Events of the week
The peace-making policy and constructive labour - a basis of achievements of Turkmenistan
Events of the week
The peace-making policy and constructive labour - a basis of achievements of Turkmenistan
Published 20.10.2024

Major areas of the state policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the main objective of which is further economic growth of our fatherland, adherence to the peace-making course, creation of the best conditions for happy life of Turkmen nationals found their reflection in events of the past week.

The agenda of the working meeting, which took place on October 14, included issues of realisation of the National rural redevelopment program as well as the   course of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.

The basic emphasis was made on importance of gathering of cotton harvest without loss and completion of grain sowing according to agro-technicians standards, preparation of places for wintering of cattle and fodder in sufficient volume.

The head of the state instructed to take target measures for full maintenance of home market with potato, vegetables and gourds and other crops.

Corresponding orders were given concerning successful realisation of programs on social and economic development of the country and increase of standard of living of the population as well as control over the quality of construction of different objects planned to be commissioned the current year.

On October 18, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the next online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, at which a number of issues of state life were considered.

They included the legislative activity of the national Parliament and strengthening of inter-parliamentary links, further development of textile industry, modernisation of railway sphere, perfection of national education system and preparation of qualified experts, a course of the seasonal agricultural activities.

For consideration of the President of Turkmenistan, the proposal on conduction of international accreditation of laboratories of the State Etalon Centre of Turkmenistan and the Main Public Service «Türkmenstandartlary» according to international standards was submitted.

One more proposal concerned construction of a textile complex for manufacture of cotton yarn, cotton and terry fabrics and readymade garments in the etrap named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi of Dashoguz velayat. It will allow making and exporting qualitative, non-polluting import replacing textile production and create new workplaces.

At the same time, the head of the state approved the proposal aimed at perfection of work of railway branch at the international level.

The information on preparation for upcoming events also sounded.

So, on October 23-25 of the current year the XXIX International conference and exhibition «Oil and gas of Turkmenistan - 2024» is planned.

Within the celebration of Day of workers of the construction and industrial complex there will be held a profile international exhibition and conference. Along with it, preparation for the opening of the multipurpose solar and wind power station with a capacity of 10 megawatt in Gyzylarbat etrap of Balkan velayat and the enterprises for manufacture of ceramic production «Bäherden» in Baherden etrap of Akhal velayat is carried out.

The last Sunday of October of the current year events on the occasion of the holiday of Turkmen alabay will take place. In this connection, we will note that according to the Resolution of the head of the state Ashgabat will host the International competition «Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy» and competitions in display of the image of Turkmen alabay in products of graphic and decoration arts and crafts, publishing production, on pictures, TV channels.

In November-December of this year, higher educational institutions of the country will also host a number of international scientific-practical conferences.

Results of the working visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, taken place from October 15 to October 17 of the current year with a view of participation in the next 23rd session of the Council of heads of governments of SCO became a separate theme of the meeting.

In its speech, the Turkmen party among key areas of cooperation with SCO mentioned transport, communication, energy, and trade and investment activity. Along with it, it was proposed to come into direct contacts in the area of private sector, between the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and the SCO Business Council.

Within the working visit, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari received the delegation of our country. During the meeting, issues of bilateral trade and economic interaction were discussed.

A wide spectrum of issues of interstate partnership in its priority areas were considered at the meeting of the delegation of Turkmenistan with Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif.

During its visit, the delegation of Turkmenistan also carried on negotiations with the Minister of Energy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Within the meeting with the Minister of Education of the friendly country, possibilities of expansion of contacts in the educational sphere were considered.

Having marked that traditionally friendly and good-neighbourhood unites our country with member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the head of Turkmenistan gave the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet, the head the Ministry of Foreign Affairs corresponding instructions on further expansion of cooperation with SCO.

At the meeting, the head of the state signed the Resolution on announcement of the competition for the award of the President of Turkmenistan «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» among figures of literature, culture and art, amateur young singers and gifted children.

Among other events of the past week was the telephone conversation, which took place on October 14 between National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The President of Uzbekistan expressed gratitude for the invitation to take part in the representative forum held to honour great thinker of the East Magtymguly and award the anniversary medal «Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna», having underlined the importance of the international conference, held in Ashgabat in strengthening of friendly links between people.

During the conversation prospects of bilateral cooperation in trade and economic, fuel and energy, transport-communication and agricultural spheres as well as issues of realisation agreements reached earlier and joint projects planned to realisation were discussed.

In the Mejlis the second meeting of speakers of parliaments of Turkmenistan, Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kirghiz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Republic of Korea following the results of which the Joint Declaration was adopted, took place.

