Turkmenistan – Russia: On the way of expansion of beneficial cooperation
Turkmenistan – Russia: On the way of expansion of beneficial cooperation
Published 01.04.2021

As is known, on March 30, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed the Resolution, according to which Turkmen delegation was sent to Moscow on March 30 – April 2 for the talks on discussion the issues of bilateral cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russian Federation, meeting of the heads of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian Commission for economic cooperation as well as for political consultations between the foreign ministers, participation in work of regular session of the Council of the foreign ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States and signing of documents on cooperation with representatives of the government authorities of Russia.

In this regard, the interstate dialog, which is built on the principles of strategic partnership dynamically built both in bilateral and multilateral format is worth to be mentioned. Our countries work constructively under competent international organizations demonstrating proximity or similarity of positions in the main regional and global issues related to provision of universal peace, security and wealth.

Turkmen – Russian cooperation covers wide range directions, which specify the availability of significant potential for expansion of effective partnership in trade and economic sphere where important role is given to the activity of joint Intergovernmental commission. Special attention is given to strengthening of traditional contacts in humanitarian sphere, in education, science, culture and art.

It is worth to mention steadfast character of cooperation with big regions and entities of Russia, with which fruitful economic, business and cultural relations, which are to support optimum realization of existing perspectives and opportunities for further development of beneficial bilateral cooperation in priority directions, have been established.

Mutual interest of Turkmenistan and Russia in activation of the established productive dialog, which is based on old traditions of friendship, good neighborliness and mutual respect, has been confirmed during the meeting of the heads of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian Commission for economic cooperation on March 30.

Co-chairman of the Commission from Russian side, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia A. Overchuk has highlighted positive dynamics of bilateral relations noting the role of the Intergovernmental Commission as an effective mechanism of interstate cooperation.

Co-chairman from Turkmen side, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan R. Meredov and Vice-premier, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber S. Berdimuhamedov, who also had a meeting with Prime Minister of Russian Federation M. Mishustin, focused on big potential capabilities for expansion of bilateral cooperation, which involves certain regions, big industrial and cultural centers of Russia.

It was noted that large-scale reforms aimed at diversification of national economy, establishment of new profitable branches, production of wide range of quality, export oriented goods open wide opportunities for beneficial partnership.

It was recommended to activate the work of Turkmen – Russian and Russian – Turkmen business councils with involvement of representatives of business circles of both countries for further improvement of work of the Intergovernmental Commission.

Substantial exchange of views on specific measures for diversification of the established fruitful cooperation in such important fields as industry, heavy construction, energy, transport and communication, financial and banking sphere has taken place during the session with participation of the members of the government and high-ranking representatives of the government structures of two countries.

Cooperation in cultural and humanitarian sphere was also a subject of interested discussion. Importance of the contacts in the sphere of digital technologies has been emphasized. Important intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents have been signed by the outcomes of the working session.

Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of Russian Federation on support of interregional cooperation, Agreement between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Federal Control Service for Protection of Consumers Rights and Wealth of People (Russian Federation) on cooperation in implementation of International Medical and Sanitary Rules (2005), Protocol between the State Customs Services of Turkmenistan and Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on exchange of documents and information about customs tariffs for commodities moved between Turkmenistan and Russian Federation, Memorandum between the State Statistic Committee of Turkmenistan and Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on exchange of statistic data on trade, Agreement on Cooperation between the State Bank of Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and Transcapitalbank PJSV, Memorandum on Cooperation between the State Bank of Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and Russian State Specialized Export- Import Bank were among the signed documents.

On the same day, interdepartmental consultations on regional security, during which joint measures for combating modern challenges and threats have been discussed, were held in Moscow. In particular, the sides have presented the positions of both countries on Afghan problems and vision of possible measures for further promotion of peace-making process.

Cooperation in the sphere of information security has been reviewed. Noting the importance of the Joint Statement of the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Russian Federation on provision of international information security adopted in 2019, the sides have spoken for the expansion of the partnership in such important direction as legal use of modern information and communication technologies.

On March 31, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber S. Berdimuhamedov has met with Deputy Chairman of the State Security Council of Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Council under the President of Russian Federation for science and education D. Medvedev.

During the meeting, the sides have exchanged constructive opinions of priority aspects of bilateral relations including political and diplomatic, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation. Turkmen – Russian cooperation in security has been discussed taking into account the main principles set out in the Charter of the United Nations Organization.

Importance of the initiative of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust, which is confirmed by relative Resolution of the UN General Assembly, has been highlighted. In this regard, Russian side has been invited to take part in High-level International Conference planned to be held in our country this December.

Taking into account all directions of Turkmen – Russian cooperation, the meetings with heads of the government structures and big companies of Russian Federation have also been held during the visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to Moscow.

Thus, perspectives of beneficial partnership have been reviewed at the meeting with the management of LUKOIL Oil Company, in particular, participation of the company in development of the Dostluk Field in the Caspian Sea and in TAPI project have been discussed.

Meeting with the management of KAMAZ PJSC, which actively works with Turkmenistan for many years, has also taken place. Current issues of joint work related with supply of vehicles and expansion of activity of this big Russian company in our country have been discussed.

Interest in further development of the contact in informational sphere has been highlighted at the meetings with the management of the Intestate MIR TV and Radio Company and Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company”, at which practical cooperation with Turkmenistan’s State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography has been reviewed.

Meetings with the heads of the Russian Ministry of Healthcare, Federal State Budgetary Enterprise “Honorary Academic N. F. Gamalei National Research Epidemiology and Microbiology Center”, Federal State Statistic Service, Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Russian Federation, Russian State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company, Russian State Agrarian University, Sberbank PJSC, Transcapital PJSC, Gazprom PJSC, GAZPROM Schweiz AG, Ural Civil Aviation Plant JV, Professor Y. V. Samoylov NIYIF JSV, Russian Fund of Direct Investments, Russian State Circus, Big Moscow State Circus, Krastsvetmet OJSC have also been held.

Cooperation in political and diplomatic sphere as well as in trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres were discussed at the meeting with Foreign Minister of Russian Federation S. Lavrov on April 1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of Russian Federation on biological security has been signed at the end of the talks.

On the next day, the delegation of our country would participate in the session of the Council of the foreign ministers of the CIS countries. As expected, Turkmen side will bring out number of documents for review by the participants of the session.

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