President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held working video conference session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of the regions and Ashgabat.
The agenda included current issues of social and economic development, seasonal agricultural works, preparation of spring sowing campaign and holidays.
Opening working session, the head of the state has called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev and Head of Ashgabat’s Asministration Ya. Gylyjov.
The vice-premier has reported on construction of buildings and facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence as well as on preparation to the spring tree planting campaign.
In his turn, the head of the capital’s administration has reported on the situation in the capital, rates of construction of anniversary facilities. It was also reported on preparation to the events in honor of the country’s independence and 140th anniversary of Ashgabat.
Having listened to the report, the President focused on the necessity of timely fulfilment and completion of works at the facilities, which opening is timed to the coming remarkable events.
Having noted the importance of the events on occasion of the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat and 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, the head of the state addressed the vice-premier and head of the capital’s administration with number of assignments for provision of high organizational level of celebration events.
Further, the President of Turkmenistan has called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev and heads of regional administrations to the working video conference session.
Governor of Ahal Region Ya. Gurbanov has reported on seasonal agricultural works in the region. Agricultural technical activities are undertaken for protection of fruit trees as well as provision of livestock hibernation in the farms due to cold and snowy weather. The lambing season is ongoing these days as well.
It was mentioned that preparation to the spring tree planting campaign is carried out. In addition, the governor has informed about acceleration of the rates of construction of facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid special attention to the spring sowing campaign and requested to take all measures for proper conduct of the cotton sowing and to activate the rates of works for care of the wheat fields. In addition, the head of the state has requested to take care of fruit and vegetable crops and noted the importance of preparation to cocoon production season.
Along with farming works, the President gave instructions on organized conduct of lambing campaign in livestock farms noting that it is necessary to render an integrated assistance to livestock breeders. The instructions on preparation to tree planting campaign have also been given.
The focus has been made on the necessity of compliance with timeline of construction of social and production facilities, which are planned to be opened on occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.
Further, Head of Balkan Region T. Atahalliyev has reported on the situation in the western region, in particular on the measures undertaken in agricultural fields and completion of construction of various facilities as per the schedule.
Summing up the report, Turkmen leader has noted that special attention has to be paid to optimal organization of works carried out on the threshold of the spring sowing season, solution of issues related to preparation of land fields to the cotton sowing and provision of farmers with seeds.
Having focused on snow and cold weather, which caused fall out of fruit tree flowers, the head of the state noted the importance of relevant works for minimization of negative impact of the weather on trees.
It was highlighted that it is necessary to conduct lambing campaign in sheep and camel breeding farms on high level. To make all conditions for life for livestock producers and to follow recommendation of scientists.
Having focused on importance of successful completion of activities provided by the Program of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, the head of the state gave specific instructions to the vice-premier and governor.
Special emphasis has been laid on fulfilment of planned objectives for production of cocoons and solution of issues in this direction.
Noting the importance of coming nation-wide tree planting campaign, the President highlighted that this even has to be carried out in integrated basis taking into account local soil and climate conditions.
The President has requested to hold the construction of the facilities, which opening is timed to the 30th anniversary of the country.
Video conference working session was continued with the report of head of Dashoguz Region N. Nazarmyradov who has informed about the situation in agricultural complex, at the construction sites, modernization of social and living infrastructure of the region.
In particular, it was reported on preparation to the spring sowing of cotton and other agricultural crops. The information about the working plan for production of cocoons. At the same time, preparation of nationwide tree planting campaign has been presented to the head of the state.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that works expanded in the fields of the region have to meet agricultural requirements and local soil and climate conditions.
The President has demanded to conduct all seasonal activities for care of the springs at the fields under wheat on proper level taking into account sudden cold weather.
The instructions have also been given on organized start and conduct of the cotton sowing on high level. Noting that special attention is paid to strengthening of food abundance and increment of production of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops in the country, the President addressed the vice-premier and governor with certain instructions.
In addition, the head of the state highlighted that responsible season – lambing season, starts for livestock farmers. It is necessary to provide an integrated assistance of livestock breeders these days due to snow and cold weather.
Having highlighted the provision of ecological wealth of the region, the head of the state has demanded to hold under control the solution of objectives for organized conduct of spring tree planting campaign.
The President has also given specific instructions on completion of construction of various facilities according to set schedule.
Further, Governor of Lebap Region Sh. Amangeldiyev has reported on the situation in the region, rates of preparation to the start of the sowing campaign. At the same time, it was informed about current preparation to spring tree planting campaign and events timed to the coming celebrations. During the report, the information about preparation to cocoon production season has been presented.
