Events of the week
Augmentation of well-being of people and economic power of our fatherland - a basis of the state policy
Events of the week
Augmentation of well-being of people and economic power of our fatherland - a basis of the state policy
Published 12.11.2024

The events of the past week clearly attest to the successful realization of the policy by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at dynamical progress in all sectors of economy, steady growth of well-being of population, consolidation of good-neighbourhood relations for universal peace and well-being.

The agenda of the working meeting, which the head of the state held on November 4 included issues of development of the agro-industrial complex and realisation of the National rural program. 

Having focused attention on current seasonal agricultural campaigns, the President of Turkmenistan instructed relevant authorities to hold terms of cotton-picking harvest season and wheat sowing, maintenance of high functionality of agricultural machinery, profile enterprises and reception points, timely settlement with producers and service establishments for their work under unrelenting control.

Besides it, it is necessary to take all measures to gather fully the harvest of rice in Dashoguz and Lebap velayats and sugar beet in Mary region.

Separate instructions concerned maintenance of uninterrupted functioning of heating systems in establishments of education, culture, office buildings and apartment houses, optimum fulfilment of the work planned for the current year within the programs of social and economic development of the country, organisation of the celebrations timed to the holiday of harvest and preparation for the nationwide tree planting action.

On November 6, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country general Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the next meeting  of the State Security Council and summed up the activity of military and law enforcement bodies for ten months of the current year. Its agenda included issues of maintenance of security and tranquillity in our independent fatherland, strengthening of the material and technical basis of power structures and further perfection of their work.

At the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree «On appointment and dismissal of judges of the courts of Turkmenistan, as well as on assigning them qualification classes».

Having pointed out importance of constant control by the prosecutor's office over full and proper fulfilment of legislation, the head of the state instructed to develop the draft of the National anti-corruption program in Turkmenistan for 2025-2029 and other documents according to the standards of international law.

The next meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on November 8 was devoted to results of the work for ten months of the current year and discussion of priorities of social and economic development of the country.

As was informed, as a result of adopted complex measures for the specified period steady rate of increase of gross national product, which made up 6,3 percent was maintained. The given indicator in the industrial sector reached 2,5 percent, construction - 10,9 percent, transport-communication complex - 6,7 percent, trade - 9 percent, agriculture - 5,3 percent, sphere of services - 8,6 percent.

As a whole, the volume of production as compared to the same period of 2023 grew by 11,8 percent.

As compared with the similar period of the past year, retail goods turnover increased by 12,5 percent.

The revenue part of the state budget of the country for ten months was fulfilled at the level of 102,8 percent, and expenditure - 97,7 percent.

The sizes of salaries at large and medium enterprises as compared to the same period of 2023 rose by 10,5 percent. In full volume pensions, salaries, welfare payments and scholarships of students were financed.

The volume of capital investment aimed at development of economy at the expense of all sources of financing, as compared with the corresponding period of 2023 increased by 25,2 percent.

Having noted that results of the work fulfilled for ten months displays successful development of our independent fatherland, the head of the state instructed deputies to discuss the issue on definition of the motto and emblem of 2025 with people and to prepare corresponding proposals.

Considering great achievements in development of the agricultural branch and on the occasion of the harvest holiday, the President of the country signed the Decree on awarding the medal of Turkmenistan «Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin» and warmly congratulated the Turkmen people, hardworking daykhan on the holiday.

Besides it, he gave instructions on conduction of final celebrations planned for November 16 on the occasion of announcement of Anau city as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, preparation for the forthcoming next meeting of the Permanent ministerial council of culture of TURKSOY member countries and the concert of workers of art and culture of Turkic states.

On November 8, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Ms. Ruvendrini Menikdiwela, UN Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

In acknowledgement of big achievements in eradication of statelessness in Turkmenistan, the guest handed the head of the state the corresponding certificate of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

As was marked during the meeting, in the framework of the «National plan of action for 2019-2024 on eradication of statelessness in Turkmenistan» in the country corresponding actions for maintenance of rights of refugees and persons without citizenship are carried out.

So, more than 32 thousand persons living in Turkmenistan and thus not being citizens of any state, over 5 thousand foreign citizens and persons without citizenship have received a residence permit.

It visually attests to full and successful observance of Conventions of the United Nations «On the status of refugees», «On the status of apartheids» and «On reduction of statelessness» by Turkmenistan. Our country became the first country in the region of Central Asian to join the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme.

At the end of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov confirmed adherence of our country to international obligations on protection of the rights of persons without citizenship.

On November 9, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov started the autumn tree planting campaigns, having planted a tree in the wood zone formed in the southern part of the capital.

Chairwoman of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet, heads and representatives of military and law enforcement bodies, ministries and departments accredited diplomatic missions and international organisations and the wide public became participants of the ecological action.

The head of the state during the conversation with a number of Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet focused attention on importance of improvement of ecological situation by means of regular tree planting and instructed to provide control over realisation of measures on preservation of the environment and transformation of our fatherland into a blossoming oasis and on accomplishment of Ashgabat, qualitative and timely fulfilment of civil work.

