up the report, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of returning a fair verdict or decision on cases based on a deep and comprehensive examination of evidences and in accordance with the current legislation. In this regard, the relevant orders were addressed to the head of the Supreme Court.

Further, Minister of Internal Affairs M. Chakyyev reported on the results of the activities of the subordinated institutions in January-May, the practical steps taken to ensuring the law and order, optimizing the traffic flows on the highways of the capital and velayats. The report also included the information on the activities carried out by the special department carrying out fire supervision.

The main vectors of the department's activities are maintenance the rule of law and preventing offenses, the head of state said, instructing the minister to use effective methods and modern technologies for their implementation. Focusing on the necessity of taking comprehensive steps to prevention of road accidents and complication with the fire safety regime, Leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold on a regular basis explanatory events on traffic rules and fire safety.

Within the framework of the session, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country dismissed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Affairs J. Nuraev from his post for serious shortcomings in activity, having signed the corresponding Decree.

The President of Turkmenistan announced a severe reprimand to the Minister of Internal Affairs M. Chakyev for improper performance of official duties, weakening of control over the supervised services with the last warning about correcting the shortcomings in the shortest time and signed the corresponding Order.

Prosecutor General B. Atdaev reported on the work carried out in the five months of 2021 to supervise compliance with the current legislation in the country. A separate topic of the report was the results of inspections of the activities of a number of ministries and sectoral departments, carried out on behalf of the leader of the nation.

After hearing the report, the head of state emphasized that the main objective of this agency is to achieve accurate implementation of the adopted regulatory legal acts by all individuals and legal entities. Proceeding from this, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, we should continue to take appropriate measures to ensure the rule of law, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, the interests of society and the state. Speaking about the importance of taking a responsible approach to the consideration of each case, the leader of the nation addressed specific instructions to the head of Prosecutor General's Office.

Further, Minister of Defense B. Gundogdyev reported on the state of affairs in Armed Forces, practical steps taken since the beginning of the year to successfully solve the targets set by the head of state. The report also included the data on the progress of equipping the National Army with modern technical means, measures being taken to strengthen human resources, preparation for a military parade in honor of the 30th anniversary of the country's sacred independence.

Having listened to the report, Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of strict implementation of the key provisions of the Military Doctrine of Turkmen state, which is exclusively defensive in nature. Having identified among the priority measures the further modernization of the material and technical base of all troops of armed forces, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country instructed to continue the consistent work in order to improve the professionalism of servicemen and educate young soldiers in the spirit of patriotism.

Separate instructions were given to the Minister of Defense regarding the organization at the proper level of the upcoming military parade on the occasion of the widely celebrated this year's significant date - the 30th anniversary of sacred independence of Turkmenistan.

Addressing the session participants, the head of state noted that with the onset of summer season, the air temperature rises, and this, in turn, has a negative impact on human health. Dehydration of the body occurs, which affects the general condition of people, the leader of the nation continued, determining the conduct of explanatory measures by the personnel of law enforcement agencies among the topical areas of work in this context.

At the same time, the importance of intensification of work on ensuring the fire safety in connection with the onset of summer and the threat of natural fires due to increase of air temperature and drying of grass was underlined. Taking into account the possibility of ignition of electrical wires during a hot period, it is necessary to strengthen control over the observance of fire safety rules in settlements as well, said the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country.

During the session, other issues were also considered, on which appropriate decisions were made.

In conclusion, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the session attendees success in their responsible service for further prosperity of the country and well-being of the people.

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