On July 9, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov held an enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to sum up the running year’s six-month state-of-the-economy results, discuss the results achieved during implementation of the Presidential program and other programs of socio-economic development of the country. Reading out the agenda of the meeting attended by representatives of Mejlis of Turkmenistan, khyakims of velayats and etraps, Universities’ rectors, editors of newspapers and magazines, other governmental officials, the head of state informed that the session would also consider the personnel-related issues and the tasks for the second half of the current year. To start hearing and assessing the reports, the head of state gave the floor to the Cabinet Deputy Chairman A. Gochyev. His six-month activity report the vice-premier supported with the macroeconomic indicators. The financial-economic strategy pursued resulted in ensuring sustainable development of the national economy and creating necessary conditions for the effective use of public funds. In accordance with the indicators of the period under review, the GDP growth rates in percentage term made up 109.1, including: in the industrial sector – 106.2, in construction – 112.1, in transport and communication sector – 111.3, in trade – 111.4, in agriculture – 111, in services – 111.6. Currently, the private sector’s share in the GDP is 65.1 percent (less the fuel and energy complex). As against the previous year’s similar period, the growth rate of the manufactured products reached the level of 108.1 percent. The six-month volume of retail trade turnover compared with half-year-earlier period of 2014 has increased by 19.5 percent. The growth of foreign trade turnover has also been recorded. Vice-Premier has reported that currently construction of more than 2 thousand different objects is countrywide in progress in the frames of the national development programs. Budgeting of capital needs at the expense of all sources of financing amounted to 21.2 billion manats at the growth rate of 107.9 percent compared with the same period in 2014. The proportion of this macroeconomic indicator to GDP is 41.7 percent. Then, Chairman of the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan A. Mammedov reported to the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov on the results of work and economic indicators achieved by the sectors for the six months of 2015. As it was reported, against the previous year’s similar period, the productivity growth rates in percentage term made up: oil – 107.8, electricity production – 102.1, gasoline – 101.1, kerosene – 100.2, petroleum bitumen – 119.8, petroleum coke – 100.2, liquefied gas – 100.5, polypropylene – 100.2, cement – 107.2, non-metallic construction materials – 120, fittings and other metal products – 101.2, glass plastic pipes – 105.6, cotton yarn – 104.4, cotton fabrics – 112.2, processed and preserved fish and fish products –148.6; production of mineral fertilizers has increased by 2.2 times. During the reporting period, the growth was fixated of production of various types of agricultural products. As of this year’s July 6, the country has produced 1 million 356.4 thousand tons of grain (a 14.7 percent increase). According to the six-month results, the cocoon production has increased by 17.8 percent, fruit and vegetables –10.2percent, melons –12.3 percent, eggs –5.7percent, milk –1.5percent, meat –1.3 percent. During the same period, an increase has been fixated in livestock and poultry population. Summarizing the results of the period under review, the amounts expended for construction-installation and other kinds of activities and for capital needs increased by 14.5 percent against similar period of 2014. In the transport sector, as compared to the last year’s similar period, the growth rate of the volume of freight traffic (all types of transport, excluding pipelines transport, amounted to 102.4 percent, including: road transport – 105 percent; railway – 100.1 percent; air – 100.5 percent; water – 100.1 percent. The growth rate of passenger traffic reached 102.3 percent, including: road transport – 102.8 percent; railway and air – 100.1percent; water – 108.5percent. Due to introduction of advanced technologies, the volume of electronic communications services provided to the population increased by 8.9 percent. Next speaker, the Minister of Finance M. Muhammedov focused on the implementation of the State Budget of Turkmenistan for the January-June 2015 period. During the period under review, the Budget revenue item made up 102.8 percent and expenditures – 90.4 percent; 79.3 percent of the budget was channeled for the social sphere; implementation of the revenue item of local budget amounted to 101.7 percent, and expenditures – 90.9 percent. Over the period under review, 78 meetings of the Central, sectoral and regional balance commissions were held, in the course of which the financial and economic indicators of 8 ministries and sectoral departments, and 259 enterprises were analyzed, and the relevant decisions were adopted. During the first half of the year, a set of measures was accomplished on realizing the Budget Code provisions, on developing the relevant normative legal acts, personnel training and retraining. The Finance Minister also informed about the work carried out for advancing the auditing activities, the securities market, the transition to national accounting