President of Turkmenistan Conducted a Working Meeting
President of Turkmenistan Conducted a Working Meeting
Published 21.10.2024

Today the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atahallyyev and country’s velayat khyakims. Agenda submitted for consideration the dynamics of executed works in agrarian sector and regions, as well as National Rural Program.

The first floor was given to khyakim of Ahal velayat S.Soltanmyradov, who reported on pace of seasonal agricultural campaigns.

As it was reported, cotton harvesting campaign continues in an orderly manner appropriately using technological arsenal: all the things needed for reaping without loss have been doing.

At the same time, efforts are exerted to accomplish appropriately wheat sowing season in accordance of agronomic calendar – technique and aggregates operate at full capacity, vegetative irrigation is carried out on the fields under crop.

Heating systems at the enterprises, administrations, general education institutions, dwelling and social facilities in the territory of the region are launched, and its appropriate operation is maintained.

The khyakim of velayat informed about the preparations for the festivities on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, and also pace of the construction of social and production infrastructure facilities, targeted to be put in commission in the current year according to National Rural Program.

Having resumed the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov assigned to ensure the proper measures for appropriate gathering the cotton on fields and accomplishing wheat sowing season within time limit established agro-technical terms.

Separate commissions touched upon the control over the timely and qualitative construction of buildings, contemplated for opening next year in accordance with National Rural Program. 

Further, khyakim of Balkan velayat H.Ashyrmyradov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural measures.

As noted, targeted measures are currently being coordinated jointly with the relevant agencies and enterprises to increase the pace of the cotton harvesting season without losses, ensure uninterrupted transportation and subsequent reception of raw cotton by specialized points and enterprises.

For the purpose of optimal sowing of wheat, machinery and units involved in the campaign are used at full capacity, and vegetative irrigation is carried out in a timely manner to obtain uniform sprouts on the sown fields.

At the same time, heating systems at enterprises and departments, schools and kindergartens, social facilities and residential houses are launched, uninterrupted electricity, gas and water supply is also provided.

The head of the regional administration informed about preparations for the upcoming important dates, including the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, the progress of work on new buildings of social and industrial infrastructure, envisaged for commissioning this year under the National Rural Program.

After hearing the report and noting the importance of the ongoing seasonal field campaigns, the head of state ordered to ensure quality completion of cotton harvesting and wheat sowing.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also instructed to keep under control the pace of construction of various facilities scheduled to be opened this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

The working meeting continued with the report of D. Babayev, the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat, on the progress of seasonal works in the agricultural sector.

As it was reported, all efforts are made to accelerate the pace of cotton harvesting without losses, maximizing the use of agricultural machinery in the campaign.

At the same time, the dynamics of wheat sowing is in line with the agronomic schedule. Moisture-recharge irrigation has been fully completed on the areas allocated for grain crops, and uniform sprouts have been obtained on the sown areas.

In addition, harvesting of rice continues in the region.

In the light of the impending cold weather, heating systems have been launched in social and housing facilities, their proper functioning is maintained.

There was also information on preparations for cultural events on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, on the state of affairs at the new social and industrial buildings, which are envisaged to be put into operation this year under the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to speed up the pace of cotton harvesting campaign, ensure coordination of functions of all those involved in it, and complete sowing of wheat in accordance with the agricultural calendar.

The head of state also assigned to control compliance with the requirements to the quality of construction of various facilities, the opening of which is scheduled for this year under the National Rural Program.

Then, M. Annanepesov, the khyakim of Lebap velayat, made a report on the progress of seasonal agricultural activities.

The head of the regional administration informed about the measures taken to optimize the collection and subsequent delivery of cotton harvested from the fields to the points of reception of raw cotton. As reported, for this purpose, proper functioning of machinery and units is maintained.

Sowing of grain continues, vegetation irrigation is carried out in a timely manner on the sown fields. At the same time, everything necessary is being done to complete in the shortest possible time the harvesting of rice and its delivery to the state.

