XI session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held
XI session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held
Published 16.04.2021

XI Session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association chaired by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place in the Oguzkent Hotel of the capital.

Exhibition of articles of visual, decorative and applied arts, photos dedicated to beauty of ahalteke horses has been opened in the hall of the Oguzkent Hotel.

Turkmen leader went to the conference hall where the head of the state was welcomed with loud applauses of the participants. Addressing the participants of the XI session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, the President of Turkmenistan congratulated everyone on the beginning of work of the forum as well as on National Turkmen Horse Holiday and Turkmen Shepherd Dog Holiday.

Conduction the session of the Association this year, which is marked with the 30th anniversary of independence and 140th anniversary of Ashgabat, receives great importance, the head of the state noted. In addition, National Turkmen Horse Holiday and Turkmen Shepherd Dog Celebration are observed together on the same day this year, which is to enhance the glory of ahalteke horses and Turkmen shepherd dogs – the heritage of Turkmen nation.

Announcing the agenda of the session, the President noted that outcomes of activity of the Association would be reviewed as well as Orders on award of the state awards to national and foreign members of the organization, which makes a big work in the increment of livestock and world popularization of thoroughbred ahalteke horses, development of horse breeding art and equestrian sports on international level, would be signed.

The speeches of the members of the Association, who actively support the development of ahalteke horse breeding art both in our country and abroad would be listened.

In addition, the objectives of the Association at current stage would be discussed, measures for improvement of activity of the organization would be specified and organizational issues would be reviewed.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is the 11th anniversary from the foundation of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association this year. 191 individuals and legal entities from our country and 36 states of the planet are the members of the organization. Owing effective work of the members of the Association, the livestock of ahalteke horses and number of their lovers are permanently growing.

It was highlighted at the first session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association on April 22, 2011 that establishment of the organization makes strong foundation for protection of purity of the breed and increment of the livestock of these beautiful horses, glorifying and popularization of these elite horses in the world.

The head of Turkmenistan said that our ancestors have paid special attention to breeding of ahalteke horses, which are models of sensitivity, loyalty and beauty, to improvement of breeding traditions. Their tireless work has resulted in national horse coaching art, which is enriched with advanced methods today and deservingly continued by Turkmen horse breeders.

At the same time, all conditions have been made in the country for development of horse races, national equestrian games, show jumping, marathon and other equestrian sports according to international standards. All of these gives big stimuli to the youth for continuation of national traditions and going in for equestrian sports, healthy physical and spiritual development.

The President highlighted that development of horse breeding in our sunny Motherland – the heart of this art, restoration of ancient bloodlines, preservation of purity of the breed and increment of the livestock of ahalteke horses, which are priceless treasure of Turkmen people, are our current and main goals. Following this, beneficial cooperation is expanded with foreign horse breeders in the sphere of development and improvement of this breed.

The glory about famous ahalteke horses rattles all over the world for thousands of years. This phenomenal breed has made a priceless contribution to the formation of the world horse breeding culture. Deservingly continuing ancient horse breeding traditions given by brave ancestors, we would continue expanding the scales of work for breeding of ahalteke horses – true sample of beauty, our national pride, we would hand over this to younger generations increasing their love to the horses, the President said.

Further, the head of the state has signed the Orders on award of the most distinguished horse and dog breeders of the country with the state awards as well as on conferring honorary title «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy» to active foreign members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Holiday and Turkmen Shepherd Dog Celebration.

Further, the head of the state gave floor to member of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, Director of Ahalteke Equestrian Farm from USA Tito Pontecorvo who participated in the session online.

Speaking to the participants of the Forum, on behalf of the members of the organization, Mr. Pontecorvo congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on election to the post of the Chairman of the People’s Council of National Assembly of Turkmenistan as well as on the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat, National Turkmen Horse holiday and Turkmen Shepherd Dog Holiday.

Having expressed best wishes to Turkmen leader, Mr. Tito Pontecorvo highlighted that for the past thousands of years, Turkmen people has accumulated huge experience in breeding of ahalteke horses. At present time, Turkmen horse breeders work for improvement of national horse coaching art and development of ahalteke horse breeding on international level.