and financial reporting standards based on the international ones. During the period under the review, the Inspections and Audits Office of the Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan carried out an audit of the financial-economic activity of 902 enterprises and organizations. According to the results of checks, the financial violations were revealed in 609 institutions. During the same period, the inspections on observing the state pricing policy were conducted in the 80 organizations; the violations were identified in 60 of them. Further, the Board Chairman of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan M. Annadurdyev informed about the activities on implementation of the programs of the banking system improvement, including the measures taken to firm the national currency and monetary policy; information was also presented about implementation of the plan of foreign currency resources placed to the ministries’ and sectoral departments’ accounts which they earned for exports and rendering services. The Minister of Economy and Development of Turkmenistan V. Abdylhekimov reported on the investments channeled for budgeting capital needs and the implementation of the National Reforms Program in the country’s regions for the first half of 2015. As it was noted, over the January-June period, the growth rates of production volumes in the branches, as well as the effective investment policy promoted economic growth. Compared with similar period of 2014, the volume of investments aimed at the development of the economy increased by 7.9 percent. Over the period under review, 114 industrial- and social-purpose objects were launched, as well as 467.8 thousand square meters of housing facilities. 40.7 percent of the budget was spent for constructing social facilities, and 59.3 percent – for manufacturing ones. Reporting on the implementation progress of the revised “National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on improving social conditions of the population of villages, settlements, etrap towns and etrap centers till 2020” , the Minister informed that the annual plan for budgeting capital needs is implemented by 64.7 percent. As of the current year’s July 1, in the framework of this Program, construction is in process of 136 objects, notably: 7 hospitals, 15 dwelling houses and health centers, 26 kindergartens, 38 secondary education schools, 16 culture centers, 8 wastewater treatment plants; 991.5 thousand square meters of housing facilities, 1,891 kilometers of water pipes, 534 kilometers of roads, 631 km of gas pipelines and 1,165 kilometers of power transmission lines, and 623 km of telephone lines. Over the period under review, the earlier constructed 141 facilities have been put into operation. During the reporting period, in the framework of “State Program on privatizing the enterprises and state-owned objects of Turkmenistan for 2013-2016”, 23 enterprises and facilities were privatized: 21 – via the competitive bidding process, and two– via the investment competition. Cabinet Deputy Chairman B. Hojamuhammedov reported on the year’s 6-month activity of the country’s fuel and energy complex. Against the previous year’s similar period, the growth rate of oil and gas condensate production was 107.8 percent, drilling operations – 142.9 percent. Vice-Premier also focused on the technical-economic indicators achieved in production and export of the natural gas, in the sphere of hydrocarbons processing, production of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, polypropylene, lubricating oils, liquefied gas, and other petroleum products. He informed about the ongoing work on the installation of gas meters at the enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as in the residential sector. Chairperson of Mejlis of Turkmenistan A. Nurberdyeva reported on the national Parliament’s activities on further development of the national legislation, formation in the country of a modern lawmaking-legal base corresponding to the generally admitted norms of international law. Special attention was paid to the steps taken for perfecting the Basic Law of Turkmenistan. The revised version of the Basic Law of Turkmenistan will be published after discussing it at the Elders’ Council. Then, Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov reported on the six-month activities of MFA aimed at realization of the country’s Foreign Policy Course Concept for 2013-2017. In this context, it he informed about realization of the Program of Celebrations and Events and the Action Plan dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Turkmen state’s neutrality status and declaring 2015 the Year of Neutrality and Peace. In commemoration of the glorious date, on the whole, 342 measures and events were conducted in Turkmenistan and abroad; the work is now in process. A web site was released devoted to the 20th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality and proclamation of 2015 the Year of Neutrality and Peace. In projects also the release of various printed matters. International high-level conference and celebrations in honor of the outstanding event to be held on December 12, 2015, will also be timed to the anniversary date. The report of Cabinet Deputy Chairman B. Ereshov was an extensive coverage of the running year’s six-month results achieved in the construction, chemical, textile, and carpet-making industries, as well as in the fish industry. According to the Ministry