Having listened to the report and focused on the necessity of improvement of efficiency of agricultural works, the President highlighted that timely completion of seasonal campaigns, stimulation and targeted support of the farmers are the main factors for receiving high production. It was noted that it is important to take relevant measures for elimination of negative impact of cold weather on fruit trees.
It is necessary to conduct lambing campaign in livestock farms, the head of the state said. Having focused on proper preparation to cocoon production season, the President requested to provide all necessary for effective work of the silk cocoon producers.
Coming over the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence, Turkmen leader has focused on the importance of timely completion of construction of production, social and cultural facilities.
Further, Head of Mary Region D. Annaberdiyev has reported on works in agricultural fields of the region. In addition, the report on preparation to tree planting action and coming cocoon production season has been presented. It was also informed about cultural program on occasion of remarkable dates.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that organized sowing of valuable technical crop and further proper care of the cotton fields are the guarantee of high production of cotton.
It was highlighted that it is also necessary to put efforts for production of generous yield of wheat, receiving of planned volumes of fruit and vegetable production. The head of the state has requested the governor to provide support to the farmers making all conditions for their effective work during lambing campaign.
Having addressed the instructions on coming tree planting action, the President also demanded to hold the preparation to silk cocoon production campaign, which is a valuable textile material, under control.
It is necessary to pay special attention to implementation of the Program of social and economic development of the country and National rural program, construction of social, cultural and production facilities, which are planned to be opened on occasion of the independence anniversary, the head of the state highlighted giving the vice-premier and governor with certain instructions.
Continuing the session, Turkmen leader has listened to the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on agricultural works and preparation to the spring planting of trees. The information about preparation to cocoon production season has also been presented.
Due to snow and cold weather, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has requested the vice-premier to assess and study the impact of current situation on future harvest of agricultural production including fruits as well as on the lambing campaign and to take necessary measures.
Continuing, the head of the state has said that teachers and students of profile higher educational institutes of the country have to be attracted to work for introduction of scientific developments to production for improvement of quality of works in agricultural sphere.
Further, the President has called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber, Chairman of International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri» S. Berdimuhamedov and General Director of the State Association «Türkmen atlary» A. Berdiyev.
Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev has reported on work for development of equestrian sports and improvement of race organization in the country. It was informed that samples of cups and prizes proposed to be awarded at celebration races have been developed for adding more excitement to equestrian competitions in the country, improvement of their organization according to international practice and national traditions as well as for perpetuation of names of famous ahalteke horses.
In particular, samples of cups of Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan, White City of Ashgabat, challenge cups of Turkmenistan’s Independence, State Association «Türkmen atlary», International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, Watan goragçysy, challenge cups of the regions as well as prizes of the famous Turkmen horses Akhan, Boýnaw, Garader, Gelşikli, Nusaý, Pereň, Ýanardag and Meleguş have been presented for review to the head of the state.
The vice-premier has reported that the State Association Türkmen atlary together with the Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency have developed special software and mobile app for betting. In this regard, number of proposals for determination of names of these electronic platforms and their logos have been presented to the head of the state for review.
Having listened to the report, the President has noted the importance of work aimed at popularization of the world famous ahalteke horses. Having stressed on provision of high organizational level of celebration event honoring Turkmen horses, the head of the state looked through presented samples and proposal making his own corrections.
Relative orders have been given on introduction of high technologies to all branches of the country including wide use of capabilities of digital system in equestrian sphere. The vice-premier has been instructed to hold the solution of these issues under control.
Further, General Director of the State Association Türkmen atlary A. Berdiyev has reported on the preparation to National Turkmen Horse Holiday.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on important objectives of the State Association Türkmen atlary, which includes preservation of purity and value of ahalteke breed, equestrian traditions and enhancement of the world glory. Solution of set objectives have to be the main goals of specialists of the Association, the President highlighted.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber, Chairman of International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri» S. Berdimuhamedov has reported on preparation to Turkmen Shepherd Dog Holiday, which would be celebrated in our country for the first time as well as to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.
Having listened to the report, the President of the country has focused on special importance of these holidays, which high-level organization is an important objective. In this regard, the head of the state has requested to develop proposals for prizes.
Speaking of importance of preservation and improvement of the best traditions of national kennel school, Turkmen leader has focused on construction of infrastructural facilities ordering the vice-premier to inspect the construction of the centers in all regions of the country.
The head of Turkmenistan has also requested to hold the construction of the facilities planned to be opened on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence under permanent control.
Finishing video conference working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all participants.