14th session of the Mejlis of National Assembly of the sixth convocation, at which number of new laws, regulatory and legal acts were adopted, was held in video conference format. Heads of some ministries and departments, representatives of mass media have been onvited to participate in the session.
According to the agenda, Draft Laws on establishment of anniversary medal of Turkmenistan «Türkmenistanyň Garaşsyzlygynyň 30 ýyllygyna» and on establishment of anniversary medal of Turkmenistan «Garaşsyz Türkmenislanyň Watan goragçysy» have been brought for review by parliamentarians. This honored awards will be conferred tot he citizens who reached by success in political, economic and cultural spheres of the country’s life on occasion of remarkable date – the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s Independence.
Interested exchanged of views has been held during discussion of the Draft Law on State and Private Partnership. It was noted that big work has been performed in the country for formation of favorable legal, economic and financial conditions for dynamic development of small and medium business, comprehensive support of entrepreneurship and private initiatives in the last years. It includes the improvement of tax system and facilitation of registration and licensing of entrepreneurship activity, beneficial crediting.
Adoption of new and update of existing legal acts, which are aimed at improvement of efficiency of branches, their active integration to the global economic space, support of entrepreneurial initiative of the citizens, investment activity of national companies are among important objectives given by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Parliament.
In this context, new Law, which determines legal base of State and private partnership and methods of its implementation, regulates the relations in the process of development and implementation of the project of state and private partnership, is very important. One of the goals of this document is to create legal conditions for concentration of material, financial, intellectual, scientific and technical and other resources, provision of balance of interests and risks, attraction of resources of out-of-budget sources for realization of projects, plans and programs of development of infrastructural facilities.
In general, cooperation between the government and private sector is to support active participation of private business in modernization and diversification of national economy, opening of modern facilities producing commodities meeting international standards, enhancement of export potential of the country.
Further, Draft Law of Turkmenistan on Education in new edition has been brought out for discussion. Making speeches, the deputies focused on priorities of the state youth policy, main goal of which is to provide harmonious development of younger generation, to give modern education to them, to bring them up in the spirit of patriotism.
Construction of various educational facilities provide with computers, teaching and technical equipment, interactive and multimedia technologies is continued.
Transit to 12-year education, active introduction of latest scientific achievements and innovative education methods have led to increment of number of prize winners of prestige international contests, expansion of cooperation with big scientific and educational centers of the world and international organizations.
It was also promoted by inclusion of such disciplines to time-table as the basics of the economics, modeling and graphics, information, communication and innovative technologies, cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, world culture together with basic subjects.
In this context, the importance of new edition of the Law on Education, which regulates legal base of relations and sets out the principles of the government policy in this important sphere as well as goals, objectives, function of educational system and organizational foundations of its activity, has been noted.
At the same time, it was highlighted that right for education is one of the main and integral constitutional rights of human being. Improvement of education as the foundation fo spiritual, social, economic and cultural progress of the society is a priority direction of Turkmenistan’s development.
Further, Draft Law on Brand Names has been presented to the parliamentarians. The spokesmen noted that large-scale programs of rapid industrialization of the region, intensification of agricultural complex, development of small and medium business as well as protection of intellectual property initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are successfully implemented in the country. Accordingly, the number of new enterprises of various organizational and legal formats, including private firms and companies, is growing.
In general, all of these provides the currency of new legal act, which sets the requirements for brand names by private legal entities of Turkmenistan, regulates the relations in the sphere of their legal protection.
The deputies have also reviewed the Draft Laws on Joining to the Customs Convention related to containers, on Joining to the Convention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers Used in International Transport, on Amendments of the Law of Turkmenistan on the State Awards of Turkmenistan, on Addendums and Amendments of the Provision of on Honored Title of Turkmenistan «Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy» and description of insignia of the title, on Amendments and Addendums of some legal acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments of of the Law of Turkmenistan on Tenders for provision of goods, works and services for the state needs, on Amendments and Addendums of some Legal Acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of some Legal Acts of Turkmenistan, on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Fishering and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources, on on Amendments and Addendums of the Law of Turkmenistan on Migration.
At the same time, Draft Resolutions of the Mejlis of National Assembly of Turkmenistan on Approval of the Regulations of the Mejlis of National Assembly of Turkmenistan, on Approval of the Provision on Organization and Work of the Office of the Mejlis of National Assembly of Turkmenistan have been reviewed.
Organizational issues have also been reviewed at the session. Drafts of legal acts brought out to the agenda of regular session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation have been unanimously approved and adopted.