of Industry, over the January-June period of 2015, total volume of works performed and production volume made up 124.1 percent. The growth rate in the industry in comparison with the last year’s similar period amounted 116.6 percent, in particular: in the sector of non-metallic building materials – 130.9; in cement production – 107.2; claydite – 114.3; erection reinforced concrete structures – 108.6 percent. According to the Ministry of Textile Industry, since the beginning of the year, the production volumes growth rate has made up 101 percent, exceeding the targeted one on 109.1 percent. The growth rate in the production of cotton yarn has reached 104.4 percent, cotton fabrics – 112.2 percent, the production of final apparel and knitwear items – 104.4percent. The profit from marketed commodities amounted to 43 million manats. According to the “Turkmenhaly” State Association, the current year’s six-month production plan on an aggregate basis of production volume was implemented by 113.6 percent, the growth rate amounted 111.9 percent. In the period under review, 22,713 square meters of carpets were produced by the enterprises of the industry with a growth rate of 103.4 percent. The enterprises of “Turkmenhimiya” State Concern achieved good results for the first half of the current year. The overall production growth rate and works accomplished in the branch increased by 2.2 times (with 117.5 percent ahead of the planned schedule). Thus, a high performance rates are kept up in production of mineral fertilizers (220.8 percent growth rate); production of sodium sulfate - 112.2percent; industrial iodine and technical carbon – 100 and 105.1percent respectively. According to the State Fishery Committee of Turkmenistan, over the period under review, total production growth rate reached 164.3percent, notably: the fish caught – 190.8 percent; production of fish, including canned goods –148.6 percent. The report also covered the information on implementing the President’s commissions on selling the final products of the Ministry of Textile Industry to the population at the obtainable price. Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov stated that based on the principles of comprehensive diversification and modernization of the national economy, the state economic policy is aimed at turning our Motherland into the industrially developed state. To create the electronic branch and promote its innovation-based advancement, the head of state signed a Resolution on approving the State Program for creating in Turkmenistan of the enterprises for production of various types of electronic equipment. Further, Cabinet Deputy Chairperson M. Yazmuhammedova submitted a report of activities accomplished over the accounting period by the structures she is responsible for. The report was backed up by the concrete figures and most significant facts. One such was Culture Week held in June in Lebap velayat and attended by the artists from all velayats of our country and a number of other states. Another important event was the State Program for collecting, investigating and preserving the national immaterial cultural heritage for 2015-2020 approved by the Resolution by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov. Workers of culture and local creative personalities and men also participated in the events organized in honor of the 20th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality in China, India, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. In addition, our country hosted Culture Days of Iran and the UAE, and in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Croatia –Turkmenistan’s Culture Days. At present, preparations are underway for holding Culture Days of the People’s Republic of China in our country. The systemic work is being conducted on advancement of the national dramatic art, museum and library science and business, improvement of publishing industry. Opening of a new Printing House in this year’s April gave a new impetus to the development of printing industry. From January to June of the current year, the Turkmen State Publishing Service published more than 180 names of book products. Specialists of the Service participated in the abroad exhibitions of printed products. Vice-Premier also informed about the activities of the State Committee of television, radio broadcasting and cinematography of Turkmenistan, measures on improving the broadcast quality, as well as on the implementation of the state information policy. Cabinet Deputy Chairman S. Toilyev reported on the current year’s six-month results of the activities of the sectors he is in charge of, on the measures taken for strengthening the sectors’ material-technical base, introduction of innovative technologies, implementation of the development-favored programs in the sphere of education and science, health, sports and tourism. To the attention of the nation’s leader Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov the draft Orders were submitted on approving the membership of the State Commission for admitting school-leavers to higher and secondary professional education institutions of Turkmenistan in 2015, and on approving the velayats’ and Ashgabat city’s 2015-enrollment plans on admitting the graduates to Turkmenistan’s higher educational institutions and country’s secondary professional educational institutions. In this context, detailed information was submitted about the plan of admission of students to the