President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in the ECO summit
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in the ECO summit
Published 04.03.2021

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in work of the XIV Summit of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) held in online format at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan.

Taking into account the situation in the world, the agenda of the high-level session included special emphasis on development of regional economic partnership in the period after the COVID-19 pandemic.

President of the IslamicRepibuic of Afhganistan Ashrag Ghani, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hasan Rouhani, Presdent of the Republic of Kazkakstan Kasym Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Prime Minister of the Islamic REpublic of Pakistan Imran Khan and the ECO Secretary General, Dr Haydi Sulaimanpur have taken part in the meeting.

General Secretary of the Turkic Council Bagdad Amreev, Secretary of the Energy Charter Urban Rusnak and other officials have been invited to the meeting.

Wide and multidimensional cooperation with competent international and regional organizations has been defined as one of the main vectors of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan, which is based on the principles of peace loving, positive neutrality and constructive cooperation with all interested foreign partners. Having an active position in development of balanced solutions of current issues, our country make regularly proposes initiatives for realization of the potential of these structures  to ensure peace and security, development of fruitful economic and humanitarian relations, which meet the goals of common prosperity.

Turkmenistan is a member of the ECO since 1992. It is worth to remind that this big profile regional interstate association has been founded in 1985 by Pakistan, Iran and Turkey for closer partnership in economics and trade. Since 1992, the activity of the ECO has received new impulse due to the joining of seven other countries – Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. The date of expansion of the Organization until its current composition, the November 28, is observed as the ECO Day.

According to relative Resolution, which was adopted in 1995 at the 50th session of the UN General Assembly, the ECO has received the status of observer in the UN. The Organization has a similar status in the Islamic Cooperation Organization (ICO).

For the past period, Turkmenistan and ECO has gained a significant experience of joint work, which makes a solid base of effective cooperation. Under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, our country makes specific contribution to intensification of beneficial cooperation in multilateral format and successfully develops friendly neighboring relations with the ECO members.

Establishment of favorable conditions for steadfast economic development of the region, stimulation of integration processes, strengthening of solidarity and cooperation of the state members of the Organization, their position in modern system of economic relations are the main goals of the ECO. Formation of relative operation infrastructure, new mechanisms of intensification of regional and interregional partnership, realization of joint projects in priority spheres of the partnership are the main objectives of the ECO, which achievement is also aimed at solution of current social issues and improvement of life level of the peoples.

Participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in current high-level meeting is another evidence of commitment of our neutral state to the course toward constructive cooperation in the format of international organization, including the ECO, active and initiative position of our country in solution of priority regional and global issues.

Looking ahead, it is worth to mention that the chairmanship in the ECO has been handed over to Turkmenistan. In this regard, relative Concept, which is aimed at promotion of stable economic growth and development in the region, which visually indicates comprehensive and considered approach of our country to fulfilment of this responsible mission, has been elaborated.

Chairman of the previous XIII ECO Summit, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan has made a speech at the opening ceremony and congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on taking over the chairmanship in the Economic Cooperation Organization. At the same time, the fact of international recognition of the initiatives of Turkmen leader for the formation of transport and transit corridors and infrastructure for reliable supply and transit of energy carriers as an important term of provision of international cooperation and sustainable development, which supported the growth of authority of Turkmenistan in the world arena, has been noted.

Further, Chairman of the XIV ECO Summit, President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayip Erdogan has announced the decision on hand over the chairmanship in the ECO in 2021 to Turkmenistan. Having addressed sincere congratulations on this regard to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the head of Turkey expressed his confidence that chairmanship of our country in the Economic Cooperation Organization would be fruitful and the beginnings  initiated under its frame would serve to the benefits of entire region.

The ECO Secretary General Dr Haydi Sulaimanpur has also congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on this event, having expressed confidence that chairmanship of Turkmenistan in the ECO would be effective and give new impulse to the development of beneficial interstate relations, realization of programs and projects in this direction.

