Events of the week
Progress in all spheres of life - an overall objective of the state strategy
Events of the week
Progress in all spheres of life - an overall objective of the state strategy
Published 05.11.2024

Events of the past week have clearly reflected success of the complex strategy aimed at further innovative development of the country, a high level of social support of population and augmentation of the international authority of Turkmenistan initiated by Hero Arkadag and nowadays consistently realised by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

On October 28, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting, at which the state of affairs in the agrarian sector and realisation of the national rural program were considered.

As was informed, in fields of the country all necessary work is carried out to ensure well-organized harvest of cotton without loss and to provide uninterrupted reception of the raw material by profile points as much as possible effectively using thus agricultural machinery.

Along with it, at the final stage is the wheat sowing campaign. Machinery and equipment work at full capacity and vegetative watering is carried out in the fields.

Dashoguz and Lebap velayats continue to gather rice and Mary region started the harvest of sugar beet.

Adopted measures on maintenance of appropriate functioning of heating systems in social, public and residential buildings and state of affairs at objects, which are planned to open during the current year according to the national rural program, were also informed.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to provide an optimum organization of current campaigns in the agrarian sector. In this connection, importance of adoption of target measures, which will allow to raise rates of cotton harvest season and to provide it’s timely and loss free completion and well-organized wheat sowing campaign, was underlined.

Separate instructions concerned control over observance of quality and terms of construction of the objects planned to be commissioned for the current year according to programs of social and economic development of the country.

On October 30, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Alexei Overchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian Commission on Economic Cooperation from the Russian side.

The head of Turkmenistan and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation exchanged opinions on priority aspects of bilateral partnership. It was thus noted that the Turkmen-Russian relations based on principles of sincere friendship, trust and equality, now successfully develop in all directions. The political dialogue consistently becomes stronger, active inter-parliamentary interaction is carried out. Productive relations between Turkmenistan and regions and subjects of the Russian Federation are established.

Trade and economic sector were outlined as key area of Turkmen-Russian partnership.

The sides paid special attention to the humanitarian sphere, including education, science and culture and public health services. In the given context, intention of our countries to increase mutually beneficial cooperation, which is equitable to mutual long-term interests, was confirmed.

On November 1, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which various issues connected with the life of our fatherland were considered.

The issues included the legislative activity of the national Parliament and strengthening of inter-parliamentary relations, course of realisation of the Government program of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025.

Promotion of manufacture of the industrial complex «Guwlyduz», strengthening of material and technical basis of the Ministry of Textile Industry, measures on improvement of social living conditions of citizens, course of seasonal agricultural campaigns, preparation for the beginning of the autumn tree planting action as well as harvest holiday were also informed.

The information on upcoming international events sounded.

So, for November 8-17, on courts of the Tennis complex of the capital Olympic village the International tennis tournament «Ashgabat Open 2024» among young boys and girls under 14 will be held.

From November 13 to November 15, Ashgabat will host the International film festival «Gorkut ata» in which creative meetings of cinematographers, demonstrations of films of countries-participants of the festival, master classes for students will be organised.

On November 14-16, the XVII International exhibition and scientific conference «Türkmentel-2024» will take place. Within the forum, the educational seminar «Digital information in the post system» and conclusion of the next competition of innovative projects «Digital solution - 2024» are planned.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of cooperation between our country and company «Visa» (USA) on November 27 the international business forum will be held. Its agenda will include issues of strategic partnership with this company, and development of high technologies and innovations of international payment system.

At the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved proposals on construction of the factory for manufacture of high-quality salt as a part of industrial complex «Guwlyduz» of «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern and construction of residential houses for workers of «Türkmennebit» State Concern in the city of Turkmenbashi of Balkan velayat having instructed to take corresponding measures.

For consideration of the President of the country a road map of drafts on strengthening of international cooperation of our country for realisation of purposes and tasks of the Global methane pledge (GMP) for 2025-2026, and a set of actions for its fulfilment were presented.

The road map confirms the purposes of Turkmenistan on reduction of emissions of methane until 2030 by means of radical modernisation of power branch and implementation of corresponding measures, thereby promoting efforts of the world community in the field.

