Solemn ceremony of inauguration of the President of Turkmenistan
Solemn ceremony of inauguration of the President of Turkmenistan
Published 19.03.2022

Today, in the capital Rukhyet Palace a solemn inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of Turkmenistan has taken place. This day will enter the history of our independent neutral country as a landmark event, which marks irreversibility of democratic transformations developed in our country that possesses age-old traditions of sovereignty of people. As known, by the outcome of the presidential elections, held on March 12 based on principles of openness and publicity, wide alternative basis, in accordance with the national legislation in force and generally accepted standards of international law, Serdar Berdimuhamedov for whom the absolute majority of electors voted, was elected new head of the Turkmen state.

In the morning, Arkadag, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and newly elected President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov walked from the Oguzhan presidential complex to the Rukhyet Palace.

Today, the atmosphere of inspiration and high emotional mood prevail in the capital Rukhyet Palace. Everything is ready for the start of the solemn ceremony among participants of which is the leadership of the Khalk Maslakhaty and Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, members and deputies of both chambers of the National parliament, Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, members of the State Security Council, military and law enforcement bodies, representatives of political parties, public associations, local government and self-governing bodies.

Among the gathered are members of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, nominees for the post of the head of the state. In the hall are heads of diplomatic representations and missions accredited to Turkmenistan, representatives of national and foreign mass media as well as the wide pubic.

Standing, with continued applauds the people gathered in the hall of the Rukhyet Palace welcome the newly elected head of the state.

To the music of the solemn march of guards of honour, soldiers bring into the hall the State Flag of Turkmenistan, Flag of the President of Turkmenistan, Constitution of Turkmenistan, distinctive mark of the President of Turkmenistan and the sacred Koran.

Further, the floor is given to chairperson of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan G.Myradov, who informed on the outcome of the nationwide elections of the head of the state, held similarly on March 12, 2022.

The head of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan sincerely congratulated the newly elected head of the state with his victory in the nationwide, democratic elections held on March 12 of the current year and wished him sound health, long life and great success in his responsible activity for the further progress of our fatherland and happy life of Turkmen people.

The highlight of the event sets: newly elected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov heads towards the specially installed rostrum. 

According to the established noble tradition, representatives of the elderly generation –respected mothers come out on the stage. One of them carries and lays a white felt as token of blessing for the bright path and noble deeds. In the hands of another grey-haired mother is the national Turkmen sachak, tablecloth –a symbol of wellbeing and abundance.

The President elect of Turkmenistan pays tribute to these age-old national objects and approaches the rostrum.

Putting his right hand on the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the head of the state takes an oath of allegiance to the fatherland and people: 

«Taking the office of the President of Turkmenistan, I swear solemnly:

- To fulfil high duties laid upon me piously and in good faith, with honour and diligently;

- To defend the state independence and legal status of neutrality of Turkmenistan;

- To respect and protect rights and freedoms of humans and citizens;

- To observe and protect the Constitution of Turkmenistan;

- To devote all my efforts and capability to the unity of Turkmen people and protection of its peaceful life;

- To use all possibilities so that Turkmen nationals will further augment the gory of the present and future generations;

- to serve with good faith and fidelity Turkmen people».

In the solemn atmosphere, the chairman of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan on behalf of all Turkmen nationals hands the elected head of the state the certificate of the President of Turkmenistan.

Further, honoured elders who represent all regions of the country and Ashgabat city hand the President of Turkmenistan the relevant distinctive mark. On behalf of Turkmen people, they also express their head of the state their sincere congratulations.

It is declared solemnly that in accordance with the Constitution of the country, the President elect of Turkmenistan has assumed his office.

The national anthem of Turkmenistan plays with unanimous participation of all participants of the ceremony.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov bows his head before the State Flag of Turkmenistan and following age-old national traditions, kisses the edge of the sacred banner and puts it on his forehead.

Further, the head of Turkmenistan who has assumed his office, addressed the participants of the ceremony with his speech.

Greeting the gathered and all compatriots, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed his sincere gratitude to the present and people of our independent neutral country for their trust in the nationwide elections by the outcome of which he was elected to the highest state post.

As the head of Turkmenistan underlined, a great trust made by his people, obliges him for selfless labour for progress and strengthening of our country in the interest of peaceful and prosperous life of his compatriots and happy future of generations.