Having noted the title of Honorary Horse breeder of Turkmenistan awarded to him and his colleagues has become an unforgettable event, Mr. Tito Pontecorvo expressed sincere gratitude to the head of the state for high honor rendered to him and assured that he would continue making possible contribution to development of ahalteke horse breeding, popularization in the world using all available experience and knowledge.

Further, the floor was given to Director of Ahalteke Horse Breeding Farm «Gurtbil» from the Russian Federation Maria Mosar.

Mrs. Maria Mosar has noted that «Gurtbil» horse breeding farm is specialized in breeding of ahalteke horses in Russian Federation. At present time, around 40 ahalteke horses are bred in the farm. Having highlighted that award of honorary title «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy» has become an unforgettable and historical event in her life, the Director of Ahalteke Horse Breeding Farm «Gurtbil» expressed sincere gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for high honor rendered to her.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev has made a speech and informed about the program of events on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Holiday and Turkmen Shepherd Dog Holiday, which are planned to be held on April 19 – 25.

The program includes international exhibition and fair and XIII scientific conference “Turkmen Horse and the World Art of Horse Breeding”, competitions of jockeys – horse marathon, show jumping tournament, competitions of young jockeys. The celebration marathon includes the finals of international contests “The Nest Ahalteke Horse of the Year” and “The Best Turkmen Shepherd Dog of the Year”, the award ceremony of the winners of the contest among art personnel on the best image of ahalteke horse and Turkmen shepherd dog. The Center of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association and "Türkmen alabaý itleri» Association will be opened, other events promoting popularization of national heritage will be held.

Further, the floor was given to Speaker of National Parliament G. Mammedova who read out the Resolution of the Mejlis of National Assembly of Turkmenistan on award of honorary title «Türkmenistanyň ussat halypa seýsi» to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The title «Türkmenistanyň ussat halypa seýsi» was awarded to the head of Turkmenistan for huge personal contribution to restoration and improvement of the world glory of ahalteke horses, development of equestrian sport and horse breeding industry as well as taking into account numerous requests and proposals received from personnel of the State Association «Türkmen atlary» and wide public of the country.

High award was presented to the head of the state in solemn atmosphere under loud applauses of the participants of the forum.

Addressing the members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude for high appreciation of his activity.

Continuing the session, the head of the state has noted that he made a decision of election of another deserved person to the post of the President of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association for better performance and improvement of the above-mentioned works and attraction of youth to this work as well as taking into account the occupancy with government affairs.

Having offered the participants to express their opinion on this subject, the President gave floor to member of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, People’s Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan Pygy Bayramdurdiyev, who congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on award of honorary title «Türkmenistanyň ussat halypa seýsi».

The candidacy of Serdar Berdimuhamedov has been suggested for the post of the President of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association. This proposal was supported by other speakers.

Turkmen and foreign members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association have unanimously voted by direct balloting for assignment of Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the post of the President of the Association.

Having congratulated new head of the Association, the President of the country wished him big success in coming work.

Speaking to the participants of the forum, S. Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude for trust given to him and told about his vision of further activity of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, its goals and future plans. It was highlighted that preservation and improvement of the best traditions of national horse breeding school in the context of objectives set out by the President of Turkmenistan for breeding of ahalteke horses on systematic base, application of methods of national selection and modern achievements of the world science are among the utmost directions of work.

Having wished strong health, family wealth, big new success in noble work for the spread of the glory of ahalteke horses in the world, the head of the state left the place of event.


Further, the forum was continued under the chairmanship of new President of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association S. Berdimuhamedov.

According to the agenda, number of organizational issues has been brought out for review by the participants of the forum.

Annageldy Yazmyradov, which is also Deputy Chairman of International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri», has been approved for the post of the Vice President of the Association.

In addition, members of new board and revision commission of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association have been elected.

The next session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is planned to be held in Ashgabat in April 2022, in which regard relative Resolution has been signed.

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