Events of the week
Augmentation of well-being of our people and economic power of our fatherland - a basis of our state policy
Events of the week
Augmentation of well-being of our people and economic power of our fatherland - a basis of our state policy
Published 24.11.2024

Successful implementation of large-scale reforms in economy branches according to socially focused policy under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stipulates confident advancement of independent neutral Turkmenistan on the path of progress and prosperity.

Issues of development of agriculture of the country and realisation of the National rural program were considered at the working meeting held by the head of the state on November 18.

It was informed that in velayats necessary measures are taken to gather cotton to the last box and to ensure an uninterrupted transportation of the harvest to reception points and ginneries for processing.

In the fields sown with wheat, vegetative watering and application of mineral fertilizers are carried out.

Along with it, with a view of laying basis for the future harvest of cotton, ploughing is carried out with effective utilisation of agricultural machinery.

The rice harvest in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats and sugar beet harvest in Mary velayat are in full swing.

The head of the state focused attention on importance of the tasks set now before the agricultural branch and in this connection gave a number of instructions on maintenance of observance of agro-technical standards in seasonal work.

The President of Turkmenistan instructed to hold under strict control the harvest of cotton to the last box, trouble-free work of all divisions participating in the harvest season and maintenance of appropriate care of the wheat fields.

Besides it, the instructions were given to give particular attention to issues of ploughing of the fields to be sown with cotton the next year, timely settlement of accounts with producers and service establishments for the fulfilled work during the harvest of cotton of the current year and wheat of the next year.

The head of the state also gave the instructions connected with the proper harvest of rice in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats and sugar beet in Mary velayat.

Separate instructions concerned appropriate work of heating systems in establishments of education, culture, public organisations, office buildings and apartment houses, maintenance of due control over construction of different objects planned to be opened in velayats  this year, according to programs of social and economic development of the country.

On November 22, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held   the next online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which a number of issues of state policy were considered.

Those issues included perfection of legal basis of the country according to time realities, further development of foreign trade activities of Turkmenistan, uninterrupted and reliable supply of internal consumers with natural gas, state of affairs in the agrarian sector and conducted work on increase in volumes of cultivated cotton.

Practical measures taken to consolidate the international financial rating and authority of our state and promotion of partnership with corresponding structures, in particular, with the Agency «Fitch Ratings» (Great Britain) were informed.

As a result of the analysis carried out by the above-named organisation, the credit rating of Turkmenistan in August of the current year raised. Promotion of bilateral interaction with the Agency urged to promote increase in volumes of foreign investments involved in the country, simplification of credit conditions and as a whole expansion of foreign trade activities of our state.

Besides it, it was reported that for November 26-27 of the current year the International conference and exhibition «International transport-transit corridors: interrelation and development - 2024» is planned.

From December 4 to December 6, the Exhibition of export goods of the Republic of Turkiye and the next meeting of Turkmen-Turkish business council are planned.

For consideration of the head of Turkmenistan, the proposal to send the youth to higher educational institutions of the People’s Republic of China and Hungary in the 2025-2026 educational year was submitted. Young Turkmen nationals will get education in such areas as information technology, public health services and medical sciences, education and pedagogical sciences, agricultural sciences, engineering, technologies and engineering science, mathematics and natural sciences.

The information on results of the business trip of the delegation of Turkmenistan to the United Arab Emirates at the instructions of the head of the state and a number of meetings held in its course were informed. In particular, with Vice-President, Deputy Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Minister of Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and others. 

The Government meeting was informed on actions, which will be held in the country in December.

So, the International conference and meeting of Group of friends of neutrality were timed to International Day of Neutrality. Celebrations in honour of Turkmen nationals who were awarded the jubilee medal «Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna», the ceremony of flower laying at the Neutrality Monument, the concert of workers of art and culture in the capital, song and music in velayats and Arkadag city will take place.

A number of actions is planned within Day of workers of the oil and gas industry and geology of Turkmenistan marked on December 14.

