President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held offsite session of the State Security Council and participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of equestrian complex of military and law enforcement agencies.
The agenda of the session included the outcomes of work of security forces in January – April 2021. Provision of peace and security in the country, strengthening of equipment and facility base and improvement of activity of military and law enforcement structures by introduction of digital system have been reviewed at the session.
Early in the morning, the head of the state has come to the place of the groundbreaking ceremony of new equestrian complex located in one of beautiful place of the Kopetdag foothills.
Upon arrival, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was greeted by the heads of military and law enforcement agencies.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov has reported to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country on the readiness to conduct the event.
Having received the report, the President of Turkmenistan has looked around the area. Approving the proposed land plot for construction of new facility for military and law enforcement agencies, the head of the state learned the projects and drawing of the complex, which will host 500 horses.
Minister of Interior M. Chakiyev has reported to Turkmen leader on results of performed work.
Total area of land allocated for construction of the complex is 40 hectares. Its territory will accommodate administrative building, tribunes, open arena, stables for foals and horses, veterinary clinic, warehouse for forage, technical facilities, training ground, race track, swimming pool, car parking, quarantine ward and other.
Having studied in details the presented projects and locations of the facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made some remarks and relative corrections.
It was highlighted that new equestrian complex, the same like others built previously, has to meet time requirements and be provided with all resources required for breeding of horses, their training and preparation for races.
The President has noted the importance of further strengthening of the Armed Forces, modernization of their equipment and facility base, successful fulfilment of objectives of the Military doctrine, which has exclusively defensive character. Continuing, the head of Turkmenistan has focused that together with other disciplines, the art of coaching of ahalteke horses, skills of horse riding as well as the basics on dog training have to be developed.
The head of the state highlighted that new complex would play an important role in development of equestrian industry as well as in improvement of activity of relative division of military and law enforcement agencies.
The President highlighted that ahalteke breed, which was created by glorious ancestors for the centuries, are valuable contribution of our nation to the world cultural treasury. Turkmens pay special respect to their horses, which supports to their popularization in the world, Turkmen leader said.
Further, the head of the state has signed a commemorative message, a capsule with which would be placed in the foundation of the complex.
The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country has come to the place of groundbreaking ceremony of new facility and placed special capsule to the foundation of the building.
Following the example of the head of the state, the heads of military and law enforcement agencies threw first shovels of concrete to the foundation of new facility.
Cadets of Berdymuhamed Annayev 1st specialized military school of the Ministry of Defence took part I current event. In his conversation with young boys, the President of the country has asked them about their success in study, leisure and, what is more important, in their interest in their future profession.
In their turn, young cadets have told that they receive modern education and study new technologies expressing gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the care.
The head of the state has highlighted that the young people have to go in for sports, learn some work skills and have interest in something in time free from learning. Modern digital technologies allow receiving comprehensive education and following innovative developments, which would guarantee their further success in study and service promotion, the head of Turkmenistan said giving his advices to young cadets.
The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country presented the gifts to the students of specialized school on occasion of current event.
The cadets have extended their gratitude to the head of the state and asked President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to have photo with them for memory.
In the end of the conversation, the head of the state wished success in study to the cadets and advised them to use received knowledge in life, to go in for sports and to love their future profession.
Further, the President has looked around fruit trees planted by military personnel at allocated land plots.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch.Amanov has reported on work carried out by military personnel in gardening and grape growing, on use of latest technologies for irrigation of young trees. It was informed that big areas are allocated in foothills for cultivation of fruit trees and grape.
Having presented the location map of green plantations and irrigation systems to the President of Turkmenistan, the vice-premier, the Secretary of the State Security Council has told about tree species, which include apple, pear, quince, apricot, plum, walnut, pistachio, peach and olive trees. Six various grape species are also cultivated in this place.
Having noted that all these works have to be carried out on scientific base and importance of drip irrigation system, the President of the country addressed relative officials with number of instructions.
Further, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held offsite session of the State Security Council.
Having announced the agenda, the head of the state gave floor to Minister of Defense B. Gundogdiyev who reported on work carried out by the structures of the ministry for four months of the year. The report on undertaken practical measures for provision of military divisions of National Army with latest equipment and vehicles, improvement of professional level of personnel, organized conduct of spring recruitment campaign, preparation to military parade on occasion of the 30 anniversary of independence.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that defensive capability of the country serves to strengthening the peace and to provide security of the country as Military doctrine of independent Turkmenistan has exclusively defensive character. Modern ground and air equipment, which was supplied in the last year to the security forces, is a visual indication of huge attention paid by the state to organizational issues of activity of military agencies.
Speaking of priority vectors of coming work, the President pointed out the necessity to strengthen a personnel potential of National Army, to conduct patriotic educational work among the personnel. Having highlighted the subject of regular recruitment campaign, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country ordered to hold it under close control. Certain instructions have been given for organization of coming military parade on occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.
