Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: “All our achievements – the result of the native people’s untiring labor”
Events of the week
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: “All our achievements – the result of the native people’s untiring labor”
Published 06.09.2021

Turkmenistan is preparing to celebrate a historical event in the life of our country and society – the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s independence. And each day of the year proclaimed under the slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Peace and Trust” is signified by the glorious labor achievements. An eloquent corollary to it are the past week’s remarkable events, which demonstrate the broadest gamut of successes, triumph of the policy of peace and progress pursued by the national leader – President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

On August 30, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov conducted an online working session with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers (in charge of the agri-industrial complex) and khyakims of velayats.

The agenda of session implied consideration of the tasks related to realization of the programs of the country’s socioeconomic development, the preparedness rate to the new 2021-2022 academic year, festivities on the occasion of the Motherland’s jubilee of independence, well-organized conducting of the seasonal agri-works.

Information was avowed about commissioning of the five secondary education schools in Akhal velayat and the two modern schools in Lebap velayat before the beginning of the academic year. On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, all first-graders will be donated the gifts – computers, technical characteristics of which meet the relevant world standards.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also fixated attention on tackling the tasks set to the agricultural sectors of regions in connection with the upcoming wheat-seeding campaign on September 3. The key factors of the campaign’s success are in application of innovatory approaches, motivation of grain-growers, and widespread adoption of the farming management advanced methods with a glance to the local soil-climate conditions.

To produce heavy yields of the autumnal potato and other crops, not the least significant is to increase the quality and rates of crop farming, the head of state noted.

Speaking of the 30th anniversary of the country’s sacred independence, the leader of nation has highlighted the importance of holding the planned festive measures at a high organizational level and ensuring optimum and well-timed realization of the plans of the country’s socioeconomic development.

In the course of session, consideration was also given to the organizational issues.

On August 3, President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the Defense Minister B. Gundogdyev to discuss the important tasks imposed on the military structures and the issues of ensuring well-organized conducting of the military parade on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s state independence.

The head of state has highlighted that upgrading and streamlining of the military structures’ activity is a key aspect of the reforms carried out in the Army. The state attaches particular importance to modernization of the hardware and logistics base of all combat arms. Being guided by the Military Doctrine, which is exclusively of the defensive nature, this work will be continued in the future.

His approval of the plan of the solemn military parade the leader of nation has accompanied with concrete instructions on its well-organized realization.

In the course of meeting, President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces has signed a Ukase on promoting of a number of servicemen and approved the Statute of the Breast Badge of the members of State Security Council.

On September 1, in the capital’s Congress-Center, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave a general demonstration lesson on the occasion of Knowledge and Student Youth Day and startup of the new academic year.

The leader has dedicated his speech to the historical way Turkmenistan has overcome during its 30-year way of independence, to the new tasks aimed at promoting the development of the country and role of the youth in their solution.

In his speech before the youth audience, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov cited a quotation from his book “Spiritual World of Turkmens”, which says “Most valuable heritage – is good upbringing, and the core of upbringing is education and science”.

Right on the basis of our accumulated scientific and educational experience, we ensure in XXI century sustainable development, the President of the country highlighted, having passed his behests to the young people: always to seek to get deep and comprehensive knowledge and improve their mind.

Having noted that in terms of history the 30-year period is short, the President of the country has briefed the audience on the key landmarks in building of the democratic, legal and secular state, modernization of the national economy and strengthening of our country’s positions in the global community on the basis of its foreign-policy status of positive neutrality, aspiration for the constructive international cooperation.

Neutral Turkmenistan’s foreign policy is the way of peace, the way of inviting the peoples of the planet to friendship and fraternity, the head of state stressed, having thereto made reference to the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat, and to the fact of proclaiming by the UN on the initiative of Turkmenistan the year 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust.

As a result of the permanent neutrality policy, which has generated the art of establishing peace all over the world, a bright star named Turkmenistan has come into existence in the geopolitical space of the planet, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Addressing the youth, the leader of nation has stated that there is no value loftier than the Motherland and dearer notion than our people. The youth is to apply all their efforts, knowledge and skills to promote rapid development of our beloved Motherland and further growth of its global name recognition.

As the President of the country has noted the achievements we celebrate the glorious 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s sacred independence with, are the result of the people’s untiring labor. Despite the by-now global financial-economic crisis, we advance our economy through its diversification.

In this regard, the Turkmen leader has noted that at present widespread adoption of digital technologies is a dominant factor of the country’s competitiveness and economic growth, and accordingly – training of the demand-driven specialists.

Speaking of the primary tasks, the leader of nation has stated that in the epoch of the fourth industrial revolution the youth is to take active part in the innovatory studies and create new technologies, keeping pace with global technological advancement of the world.

