Events of the week
Towards new achievements in all spheres of life of the country
Events of the week
Towards new achievements in all spheres of life of the country
Published 23.07.2024

The life of modern Turkmenistan is many-sided. The chain of events, which replaces each other, big and small activities that make up the contemporary history of the country, is infinite. Having designated a clear goal – our fatherland’s prosperity, high standards of living of the people, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with resoluteness, which is peculiar to him consistently, puts into practice a general line of social and economic reforms and democratic transformations.

The decisions adopted at the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers,  which took place on July 19 serve a concrete example of how goals are solved and programs, the basis of which  adhere to the main guideline of the policy of Turkmenistan «State - for people!», are successfully realised.   

The information on adoption of legal acts and amendments and additions made to the Budget, Sanitary Codes, Code of social protection of population, Laws of physical culture and sports, state scientific and technical policy, scientific institutions, combat of doping in sports and seed-growing sounded at the meeting. It is necessary to note that the given statutory acts were improved according to the Constitution of Turkmenistan and realities of the time. Conduction of this work has been aimed at successful realisation of the Program «Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state: National program of social-economic development of Turkmenistan for 2022-2052» as well as expansion of legal possibilities for modernisation of activity of profile spheres.

Participation of national members of the parliament in the seminars organised by representations of the United Nations Children's Fund and the United Nations Population Fund, International Organization for Migration, OSCE Centre in Ashgabat together with state structures of our country was also informed. The representative of the Mejlis was sent to the forum, which was held Hague (Holland) under the aegis of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

During the meeting of the Government, head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out necessity of further perfection of sphere of protection of intellectual property according to the advanced international practice and signed the Resolution, having approved the Procedure for payment of fees for realisation of the actions connected with the state registration of topology of integrated microcircuits as well as the amounts of corresponding fees.

During the existence of national system of intellectual property, a considerable step was made in the field of cooperation with foreign states that allowed our country to be integrated into the international patent system in the sphere of industrial property. Turkmenistan is the participant to 15 international contracts in the field and actively co-operates with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).

The meeting also considered issues of modernisation of objects of Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex of "Türkmennebit" State Concern, in particular, storages and shipments of liquefied gas.

In the given context, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov marked importance of further development of the oil and gas industry, increase in capacities of projects for storage and shipment of liquefied gas manufactured at TORC, having instructed the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet to continue work in this direction.

It is necessary to note that today Turkmenbashi oil refineries complex manufactures several types of oil products widely demanded in internal and international markets. Thanks to reconstruction and technical re-equipment, a quarter of volume of industrial output made in the country falls on the share of TORC.

Agriculture should be profitable and yield income to the state and farmers - such is an overall objective of the transformations, which are carried out by Arkadagly Hero Serdar in the agrarian sector of the country. The modern model of the national agrarian and industrial complex is based first of all on the complex approach to the solution of all issues connected with its further development. Land tenure, productive and economic relations, working conditions and life of peasants, this and many other things are well weighed taking into account realities of today and the tasks that the leading branch of national economy faces in the third millennium.

In the given context, it is appropriate to recall that recently with a view of rational and effective utilisation of land resources of the country and regulation of land relations, the President of Turkmenistan has signed the Resolution, having approved the Procedure for preparation, registration and issuance of documents on granting land plots into ownership, use and rent as well as the Provision of the State Commission for agrarian issues.

According to the document, the Ministry of Agriculture together with the Ministry of Adalat are commissioned in a month to prepare and submit to the Cabinet the proposal on amendment and additions to the legislation of Turkmenistan, following of the present Resolution.

Our achievements in the sphere of a communication infrastructure allow undertaking development of new large-scale projects with application of the most high-class technologies. In this connection, at the above-named meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers it was informed that according to the goals designated in the «State program on development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025», khyakimlik of Ashgabat has developed the project «Central electronic system» for the enterprises that provide utilities services and has launched stage by stage some programs.

Having focused attention on importance of realisation of the given project on digitalization of capital communal services, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet a number of concrete instructions.

