Events of the week
Turkmenistan is striding confidently towards new heights of progress and prosperity
Events of the week
Turkmenistan is striding confidently towards new heights of progress and prosperity
Published 02.08.2021

Consistency in implementing of the outlined plans aimed at the accelerated development of the country, partnership-based interrelations with all states of the world buttressed by constructiveness, reliability and durability principles are a characteristic feature of the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov. All the undertakings of the leader of nation, socioeconomic programs and innovations are lined up into a single construction, clear-cut strategy of ensuring further prosperity of the Motherland, happiness and wealth of the native people.

On July 26, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held an online working session with the participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the AIC and khyakims of velayats to discuss the implementation progress of the seasonal agri-works related to raising the level of cotton yield, as well as the preparation rate to the festivities on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence.

The maps of agricultural land areas of velayats were demonstrated to the leader of nation to make more cogent the reports on the implementation progress of the ongoing seasonal agri-technical measures in the fields planted to cotton, on preparation rates to the upcoming cotton-harvesting and wheat-seeding (to produce the next year’s yield) campaigns.

It was informed that the fields planted to rice in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats and to winter sugar beet – in Balkan and Mary velayats were being carefully treated and managed.

In the running year, the 5,000-hectare land area was allotted for planting of potato crop. Necessary measures are taken for well-organized conducting of the seeding campaign of vegetables and other intermediate crops.

In the frames of their progress reports, the khyakims of velayats informed about the state of affairs at the construction of the objects intended for commissioning in run-up of the independence jubilee of Motherland and on the preparation progress of measures on the occasion of that remarkable date.

Concentrating attention on conducting of all the seasonal agri-campaigns at an appropriate level and with observance of agri-technical standards, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has exhorted to tighten up control over the issues of widespread adoption in the sector of the advanced experience and latest scientific achievements, over creating appropriate condition for agri-producers.

The head of state has also stressed that all the works to be implemented in the running year, which are enshrined in the National Rural Areas Development Program, as well construction of the objects to be launched on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence, are to be completed at a high quality level and in due time.

On July 27, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov received the newly-appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Turkmenistan Said Osman Ahmed Suweid, who handed in his credentials.

In the course of meeting, the sides exchanged opinions on a broad range of issues, first of the first in the frames of the international organizations and regional structures.

The head of state and the Ambassador expressed themselves in favor of further activating of the political-diplomatic and trade-economic ties. Not the least important is strengthening of interaction in the cultural-humanitarian sphere – an integral part of the present-day Turkmen-Saudi dialogue, the sides noted.

The diplomat has also noted the Saudi Arabia business circles evince interest in establishing of closer business contacts with our country. The activity of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Saudi Arabia is also assigned to directly promote the trade-economic cooperation. The FEC, trade-economic sphere, transport-communication sector and others were singled out by the interlocutors among the top-priority vectors of partnership.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has conveyed to the King and Prince Royal of Saudi Arabia an invitation to pay a visit to Turkmenistan whenever it will be convenient to them. Timing of the visit will be negotiated via the diplomatic channels.

On July 28, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov received the newly-appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates to Turkmenistan Ahmed Alhai Hamad Hamis Al Hameli, who handed in his credentials.

In the course of meeting, consideration was given to the prospects for productive interaction advancement, the foundation stone of which was laid in the course of the last years’ negotiations and top-level meetings, including in the frames of the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the UAE in 2018 and the running year June’s working visit to the United Arab Emirates of the governmental delegation of Turkmenistan led by Vice-Premier S. Berdymuhamedov.

Construction in Balkan velayat of the International Airport (100 passengers/per hour) and 10MW hybrid solar-wind power plant in the territory of the “Altyn Asyr” Turkmen Lake is an eloquent example of practical realization of joint investment projects.

The sides welcomed also availability of advantageous possibilities for enhancement of the effective interaction in the sphere of energy, transport and communication, in the industrial sector, agriculture, construction, for introduction of advanced scientific achievements and innovatory technologies.

