Sowing of Winter Wheat Started in Turkmenistan
Sowing of Winter Wheat Started in Turkmenistan
Published 06.09.2023

On September 6, the sowing of winter wheat began throughout the country. With the blessing of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, an important agricultural campaign started simultaneously in all velayats of Turkmenistan.

As the head of state noted at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on August 31, in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, the necessary conditions are being created in the Homeland for the fruitful work of daykhans and rich harvests.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized the great importance of wheat sowing organized within the established agro-technical terms.

“Let your harvests, reaped on the fertile native land, be plentiful!” said the head of state, wishing all agricultural workers good health and prosperity.

According to a good folk tradition, having offered up a prayer to the Almighty for sending down a generous and profitable harvest of Ak bugday next summer, the venerable elders started the sowing. Aksakals and their young assistants, having thrown the first seeds of winter wheat into the well-prepared land with the words “Let every planted seed grow into a full-fledged ear!” passed the symbolic baton to the machine operators.

Fulfilling the assignments of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmen farmers prepared for the responsible campaign with special care, plowing and fertilizing the agricultural land intended for next year’s harvest in a timely manner. High-quality seeds of high-yielding varieties of food wheat were prepared in advance for the sowing season.

One of the key aspects of the policy pursued by the head of state, aimed at increasing the economic power of the Motherland and improving the welfare of the people, is the dynamic development of the agro-industrial complex. The reforms being implemented in agriculture are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the most important sector of the national economy, strengthening food security and the country’s export potential. The successful solution of the tasks in this area is facilitated by effective measures of state support for domestic agricultural producers.

On an innovative basis, the issues of engineering and technical support of the agro-industrial complex are solved, and equipment of the latest modifications is purchased, being best suited to the soil and climatic conditions of Turkmenistan. The chemical industry is developing at a high rate, providing crop production with mineral fertilizers. Thanks to large-scale investments, modern elevators for proper storage of wheat, flour-grinding complexes operate in all velayats.

It is noteworthy that within the framework of the Program for the socio-economic development of the country until 2025, the National Rural Program and others, large investment projects are being implemented that radically change the life of the Turkmen village.

On the occasion of the start of sowing winter crops, seminars with the participation of representatives of regional and etrap khyakimliks, heads of daykhan associations, agronomists, machine operators, tenant farmers, and elders were held in the Halal zähmet uçguny Daykhan Farm of Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat, in the daykhan associations such as Arkaç of Gyzylarvat etrap of Balkan velayat, Türkmenistan of Boldumsaz etrap of Dashoguz velayat, Watan of Charjev etrap of Lebap velayat, Zarpçy of Mary etrap of Mary velayat.

The seminars, in particular, discussed in detail the issues of organized sowing campaign, the use of modern methods of agricultural technology and best practices in the cultivation of grain, which will undoubtedly help farmers to sow strategically important crops in the most favorable time and with high quality.

Exhibitions of products manufactured by enterprises of the country’s agro-industrial complex and modern agricultural machinery were also organized. On the occasion of the start of the sowing campaign, song and dance ensembles and folklore groups prepared a concert program.

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