On margins of the forum the second Turkmen-Korean consultative meeting, in which possibilities of use of parliamentary diplomacy in the context of development of bilateral cooperation in various spheres were discussed, was organized.

Besides it, a number of bilateral meetings and meetings of inter-parliamentary groups of friendship were held.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the briefing devoted to the International forum «Interrelations of times and civilisations - a basis of peace and development».

Heads of the foreign policy department of the country and heads of diplomatic representatives and international organisations accredited in Turkmenistan and mass media took part in the event.

The world press gave the extensive information on work of the representative forum, the ideas stated in it and the bilateral meetings held within the forum.

Fragments from the speech of the President of Turkmenistan were published on pages of the largest news agencies with readers of many millions worldwide.

The largest regional editions, referring to the information of national news agencies, informed that participants of the meeting underlined necessity of activization of dialogue for cultural-humanitarian sphere. The mass media of foreign countries noted a positive influence of the representative international forum on development of regional interaction and underlined that long-term experience in this area will promote the further strengthening of cultural-humanitarian links.

Presentation of collections of poems of poet-classic Magtymguly Fragi translated into Uzbek and Kirghiz languages organised in the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan became one more acknowledgement of strengthening of cultural cooperation between peoples.

Ashgabat also hosted the 13th meeting of the Joint Turkmen-Tajik intergovernmental commission on trade and economic, scientific, and technical cooperation. A delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the country S. Ziyozoda arrived in Ashgabat to participate in it.

At the meeting , a wide spectrum of issues, including trade and economic and investment interaction, partnership prospects in the energy sector, transport and logistics, agriculture, industrial complex and also in spheres of science, culture, education, public health services and sports were discussed.

Following the results of the meeting, the corresponding Protocol was signed.

In the capital hotel "Ýyldyz" the 37th meeting of the Advisory Council on Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Population, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of CIS states-participants was held.

According to the agenda, the information on decisions of the previous meeting held in in September of last year in the city of Sochi (Russian Federation), on results of cooperation of CIS states-participants in the social and labour sphere (2022-2024) and tasks on prospect, and the situation in the social and labour sphere in the Commonwealth countries and other was heard.

As the presiding party, Turkmenistan presented big achievements of our country in realisation of the social policy aligned in accurate conformity with main positions of the Constitution, which proclaims an individual the highest value of society and state.

Members of the Advisory council noted coordination of undertaken actions, presence of strong contract-legal basis and political will for strengthening long-term successful cooperation that opens good prospects for realisation of new joint projects.

The Turkmen Agricultural Institute located in Dashoguz, became a venue of the International competition of scientific-design works «Agro innovation: a bright way to sustainable development».

Overall objective of intellectual online competition - development of scientific thinking, research skills and creative approach of students to independent study and solution of important problems facing the sphere of agriculture in the context of sustainable development goals of the United Nations (SDGs). Works were distributed in three areas: agricultural projects, IТ-projects and business projects.

Among participants - students from the Russian Federation, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Japan, Republic of Botswana and Germany representing 26 higher educational  schools. Authors of 100 works are the students educated in 16 higher educational schools of our country.

The program of Days of culture of the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan was extensive. In its frameworks performances of the State academic folk dance ensemble of Adygea “Nalmes”, the concert of classical music where P.I. Tchaikovsky. S.V. Rahmaninovs works and the exhibition of works of photo artists and applied art works «Patchwork mosaics of Russia» took place.

Russian art workers gave a master class for students of Turkmen national conservatory named after Maya Kulieva, pupils of the choreographic school and dancing collectives of Ashgabat.

In the national museum «Ak bugdaý» the International scientific meeting «Turkmenistan - the centre of ancient civilisations», timed to the 95th anniversary of outstanding scientists, archaeologists, winners of the International award named after Magtymguly Vadim Masson and Victor Sarianidi, who devoted their  lives to study of monuments of antiquity of Turkmenistan.

In the forum organised by National Department of Turkmenistan for the Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments Turkmen and Russian researchers took part. Colleagues from Italy and the Czech Republic also joined them online.

Last week the Turkmen capital received participants of the II Theatrical festival of member countries of the International organisation of Turkic culture ­ (TURKSOY), devoted to the announcement of this year the ancient Turkmen city of Anau as a cultural capital of the Turkic world and celebration of the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi.

The creative action, called to strengthen cultural links between Turkic people and to create a platform for creative exchange between art workers of countries-participants, united not only the attendants of Melpomene who presented the best plays, but also artists and writers.

Thus, events of the past week became a bright illustration of sequence of the course of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in realisation of strategy of internal development of the country as the state with strong economic, resource, spiritual and social basis, with steadily growing standard of well-being of its people.

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