country’s universities, in some of which in the forthcoming academic year the eight new demand-driven specialties are expected to be opened. Thus, the sanitary-epidemiological service specialty will be opened at the faculty of military medicine of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan; “Mineral deposits development” specialty – in the International Oil and Gas University; “Chemical technology of glass and pyroceramic” specialty – in the Turkmen State Architectural and Construction Institute; “Economic Cybernetics” - in the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management; “Shipbuilding and oceanic engineering” and “Radioelectronic systems and complexes” – in the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communications; “Electrical and thermal energy production technology” – in the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan; “Opera art” – in the Turkmen National Conservatory. On the whole, this year’s planned enrollment is 7,128 students (267 students more than last year). The Vice-Premier informed about the prepared draft Resolution on establishing secondary vocational education institutions under the Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Publishing Service to be opened in the new academic year. 150 students (six specialties) are to be admitted to the polytechnic vocational school; 45 students (three specialties) – to the vocational school of publishing and printing specialty. Thus, 8,342 students (629 students more than last year) are planned to be enrolled in the country’s secondary vocational schools this year. Besides, 30,000 young men and women will study at 77 basic vocational schools. Application documents for admission to the higher education institutions as well as to the secondary vocational schools in the teaching, medical, cultural, and financial-economic fields will be accepted in Ashgabat and velayat centers from July 11 to July 27; entrance examinations will be held from July 30 to August 22. Application documents for admission to the secondary vocational education institutions (self-supporting) will be received from July 11 to August 19; entrance examinations will be held from August 21 to August 26. Touching upon the number of students to be admitted by each higher education institution in the 2015-2016 academic year, the President of Turkmenistan asked the Rectors of the higher education institutions for their opinion on our country’s education system development. The nation’s leader proposed to give consideration to the issue of opening one more university, a technological higher education institution, as well as an industrial higher education institution in one of the velayats, depending on the products manufactured there. Pending the subject of the upcoming admission campaign in the country’s higher and secondary vocational education institutions, and enrollment of students in the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Turkmenistan in the 2015-2016 academic year, the nation’s leader signed the relevant documents, having assigned the Vice-Premier to keep constant control over their execution. The report of Cabinet Deputy Chairman S. Satlykov was focused on the outcomes of the running year’s January-June activity of the transport and communications sectors he is in charge of. As the Vice-Premier reported, on the whole, the transport-communications complex had fulfilled its plan for works and services by 120.3 percent in the period under review, and the growth rate had made up 121.7 percent. The growth rate of works accomplished by the Ministry of Railway Transport reached 130.5 percent. As was informed, the renovation of internal trunk railways, engineering and technical facilities is well under way. In the reporting period, a railway station was constructed and put into operation in Balkanabat. As regards the Ministry of Motor Transport, the growth rate of services rendered totaled 129 percent. This indicator in the cargo transportation sector made up 104 p c; in the passenger transportation sector – 101.4 p c. Over the January-June period, the growth dynamics of works performed by the Ministry of Communications made up 106 percent. To meet the demand for communications services, 302 thousand telephone numbers, including 282 thousand cellular numbers, 5.5 thousand radio telephone and 14 thousand fixed-line telephone points were provided in the country; the target output was 2.4 times as much overfulfilled. In the period under review, the telephone stations (904 telephone numbers) were installed; 1,052 kilometers of telecommunication networks were built up in the framework of the National Rural Development Program. The report also included the information about the work ongoing in the context of the launch of Turkmenistan’s first communications satellite – “TürkmenÄlem 52°E”. The growth rates of air services rendered by the “Turkmenhovayollary” State National Service over the January-June period reached 116 percent. This index in the cargo- and passenger-transportation sectors made up 100.5 and 100.1 percent respectively. Over the period under review, the growth dynamics of works accomplished by the State Marine and River Transport Service was 130 percent. As also reported, construction is picking up speed of the Turkmenabat-Farab railway bridge, the new International Seaport in the city of Turkmenbashi, the runways at the International Airports in the cities of Ashgabat, Turkmenabat, and Dashoguz. The report also covered