Continuing his speech, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov thanked honoured elders, dear mothers, the youth, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty and deputies of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, members of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council, representatives of mass media, public organizations and diplomatic representations accredited to our country for accepting the invitation to the ceremony of his inauguration.

Availing of the present opportunity, the head of the state also expressed his gratitude to his compatriots who took part with him in the elections of the President of Turkmenistan as nominees. They proved that Turkmen people nominated the most worthy candidates for the highest state post.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also expressed his sincere gratitude to members of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan, national and international observers for organization of this important social and political event at high level in accordance with international standards –in the atmosphere of openness, fairness as well as all Turkmen nationals, who have made their contribution to the successful organization of elections.

As the head of the state underlined, today assuming the office of the President of Turkmenistan, he has taken an oath of allegiance to the people of his country. In this connection, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov drew attention to his upcoming work at this post and first of all, the important goals set before him. 

Today, independent Turkmenistan has entered a new stage of its development, which has got the name “Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state“. In this epoch, we have set before ourselves high goals. And our main goal, the head of the state stated, is to ensure stability and security, socio-economic development of our fatherland, further improvement of the living standards of our people, strengthening of peace and mutual trust on the planet.

The path towards achievement of these grandiose goals was clearly laid out in the Program “Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052” adopted in the historical meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov further noted, in the prosperous epoch of the powerful state a great deal of work has been carried out by our Hero Arkadag successfully to strengthen the power and raise the international authority of the Turkmen state and positive political, economic and cultural reforms as well as the well-developed and scientifically proven program of actions have been realized. Purposefulness and political far-sightedness of the leader of the nation in government of the country and great heights achieved by it as well as his trust and love to his people enabled him to put our fatherland on the path for dynamic progress.

The head of the state underlined that the basis of his upcoming activity includes the established main course, goals set and most promising tasks for further intensive development of our independent country.

Turkmenistan will continue he policy of neutrality based on god neighbourhood, mutual respect, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries of the world. The key principles proceeding from the legal status of neutrality of our country, namely strengthening of peace and security, expansion of friendly and brotherly relations based on free will, ensuring of sustainable development on the planet will further make up priority areas of the foreign policy of independent Turkmenistan.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov further pointed out, the political platforms of Turkmenistan in the international relations remain unchanged. Our country will fully fulfil its international obligations according to the Charter of the United Nations, bilateral and multilateral agreements, contracts and conventions in force.

In this regard, our country will regularly strengthen its cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian and Islamic Development Banks as well as other international financial and economic institutions.

We are open for all countries and peoples of the world and aimed at development of trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian, scientific and educational relations with them in the future, the head of the state stated. We will further strengthen the international authority of Turkmenistan as reliable partner, because the prestige of our fatherland is the prestige of our people. 

Addressing the ceremony participants, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that his main duty will be to protect the citizens’ rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the country. The Halk Maslakhaty and the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan will continue to work on improving domestic legislation. We will continue to ensure a humane state policy in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms. The powers of the Halk Maslakhaty and the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan will be improved.

The National Armed Forces, implementing the Defensive Military Doctrine, have a great role in protecting the independence and neutrality, ensuring the stability of our state. The defensive power of the neutral Motherland is aimed at ensuring a peaceful and prosperous life of our people. With regard to this, we will make every effort to strengthen the material and technical base of the national Armed Forces, as well as other military and law enforcement agencies, which modern, most advanced equipment and other necessary equipment will be purchased for in the future, the head of Turkmenistan noted. Along with this, the social and living conditions of servicemen will continue to improve. 

In the future, we will implement a strategy targeted at the large-scale development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and its integration into the international energy system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said in continuation of his speech.

As the head of state noted, at meetings with voters, he spoke in detail about the construction of the Ashgabat City residential complex in the capital, new modern villages and settlements in velayats. In the future, this work will continue in all regions of our country.

Significant investments will be directed to the domestic electric power industry. To diversify exports to foreign markets of Turkmen energy resources, production will be increased and the electricity supply system will be improved, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted. In the future, it is planned to establish and introduce renewable energy sources in our country on a large scale, including solar panels.

Along with this, the volume of investments will also be increased for the purchase of high-performance agricultural machinery and equipment from foreign countries.

