The congress of the International Kurash Association was held in the capital of Turkmenistan
The congress of the International Kurash Association was held in the capital of Turkmenistan
Published 25.11.2023

A high assessment of the work done to prepare for the 2023 World Cup was voiced today at the congress of the International Kurash Association (IKA), uniting 118 national federations from Asia (32), Africa (22), Europe (33), North and South America (22) and Oceania (9).

Kurash is a traditional belt wrestling of the Turkic peoples, which originated in Central Asia. This martial arts has a three-thousand-year history, which has made it one of the most popular sports not only in the region, but also in the world. Kurash is mentioned in the folk epics «Gorogly» and «Gorkut Ata». Men demonstrated their wrestling skills at weddings, festivals and fairs. In 2003, kurash was officially included in all continental games held in Asia. The issue of including it in the program of other Games, including Islamic Solidarity, is currently being considered.

As for the World Championships in this type of wrestling, they began to be held in 1999. At first, until 2002 – annually, and from 2005 – once every two years.

As noted at the IKA Congress, its holding was preceded by the most serious, responsible and comprehensive preparation on the part of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, the Kurash Federation and the NOC of Turkmenistan. The capital's Olympic village has created the necessary conditions for athletes and everyone who will be involved in these prestigious competitions, as well as for guests and fans. 310 volunteers were trained from five higher educational institutions of the country - the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Education and Sports, the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammed Azady, the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International University of Humanities and Development.

In addition, a large cultural program has been prepared for the guests, within the framework of which they will visit various museums of the country, visit the State Historical and Cultural Reserve «Nisa», the International Akhal-Teke Equestrian Complex, the Said Jemaladdin Mosque in the Ak Bugday etrap of the Ahal velayat, shopping and entertainment centers «Berkarar» and «Ashgabat», where fan zones have been created for watching competitions, film shows in the «Ashgabat» cinema, and also get acquainted with the sights of the first «smart» city of Arkadag in Turkmenistan.

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