For fulfilment of the road map close interaction with authoritative international structures, in particular, with Secretariat of the Framework Convention of the United Nations Organization on climate change, other specialised establishments of the United Nations, with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank is envisaged.

With a view of realisation of the road map, a set of events on reduction of emissions of methane, which includes scientific-practical conferences, «round tables», seminars, and cooperation with foreign companies for solution of the problems put in the given sphere, are also planned. The special attention will be given to working out of feasibility reports on projects on processing and use of accompanying gas by means of introduction of innovative and power saving technologies.

On November 2, with participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov the mass ascension to the health path in commemoration of the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations at the initiative of our country «United Nations Friendship Games» took place.

Within the action, the ceremony of celebration of victory of sportsmen and coaches of national teams of Turkmenistan who won prize-winning places at international competitions took place. On behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov costly presents were given them.

Winners of competition to complete the Path of Health declared among representatives of diplomatic missions and international organisations, employees of ministries and departments, students of higher educational schools were also awarded keepsakes.

The international conference devoted to adoption of the Resolution « United Nations friendship Games» at the initiative of our country by General Assembly of the United Nations, was held in the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

As known, the Resolution «United Nations Friendship Games», offered by Turkmenistan and unanimously supported by United Nations member countries, was adopted on September 6 of the current year at the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The co-authorship of 87 states attested to another international success of the foreign policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which consistently realises the initiatives National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

As was underlined during the conference, Turkmenistan possessing a legal status of neutrality, actively co-operates with specialized establishments of the United Nations and other international organisations in spheres of public health care, popularisation of principles of healthy way of life, effective utilisation of potential of sports diplomacy for joining of people in interests of strengthening of peace and well-being.

Expansion of multidimensional links with the region and world states is promoted also by cultural diplomacy of independent neutral Turkmenistan. A vivid example for it can be Days of culture of the Republic of Armenia, which were held in Ashgabat.

Participants of the cultural action acquainted residents of Ashgabat with original creativity of the Armenian people, its traditions, the modern art of the friendly country, including cinematography.

As was marked, the Turkmen and Armenian people share many common things in in their history and today in mutual relations that make up a humanitarian vector. In an arsenal of interaction of scientists and art workers of two countries - long-term joint work on study of the richest layer of history and culture of the Turkmen and Armenian people, testifying to their ancient contacts.

The scientific-practical conference was timed to the 31st anniversary of introduction of the national currency – manat «Turkmen manat - a symbol of sustainable development of the country» which was held in the joint-stock commercial bank «Senagat».

The agenda of the conference included such themes, as economic successes reached in our fatherland as a result of introduction of the manat, realisation of national monetary and credit policy, granting of modern bank services by means of introduction of digital technologies, perfection of system of electronic payments, cooperation with international financial structures.

Within the action, the exposition at which memorable coins from precious metals, made during independence years and national jewellery were presented, was arranged.

On the occasion of Day of workers of construction and industrial complex marked for the first time in the country in the showroom of the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Turkmenistan the International exhibition «Construction, industry, energy of Turkmenistan-2024» was opened. In its frameworks, the scientific conference «Development of construction, industry, energy of Turkmenistan» was held.

The purpose of specialised review - acquaintance with successes of our country in the sphere of building, industrial production, power and chemical industry, road building, and also service services, specialised equipment and high technologies offered by famous world companies.

In speeches of the participants of the conference it was noted that, possessing rich natural resources and actively realising the policy of «open doors», Turkmenistan confidently expands global economic links, showing all-round readiness for a meaningful dialogue in mutual interests.

Commissioning of new objects of electric power industry was timed to the professional holiday.

That day Etrek etrap of Balkan velayat hosted the opening ceremony of a new power station «Etrek» with a capacity 220 kW and in the capital, power station «Bagyr» with a capacity 110 kW was placed in operation.

As a result of the reforms in the electric power branch during last years, its capacities have repeatedly increased that allows not only completely provide internal requirements, but also to increase volumes of export of Turkmen electric power.

As a whole, events of the past week became a bright illustration of the fact that under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, our fatherland attached to ideals of peace, humanism and good, confidently moves ahead on the road of progress and prosperity and becomes one of the strong and steadily developing states of the planet where the care of people, their well-being is regarded as paramount importance of its socially oriented policy.

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