In addition, heating systems of objects in the region – in educational and cultural institutions, public institutions – have been launched, their proper functioning is ensured.

The head of the regional administration also reported on the preparations for the celebrations on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday to be held on the last Sunday of October and on the situation at the new buildings of social and industrial infrastructure envisaged for opening this year under the National Rural Program.

After hearing the report and focusing attention on the current agrarian campaigns, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to take appropriate measures for timely completion of the cotton harvest without losses and sowing of wheat in accordance with the agro-technical schedule.

Separate instructions concerned the control over compliance with quality requirements in the construction of various facilities to be put into operation this year in accordance with the programs of socio-economic development of the country.

The khyakim of Mary velayat B.Orazov continued the working meeting with report on the dynamics of seasonal agrarian campaigns.

As it was reported, efforts are being made to increase the pace of “white harvesting campaign”, ensure the picking of raw material without losses and its uninterrupted transportation and subsequent reception by specialized points and cotton ginning enterprises.

At the same time, everything necessary is being done to optimally complete sowing of wheat, vegetation irrigation after the campaign to obtain uniform sprouts. Preparations for harvesting the grown sugar beet crop are also continuing.

Work has been started in light of the upcoming heating season: measures are being taken to ensure proper functioning of the heating system in social, public and residential buildings.

The head of the regional administration also reported on the preparations for the upcoming celebrations on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday and the state of affairs at new various-purpose buildings, scheduled to be opened this year under the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to take all measures for optimal fulfillment of seasonal campaigns according to the established agro-technical schedule.

The head of state also instructed to keep under control the quality and timely implementation of works scheduled for this year in accordance with the National Rural Program.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev reported on the pace of seasonal agrarian activities in the country.

As it was reported, necessary efforts are made to ensure harvesting of cotton without losses and its uninterrupted delivery to receiving points and cotton ginning enterprises. At the same time, special attention is paid to maintaining high functionality of agricultural and transportation equipment.

At the same time, sowing of wheat for the next year’s harvest, vegetative irrigation of sown areas and care of seedlings are carried out in accordance with agro-technical norms.

Rice harvesting continues in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, preparations for sugar beet harvesting are underway in Mary region.

Summarizing the report and emphasizing the urgency of the tasks set before the agricultural sector, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to keep under control the optimal implementation of relevant works according to the planned schedule.

Addressing the participants of the working meeting, the head of state focused his attention upon the ongoing important agricultural campaign – cotton harvest. In this regard, it was emphasized the importance of taking targeted measures, which will increase the pace of the “white harvesting campaign”, the functionality of combines and other machinery involved in it, cotton ginning enterprises and receiving points, to collect raw cotton in a short time and without losses. Their timely and qualitative implementation will ensure optimal harvesting of the hard-grown crop and successful execution of sectoral reforms. 

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also emphasized the ongoing sowing of wheat. Speaking about the need to complete the campaign in accordance with the established requirements and schedule in order to obtain a high grain harvest and, as a result, maintain food security, the head of state ordered to keep under constant control the implementation of the campaign in the field, taking into account the norms and terms of agricultural techniques. In this regard, the President instructed to ensure effective functionality of machinery and units involved in the sowing season, timely irrigation of sown areas to get uniform sprouts.

At the same time, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to perform settlements with service structures and enterprises for the work executed at the local level within the scheduled timeframe.

Separate instructions concerned systematic control over rice harvesting in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats and proper preparation for sugar beet reaping in Mary region.

Speaking about the approaching winter period, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov assigned to ensure uninterrupted functioning of heating systems in educational, cultural, administrative, public buildings and residential houses.

At the same time, the head of state ordered to thoroughly prepare for the festive events on the occasion of the Turkmen Alabay Holiday, as well as to take all measures for timely and optimal implementation of the works scheduled in the regions this year in accordance with the Program of Socio-Economic Development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program.

Concluding the working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants sound health, family welfare and great success in their work.

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