Within the national action which was held all over the country, 539 thousand 185 trees of various kinds were planted. In parks and wood zones along with cleaning and accomplishment measures were taken to provide proper care of 2 million 67 thousand and 630 trees earlier planted trees.

On November 4, the capital hosted the IV congress of the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan to discuss the priority issues of the given political organisation in the context of realisation of large-scale state social and economic programs in the Era of Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state.

The Agrarian party brings a big contribution to development of the agricultural branch, which is one of the basic segments of national economy. Large-scale transformations started at the initiative of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully continued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the agrarian sector yield weighty results.

The special importance of rendered state support, which is reflected in large investments aimed at technical re-equipment and modernisation of all industrial infrastructure of agriculture, development of the chemical industry, which provides peasants with mineral fertilizers was marked.

Adoption of Government programs for manufacture of import replacing goods and increase of volumes of export production became an important step on the path of further development of the food segment of national economy, satisfaction of demand of the population for foodstuff in a wide assortment and of high quality. The United Nations Organization recognised the successes reached in this area, in particular, our country was awarded a special award of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations for achievements in the field of maintenance of food security.

At the congress, the organizational issue was considered: A.Akmammedov, who earlier worked as vice-president of the Main Board of the given party was elected chairman of the Main Board of the Agrarian party of Turkmenistan.

On November 6, the Turkmen agricultural university named after S.A.Niyazov held on online international scientific-practical conference «Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex».

Representatives of corresponding scientific and educational institutions and higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, Republic of Turkiye, Republic of Uzbekistan and Byelorussia took part in the forum.

In their speeches, they marked further development of the agrarian sector of our country, strengthening of its export potential, effective utilisation of land and water resources, and introduction of modern technologies and advanced achievements of science.

With a view of sustainable development of the branch, according to requirements of the time a great significance was given to cooperation with the region and world countries, and with the corresponding international organisations. National strategy for climate change and National forest program are successfully realised. Turkmenistan was one of the first country to adapt sustainable development goals at the national level and actively participates in realisation of the agenda 2030.

Besides it, participants of the conference discussed introduction of issues of principles of the concept of "green" economy and modern agricultural technologies, including systems of exact land cultivation, automation of corresponding operations, and financial and economic stimulation of agricultural manufacturers and preparation of highly skilled experts in the agrarian sector.

Section sessions were there held on themes «Agronomics, gardening and ecology», «Economy and management in the agro-industrial complex, humanities, and mathematical sciences, agro-engineering», and «food industry, innovative technologies in water management, zootechnics and veterinary science, light industry».

On November 8, the capital hotel "Ýyldyz" hosted the regional ministerial conference «Eradication of statelessness in Central Asia».

In the forum organised by the Government of Turkmenistan and the Office of the Higher Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, representatives of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and agencies of the United Nations and international organisations took part.

The overall objective of the given large scale action – summing up the global campaign #IBelong in Central Asia.

Turkmenistan became one of the countries of the world, which has eradicated statelessness, visually having shown firm adherence to its international obligations and the initiative approach to the solution of this humanitarian issue. The ceremony of awarding passports to the remained 1146 persons without citizenship held in Ashgabat on September 25 of the current year allowed resolving all known cases of statelessness in the country.

The award of the corresponding certificate to the Government of Turkmenistan by UNHCR became an appreciation of the contribution of our state in solution of this global problem.

As was marked during the conference, achievements of countries of the region represent a series of measures for entire communities that assumes a special significance for future generations. It is supposed that Central Asia can become the first sub-region in the world to resolve all cases of statelessness.

Efforts and obligations to combat statelessness will be continued within the Global alliance on eradication of statelessness, started by UNHCR on October 14 on the basis of concrete achievements of the campaign #IBelong.

By the way, Turkmenistan has shown international leadership in this issue, becoming the first country in Central Asia to join new Alliance.

Past Sunday in all regions of our fatherland, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities celebrations on the occasion of the harvest holiday personifying generous gifts of the rich Turkmen land and noble work of farmers were widely marked in the country.

In the capital, the Garagum-river bank became the venue of main actions. There the exhibition of achievements of agriculture and processing, industry modern agricultural machinery was organized in the open-air.

The day before in the conference hall of Turkmen agricultural university named after S.A.Niyazov the ceremony of awarding on behalf of the head of Turkmenistan was held and state awards and costly presents were given to workers of the branch, which achieved good results in development of agriculture and cultivation of generous crops in the year «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi».

Cotton growers of Balkan velayat gained great successes in their work. They were the first to fulfil their cotton production plan, they have produced more than 16 thousand tons of "white gold» for the country.

On behalf of workers of the agrarian complex on the occasion of the harvest holiday, the President of Turkmenistan was presented with wonderful Akhal-Teke racing horse of black colour, which is named Keremli and was born in 2021. 

Thus, events of the past week testify to success of the internal and the foreign policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and cardinal reforms, the overall objective of which is to transform our fatherland into a developed prospering state where the most favourable conditions for realisation of creative potential of people, its happy life are provided.

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