President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held regular session of the State Security Council. Outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies for three months of the year have been discussed at the session.
Having announced the agenda, Turkmen leader gave floor to Minister of Defense B. Gundogdiyev who reported on work carried out by the structures under his command in January – March. The report on measures undertaken for successful fulfilment of objectives defined by the military reform, including the strengthening of defensive capability of National Army, has been given.
Organization of dismissal of military personnel who serve their military duty as well as regular recruitment of Turkmenistan’s citizens to military service, preparation to the parade timed to the 30th anniversary of independence were separate subjects of the report.
Having listened to the report, the head of the state focused on the objectives specified in defensive military doctrine, which was developed taking into account the commitment of our country to the policy of neutrality, friendship and goodwill. Highlighting that modernization of equipment and technical base of the Armed Forces, improvement of system of officers’ training, patriotic education of personnel are the main time requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the minister with number of certain orders.
Having highlighted the issues related to regular spring recruitment campaign, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold it under close attention. Relative instructions have been given for organization of the military parade timed to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality.
Minister of Interior M. Chakiyev has reported on the outcomes of work performed by the divisions of the ministry for three months of 2021, measures for provision of public order in the country, prevention of crimes and road transport accidents, compliance with fire afety regulations.
It is necessary to use advanced technologies for efficient solution of the objectives of the ministry, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces highlighted.
Prosecutor General B. Atdayev has reported on activity of the structures under his supervision for three months of the year and integrated measures for monitoring of law compliance.
The President of the country has pointed out the need of permanent control over compliance with provisions of existing legal and regulatory acts. It is necessary to improve personnel potential of the organization, which personnel have to have wide outlook in addition to professional knowledge, Turkmen leader said addressing relevant instructions.
Further, Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov has reported on work performed from the beginning of the year. Outcomes of the III Judge Conference, at which realization of the State Program of development of judicial system of Turkmenistan for 2017 – 2021 has been analyzed and perspective objectives have been determined, were separate subject of the report.
Having focused on the main aspects of reforms in this sphere, the President noted the need to improve legal culture of the population. It was also requested to hold the fulfilment of decisions made at regular judge forum under permanent control.
Further, Minister of national Security G. Annayev has reported on outcomes of work for January – March 2021.
Summing up the report, the President highlighted the key role of the Ministry in protection of personal, public and state interests. Having outlined priority directions of work of this structure in near-term future, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country addressed the Minister of National Security with some specific instructions.
Head of the State Border Guard Service Ya. Nuriyev has reported on work made in January – March this year.
Noting the importance of improvement of combat, physical and humanitarian training of military personnel, the head of the state has ordered to hold under control precise fulfilment of authorities given to the structure.
Further, Minister of Justice B. Muhamedov has reported on activity of his organization for three months of the year as well as on integrated measures for development of national legal base.
Permanent monitoring of existing normative and legal acts, their update, development of laws meeting time requirements, which are to promote successful movement of Turkmenistan to new levels of progress are the main requirements, the head of the state said. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has addressed the Minister with relevant assignments.
Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Hudaykuliyev has reported on measures undertaken from the beginning of the year for improvement of work efficiency of the divisions, their provision with advanced technical aids.
Having noted growing geographically strategic role of Turkmenistan on Eurasian continent as an important crossroad of transit and transport corridors, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces focused that it is necessary to approach the fulfilment of authorities given to the Service with full responsibility.
It is necessary to pay special attention to solution of issues of customs logistics, the President noted, having specified digital transformation of customs administration among current objectives.
Further, Chairman of the State Migration Service B. Ovezov has made a report.
Having listened to the report, the head of Turkmenistan stressed on the main vectors of work. Specifying implementation of advanced practice in this sphere and training of competent personnel among perspective aspects, the head of Turkmenistan has given specific instructions to the head of the Service.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber S. Berdimuhamedov has reported on measures undertaken from the beginning of the year for inspection of compliance with normative and legal acts, protection and targeted use of the state-owned property. It was also informed about results of analysis of the situation at the construction sites of the facilities, which opening is timed to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.
The head of Turkmenistan has requested to hold the fulfilment of all plans, compliance with quality of construction works and timely commissioning of the facilities under construction, which opening would take place on occasion of the anniversary of independence under strict control.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov has reported on promotion of large-scale military reform, which is aimed at strengthening of power and defensive capability of National Army. The report on the measures for improvement of quality of training of personnel of security forces and compliance with military discipline has been given.
Summing up the session, the head of Turkmenistan has noted that equipment and facility base of military and law enforcement agencies is strengthened, military personnel and their families are taken care of based on defensive military doctrine adopted according to peaceful and humanitarian state policy.
In the end of the session, Turkmen leader wished success in their responsible service to all participants of the session of the State Security Council.