A nationwide greening campaign took place in the city of Arkadag
A nationwide greening campaign took place in the city of Arkadag
Published 22.03.2025

Today, the spring tree planting season has started in the city of Arkadag, as well as throughout the country. Vice President for medical activities of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Oguljahan Atabayeva took part in the noble event held in the city of Arkadag, built on the basis of advanced technologies.

This nationwide event became another evidence of the environmentally oriented initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero Arkadag, successfully implemented under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, aimed at turning the country into a flourishing land. All residents of the city of Arkadag took an active part in the tree planting work.

4 years have passed since the establishment of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the initiative of Hero Arkadag. During this period, with the support of the Foundation, many events were implemented both at the national and international levels. Thanks to the efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Hero Arkadag, the scope of this activity, based on the humanistic principles of our people, is increasingly expanding, including tree planting.

The noble traditions created by our people throughout history are a model for the whole world in terms of living in harmony with nature and respecting it. Today, these traditions are developing at a modern level and are enriched with new content. The constant expansion of forest areas in our country and the mass tree plantings are a clear confirmation of this.

The Vice President of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in accordance with the noble tradition, planted seedlings and launched this nationwide campaign in the new city built thanks to the initiative and efforts of Hero Arkadag.

The participants of the ceremony in the city of Arkadag got down to work and planted many different trees. In the Fatherland, confidently moving towards the heights of development, such noble activity, which has universal significance, is combined with celebrations and is gaining momentum.

Thousands of seedlings of different tree species adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of this region of the country have been planted on the territory of the new city. This has demonstrated the ability of our people to unite and work hard for a good cause.

Mass tree planting events that have become a noble tradition contribute to the creation of new parks and forest zones, enrichment of the flora of the Turkmen land, and the creation of a favorable ecological environment. This is an important condition for environmental safety, health and well-being of our people.

Song and musical performances by artists organised at the venue of the nationwide event gave this event a special festive atmosphere. This shows that the customs and traditions created by our wise ancestors over the centuries are developing in accordance with the spirit of the times.

Effective measures to protect and enrich natural diversity are a guarantee of universal well-being. It should be noted that, thanks to the efforts of the state, concern for the preservation of nature and ecology is recognised as one of the most important tasks of our time. In this regard, large-scale work is being carried out in the country aimed at ensuring a happy life for current and future generations.

In this context, positive developments are proposed to resolve environmental issues in all corners of Turkmenistan, including the city of Arkadag. It should be noted that such noble deeds have significant support from the international community. The implementation of a large-scale National Forest Program in the Fatherland is a huge contribution to global efforts to combat climate change.

By actively participating in dozens of United Nations environmental conventions, Turkmenistan has achieved broad international support for its initiatives at high-level forums.

Many years of experience have shown that regular mass planting of seedlings is of great importance for improving the environmental situation. This is a clear result of the attention paid at the state level to such issues as environmental protection and turning our country into a flourishing land.

In accordance with the program for the further development of the city of Arkadag, maintaining the ecological level of this region at the proper level is one of the important tasks of today.

As in all corners of the country, within the boundaries of the «smart» city, the territory of forest zones, including those planted with coniferous trees, is expanding. Green spaces of parks purify the air and serve as natural protection from wind and dust. It should be noted that the city of Arkadag is exemplary in this aspect. A vivid confirmation of this is the numerous international environmental certificates it has been awarded.

Caring for planted green areas is an important condition for their further growth. A significant place in this process is given to timely watering of trees. Here, special attention is paid to the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of irrigation, which is among the priority tasks. Therefore, drip irrigation is used in these works.

The hard work of the participants in the nationwide tree planting campaign in the city of Arkadag demonstrates their enthusiasm and unity. The joint participation of all residents of our country in events that contribute to a prosperous life is a clear indication of the successful continuation of national traditions passed down from generation to generation.

Also today, in addition to planting seedlings, work was carried out in the city of Arkadag to care for existing plantings, which is the main condition for ensuring the improvement and development of park areas.

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