The international film festival «Gorkut ata» started in Turkmenistan
The international film festival «Gorkut ata» started in Turkmenistan
Published 13.11.2024

Today, the Mukam Palace of the State culture centre of Turkmenistan hosted the opening of the International film festival «Gorkut ata».

The main objective of the international film forum held with participation of representatives of Turkic states is advancement of cooperation in the field of cinematography, development of motion picture arts, and acquaintance of the world community with culture of Turkic people.

Participation of famous film experts, actors and experts of the Russian Federation together with Turkic states in the event testifies to large-scale interaction in this area.

Let us remind that the given event is held in Ashgabat in connection with announcement of the ancient Turkmen city of Anau as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. The last year at the III film festival of the Turkic world Turkmenistan was presented with the statuette "Crane" - a symbol of transfer of the baton of the festival «Gorkut ata».

Our state attaches a great significance to development of the industry of cinematography, creation and display of national films, organization of film forums, and participation of Turkmen experts in the international events held abroad. The last year in the city of Arkadag established at the initiative of Hero-Arkadag, the international film festival «Arkadagyň säheri» which promoted further development of international cooperation in this sphere, was held successfully.

Representatives of ministries and departments, diplomatic missions and international organisations accredited in Turkmenistan, public organisations, mass media, residents and visitors of the capital and actors, directors, producers, figures of cinematography of Turkic states took part in the solemn opening ceremony of the film festival.

Traditionally before ceremony, guests of honour arrived in style on the red carpet. A loud applause public welcomed of judges of the competition of art and documentary films. Representatives of delegations from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bashkortostan (Russian Federation), Republics of Tyva (Russian Federation), the Chuvash Republic (Russian Federation), and Moldova, Turkey, Uzbekistan and our country further one after another proceeded.

In the festively decorated foyer of the palace, the exhibition was developed, allowing making an excursion into history of the Turkmen cinema.

The bright national colour in the festive atmosphere was introduced by Turkmen national melodies and songs performed by bagshy-musicians.

The film festival was opened with the literary-musical composition «Türkmen dünýäsi», executed by actors of the Main Academic Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great and dance groups of the country.

With deep attention, participants heard the congratulatory message of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to participants of the International film festival «Gorkut ata». In the message, in particular, it is noted that as a result of wise, far-sighted policy of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, our fatherland has become a land of friendship, brotherhood, international cooperation. As known, at the meeting of the Permanent council of the International organisation of Turkic culture (TURKSOY) 2024 was declared as «Year of the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world - Magtymguly Fragi», and the ancient city of Anau – as cultural capital of the Turkic world.

«Organization the International film festival Gorkut ata with participation of representatives of Turkic states in days of celebrating of the 300h birthday anniversary of the great master of poetry in the year «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi» in Ashgabat has a great significance. Today in our white marble-coated capital all conditions are available for organisation of international festivals, concerts and forums at high level. The gained experience of our country in this area is recognised all over the world», - the head of the state underlines in his message.

In his congratulatory speech, Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev marked that through the film festival, the organisation aspires to show to the world significance of the Turkic world from the point of view of cinema and at the same time to develop cooperation in this area, having expressed warm gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan for a high organizational level of the film festival.

The celebration proceeded with the display of the video clip «Gorkut ata», prepared by the Oguz khan Türkmenfilm Association.

From ancient times, the Turkmen land was considered as the centre of culture, art, science and education. It has become famous for the great persons who have left an indelible trace in the history. It is the land where there lived such well-known Seljuq sultans, as Togrul beg, Chagry beg, Alp Arslan, Malik shah, Sultan Sanjar. Today the national cultural heritage of glorious ancestors is promoted.

Assignment of the name of Oguz khan to the Türkmenfilm Association is a clear evidence of high honour to courageous ancestors, our great history.

Then, a boy in the national costume takes out the transient symbol of the festival –statue of Crane to the stage, which Turkmenistan this year will hand to Kazakhstan.

Further visitors were acquainted with the jury of the competition of art and documentary films.

The regular cultural dialogue carries out a special mission - adjustment of complex, multiplane interaction of cultures, and popularisation of the richest spiritual-historical heritage of the Turkic people, modern achievements in arts, cinematograph, and encouragement of wide creative contacts.

Performance of creative groups «Meňli» and «Aşgabat», rich with spirit of national traditions in combination with modern trends, has brightly reflected the past and present links.

Songs from Turkmen films added a bright colour in the atmosphere of the holiday of motion picture art.

Then, display of short video clips, which acquainted guests with art and documentary films included in the film festival «Gorkut ata» took place.

It is necessary to note that the cultural action is aimed at strengthening and preservation of human values for future generations.

The video clip of the films that have been made earlier by the Oguz khan Türkmenfilm Association was also presented.

The hall welcomed the performance of the folklore group "Miras" with the kushtdepdi dance, recognised at the world level a part of universal cultural property with the burst of applause. 

The first day of the film forum was over with stirring performance of workers of art and culture of the country.

Within the action, the foreign delegation visited the ancient Turkmen city of Anau and the mosque of Seyit Jemaletdin.

This medieval monument, mosaic decor of which testified to a great skill of local builders and development of architectural art of that time, as a result of devastative earthquake of 1948 has strongly suffered, but still remains to be one of the most attractive places for pilgrims from every corner of the globe.

As known, the Anau culture finds its reflection in the book by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Anau - culture from depths of millennia». The work, which contains invaluable data, became a symbolical gift to the Turkmen people this year, which marks the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi and was declared by TURKSOY as year of this great poet and thinker of the Turkic world.

Guests also visited sights of the white marble-coated capital of the Turkmen state.

In the present period Ashgabat by right recognised as «pearl» of Asia, has turned into one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities of the world. Creation of optimum favourable conditions for life of people serves a priority realised at the initiative of the honoured architect of Turkmenistan - Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and innovative concept of development of the capital as well as state policy of our entire fatherland worthily continued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

National and foreign films will be shown for three days for the spectators at the capital cinema «Aşgabat», film concert centres «Watan» and «Türkmenistan» 

The program of the second day of the film festival includes a master class of figures of motion picture art for students of the Turkmen state institute of culture. Besides it, the same day a meeting of cinematographers of member countries of TURKSOY in the hotel «Aşgabat» and an excursion to the International Akhal-teke horseracing complex.

Thus, the power of art becomes a miracle uniting hearts, and the events, which are held in the framework of the International film festival «Gorkut ata», will become a contribution to further promotion of friendship and brotherhood between people, development of cultural cooperation.

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