The leader of nation has confirmed Turkmenistan’s intention to actively participate in the regular World Exhibition “EXPO” to be held in Dubai.

On July 30, being on a working tour in Balkan velayat, in the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held and off-site session of the Cabinet of Ministers to draw together conclusions from the running year’s seven-month activity of all branches of the national economy complex and to outline the urgent tasks of the country’s further socioeconomic development.

At the session, the leader of nation has ordered to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers the proposals on the State Budget for the next year. The appropriate instructions were also given on realization of the measures to minimize in the short- and mid-term prospects the impact of negative factors on the national economy, which have place in the global economies.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has also fixated attention on the tasks of further upward development of the oil/gas industry, on streamlining and brining it in tune with the times. Strengthening of the branch’s production and scientific-technical potential is assigned to increase the FEC competitiveness at the world level, to encourage its weighty contribution to the country’s socioeconomic progress, the leader of nation noted.

Touching upon the issues of meeting a demand of the population for essential goods, foodstuffs in particular, the head of state has exhorted to activate realization of the program of construction of small and large enterprises capable to produce import-substituting produce.

The leader of nation Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has also concentrated attention on the issues of developing of the Investment Program-2022. To cope with the tasks of paramount importance in the light of the scales of the would-be grandiose construction objects, the leader of nation has necessitated further advancement of the construction industry; it is also advisable to build new workshops and enterprises capable to completely meet the demands of the construction complex; to steadily increase its production capacities; to elaborate the issue of attraction larger volumes of investments into the development of construction and industrial spheres.

Having highlighted that preservation of the Caspian Sea’s ecological welfare – a unique pearl of nature with an exclusively diverse flora and fauna – is a dominant ingredient of Turkmenistan’s environment policy, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has exhorted the officials concerned to ensure high organizational level of the scientific-practical conference “Cooperation for protection of the Caspian Sea’s environment”, which is to be held on August 12, timed to Caspian Sea Day.

Not the least significant is also to steadily streamline and upgrade such socially-important spheres as education, science, health and sports. On the level of the within-named spheres’ development the country’s future, happiness and well- being of the Turkmen people depend on.

The head of state has also necessitated activation of the Mejlis activity on improvement of the national legislation in the interests of the dynamic advancement of the reform-based socio-economic changes, as well as on the development of the normative-legal acts, and strengthening of the legal base of international relations. Particular attention is to be given to the development of new laws to promote strengthening of the state’s legal and economic fundamentals in the light of the Turkmen nation’s democratic values.

Special presidential assignments were addressed to preparation of the proposals on holding various international events and participation in them of our country at a better and higher level in terms of organization and content.

Estimating the macroeconomic indicators of the branches of the economy, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has noted that despite the by-now complicated external situation induced by spread of the coronavirus infection and its impact on the global economies, the anticipated outcomes of the accomplished seven-month works demonstrate the development of our independent state in tune with the programs adopted.

In the reporting period, the GDP growth rate was 6.2 percent. In the country, construction is now in progress of large objects of industrial and social purpose – new settlements, residential estates, edutainment and medical centers, schools, kindergartens, etc. Reformation of education and science systems, modernization of the production sector are ongoing in compliance with the plans adopted. The market-model economy advances and new oil and gas deposits are developed.

The head of state was pleased to note the upward trends in the policy of maintaining the private sector, wide attraction of entrepreneurs to realization of the economic reforms.

Concentrating attention on the vital tasks of the current year, which were concretized at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of the past half-year period and incorporated in the Program of the country’s socioeconomic development in 2019-2025, the leader of nation has highlighted that to cope with the within-named tasks, attach an additional impulse to the import-substituting programs, and increase the volumes of export-orientated produce, a pretty good work is to be done.

President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has also ordered to ensure high organizational level of the upcoming measures, notably – the September 1 holiday devoted to the startup of the new academic year; the Milli Gengesh session and the festivities on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Motherland’s independence to be held in September; Neutrality Day – in December.

