Turkmen leader opens new hothouse complexes in all regions of the country
Turkmen leader opens new hothouse complexes in all regions of the country
Published 25.03.2021

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has taken part in the opening ceremony of modern hothouse complex, which has been built in Kaahka district, Ahal Region and added to the production infrastructure of national agricultural complex. In addition, the head of the state has given start to the opening of other five hothouse complexes, which were built in the regions of the country, using online system.

Helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan has landed on special helipad next to the hothouse complex, which was built by Oguz ýolу business entity, a member of the UIET, on the territory of G. Atabayev Farming Association.

The head of the state has cut a symbolical ribbon under the applauses of participants in solemn atmosphere and entered the complex, which is designated for cultivation of tomatoes and other vegetables.

Music and dance composition, which was emotionally performed by art masters, has brought bright colors to the event. Having proceeded to the place of the ceremony, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants with greeting speech.

The head of Turkmenistan highlighted that our country experiences a big raise in social and political, economic and cultural sphere. Wide-scale program work is carried out for provision of high rates of development of all branches of national economy. Production, social and cultural facilities are built in all regions of the country. Advanced technologies of developed world’s countries, latest scientific and technical achievements are actively introduced, thousands of new work places are created.

These works indicate steadfast growth of economic potential of Turkmenistan and improvement of social and living conditions of people.

It is planned to open dozens of new facilities in the year under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” to mark the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, the head of the state continued.

Today, we open and put into operation six hothouses, which are provided with modern technologies and would cultivate vegetable crops, in the regions, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

These profile departments have been built in Kaahka and Ak Bugday districts Ahal Region, in Turkmenbashi, Balkan Region, Gyorogly district, Dashoguz Region, Charjew district, Lebap Region and Sakarchaga district, Mary Region. Total area of the farms is 35 hectares.

The hothouses, which were built by members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country and provided with latest technologies and water saving systems, are designated for production of 8,750 tons of vegetable a year. Around 400 work places are created after opening of the farms.

Continuing the subject, the head of the state highlighted that program measures aimed at food provision, improvement of reforms in agriculture, organization of works in this direction by modern methods, wide attraction of private producers, for whom special land funds are made systematically for cultivation of agricultural crops, are undertaken in Turkmenistan.

As is known, agricultural complex is one of the leading branches of national economy. In this regard, the government makes a big work for attraction of investments to development of the sphere, steadfast improvement of its equipment and facility base, increment of the share of private producers and opening of joint production facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

The best conditions are made for manufacturers of agricultural production. They are supported in procurement of highly productive equipment and tools from the world famous brands. The advanced practice and technologies are implemented to practice. For this purpose, agricultural producers receive beneficial bank credits.

Following the conditions made by the government, the private sector expands its presence in the branches of national economy. Owing to the steadfast construction and opening of new facilities, the variety and volumes of production that placed in local and foreign markets are increased.

Efficiently using the government support, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have built and put more than 400 hectares of hothouses into operation. Therefore, volumes of import of vegetables have been significantly reduced, the head of Turkmenistan stated.

Last year, the members of the UIET have cultivated and exported more than 37,500 tons of tomato, which is 70 percent more than in the last year. 16,000 tons of fresh tomato have been sent to other countries in the last two months of this year, the President noted.

Therefore, having developed the methods of foreign trade relations, our private producers increase trade and economic relations getting new partners and entering new markets. It has become a powerful impulse for increment production, development of investments and opening of new production facilities.

It was highlighted that the Programs of social and economic development of the country for 2019-2025 include the bringing of the economy to fundamentally new level of growth, provision of life quality of people to the level of developed countries of the world as well as significant increment of human potential.

The head of the state has noted that provision of food safety and stable development of agriculture are the main objectives today. In this context. The work for strengthening of food abundance, keeping stable prices for products and improvement of agrarian relations is carried out.

Livestock, poultry and plant farms have been opened, foundations of modern production facilities is being made. Thousands of additional work places are made in the result of construction and opening of new facilities.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has specified full use of production capacity and industrial capacities of the regions among the main objectives. In this aspect, integrated economic development of the regions is turned into actual mechanism of the policy implemented in this direction. Therefore, relative works are carried out on program base.

Having congratulated the participants on the opening of modern hothouses, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished everyone good health, prosperity, happy life and big work success to workers of new agrarian facilities.

Further, the head of the state has given start to opening of hothouse complexes, which were built by members of the UIET in all five regions of the country.

Videos about provision and production capacities of new facilities have been demonstrated on big screen. Vegetable crops, mainly tomatoes, which are distinguished with good taste, would be produced at these facilities using the best practice.

Heads of regional administrations, new agricultural complexes and elders were among the participants of the ceremonies. First, the head of Ak Bugday district, Ahal Region, where hothouse built by «Daş demir» business entity on the territory of Magtumguly Farming Association, has entered the video line.

Further, the city of Turkmenbashi of the Balkan Region is connected to the teleconference, where a similar facility has been built. The project was implemented by the entrepreneur S. Nazlyev.

The next to connect via the digital system is the Gyorogly etrap of the Dashoguz velayat, where a modern greenhouse is being opened, built by the individual enterprise "Altyn gala gurluşyk".

Then another large greenhouse complex, built on the territory of the Watan farmstead in the Charjew district of the Lebap Region, appears on the screen. The project was implemented by FE "Altyn bürgüt".

