Social and economic objectives and preparation to holidays reviewed at the working session
Social and economic objectives and preparation to holidays reviewed at the working session
Published 03.05.2021

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of the regions and Ashgabat as well as Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry. Issues related to fulfilment of objectives set out in the Program of social and economic development of the regions, seasonal agricultural works as well as preparation to coming celebration events were reviewed at the session.

First, the head of the state has called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Durdiliyev who is in charge of the capital and head of Ashgabat’s Administration Ya. Gylyjov.

The head of the city hall has reported on the situation in the capital, rates of construction of anniversary facilities as well as to preparation of event on occasion of the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat. Illumination and decoration of public places, certain buildings of the city have been demonstrated. The information about preparation to summer holiday season has also been presented.

Having listened to the report, Turkmen leader focused on the necessity of timely completion of works at the facilities, which opening is timed to remarkable dates addressing certain instructions to the head of the capital’s administration in this regard.

Speaking of coming summer holiday season of school students, the President pointed out that it is necessary to pay attention to its preparation and provide interesting and efficient holidays.

Vice-premier Sh. Durdiliyev has reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision, in particular on the situation at the facilities planned to be commissioned in the capital and regions on occasion of remarkable dates.

After listening to the report, the head of the state has noted that construction industry plays huge role in comprehensive development of the country, improvement of social and living conditions of the people and increment of production capacities. 

Coming over the decoration of the capital and coming events, the President highlighted the relevance to organize the concerts of creative personnel at the background of the buildings with various modern lighting as well as public celebration events on the city’s squares.

The head of the state has instructed the vice-premier and head of administration to organize various sport competitions as well as tours of school students around attractions of the capital.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev, who is in charge of agricultural complex, and heads of regional administrations to join video conference session.

First, head of Ahal Region Ya. Gurbanov has forestalled his report with information about completion of the cotton sowing in the region. The head of the regional administration has also informed about preparation to the wheat harvest, cultivation of vegetables and production of silk cocoons.

The governor has reported on the measures undertaken for acceleration of construction rates of the facilities planned to be opened in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that together with care of the cotton fields, it is necessary to conduct agricultural activity on the fields under wheat in timely manner. It is necessary to prepare to coming grain harvest season and to conduct it on organized level.

Further, head of Balkan Region T. Atahalliyev has reported on completion of the sowing as well as on care of the fields under wheat, potato, onion and other vegetables, production of the cocoons and sowing of sugar beet.

The efforts are put for solution of objectives under the Program of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 and National rural program. Relative works are carried out for completion of construction of facilities planned to be opened on the 30th anniversary of independence in set schedule.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all equipment use for care of the cotton have to work in full capacity, care of the wheat have to be carried out on time and according to agricultural standards. The head of the state requested to prepare harvesters, transport vehicles and reception facilities to the harvest campaign.

Working video conference session was continued wit report of head of Dashoguz Region N.Nazarmyradov who has informed about seasonal field works including care of the cotton and winter wheat. It was also informed about coming wheat harvest and cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops. The governor has also reported that all efforts are put for fulfilment of contractual obligations for production of silk cocoons.

It was also informed about measures for solution of objectives followed from National rural program and for provision of high quality and meeting the deadline of construction of social and production facilities.

The President has addressed the head of the region with instructions regarding realization of the Program of social and economic development of the country until 2025 and National rural program in the region.

Further, Governor of Lebap Region Sh. Amangeldiyev has been called to direct video line. The head of the region has started his report with the information on completion of the cotton sowing in the region. It was reported about other seasonal agricultural works. The head of the region has also reported on the rates of construction of facilities planned to be opened in honor of coming remarkable dates and on cultural public events.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of timely completion of all planned agricultural activities, which are very important for good production of the cotton, wheat and other crops.

In his turn, head of Mary Region D. Annaberdiyev has reported on the situation in the region, having informed about completion of the cotton sowing, the governor has also reported on works for cultivation of the cotton and other agricultural crops in the region.

In addition, the head of the regional administration has reported that preparation to coming sowing of sugar beet is carried out in the region these days. It was also reported about situation at the construction of facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to such matters as improvement of soil conditions of the fields, rational use of land resources and improvement of productivity of agricultural crops.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev has reported on the situation at agricultural fields.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan noted that all works related to production of generous harvest of cotton, wheat and other crops have to be carried out according to agricultural standards.

In this regard, the head of the state addressed the vice-premier and heads of the region with number of specific instructions hold the issues related to timely and qualitative completion of all planned events under control. Special attention has to be paid to fulfilment of planned obligations for production of cocoons.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has given specific assignments to the governors for provision of strict control of works for improvement of quality of current construction works, timely commissioning of facilities timed to be opened on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the independence as well as for celebration decoration of coming events.

Further, the head of the state has called Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry, Chairman of the Emergency Commission for Prevention of Diseases N. Amannepesov, who reported on the situation in the structures under his supervision, preparation to summer holiday season in Avaza national tourism zone, children health improving centers in Gyokdere and the regions of the country.

It was mentioned that special commission has been established, which carries out relevant work. Children health improving centers and city camps have been prepared.

The Minister has also informed that sanatoriums are ready to receive the clients, all measures have been taken taking into account complicated situation. Measures for provision of professional medical service have also been taken.

Reporting on the readiness of Avaza National tourism zone to summer season, the ministers said that ministries and profile departments issue vouchers to its personnel for having holidays in profile health improving centers at the seaside.

Prior travelling to Avaza, the citizens will be vaccinated against coronavirus infection in the health centers at the place of residence. The citizens will have to submit the information about date of travel to the State Migration Service and obtain exit permit to holiday place during restriction period.

After vaccination and medical test, the citizens will receive document proving negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours.

The control center, which is established in Avaza National tourist zone, will send lists and relative information about the guests to ministries and profile departments.

Hotel personnel will also have medical examination in set order, in particular personnel requiring certificates on negative COVID-19 test and document of vaccination against the coronavirus infection. In addition, personnel will be replaced every 15 days and each shift will undergo medical test. Control checkpoint including personnel of ministries and profile departments will be opened in recreation zone.

Special services will be provided for the citizens coming to seaside for the holidays – hotel vehicles will meet the guests at railway station, airport and bus stations and take them back after the holidays.

Number of duties and objectives of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, Ministry of Interior, Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection, State Migration Service, General Department of Avaza National tourist zone, administrations of Balkan Region and Avaza district, Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency, Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs, UIET has been specified according to temporarily regulation of holidays in Avaza National tourist zone.

In the end, the minister has added that all preventive measures would be undertaken based on decision made by the Emergency Commission for prevention of diseases under coming work.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity to have mandatory vaccination under preparation to summer holiday season, issue of medical certificates to children and to provide all possible for children to spend their holidays with interest and benefit for health. 

Speaking of the stay in Avaza national tourist zone, the President noted that preventive measures have to be complied with all around the place, in particular in recreation, swimming and walking places.

Turkmen leader highlighted that starting from today, mass media has to focus on creation of thematic columns, specialists and medical personnel have to give substantial information about complication of current pandemic and necessary precaution measures in printing media and on TV and radio channels.

The head of the state has said that he would personally participate in one of the coming sessions of the Emergency Commission for prevention of diseases in Turkmenistan, where he expects to listen to the reports of the heads of relative ministries and profile departments on work made in this direction.

Finishing video conference working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health and success in work.


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