Modern water-saving technologies will be permanently introduced into production, and previous irrigation methods will be improved.

Special attention will be paid to the development of animal husbandry in our country, increasing the number of livestock and poultry, expanding breeding activities in accordance with methods scientifically grounded.

We will also continue important work on increasing the number of Akhal-Teke horses and their world fame, preserving and enriching the numerous traditions of the national cynological school, breeding Turkmen alabai, the head of state noted.

One of the priorities is to ensure food abundance in the country. To this end, we will create modern production facilities for the manufacture of competitive, environmentally friendly, high-quality agricultural products that meet international standards. By producing a wide range of import-substituting agricultural products, we will increase the volume of its exports, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

Today, the transport and logistics sector is turning into a powerful infrastructure that unites regions and continents of the world. In this context, our country is the heart of the Great Silk Road, and therefore we effectively use geographical and other advantages.

We will continue to focus on introducing the capabilities of the digital system into all segments of the national economy in the future, the head of state underlined.

Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov touched upon the topic of the Turkmen national art of carpet making, which is included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind. This fine art occupies a worthy place in the education of the younger generation and the development of our ancient craft. Proceeding from this, work will continue on enriching carpets with new ornaments and patterns, fully satisfying the requests of local and foreign consumers.

Turkmenistan is also creating all conditions for the private sector. The privatization of state property and the development of the non-state sector are an integral part of state policy. The construction of small, medium and large technological enterprises engaged in all sectors of the national economy will be carried out at a high pace in the country, which will have a positive impact on strengthening economic power, the head of Turkmenistan noted.

The development of the spheres of science, education, health and sports in the country will be aimed at improving the standard of living of the people, affirming the principles of a healthy lifestyle in society. Every effort will be made to modernize the national education system, to educate purposeful, highly qualified, trained youth with great scientific potential, a broad outlook, capable of managing innovative technologies, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

Digital technologies will be widely used in the field of education, distance learning and data exchange will be carried out. These measures will raise the level of the educational process in domestic universities to one of the highest in the world.

Human health in our country is the highest value of society and the state. Therefore, a lot of work will be done in the field of public health protection, prevention and eradication of diseases, development of healthcare and medical industry in accordance with the world level, the head of Turkmenistan noted. The implementation of reforms in the healthcare system will continue. New specialized facilities will be built, equipped with modern medical tools and drugs.

Special attention in our independent state is paid to the development of mass sports and youth policy. Based on this, work will continue aimed at attracting broad segments of the population to physical education and sports, developing children’s sports, popularizing healthy lifestyle norms among young people, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed.

The Turkmen people are widely known for their great art, exemplary customs and unique cultural heritage. Turkmen culture has made a worthy contribution to the development of world culture. We will continue to work on improving the sphere of national culture, thorough study, protection and popularization of national heritage in the world, the head of state said. Measures will also be taken to carefully preserve and study objects of historical and cultural heritage, restoration of historical and cultural monuments.

In addition, it will be carried out work aimed at increasing the number of objects in order to be included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov also emphasized that one of the main tasks of the head of state should be to strengthen the population’s social and legal protection. Our state will always keep in the spotlight the measures taken to increase wages, pensions, student scholarships and state benefits, as well as to render other social assistance to the population.

State support for large families will continue to improve. According to the head of Turkmenistan, each family with modern housing will be one of his main concerns.

Concluding his speech, in which the priorities of the upcoming work in all spheres of the economy were summarized, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that for the timely and high-quality fulfillment of the tasks set out in the Program we adopted, we must mobilize all our capabilities, work hand in hand, in unity and cohesion.

As the head of state highlighted, in the successful achievement of the set goals, he relies, first of all, on our people, their unity, integrity, consciousness and courage.

The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people!

The state is a state only with the people!

We will reach all the milestones through our unity!

Expressing gratitude once again to all those who actively participated in the presidential elections of Turkmenistan, in particular, to the voters who voted for him, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said that he highly appreciates the great confidence vested him. “I understand that this credence has been given not only to me personally, but also to all educated and well-bred Turkmen youth who are well versed in advanced and innovative technologies,” the head of Turkmenistan noted.