In his contentious lecture, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has touched upon all key spheres of Turkmenistan’s development over the years of independence, referring to the most vivid and scale examples of achievements in the economy and social aspects, including in the spheres of health, sport and culture.

In the state policy, special emphasis was placed on the cultural diplomacy. In this aspect, the UNESCO is our closest partner. For the first time, the UNESCO departments will be established in the Magtymguly Turkmen State University and the Seyitnazar Seidi Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute; and a number of our secondary education schools will join the UNESCO International Network of Associated Schools.

The head of state has wished to the youth to seek to get knowledge and qualitative education in order in the future to provide benefit to the people and Motherland.

Our love for Motherland is a tender, bright feeling, the value of which is infinite. A sincere word finds a broad response in the hearts of people. Putting the heart into any cause grants gladness and brings the desired effect. Your major duty is to get down to business with pure heart, elevate the name of our courageous people, glorify in the world our sacred Motherland, which we hold dearest of all, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov said.

On September 2, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the Minister of State for Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Kiyoshi Ejima, who arrived in Turkmenistan as the head of the delegation of his country.

In the course of meeting, the sides have discussed the prospects for further cooperation in the trade-economic and industrial spheres. The industrial complex, including the petro- and gas-chemical industries, energy, transport-communication sector, and others were sorted out among the key directions of partnership. Cooperation in the renewable energy resources was not the least significant sphere of discussion.

Construction in Lebap velayat of the 432 MW gas-turbine power plant with the participation of “Sumimoto Corporation” was referred to as an example of the effective Turkmen-Japanese cooperation. In this regard, Mr. Kiyoshi Ejima has extended sincere gratitude to the leader of nation for the attention and support in the issues of the interstate interaction, as well as for the invitation to the Japanese delegation to take part in the ceremony of commissioning of the new object.

That same day, the Minister of State for Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Kiyoshi Ejima had a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Chairman of the Turkmen-Japanese Committee for Economic Cooperation Serdar Berdymuhamedov.

Consideration was given to the priority directions of bilateral partnership in the energy and industry, as well as in the sphere of renewable energy. Particular attention was concentrated on the forthcoming commissioning of the gas-turbine power plant in Lebap velayat.

The focal issues of the state life were in the focus of the regular online session of the Cabinet of Ministers President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on September 3. The agenda of session implied such issues, as the upcoming Halk Maslakhaty session and preparations of the measures on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, contribution of private structures into modernization and diversification of the branches of the national economy, implementation progress of the development-favored programs of the FEC, trade, and agriculture.

Concentrating attention on preparations to the upcoming Halk Maslakhaty session in the capital, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has highlighted that in the modern historical epoch the nation’s age-old democratic traditions received worthy continuity, incarnating the joint of times and intergenerational continuity, adherence of the independent neutral Motherland to the principles of genuine democracy, to the chosen way of creativity.

Highlighting the importance of keeping the work going on privatization of a number of objects of State Concerns Türkmengaz» и «Türkmenhimiýa», «Türkmenawtoulaglary» Agency, Transport and Communication Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers and khyakimlik of Lebap velayat, the leader of nation has underlined that successful realization of the country’s economic strategy is assigned to promote competitiveness of the national economy, development of private property, further prosperity of the Motherland, and improvement of the people’s well-being.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has stressed the necessity of upward comprehensive development of the FEC as a locomotive of the national economy. In this context, the leader of nation has pointed to the significance of further diversification of the oil/gas sector and increase of manufacturing of the import-substituting products highly-acclaimed in the country and beyond.

It was also informed at the session, on the basis of «Türkmenhowaýollary» Agency’s application, the Turkmenbashi Refinery Complex has taken the relevant measures to ensure production of the jet gasoline imported for “An-2” jets. The product is registered by the Main State Service«Türkmenstandartlary» in the relevant certificate. In the future, the “An-2” jets will fully be provided with the home-produced fuel, which is widely used in agriculture; the demand-driven fuel will also be exported to the countries of the region.

To ensure well-organized startup of the cotton-harvesting campaign, the leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave blessing to start the campaign on September 8 in Akhal, Balkan, Lebap, and Mary velayats, on September 15 – in Dashoguz velayat.

In the trade complex, among the tasks of primary importance, the President of Turkmenistan has identified: providing of food abundance in the domestic market at the expense of the home-made goods; creating of every condition for promoting further development in the country of entrepreneurship, which is assigned a significant role in increasing competitiveness of the national economy; intensifying and activating of the foreign-trade ties.

Necessitating intensification of the activity of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union, the leader of nation has assures that on the state’s part in the years ahead the private sector will be backed and supported.

At the session, information was avowed that very soon the architectural ensemble of Ashgabat will be supplemented with yet another new object – the edifice of the Governmental Tribune, which will host large-scale festive events, including the ones on the occasion of Independence Day of Turkmenistan.