It is necessary to mark that dynamical realisation of large-scale programs adopted in Turkmenistan on development of economy puts forward new goals on further perfection of possibilities of digital system. Consecutive work is carried out creation and supply of qualitatively updated and competitive communication service for population. Considerable means are invested in formation and perfection of the profile cluster. Cardinal scientific and technical reforms and large-scale projects by means of systematic improvement of structural, material-technical and legal basis of digital system are realised.

Among priorities of culture establishments - popularisation of national cultural heritage of Turkmen people in the world. At the meeting of the Government the report on organisation the international film festival «Gorkut ata» in our country sounded. The given action according to the special Plan approved by the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan of January 4, 2023, is planned for November of the current year.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that in our country numerous events are held on the occasion of announcement of Anau city as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. Having approved the proposal presented by the Deputy Chairman on conduction of the international film festival «Gorkut ata» on November 4-5, the head of Turkmenistan instructed to take corresponding measures for organisation of the given creative forum at high level.

Turkmenistan possesses invaluable findings of ancient history and the richest culture of our people. The care of preservation of monuments of history and culture, spiritual property of Turkmen, defined by Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov among the major tasks of state and society in the epoch of innovations and deep transformations successfully proceeds, today, under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan.

In the given context, it is necessary to remind that within the Week of culture-2024 held in Arkadag city the ceremony of presentation of the state register of objects of national historical and cultural heritage of the country prepared for the edition by the National Department of Turkmenistan for Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments took place.

The given list is intended for official use of experts and employees of historical and cultural reserves, local administrations.

During the meeting, the head of the state also approved the proposal concerning organization of ceremony of seeing-off of the national team of Turkmenistan for participation in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, which will be held in Paris from July 26 to August 11, this year and instructed to provide a high level of its organisation.

Being an active participant of the International Olympic Movement, Turkmenistan supports orientation of sports to maintain peace and development. Adherence to the high purposes of the Olympic movement, development and popularisation of sports of higher achievements and mass physical culture act as the major basis to education of physically developed generations, celebration of principles of healthy way of life in our society.

Huge investments are made in creation of modern sports infrastructure, including those for Olympic sports, preparation of sportsmen, coaches and profile experts.

By the invitation of the head of the International Olympic Committee to competitions of global scale, sportsmen will take part in four sports disciplines - judo, weightlifting, track and field athletics and water sports.

In the Olympic Games our compatriots should show purposefulness and skill in achievement of victories which are highly estimated by Arkadagly Hero Serdar who gives all-round support to development of sports in the country.

Within the implementation of foreign policy active relations are supported with the United Nations and other large international structures, close interaction in the field of energy security, transition to "green" economy in connection with climate change, rational use of energy resources is carried out.

So, during the meeting, the report concerning preparation of the project of the Plan for strengthening international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of renewed energy sources for 2025-2030 sounded. With a view of attraction of the investments in national economy based on high technologies in the field, and innovations, the proposal on promotion of partnership with leading world companies within the International Investment Forum of Turkmenistan, which will take place in Ashgabat on September 19-20, 2024, was also sounded.

Having approved the presented proposals, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that in Turkmenistan the great attention is given to development of renewed energy sources, there are favourable conditions for practical use of solar and wind energy. In the given sphere, successful interaction in the context of exchange by experience with the international organisations is carried out.

Passing to other events of the past seven-day week, we will note that President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the head of representation of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan Ms. Jalpa Ratna who handed the head of the state her credentials. As was underlined, active cooperation with the authoritative international organisations, first of all with united Nations and its specialised structures, is one of the basic areas of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan.

Consecutive and highly effective character of the adjusted relations between Turkmenistan and UNICEF is in this connection especially noted. As known, our state has been unanimously selected a member of Executive Council of UNICEF for 2024-2026 that acts as evidence of efficiency of long-term interaction of the country with the Children's Fund. Now our partnership is carried out in frameworks of country program of UNICEF for Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, the National plan of action on realisation of the rights of children for 2023-2028 was approved.