Speaking about this, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again assured that he would make every effort, energy, knowledge, experience and abilities for the well-being of the holy Fatherland and the peaceful, prosperous and happy life of his native people.

“In the great state of Turkmenistan, we should live happily for a long time under a peaceful and clear sky, being proud of a prosperous and wonderful life,” the head of state said, concluding his introduction at the inauguration ceremony with inspired lines:

This country is our Motherland!

This region is our native land!

We are a nation extolling the sanctity of parents and family!

Long live the Turkmen people!

Long live independent neutral Turkmenistan!

The speech of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was granted a hearing with deep attention and met with stormy public applause.

The head of state is heartily congratulated on taking office and wishes for sound health, longevity and great success in his important and responsible activities for the benefit of the people and the Fatherland.

The inauguration ceremony is coming to an end: to the sounds of a solemn march, the soldiers of the Honor Guard carry out the State Flag of Turkmenistan, the Standard of the President of Turkmenistan, the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the holy Koran from the hall.

To the friendly applause of the ceremony participants, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, warmly saying goodbye to everyone, leaves the hall.

At the exit from the Rukhyet Palace, the President of Turkmenistan is also escorted by honorary elders and gray-haired mothers, students and young Turkmen citizens. It becomes another manifestation of the older and younger generations’ great trust in the popularly elected head of state and confidence that all his undertakings will be marked by success. 

From the Rukhyet Palace, the car of the President of Turkmenistan, accompanied by an honorary horse escort, drove to the “Oguzhan” Presidential Palace Complex and made a U-turn around the Galkynysh Square.

Military personnel of the Guard of Honor and units of various branches of troops lined up at the central entrance to the “Oguzhan” Palace Complex in full readiness for the solemn military parade.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov reported to President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Having heard the report, the head of state greeted the Homeland defenders, who are now honorably continuing the glorious traditions of their great ancestors.

The National Anthem of Turkmenistan was played.

Then the military personnel made the sacred State Oath of Turkmenistan.

To the sounds of a solemn march, in orderly rows, measuring out their steps, parade crews of military personnel marched in front of the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, demonstrating excellent training and perfect skills of drill.

Having received the parade, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov proceeded to the “Oguzhan” Palace Complex to begin his duties at the top state post.

It should be noted that today, in accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the head of state signed the Decree on the resignation by members of the Government of the country in full force, instructing them to continue performing their duties until new members of the Cabinet of Ministers are appointed.

Thus, this day will go down in the modern history of the independent neutral Homeland, which has entered a period of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, a graphic symbol of the triumph of democracy and indestructible national unity, our country’s unchanging commitment to the chosen path of peace, prosperity and creation.

* * *

Today, an official reception was given at the Audience Center of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the inauguration of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Addressing the ceremony participants with a welcoming speech, the head of state expressed sincere gratitude to his native people and all citizens of the country for their active participation in the elections and the high trust shown. At the same time, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again stressed that he would work hard for the wellbeing of the people of Turkmenistan and future generations, in order to justify the people’s trust and continue the reforms launched by President Arkadag in political, economic, cultural and public life.

The art workers of the country prepared their creative performances for the significant event by giving a large concert program to the President of Turkmenistan and his guests.

In the magnificent hall, famous musicians, known folk and pop singers have performances glorifying the independent Homeland, its beauty and power.

A significant part of the concert program was made up of performances by young vocalists, students of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva. Inspiringly, in the languages of the peoples of the world, they presented well-known foreign folk and pop songs, putting the most heartfelt message into them.

At the end of the festive concert, a patriotic song was performed by the soloists and all the participants, which was a reflection of the high feelings of pride and happiness of the people of Turkmenistan for the independent neutral native land, entering a new epoch of its development.

* * *

In the evening, festive events were continued in the southern part of the Turkmen capital. On the square in front of the State Tribune, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the celebration participants were welcomed by popular vocalists and choreographic groups of the country.

The bright, spectacular compositions presented by the artists embodied love for the native land, inspiration and high patriotic spirit of the Turkmen people, their commitment to the path of peace and creation.

The final chord of the colorful event on the square was grandiose fireworks, which lit up the evening sky over the white marble Ashgabat with myriads of sparkling fantastic constellations.

* * *

On the same day, on the occasion of the inauguration of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a festive sadaka was given at the Hezreti Omar Mosque.

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