Besides it, final rounds of creative competitions «Merdana nesil - 2024» and «Ýylyň parlak ýyldyzy», ceremony of lighting up of the Main New year Tree of the country timed to the New year celebratory concerts of masters of art in the capital, Arkadag city and velayats will be held.

At the same time, the last month of the year will mark the opening of several social objects.

At the meeting the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on  production of a rich harvest of cotton in Turkmenistan for 2025.

Among events of the past week - upon the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Mejlis received credentials of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkmenistan Nijaz Čardaklija .

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the friendly country was acquainted with priority areas of the foreign and home  policy of Turkmenistan based on principles of positive neutrality, equality and wide international cooperation.

A special emphasis was made on social and economic programs realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at promotion of potential and diversification of national economy on an innovative basis, creation of modern infrastructure, increase of well-being and standard of living of people. The ambassador was also acquainted with structure and multilateral activity of the national Parliament in the context of large-scale reforms.

Having noted available potential for development of partnership with Turkmenistan, the diplomat underlined importance of activization of interstate relations in trade and economic sphere and cultural-humanitarian area, promoting bonds of friendship and mutual understanding between two people.

Days of culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Turkmenistan became a bright event of the past week. The program of the creative action promoting mutual enrichment of cultures of the friendly states, included concerts, exhibition of works of applied and decorative art of Uzbekistan, a meeting of writers of two countries, display of national Uzbek costumes and dishes.

In the administration centre of Lebap velayat - the city of Turkmenabat the II Turkmen-Uzbek inter-regional forum and national exhibition of Uzbek goods took place.

Production of large state structures and private companies of the neighbouring country engaged in the mining, metallurgical, oil and gas, electric power and chemical industry, mechanical engineering, manufacture of building materials, home appliances and food production, medical means and trade was displayed.

During meetings of representatives of business of two friendly states it was noted that among priorities of Turkmen-Uzbek cooperation - activization of business contacts, creation of joint ventures and exchange of practical operating time in application of the latest technological solutions and creation of innovative economy.

Among perspective areas of interaction was the agrarian sector, energy, chemical industry and petro chemistry, mechanical engineering, textile and pharmaceutical branches. In the given context, presence of huge possibilities for bilateral contacts in the area of business was underlined.

Issues of Interaction in the cultural-humanitarian sphere, in particular, in the area of science, education and tourism were also discussed.

The II Turkmen-Uzbek inter-regional forum was held with participation of heads of trading, financial structures, administrations of regions and representatives of the private sector of two countries.

As marked by speakers of the Turkmen party, organisation of similar actions, which have become traditional, testifies to firmness of bonds of friendship between our countries and people.

The I inter-regional forum was organised in 2022 in Bukhara, and in July of this year in Tashkent there was held the exhibition of goods of Turkmenistan.

In the context of maximum involvement of potential of interstate partnership in Ashgabat and Tashkent, the joint trading houses were opened. At the check point of Dashoguz-Shavat the construction of frontier Turkmen-Uzbek shopping centre proceeds.

Construction of new ones and modernisation of operating highways, branch lines, warehouse and other infrastructural objects positively influences the strengthening of economy of Lebap and Dashoguz regions of Turkmenistan, and Bukhara and Khorezm regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Participants from the Uzbek party underlined significance of the forum and national exhibition of goods of the Republic of Uzbekistan in adjustment of productive relations between business circles of two countries and discussion of perspective areas of partnership.

At the same time, an emphasis was made on steady rate of increase of trade turnover between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The privileges given to businesspersons of both countries positively influence the quality of inter-regional cooperation appreciably. In this regards, the Uzbek party expressed readiness for increase in volumes of goods turnover.

During the business meetings held on sidelines of the forum issues of expansion of frontier trade and economic and trading-investment interaction, realisation of joint projects and activization of dialogue in the area of business circles of two states were discussed.

Thus, events of the past week became another evidence of successful realisation of major goals of the external and internal policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, called to provide economic progress of our fatherland, systematic increase of well-being of people, fruitful cooperation with interested countries taking into account of available impressive potential in various spheres.

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