The head of the state also received credentials from newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan Nurlan Nogayev. During the meeting, interested exchange of opinions on the present state and prospects of mutual relations took place. It was stated that, based on commonness of cultural and historical values, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan have generated a strong basis for interaction which serves in the present period as example of interstate partnership. A special emphasis was made on the positive character of cooperation between both countries within the authoritative international and regional structures. The trade and economic sphere, energy and transport, cultural-humanitarian area were mentioned among perspective areas of partnership.

During the meeting, it was stated with satisfaction that on June 25-27, this year Days of culture of Turkmenistan in Kazakhstan were successfully marked and on July 4 within the visit of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Astana, the monument to Turkmen poet-thinker Magtymguly Fragi was solemnly opened. All it serves as evident acknowledgement of the general aspiration to enhancement of cultural-humanitarian cooperation between two fraternal people.

Achievements of the country, which follows the path of progress and creation, our friends and partners invariably mark. The letters sent to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, including from the Secretary General of United Nations Antonio Guterres where deep gratitude for warm hospitality was  expressed during his recent visit to Ashgabat, also attest to this fact.

Having noted that initiatives of Turkmenistan on advancement of culture of peace, trust and diplomacy deserve an appreciation, the head of the international organisation underlined that welcomes proposals of our country on expansion of transport and energy corridors in Central Asia and beyond its limits as well as those on strengthening regional cooperation in combat against climate change consequences. The obligation of our country considerably to reduce emissions of hotbed gases, including methane deserves special attention. The important role of Turkmenistan in placement of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, the country’s active position in assistance of regional stability and development of dialogue and cooperation between states of Central Asia was underlined.

The Secretary General of the United Nations stated that during his visit he was awarded an anniversary medal on the occasion of the 300th birthday anniversary of Magtymguly. This prestigious award reflects our deep relations and values which we share. It induces me further to aspire to ideals of harmony of people and nature, which were defended by Magtymguly Fragi, underlined in his message Antonio Guterres.

Continuing the review of basic events of the past week, it is necessary to note that in the higher and secondary professional educational institutions of the country campaign for enrolment of students started on July 15.

The care of education of highly qualified and spiritually developed younger generation acts as one of the key vectors of the state policy. Taking into account priorities of social and economic development of Turkmenistan, the taken course in industrialisation requirement for highly skilled personnel capable successfully to solve tasks put before them increases.

Today, the country’s higher educational establishments offer entrants a wide choice of areas in education. Thus, their quantity is constantly replenished with new specialities. Considering requirements of various branches of national economy for the qualified personnel, the number of specialities in secondary professional educational institutions of the country has increased.

Our fatherland needs highly educated, morally developed, enterprising people who can independently accept critical decisions, differ with mobility, dynamism, and constructiveness. As Arkadagly Hero Serdar points out, in the epoch of intellectual and technological competition in the world, it is the education that serves as a defining factor to ensure an all-around development of our state in pace with the time. 

At the end of the week, the khyakimlik of the capital hosted the meeting of the Organizing committee for holding a high-level meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan took place. It discussed the issues connected with definition of date of the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, convocation of participants, creation of the above-named Committee and approval of its structure.

As  known, at the expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which took place on July 12 of the current year, the President of the country defined specific targets, concerning the next meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan in the capital in days of celebration of Independence Day where reached successes in state development will be discussed and forthcoming purposes will be also planned.

Primary goals of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan are solution of issues of state importance, wide attraction of public to realisation of programs carried out in the country, assistance to consolidation of unity, integrity, coherence, well-being of people, development of proposals on development and further strengthening of the independent neutral state.

Thanks to the far-sighted leadership of the President of Turkmenistan and constant support of Hero-Arkadag, huge work is carried out to popularise exemplary traditions of our people and national heritage as a whole in the world.

Main events of the past week, which attested to realised cardinal reforms, initiated by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the main objective of which is to transform our Fatherland into an advanced prospering state where the most favourable conditions for realisation of creative potential of people are provided. 

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