the information about construction and tooling with modern facilities of the building of the National Hydrometeorology Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan. Cabinet Deputy Chairman M. Artykov centered his report on the January-June work outcomes achieved in the ministries and agencies answerable to him, as well as the fulfillment of the earlier presidential assignments. During this period of time, the plan for works and services in the construction, energy, and municipal economy sectors were implemented by 129.3 percent. The growth rate made up 117.2 percent. As for the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the targets for production, works and services reached 121.6 percent. Reporting on the realization course of the National Development Program, the Vice-Premier informed that construction of 24 socio-cultural purpose objects had been completed over the period under review. During this period of time, 329.2 thousand sq. meters of dwelling houses were constructed; the growth rate reached 184.5 percent as compared to last year’s similar period. Over the 6-month period of 2015, the production growth rates, the rates of works executed and services rendered by the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan totaled 132.0 p c; electric power – 102.3 p c. In the frames of his report, the Vice-Premier informed that in compliance with “The 2013-2020 Turkmenistan’s Electric Power Industry Development Conception”, construction of a 504.4-MW gas-turbine power plant in Derveze etrap (Akhal velayat), and a 252.2-MW gas-turbine power plant in Beiik Turkmenbashi etrap (Lebap velayat) was well under way. Construction started of a combined 1,574-MW gas-steam turbine power station at the Mary Power Plant. The growth rates of works and services performed by the Ministry of Municipal Economy reached 113.4 percent. The works on construction of waste water treatment facilities are in progress in Dashoguz, Lebap, and Mary velayats. Buildings and facilities of the Turkmen Institute of Municipal Services are under construction in Abadan etrap, Ashgabat city. As for the “Turkmenavtoyollary” State Concern, the growth rate made up 102.9 percent in comparison with last year’s similar period. The report also included information about the work progress on the phased reconstruction and construction of new national highways – “Turkmenbashi-Farab”, “Ashgabat-Dashoguz”. The report of Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Senior Manager of the Presidential and Cabinet Administration Office Sh. Durdylyev was an extensive coverage of the outcomes of the supervised institutions’ activity, as well as the state of affairs with processing of the citizens’ complaints and applications which came in the Presidential and Cabinet Administration Office. Then the floor was given to Ashgabat city’s khyakim R. Nurmammedov to report on the works ongoing in the capital, the measures aimed at the city’s improvement, including arrangement of green zones in the capital’s etraps. The financial-economic indices, assimilated investments, the implementation progress of construction and assembly works were also in the focus of the report. As was informed, 608 different-purpose facilities and buildings are currently under construction in the capital. 249 objects are being built against the order of Ashgabat city’s khyakimlik, 67 of them are planned to be completed and commissioned in the running year. In his turn, Cabinet Deputy Chairman P. Taganov informed about the 6-month outcomes of the activities in the trade complex. As compared to the similar period of last year, the growth rates recorded by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations made up in percentage terms: total trade turnover –115.4 p c; retail trade – 107p c; wholesale trade – 119.9 p c. The growth rates of assimilated investments in this field reached 110.1 p c. Over the period in question, the State Commodities and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan conducted 123 transactions and made 10,753 contracts to the total amount 31,756,900 thousand manats. Total value of import and export contracts amounted to 9,288,500 thousand manats; construction contracts – 18,933,400 thousand manats. The growth rate of foreign currency earnings reached 100.7 percent. The growth rate of services rendered by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry was 105.2 p c. The profit growth made up 101.4 p c; currency receipts – 181.9 p c. Over the period under report, 14 exhibitions and 13 conferences were organized. As for the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union of Turkmenistan, the output of industrial products increased by 20 percent, agri-products – by 21 percent. The growth rate of construction and assembly works made up 101 p c; trade turnover – 123 p c; services rendered – 127 p c. Over the within-said period, 15 objects were constructed against the order of the ministries and agencies of the country’s trade complex. In the course of the session, the khyakims of velayats presented their reports on the dynamics indices of the main trends of the regions’ socio-economic development, including the production indices in a number of sectors, as well as on the 6-month outcomes of the financial and economic activities. Reporting on the results of work accomplished in the period in question, Akhal velayat khyakim M. Nurmammedov informed, in particular, about the increased production of cement, electric power