Historical and cultural heritage is the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people
Historical and cultural heritage is the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people
Published 28.11.2024

The latest issue of the quarterly popular science magazine «Miras» published by the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after  Magtymguly of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan in Turkmen, Russian and English has been published.

The publication, addressed to a wide range of readers, continues a series of publications on new discoveries, as well as on the results of research in the field of historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of our people, including manuscripts, in the field of development of linguistics, literary criticism and historical science in the country.

The first pages of the issue are devoted to the Addresses of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to schoolchildren, students, teachers and employees of the education sector of independent neutral Turkmenistan on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, as well as the congratulatory message of the head of state to the Turkmen people on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Fatherland.

The traditional section «New Scientific Discoveries» opens with the publication of the candidate of historical sciences J. Gurbangeldiyev «From the history of the study of the Anev culture», which emphasises that thanks to famous archaeologists of the world, humanity became acquainted with such centres of civilisation as China, India, Egypt, Turkmenistan, etc. In the book of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Anev - a culture from the depths of millennia», dedicated to the proclamation of the ancient city of Anev by TURKSOY as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, it is noted that the Anev culture is considered the first agricultural culture in the world. This work, invaluable in meaning and content, is evidence of scientific and literary activity on the systematic collection, detailed study and popularisation of priceless monuments of the material culture of the Turkmen people. The author of the article emphasises that the Anev culture has been studied both from an archaeological point of view - the northern hills of Anev, and from an architectural point of view - the ancient fortress of Anev and the Seyit Jemaletdin mosque. The sensation of the excavations was the discovery of wheat grains, confirming that ak bugday (white wheat) was selected five thousand years ago in Anev. This discovery allowed us to conclude that Central Asia is one of the first regions on earth where cultivated varieties of grain were used. As is known, this year, the «Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi» is celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great classical poet and philosopher of the East at the international level. His creative heritage has entered the golden treasury of world literature. The poems of Magtymguly Fragi, translated into many languages, find a response in the hearts of people in all corners of the planet.

In the article by Professor of the Kyiv University named after B. Grinchenko, Doctor of Philological Sciences N. Vaskiv, it is noted that the work of the Turkmen poet is also being popularised in Hungary. The author states the presence of Turkic genetic components in the Hungarian language, which was confirmed by linguistic research. 

In the publication of the same section «The Artistic Image of Magtymguly Fragi in Turkmen Prose» by Candidate of Philological Sciences M. Orazov, it is noted that such writers as B. Kerbabayev,             B. Seytakov, G. Kuliyev, T. Taganov, O. Nepesov, G. Gurbansahedov and others showed interest in the artistic image of the great master of words. In their works - stories, novellas, plays, novels, two themes can be traced: the era in which the poet lived, and his personal qualities. 

Writers, striving to show Magtymguly as an outstanding representative of his time, carefully worked out his literary image, deeply revealed his multifaceted personality and contribution to Turkmen poetry. In his book «The Unquenchable Torch in the Crown of the Soul» Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov characterized the master of artistic words as follows: «Magtymguly Fragi, who illuminated the path of the Turkmen people to freedom and independence with his remarkable work, calling for spiritual kindness, became one of the most revered poets for him».

The section «nteraction of Cultures and Civilisations» opens with the article «The Concepts of Peace and Humanity in the Works of the Turkmen Poet Makhtumkuli Fragi» by Professor of the Uludag University of Bursa Ya. Aydinli. The author notes that when trying to understand and evaluate the poetry of Magtymguly, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of that time, since the socio-political environment influenced the poet's thinking. His worldview was formed under the influence of the traditions of the national culture of his people. 

The attention of readers are also presented with the material «The Image of Magtymguly Fragi in the Works of the Uzbek Poet Mirtemir» by Doctor of Philology, member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan G. Kurambayeva. The publication contains information about the creative path of the people's Uzbek writer Mirtemir (1910-1978), who was inspired by the poetry of Magtymguly and considered him his mentor. Mirtemir was the editor of the «Collection of Works of Magtymguly», first published in Uzbek in 1958.

While working on translations, he spiritually became closer to the great Turkmen poet, which prompted him to create works dedicated to Magtymguly. In the last years of his life, Mirtemir began writing a cycle of poems «From the Turkmen Notebook», which would consist of his poems about our people. But his untimely death did not allow this dream of the poet to come true. Nevertheless, his poems about the Turkmen do not lose their significance to this day, they remain a glorious page of friendship between the two fraternal peoples.

The section «Chronicle of Scientific and Cultural Life» presents an overview of important events that took place in the country in the third quarter of this year, the motto of which is «Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi». It reflects the progressive peacekeeping course pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and vivid evidence of socially oriented large-scale reforms aimed at strengthening the economic power and further prosperity of the Fatherland, improving the well-being of the people. 

The publication, produced at a high printing level, is colorfully illustrated with reproductions of paintings, photographs of modern masters of art, rare archival materials and cartographic drawings.

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