Further, the Sakarchaga District of Mary Region, where on the territory of the “Akýap” farming association, a specialized facility built by the individual enterprise “Mähriban obam” is located, is directly connected.

The six greenhouse complexes put into operation today meet world standards in all respects, including technological equipment. They have created all the opportunities for the production of vegetable products, which will be sold in the domestic and foreign markets. The opening of these objects of the agro-industrial complex also determines the creation of new jobs, which is of great importance in terms of resolving the issue of employment of the population.

For the construction of agricultural complexes, modern materials were used that have high thermal insulation and operational properties and meet such an important criterion as environmental friendliness. Specialized equipment from leading European and other foreign manufacturers allows you to automatically carry out the appropriate agricultural and technical measures.

Technological processes, including maintaining a certain temperature and light regime, air humidity, soil enrichment with nutrients, irrigation through water-saving systems, etc., are controlled using computer programs. All this provides a high yield per hectare and creates optimal conditions for year-round industrial production of excellent quality vitamin products. Warehouses equipped with refrigeration units are provided for its proper storage.

The participants of the celebrations in the regions expressed their gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the initiated progressive reforms in the agricultural sector, for the constant support of business structures.

On the occasion of significant events, brilliant performances were also prepared by the masters of arts of the regions.

Then the floor was given to the chairman of the UIET D. Khudaiberdiev, who expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the conditions and opportunities created in the country for the development of entrepreneurship, concern for the well-being and improving the well-being of the people.

Then the President proceeded to the greenhouse, where he got acquainted with an expanded large-scale exposition, which presented a wide range of products produced by entrepreneurs and private producers of the country specializing in the agro-industrial complex, food and processing industries.

Various types of vegetables, fruits and melons, grain crops, dairy, meat, confectionery, canned products, dried fruits, pickles, juices, soft drinks, etc. were demonstrated here in the originally designed pavilions and stands.

As the founder of the «Ýigit» business company said, 15 varieties of tomatoes are grown in the greenhouse with an area of more than 34 hectares and 450 workers are employed. Most of the manufactured products are exported. Its high quality and environmental friendliness lead to an increase in consumer demand.

The management of the production process in the greenhouse, from sowing, growing crops and caring for them, to organizing the work of workers, is carried out on a digital platform. Information on temperature and humidity indicators, yield, harvest time, loading of finished products onto vehicles, their delivery to domestic and foreign markets, storage conditions during transportation and online distribution is sent to the centralized control system.

In this context, the situation on foreign markets and their prospects from the point of view of selling products at favorable prices are also studied in detail. Ultimately, this ensures the efficient operation of the greenhouse complex and increases its profitability.

Emphasizing the importance of digitalization of production management processes, intensification of steps taken in this direction, the President said that through the introduction of digital systems and technologies in the activities of greenhouses, it is necessary to establish online communications between agricultural production of the country, to form a centralized database on greenhouses in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. , and wished the entrepreneur success in his work.

The exhibition also presented samples of various types of packaging that meet international standards both in terms of product safety and taking into account the environmental aspect.

Having examined the tomatoes of various varieties presented at the exhibition, the head of state noted the need to actively use scientific achievements to ensure the high quality of the product and improve its nutritional properties.

Samples of poultry products were demonstrated by the Nurly meydan farmstead. For the first time in our country, it has implemented a project for incubation poultry farming. This project makes it possible to bring the production of broiler poultry meat and eggs to an industrial level using specialized technologies. In the Bereket etrap of the Balkan velayat, the farm has also mastered the production of feed for livestock, previously imported from abroad.

After reviewing the presented products, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again emphasized the need to pay special attention to the issues of diversifying export routes for domestic goods, as well as actively studying the possibilities of international logistics and marketing, giving instructions to the relevant leaders.

Turkmen entrepreneurs now produce a wide variety of food products in a wide range. Successfully solving the problem of increasing import-substituting production capacities and ensuring food abundance in the country, Turkmen producers are also increasing the volume of food supplies to foreign markets.

On the monitor of one of the exhibitors, - «Ýigit» business entity, a logistic chain of export supplies carried out by the greenhouse complex was shown in tables and diagrams, including the date of completion of the harvest of horticultural crops, loading of products and their departure from the greenhouse, the name of the country and the client, the weight and other relevant data. The dynamics of the sale of vegetable products in the domestic and foreign markets was also clearly presented here.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the work of the greenhouse complex built by the Oguz ýoly Enterprise, inquiring in detail with its head about the equipment, technologies and specifics of production, varieties of tomatoes and other vegetable crops, such indicators as yield, ripening time, taste. All production processes are automated and computerized here.

After completing his acquaintance with the greenhouse complex, the head of state launched the harvesting of the tomato crop grown here and, wishing success in the further development of production, handed the head of the complex the keys to a new agricultural machine - a tractor of the world famous John Deere brand.

On this day, on behalf of the Turkmen leader, the same tractors were also handed over to the heads of greenhouses that had opened in other regions.

At the end of the celebration, wishing everyone great success in their work, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proceeded to the waiting helicopter, on which he left the scene.

Today, a caravan with a cargo of products grown in new greenhouses, put into operation in five regions of the country, set off along the routes of supply of these products to domestic and foreign consumers.

Thus, high-quality and environmentally friendly food products produced by Turkmen entrepreneurs strengthen their positions in the domestic and foreign markets.

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