and industrial products. Balkan velayat khyakim B. Hojamammedov centered his report on the fulfillment of the commissions given earlier by the head of state Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov, including the ones on the adequate preparations for the session of the Elders’ Council of Turkmenistan. As was informed, to further improve the rural population’s social conditions through granting concessional housing loans, 117 one- and two-story dwelling houses had been built and put into operation; at present, about 700 similar houses are under construction; construction of six 95-apartment 4-story residential buildings is in its final stage. Dashoguz velayat khyakim E. Orazgeldiev reported on the velayat budget execution over the first six months of the year: its receipts had made up 101.4 p c, its outlays – 91 p c. The report also covered the information about the investments assimilated in the region over the within-said period and estimated at 545,8 million manats (the growth rate of works executed by construction enterprises made up143 p c); about the measures taken to accelerate the pace of works on the objects under construction in the velayat, as well as to enhance social security of the population. The state of affairs in the region was in the focus of the report made by Lebap velayat khyakim M. Joraev. In particular, the retail trade turnover had made up 119.7 p c in the velayat as compared to last year’s similar period. The khyakim also reported on the preparation of a draft document on improving the activity of Turkmenabat city’s khyakimlik (Lebap velayat). In his turn, Mary velayat khyakim B. Annagurbanov informed that in the period under review the velayat’s budget receipts had made up 102.9 p c, the outlays – 91.6 p c. The region’s industrial enterprises production output value is 4,700,000 thousand manats since the start of the year total volume of products sold to consumers reached 104 percent. The khyakim also concentrated on the measures taken to increase the pace of construction works on the objects erected in the region. The heads of regional administrations also reported on the progress of agri-works in the velayats, first of all, on the grain harvesting campaign, the agrotechnical operations ongoing in the cotton fields, and preparations for the upcoming cotton-picking campaign. Special consideration was given to the measures aimed to increase productivity and reclamation of farmlands, as well as to control soil salinity. Having signed the Resolution “On improving the activity of Turkmenabat city’s khyakimlik, Lebap velayat”, the President of Turkmenistan commissioned Vice-Premier B. Ereshov and khyakim M. Joraev to keep control over its execution. In his turn, reporting on the 6-month outcomes of the work in the supervised sectors, Cabinet Deputy Chairman A. Yazmyradov informed that on the whole, the output growth rates, the works performed and services rendered in the agro-industrial complex had reached 101.8 percent. The report also contained information about the agri-work ongoing in the country. In the course of session, the head of state signed a Ukase “On raising the rates of wages and salaries, pensions, welfare payments, scholarships of students and trainees in Turkmenistan”. Then, Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber B. Atdaev reported to the nation’s leader on the outcomes of checks made, in particular on the realization course of the National Development Program in Mary and Lebap velayats, as well as the audit in the sphere of free and paid privatization of houses in the regions and Ashgabat. Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan A. Hallyev focused his report on the shortcomings in the implementation of the National Rural Development Program which were revealed during the checks in Akhal velayat. As was informed, the irresponsible attitude of some chief executives of the velayat to their official duties had caused serious shortcomings. Summing up the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov expressed utmost dissatisfaction with the work of some executives responsible for the delays in implementing the executive decisions and resolutions, with relaxing control over the agencies answerable to them that had led to illegal wrongful actions and violations. The talk is about the overstated reports and in some cases about bribery. Warning all the leaders that the cases of bribery revealed in the sectors they are in charge of would result in their dismissal from the posts and their criminal liability as established by the law, the head of state demanded to give redoubled consideration to the issues of combating corruption at all levels. Then, for the shortcomings disclosed in the course of checks conducted by the Supreme Control Chamber and the Prosecutor General’s Office, the President of Turkmenistan discharged some officials from their posts. Upon hearing the statements of newly appointed officials and wishing them successes in their work, the head of state signed the documents on the government-level reshuffle. The leader of nation commissioned deputy chairpersons of the Cabinet in charge of the velayats, the governors of velayats and Ashgabat city, and the Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan to hold the meetings on drawing together conclusions from the year’s first six-month work of the ministries and sectoral departments, regions and the capital. Then, President of Turkmenistan addressed his keynote