Having placed accent on the necessity to activate implementation of the digitization projects and construction of the relevant infrastructure, the head of state has signed the Resolution “On modernization of the data transfer multi-service network” and approved the Regulations on training and retraining of the drivers of motor vehicles.

Worth of noting is the fact that in compliance with the Order of the President of Turkmenistan and in tune with the age-old traditions of good neighborliness and humanism inherent to the Turkmen people, last week, the humanitarian aid (medicines and medicinal agents) was rendered to the people of Afghanistan.

The intensive eventful week, the leader of nation has completed with a cycle ride in the foothills of the Kopetdag and a visit to the Akhalteke Equestrian Complex of President of Turkmenistan to find out about the ‘heavenly’ horse racers – the pride of the nation.

A solemn ceremony of commissioning the new 432 MW power plant in Charjev etrap in the territory of the operating Lebap state-run power plant was yet another step toward realization of the President-approved programs of Turkmenistan industrialization, diversification and enhancement of the national economy export potential.

The large-scale project, significant for the energy system of the country, was implemented by “Türkmenenergo” State Corporation of the Energy Ministry of Turkmenistan in association with foreign partners – «Sumitomo Corporation» and «Mitsubishi Power Ltd» Companies (Japan), «Rönesans Holding» (Turkey).

Together with the new power plant, the total capacity of the by-now operating Lebap state-run power plant will reach 581.2 MW. At the same time, the reliability of energy supplies to consumers will grow; new workplaces will appear; and the possibility will appear to increase energy supplies to the countries of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan.

In the solemn atmosphere, the new object of the Lebap state-run power plant was presented with: the «Sumitomo Corporation» Certificate, attesting to the fact that gas turbines M701DA (manufactured by«Mitsubishi Power Ltd» Company) were installed in Central Asia for the first time; the Certificate “Innovatory Technologies” of the Swiss Federal Technological Institute; and the Certificate “For Sustainability and Effectiveness” of the “Max Plank” Energy Institute (Germany).

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the collective of the power plant was presented with the keys to the new official cars.

On September 1, the festive events on the occasion of Knowledge and Student Youth Day were countrywide celebrated.

“To get education and be qualified as a specialist is an old-age principle of the lifestyle of the Turkmen people, firmly convinced that science and education is a source of happiness and well-being. This is why, in the epoch of power and happiness, we attach particular importance to the consistent improvement of the education system, regarding it as a creative driving force of the society”, - the head of state has highlighted in his message to the schoolchildren, student youth, teachers and other representatives of the education sphere of independent neutral Turkmenistan, having extended to the young generation of Turkmenistan wishes of success in studies, and to the teachers – in their noble work for the benefit of the Motherland’s further prosperity.

On the first day of the academic year, new schools (built by local private enterprises) opened their doors wide for the schoolchildren in a number of regions.

One such is a 960-seat specialized secondary education school #42 built in the village of Babarap, Geokdepe etrap, Akhal velayat. In compliance with Resolution of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan the school is named after Annak Sahetmuradov – a teacher, active organizer of the teaching-educational work, a participant of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Besides, Akhal velayat celebrated opening of yet another four modern secondary education schools: in the town of Anau (720-seat), in Ak Bugdai etrap (960-seat), in Babadaikhan gengeshlik, Tejen etrap (640-seat), and Babadaikhan etrap (960-seat).

The two 600-seat modern schools were opened in the Chovdur and Lebaby gengeshliks, Sayat etrap, Lebap velayat.

The new schools are well-equipped with modern computers and relevant hardware and innovatory technologies; all conditions are created for labor education, for physical culture and sports.

Like in all schools of the country, the first-grade schoolchildren were presented with “Bilim” computers on behalf of the President of the country.

On September 3 the mass winter wheat-seeding campaign started. From the 690,000-hectare land area planted to wheat, the farmers, in 2022, are to produce 1,400 thousand tons of grain. For the seeding campaign, high-quality and high-yielding varieties of food wheat were prepared; 1,972 ploughing tractors, 1,545 tractor-cultivators and seeders of modern modification from such leading companies of the world as «John Deere», «CLAAS», «Case» will be engaged in the campaign.

The final round of the musical-song contest «Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri» is also in the list of festive measures on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan independence. The inspired performances of young talents were accompanied by demonstration of videos, creating at the state the image of our great country, which has granted happy childhood to young Turkmen citizens. On behalf of the President of the country, the winners of the contest were presented with valuable prizes and diplomas; the gifts were also given to all finalists of the creative showcase.

On the whole, the past week’s events have become a vivid confirmation that under the wise leadership of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov our country is striding confidently onward – along the chosen way of peace, creativity and progress, strengthening the spiritual and creative potential of the nation.

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