Further, Minister of Interior M. Chakiyev has reported on the measures undertaken for the period under review aimed at prevention of crime and support of public order in the country, provision of fire safety and improvement of work for traffic police. It was also informed about the process of transiting of the structures of the ministry to digital system.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of control of compliance with law and order in Turkmenistan. Coordinated transport traffic both in the capital and regions have to be under permanent attention.
Application of advanced technologies in all structural division of the Ministry of Interior as well as improvement of qualification of personnel are among the priorities, Turkmen leader said addressing the minister with number of instructions.
Prosecutor General B. Atdayev has reported on the outcomes of activity of his organization for four months, measures for control of abidance to the law. The report on results of inspections of fulfilment of the provision of legal and regulatory acts according to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has been presented.
Having focused on the necessity of responsible approach to selection of professional personnel, the head of Turkmenistan requested to hold the improvement of qualification of personnel, enhancement of activity of prosecution authorities by implementation of digital system under control.
During the session, Turkmen leader has signed the Resolution on appointment and release of prosecutors.
Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov has reported on work carried out from the beginning of the year for fulfilment of objectives specified in the State Program of development of judicial system of turkmenistan in 2017 – 2021 as well as on the measures for updating of activity of the structure under his supervision in line with time requirements.
Summing up the report, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has highlighted the importance of reforms made in this sphere. In this context, the instruction to hold explanatory actions aimed at enhancement of legal culture of the population has been given.
During the session, the President has signed the Order on appointment and release of judges and on award of qualification classes to them.
Minister of National Security G. Annayev has reported on the results of activity of his structure in January – April and on the measures undertaken in the country for support of favorable public climate.
Political stability, solidarity of the people are the determining factors of successful promotion of the country along fundamental reforms, the President noted. Having focused on the objectives of this organization, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country addressed the Minister of National Security with number of certain instructions.
Further, Head of the State Border Guard Service Ya. Nuriyev has reported on work performed for the period under review, steadfast measures for enforcement of protection of the borders of the country, modernization of equipment and facility base of the divisions.
Summing up the report, the head of the state highlighted that fundamental reforms expanded in the country are to provide the integrity of the State border, which is a border of friendship, neighborhood and fraternity. Having focused on importance of enhancement of the level of combat, physical and political training of personnel, the head of the state addressed the ehad of the service with specific assignments.
Further, Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov has reported on measures undertaken in January – April for improvement of legal base including on development of draft of new normative and legal acts, which are to support rapid achievement of high goals of modern age.
Focusing on current aspects of legal reform, under which the laws are brought in compliance with the standards of international law, the head of the state highlighted the necessity to implement permanent monitoring of national legislation.
Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Hudaykuliyev has reported on results of four months of work of the year in the structure under his supervision, fulfilment of assignments of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country for provision of reliable customs control. It was also informed about the measures for organization of activity of the service related to increment of cargo traffic, including transit cargo, crossing Turkmenistan’s border.
Focusing on current directions of activity of the Service, the head of the state highlighted the necessity to study advanced practice of profile structures of foreign countries. The increment of cargo traffic is a visual evidence of growing authority of Turkmenistan in the world community as reliable partner.
Special attention has to be paid to provision of personnel with modern living and making of conditions for their efficient work, the head of the state said addressing the head of the Service with certain assignments.
Further, Chairman of the State Migration Service B. Ovezov has made a report on the measures undertaken by his structure in the period under review. The report on fulfilment of instructions given by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country for further improvement of activity of the Service and strengthening of personnel potential has been presented.
Having listened to the report, the President determined active implementation of advanced practice to this sphere, training of young competent employees among perspective vectors of further work.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber S. Berdimuhamedov has reported on the measures undertaken within last four months for control of fulfilment of normative legal acts and rational use of the state property by the ministries and profile departments. Results of the analysis of the situation at construction sites of the facilities, which opening is timed to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, were separate subjects of the report.
Large-scale programs are aimed at provision of stable economic growth, support of dynamic rates in all branches of national economy, the head of the state noted focusing on the main objectives of this structure.
It is necessary to control timely and accurate fulfilment of the plans, the President of Turkmenistan said, having requested to hold the compliance of quality of construction works and timely commissioning of the facilities, which opening is timed to the anniversary of independence.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov has reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision, activity carried out under implementation of the military reform initiated by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country as well as on solution of social issues.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the main vectors of coming work. Having noted the importance of provision of coordinated activity of the security forces for successful solution of objectives of the military doctrine, which has exclusively defensive character, and plans of further development of the Armed Forces, the head of the state instructed the vice-premier, Secretary of the State Security Council to hold timely fulfilment of assignments by the authorities under his command under permanent control.
Other subjects, on which relative decisions have been made, were reviewed at the offsite session of the State Security Council.
Wishing success to the participants in their responsible service, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.