speech to the participants of the session which was centered on the results of the six-month work, key aspects of the country’s domestic and foreign policy, and the tasks of top priority to be tackled in the second half of the running year. Addressing the vice-premier, Minster of Foreign Affairs R.Meredov, the head of state noted that the Foreign Ministry should continue to pursue the multi-aspect, flexible and weighed strategy aimed at advancing the large-scale cooperation with the United Nations and other international organizations. Then, turning to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet B.Hojamammedov and the heads of ministries and sectoral departments of the financial and economic sector, the leader of nation concentrated their attention on the steps to be taken to improve the instrumentalities of macroeconomic regulation. It is important to keep going the work on reforming the financial and banking system, and take measures on the securities market grouping and privatization. Of no less importance is the work on channeling considerable volumes of investments for the infrastructure development of education and health spheres, for introduction of advanced technologies. The President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the necessary steps should also be taken to raise wage rates in all sectors of the national economy. At the same time, the head of state directed attention of participants in the session to the need for keeping strict control over the timely execution of the programs and plans approved. Further, addressing Chairperson of the national parliament A.Nurberdyeva, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov noted that the Mejlis of Turkmenistan should continue the work on improving the national legislation and accelerate elaboration of the new, improved version of the country’s Constitution. As the head of the state said, the Chairperson of Mejlis, deputy chairpersons of the Cabinet, khyakims and heads of the ministries and sectoral departments should immediately start drawing up the State Budget for the next year. The socially-orientated State Budget should include the resources for funding the quality-of-life improvements provided to the populations. The leader of nation also noted that already today, the time came for starting thorough preparations for the country’s important political action - the Elders’ Council session, to be held in September, prior to our country’s main holiday - Independence Day. The nationwide forum will discuss the future-oriented important goals for 2016, the President of Turkmenistan said. The head of state noted that continuation of the reforms ongoing in the country’s educational, scientific and cultural spheres is one of the most important tasks. Speaking to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet S.Toilyev and head of Turkmenistan’s Academy of Sciences G. Mezilov, the leader of nation has necessitated speeding up implementation of the ongoing reforms and preparation of scientific manpower. President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov also directed attention of vice-premier S.Toilyev and Education Minister of Turkmenistan P. Agamyradov to the upcoming important action to be carried out by educationalists in the frames of the next phase of educational reforms - admission of school-leavers to the country’s higher educational institutions. In this context, the head of state once again reminded all the heads concerned that this campaign must be conducted at high level, in the atmosphere of transparency, and without any infringements. Capable and diligent young people deserve to study in the country’s higher educational institutions. Special attention should be given to maintaining strict discipline in the higher educational institutions and secondary education schools, the leader of nation emphasized. As is known, the President of Turkmenistan said, this year, the «Saglyk» Government Program marks its 20th anniversary. This significant occasion is to be held at a better and higher level in terms of organization and content. On this significant occasion, the leader of nation proposed to write the particularly distinguished health workers up for state awards. Addressing vice-premier E.Orazgeldiev, khyakims of velayats and etraps, the agricultural complex managers, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov laid stress on the need for taking workable and efficient steps for implementing the agri-programs approved. Thereupon, the head of state once again drew attention of deputy chairpersons of the Cabinet E.Orazgeldiev, M.Artykov and B.Hojamammedov to the need of wide introduction into the agriculture of modern water-saving irrigation technologies, including the sprinkling and trickle irrigation methods. The leader of nation emphasized that special attention should be given to the implementation of the Program adopted on supplying pure potable water to the country’s population. Speaking to vice-premier M.Artykov, the heads of ministries and sectoral departments, khyakims of velayats and etraps, the head of state noted that this year, countrywide construction of 58 large objects (US $8 billion total budget) is to be completed. The task is not easy, the leader of nation emphasized. Its successful solution, the President of Turkmenistan added addressing Chairman of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union A.Dadaev, depends, on a large scale, on the Union, for the business community in our country was entrusted with implementation of large-scale construction projects. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov emphasized that in the run up to the new academic year and the Motherland’s main holiday - Independence Day and the 20th anniversary of our country’s, construction was to be completed of all the objects scheduled for launching on the eve of those significant events. At the same time, it is necessary to start without delay to develop the 2016- construction program which should, traditionally, be centered on building of apartment houses, schools, kindergartens and other social-purpose facilities, the leader of nation said. In this connection, the President of Turkmenistan gave executive instructions to the dignitaries concerned on developing and submitting for consideration of the Elders’ Council session the draft Investment Program-2016, having envisaged the financial resources in the next year’s State Budget for funding implementation of the Investment Program. As a follow-up to his speech, the leader of nation addressed vice-premier B. Ereshov and the industrial complex managers. As the President of Turkmenistan noted, we have worked out and adopted the important state programs on manufacturing in the country of the import-substituting products, expanding the export-oriented production, and launching the electronic industry. It is important to decide the programs-associated issues as soon as possible. In addition, it is necessary to keep work going on modernizing the existing industrial facilities and on encouraging and supporting new private businesses. We should pay special attention to creating new workplaces demanding availability of high-paid qualified specialists, the head of state emphasized. Then, speaking to Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet M.Yazmuhammedova, heads of Ministry of Culture, newspapers, magazines and TV-radio channels, the President of Turkmenistan noted that over recent years, a solid material and technical base had been created in those spheres. One of our major objectives, the head of state said, was to encourage development of friendship between the workers of culture and art of different countries of the world. Like in previous years, this year’s traditional competition «Türkmeniň Altyn Asyry» announced by the President of Turkmenistan is to be held at high organizational level. The head of state also noted that spectacular festive performances and interesting programs on the occasion of Independence Day, the 20thanniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality and the New Year’s Day should be prepared and broadcasted. Addressing vice-premier B.Hojamuhammedov, Director of the State Agency for Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources at the President of Turkmenistan Ya.Kakaev, and the oil and gas complex managers, the leader of nation stressed that the work was to be kept going on diversifying the country’s energy resources transportation to the world markets. The oil and gas pipelines to be built in the frames of the development programs adopted are to meet high standards, and the effective measures should be taken to discover new oil and gas deposits and develop the previously discovered ones. Further, the head of state concentrated attention of vice-premier S.Satlykov and the relevant officials on the state of affairs in the transport and communications sector. The President of Turkmenistan said that particular attention should be given to the development of communications means, in particular, to the cellular communications system, as well as to introduction of the latest technologies into the sector and expansion of access to the Internet. It is important to speed up the works on enacting in full measure the capacities of the first artificial communications satellite that has recently been launched, the leader of nation emphasized. Also, the possibilities should be studied for launching the second low-earth satellite system intended for servicing the sectors of the national economy. Addressing vice-premier P.Taganov and the trade complex managers, the head of state laid stress on the need for taking further effective measures to ensure supply of high-quality goods to the country’s population. A great deal of work is being carried out in this direction by the domestic business people. Therefore, in the years ahead, we will continue the policy of providing all-round support to the private sector of the country, the President of Turkmenistan declared. Today, the leader of nation continued, we started to trust implementation of large-scale several-million-manat construction projects to Turkmen entrepreneurs. Addressing Chairman of the Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union A.Dadaev, the head of state noted that in view of the above-mentioned, the Union faces its key task - creating in the country of local construction enterprises capable in association with state departments to implement all kinds of projects in our country. Summing up his speech, President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov has stressed that on the whole, the running year’s six-month results may be regarded as positive. Taking this into account, the leader of nation gave permission to the heads of ministries and sectoral departments, as well as to other officials, to take a vacation as of July 22, after inauguration in the capital of the new Congress Center (Mejlislermerkezi).