The total amount of transactions at the SCRMET auction was about 2 million 900 thousand US dollars
The total amount of transactions at the SCRMET auction was about 2 million 900 thousand US dollars
Published 29.01.2024

Last week, 26 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates and Kazakhstan purchased polypropylene produced at the technological installations of the SC «Türkmennebit». Representatives of the UAE business community also purchased carbon black produced by the SC «Türkmenhimiýa».

In addition, cotton fabric and yarn, men's shirts and denim, regenerated fiber, raw silk, and cotton waste were sold for foreign currency. Buying countries: UAE, UK, Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan. The total amount of transactions amounted to about 2 million 900 thousand US dollars.

For the domestic market, domestic businessmen purchased polypropylene and petroleum road bitumen produced by the SC «Türkmennebit», as well as handmade carpets. The total amount of transactions amounted to more than 24 million 387 thousand manat.

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The total amount of transactions at the SCRMET auctions amounted to over 14 million 70 thousand US dollars