Having noted a significant role of Turkmenistan in strengthening and expansion of international cooperation including under competent organizations, the President of Turkey gave floor to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In the beginning of his speech, Turkmen leader expressed gratitude to President Recep Tayip Erdogan for organization of current Summit having highlighted and thanked for successful and fruitful chairmanship of Turkey in the ECO.

Addressing the participants of the forum, the head of the state has noted that Turkmenistan considers this session as an important stage in activity of this Organization in the context of evaluation and analysis of what was done and definition of future perspectives. Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has outlined the work of the ECO as intensive and positive, which influences regional cooperation.

Today, the ECO is a recognized world big and competent international structure. Various agreements have been made between its members for the years of its activity, decisions on priority issues of interstate partnership have been taken. Continuing the subject, the head of Turkmenistan has stated that big work has been done for development of actual strategy, which is aimed at involvement of joint colossal potential for beneficial social and economic development.

Implementation of joint projects, among which Turkmen leader has highlighted the projects in transport and communication sphere, which currently play the main role in economic life of the region, have been started. The ECO state members also continue taking measures for efficient development of trade, economic and investment relations in the region.

Steadfast and strict following of the principles and goals, which were put in the basis of the Organizations about 30 years ago, is an important condition of its activity. Since then, new members have joined the ECO and its current composition has been formed up. Being a mechanism of economic cooperation, the Organization has kept the course free from any political condition and increased the contact with the world.

At present time, intensifying cooperation with other international organizations and numerous countries, the ECO activity goes beyond the borders of the region.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that all these results are related to the gained positive experience. However, the time is not still. It requires development of new approached to work of the Organization taking into account modern factors and trends in the world economy and vectors of activity in the region. In this context, the ECO has big objectives meeting its specification and unique geo-economic role.

At the same time, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted consolidating role of the ECO as a form of economic cooperation between the state united by geographic location, historically and by traditional customs and values. Based on this natural advantages and common interests, it seems to be correct to name the Organization as a real structure for implementation of joint projects.

Following this, we thinks that provision of sustainable development in the region by economic resources, making opportunities for wide-format constructive cooperation for peace and prosperity are the main objectives of the ECO today. The ECO has all necessary capabilities not only for adequate participation in global and regional economic processes but also for active influence on their development, the head of the state said.

This is what Turkmenistan sees in its coming chairmanship in the ECO. Having expressed big gratitude to the state members for trust, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that considering the chairmanship as responsible mission, our country would put all efforts in order to achieve success and effectiveness and to serve common interests.

In this context, Turkmen leader has introduced priority directions on our country in chairing of the Organization to the participants of the Summit.

Turkmen side sees support to expansion of integrated capabilities of the partnership under the ECO in economic, trade, industrial, energy, transport and communication, cultural and humanitarian spheres as a strategic objective.

  • We are planning to conduct certain work with partners on making conditions for further activation of trade and economic relations between our countries and aim at increment of volume and diversification of trade, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

For this, Turkmenistan proposes to start working on establishment of economic routes in the ECO region, considering these routes as the main stable system providing movement of production and services and implementation of the investments. Continuing the subject, the head of Turkmen state outlined industrial cooperation, consolidation of production and technological potential, implementation of big joint infrastructural projects among priority aspects of economic directions.

Turkmen leader highlighted that it is obvious that transport and communication sphere would play the main role in achievement of the goals of economic development of the ECO state members and in their full participation in modern processes.

The ECO state members have successfully implemented number of projects in this direction. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has brought the launch of Kerky (Turkmenistan) – Shibargan (Afghanistan) power line, opening of 30-km railroad between Akina and Andhoy railways stations in Asghanistan, fiber optic line between Ymamnazar (Turkmenistan) – Akina (Afghanistan) as well as between Serhetabat (Turkmenistan) and Turgundy (Afghanistan) in January this year as the latest examples.

