The head of the state signed a number of documents
The head of the state signed a number of documents
Published 25.11.2022

In connection with the change of administrative-territorial division of Akhal region, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, which orders:

– To abolish the khyakimlik of Tejen city of Akhal region;

– The Ministry of Finance and Economy to make amendments to the State Budget of 2022 proceeding from the given Resolution;

– The khyakimlik of Akhal region jointly with the Ministry of Adalat to prepare within a monthly period and submit proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of Turkmenistan proceeding from the Resolution for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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In connection with the change of administrative-territorial division of Balkan region, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, which orders:

– To rename the khyakimlik of Serdar district of Balkan region into the khyakimlik of Kyzyl-Arvat district of Balkan region;

– To abolish khyakimliks of Serdar, Gumdag and Khazar cities as well as the khyakimlik of Kenar district of Turkmenbashi city of Balkan region;

– The Ministry of Finance and Economy to make amendments to the State Budget of 2022 proceeding from the given Resolution;

– The khyakimlik of Balkan region jointly with the Ministry of Adalat to prepare within a monthly period and submit proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of Turkmenistan proceeding from the Resolution for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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In connection with the change of administrative-territorial division of Dashoguz  region, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, which orders:

– To rename the khyakimlik of S.A.Niyazov district of Dashoguz region into the khyakimlik of Shavat district of Dashoguz region;

– To abolish khyakimliks of Gubadag, Gurbansoltan eje districts and Koneurgench city khyakimlik of Dashoguz region;

– The Ministry of Finance and Economy to make amendments to the State Budget of 2022 proceeding from the given Resolution;

– The khyakimlik of Dashoguz region jointly with the Ministry of Adalat to prepare within a monthly period and submit proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of Turkmenistan proceeding from the Resolution for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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In connection with the change of administrative-territorial division of Lebap   region, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, which orders:

– To abolish khyakimliks of Farap and Dovletli districts of Lebap region.

– The Ministry of Finance and Economy to make amendments to the State Budget of 2022 proceeding from the given Resolution;

– The khyakimlik of Lebap region jointly with the Ministry of Adalat to prepare within a monthly period and submit proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of Turkmenistan proceeding from the Resolution for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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In connection with the change of administrative-territorial division of Mary    region, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, which orders:

– To abolish khyakimliks of Serhetabat and Oguz han districts of Mary region.

– The Ministry of Finance and Economy to make amendments to the State Budget of 2022 proceeding from the given Resolution;

– The khyakimlik of Mary region jointly with the Ministry of Adalat to prepare within a monthly period and submit proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of Turkmenistan proceeding from the Resolution for consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers.

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