On July 31, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov together with his grandchildren have sailed the modern yacht “Rahat” along the Caspian Sea coast.

During the sail trip, the conversation has developed into an interesting talk about the children’s hobbies and their creative activities. With great attention the children listened to the story of their dear grandfather about the ancient Hazar, distinctive features of its environment, uniqueness of its marine flora and fauna. The talk was a confirmation of the happy rising generation’s love for the Turkmen land and its nature.

That same day, the President of Turkmenistan has also visited the Caspian coastal multidisciplinary sport complex “Avaza”.

Talking to his associates about the importance of mass physical culture and sports development, motivation of record-high sport achievements, the leader of nation has noted that the systematic taking up sports is to become the norm of everyday life of each citizen of the country. The work in this direction is to be sustainably kept going, the head of state stressed.

On August 1, being on a working trip to Balkan velayat, after doing his morning keep-fit exercises and a cycle ride, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov got acquainted with the new modern military aircraft, which have come at the disposal of the Armed Forces, and made a test-fly at the wheel of one of them.

The new military aircraft are designed for protection of airspace, reconnaissance operations, and maintenance of land forces. Equipped with turbo-rocket engines, the fighting jet is capable to instantly change its course, make the demonstration reconnaissance flights; its flight range is 2,000 kilometers, flight altitude – 13,700 meters.

At the wheel of the new supersonic aircraft, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces has made a test-fly, having performed in a matter of seconds takeoff of the jet; having made several curves, the head of state smoothly landed the aircraft.

On approval of the Defense Minister’s proposal to transfer the military pilot outfit of the President of Turkmenistan to the possession of the under-construction museum of the Military School named after Berdymuhamed Annayev, the leader of nation has noted that the act will have great importance in instilling in the future soldiers the feelings of goal-directedness, patriotism, love for Motherland, careful treatment of the ancestors’ traditions.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country’s Armed Forces was pleased to note high level of technical fitting out of the new aircraft, capable to make flights under any weather conditions, at any altitude, over any locality be it mountains, plain or sea.

The logistics and hardware base of all types of combat arms will systematically be strengthened at the expense of purchasing of new military machinery and equipment, and the hardware available will be efficiently used. Strengthening of the advanced study and extension courses system to raise the servicemen’s qualification will always be in the focus of attention of the state, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov stressed.

That same day, on completion of his working trip to Balkan velayat, from the International Airport of Turkmenbashy the head of state departed for the capital.

First ever in the history of Independent Turkmenistan, the first Olympic medal, which was won by our countrywoman Polina Guryeva in the weightlifting sport discipline at XXXII Summer Olympic Games, has become a remarkable gift to the jubilee of the country.

The 4-grade student of the Olympic Sports Department (the Turkmen State Physical Culture Institute) won “Silver” in the under-59 kg weight category, in which representatives of 14 countries contended for the title of winner. Notable is the fact that in the jerk, the 21-year-old alumnus of the Record-High Sport Mastership School of Turkmenistan has brilliantly used all her three attempts. Having lifted the 116,119, and 121 kg bar, she has thus renewed the world record in that exercise. In the snatch, the girl has also set a record of Turkmenistan – 217 kg, having improved her previous record by 6 kg!

The first long-awaiting success was a worthy response to the paternal care on President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov’s part for educing the talented and promising sportsmen.

On the past week, Ashgabat hosted a regular session of the Turkmen-Azeri Working Group to discuss the implementation progress of the agreements achieved in the context of the running year’s January Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Governments of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan on joint exploration, development and operation of hydrocarbon resources of the “Dostluk” deposit in the Caspian Sea.

Thus, the past week’s events were yet another bright evidence that in tune with the principle “State – for Man!”, under the wise leadership of the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, our country successfully pursues the policy aimed at strengthening of sovereignty, stable socioeconomic development, increase of the people’s wealth, enhancement of the constructive international relations, rise of the native Motherland’s global name recognition.

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