In this regard, the head of Turkmenistan has proposed to consider the implementation of similar grandiose and multilateral projects in various spheres with participation of other members of the ECO.

Establishment of transport corridors and logistic centers received special currency these days. Following this, Turkmen leader expressed his confidence in the need to intensify projects works of the ECO and promote the most perspective models and directions in this field.

  • At the same time, we urge to focus on combined transit and transport corridors on the East and West routes from Asian Pacific to European part of the continent toward the Middle East, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Turkmenistan also proposes to expand cooperation in Caspian region as four out of five Caspian states are the members of the ECO. Taking this into account, it is necessary to move across the Caspian Sea to west and north directions and enter the Black and Baltic Sea ports.

Turkmen leader has specified the formation of energy clusters on the ECO space, diversification of supply of energy resources with participation of the state members as the main goal. At present time, our country together with partners build Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline, which is an example of ideal and beneficial cooperation.

Fruitful work is also carried out in realization of the projects of energy supply in Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan – Tajikistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan routes.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence in the need of additional energy routes in the ECO region and beyond its borders.

In this context, the head of Turkmenistan has noted the opportunity of establishment of targeted contacts between the Organization and other interstate establishments such as Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Eurasian Economic Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, which strategic interests could meet the interests of the ECO on beneficial and equal basis.

Turkmen leader has also made special mention that our country pays special attention to the process of restoration of Afghanistan’s economy as the main factor of establishment of peace and harmony in this country. Turkmenistan renders assistance and will continue helping this fraternal country in economic restoration, construction of power supply systems, transport, communication and social facilities.

We see strategic opportunity with big perspective in close involvement of Afghanistan in regional and continental economic cooperation as a members of important joint projects in industrial and energy fields, transport, communication and logistic sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Being a chairing country of the ECO, Turkmenistan aims at active support to expansion of relations in cultural, sport, educational spheres, youth policy, and tourism. It plans to follow the commonality of moral values, which unite our nations and states by friendship and fraternity ties. In this regard, the President proposed to pay special attention to cooperation in science and medicine, exchange of practice and knowledge in combating against coronavirus pandemic.

Addressing the participants of the Summit, the head of Turkmenistan has noted that our country sees the activity of the ECO as one of the factors of efficient progress of the region, sees big perspective potential for realization of national programs of economic development of the state members of the Organization. 

  • At the same time, we think that efficient involvement of the ECO potential for prosperity and development of the states and nations, peace and progress in the region is our common goal. Being a chairing country of the ECO, Turkmenistan would put all efforts for achievement of these goals, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Finishing his speech, Turkmen leader has proposed to hold the next summit of the state members of the Economic Cooperation Organization in Ashgabat on November 28, 2021 – the ECO Day, and to visit the capital of Turkmenistan for participation in its work.

President of the Republic of Turkey, which chairs the current Summit, Recep Tayip Erdogan has extended sincere gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the participation in the Summit, constructive and initiative position in the subjects of further development of beneficial cooperation in the ECO space, significant input to strengthening of friendly interstate relation as well as for his speech at current forum.

Having finished his speech at the Summit, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani cordially congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Economic Cooperation Organization. 

The head of friendly state has expressed deep gratitude to Turkmen leader for permanent support in economic restoration of Afghanistan, its social and economic infrastructure, for initiation and implementation of wide-scale projects in such priority spheres as energy, transport and communications.

Other participants of the Summit have also congratulated Turkmenistan on taking chairmanship in the ECO expressing the confidence that it would support further development of efficient cooperation including in formation of multimodal transit and transport corridors and logistic hubs of regional and international significance.

In the end of the XIV Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization, President of the Republic of Turkey, which chairs current summit, Recep Tayip Erdogan has extended the gratitude to the heads of the states and international structures for participation in the current high-level meeting.

With a feeling of great respect, I would like to extend my cordial gratitude to my brother, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the President of the Republic of Turkey said and closed the Summit.

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