Events of the week
Towards new heights of progress
Events of the week
Towards new heights of progress
Published 17.06.2024

Events of the past week have once again attested to the success of scientifically well-founded transformative strategy pursued under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to improve the industrial, resource, labour and mental potential of our fatherland and intensify the meaningful dialogue with all interested countries.

On June 10, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular online working meeting to consider the course of seasonal activities in fields in the country.

The main emphasis was made on importance of timely and without loss gathering the grain grown by hardworking farmers, care of cotton according to requirements of agro-technical standards.

On June 10, within the framework of a two-day state visit of the head of the Republic of Korea to Turkmenistan summit talks between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Yun Suk-Yeol took place.

They discussed a wide spectrum of issues of interstate interaction, concretized its priorities taking into account realities of the present time, and based on long-term prospects.

Having confirmed adherence of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea to further development of full-scale cooperation, interlocutors outlined trade and economic sphere, transport, energy, high technologies and others among key areas. 

During the negotiations, exchange of opinions on a number of topical issues of regional and world policy, representing mutual interest took place.

An emphasis was made on the fact that inter-parliamentary relations act as an important component of interstate dialogue. So, this year Ashgabat will host the second meeting of speakers of parliaments of countries of Central Asia and the Republic of Korea.

Korean companies expressed interest in participation in realisation of the megaproject - «Aşgabat-siti» in which it is planned to construct modern apartment houses, to create road and transport infrastructure, ecological zones, recreation centres and others.

They mentioned solution of issues in the field of climate change and preservation of the environment as one of the most perspective vectors of bilateral partnership.

Presence of high potential of interaction was marked in spheres of information technology and artificial intelligence, telecommunications and space.

Cultural and humanitarian area, science, education, public health services, sports and tourism were also designated among important areas of partnership.

Besides it, readiness to support promotion of relations between Central Asian countries and the Republic of Korea within the cooperation initiative «Korea - Silk Road», which is the first similar strategy across Central Asia was confirmed.

Following the results of negotiations, a big package of bilateral documents aimed at deepening of mutually beneficial relations, enrichment of their new contents was signed.

Possibilities for promotion of effective Turkmen-Korean interaction, supplementing it with new concrete proposals, taking into account modern realities, were considered during the meeting that was held on June 11 between National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Korea Yun Suk-Yeol.

Issues of cooperation in the trade and economic sphere were discussed at the meeting, which was held in the format of working meeting with participation of members of delegations of both countries.

That very day Ashgabat hosted the Turkmen-Korean business forum with participation of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Korea Yun Suk-Yeol.

In his speech, Hero-Arkadag noted that today in Turkmenistan 14 investment projects, the cost of which exceeds 11 billion US dollars, are implemented with participation of Korean companies. Among them are the projects connected with erection and modernisation of objects of oil and gas branch, purchase of vehicles, building of cargo ships.

Possibility of development of trade and economic and investment cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea served as the subject of detailed discussion of participants of the forum.

Petro and gas chemistry, energy, transport -communication complex and logistics, shipbuilding, industry, building and infrastructure, agriculture as well as introduction of advanced non-polluting technologies and others were outlined perspective areas of partnership. The high potential is also available for essential increase in volumes of mutual goods turnover.

Aspects of the Turkmen-Korean cooperation in concrete branches were discussed in more details during the meetings of representatives of profile structures of two countries organised upon completion of the business forum.

On June 14, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the next online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the agenda of which included some issues of state life.

Its participants informed on further perfection of legal basis of the country, in particular, adoption of the law of Turkmenistan «On cultural heritage of Magtymguly Fragi», development of the new edition of the Civil Code, amendment and additions of a number of laws, including the Budget Code.

In addition to them they considered issues of supervision of conformity of the measuring means applied in sectoral departments, metrological requirements of international standards, realisation of the Plan of action  on fulfilment of work at  industrial projects of «Türkmengaz» State Concern, measures taken for uninterrupted supply of raw materials for "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern, introduction and modernisation of digital technologies and further development of agro-industrial sector in the country.

Besides it, they informed on preparation of the pavilion of Turkmenistan at the International exhibition «China-Eurasia EXPO» which will take place in Urumchi (People’s Republic of China) as well as organizational issues  of the II theatre festival of member countries of International organisation of Turkic culture (TURKSOY) in October of the current year in Ashgabat.

For consideration of the President of the country the proposal on donation of gold and silver coins as well as over their sixty fragments and multi-coloured subjects, which have been discovered in the territory of Dashoguz velayat to the Museum of History and Local Lore of Arkadag city, was submitted. Finding are dated to XII-XIII centuries and belong to the time of blossoming of the powerful state of Koneurgench Turkmens created at an important crossroads of the Great Silk road.

The draft of the procedure of organisation and realisation of state registration of scientific programs, plans and reports on scientific activity also was submitted for attention of the head of the state.

Turkmenistan, with wide introduction of modern technologies and innovations in all branches of its economy, takes an important role in interaction with specialised international and regional organisations, including with the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).

In the given context, during the meeting of the Government a number of corresponding proposals, including joining of Turkmenistan the Protocol on the protection of industrial designs under the Eurasian patent Convention, which are key document of EAPO, were submitted.

Proposals on organization of a regional forum on protection of right of industrial designs in Ashgabat in October of this year and in 2025 - the next session of Administrative council of the Eurasian Patent Organisation were sounded.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, having congratulated all on sacred Gurban bayramy, which our country will mark within three days, in particular on June 16, 17, and 18, signed the Decree, which envisages postpone of the day off on June 16 to Wednesday - June 19.

The head of the state also signed the Resolution «On purchase of urea-formaldehyde concentrate necessary for factories on manufacture of urea of «Türkmenhimiýa» State Concern.

As was informed at the meeting of the Government, farmers of Dashoguz and Balkan velayats where taking into account the environmental conditions the wheat harvest starts later, started the grain harvesting campaign on June 14. The northern region of the country plans to collect 265 thousand tons of grain, and the western region - 80 thousand tons.

On June 15, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Balkan velayat where he familiarised with the course of realisation of the government program of social and economic development of regions and rates of grain harvest.

The helicopter of the President of the country landed near the wheat field of «Arkaç» farm association in Gyzylarbat etrap.

At the desire of tenant farmers, the head of the state gave his blessing to the harvest, having cut off a small sheaf of ears of wheat, grown by hardworking daykhans.

In conversation with young tenant farmers, the President of the country took an interest in their working conditions, varieties crops grown by them, efficiency of grain fields.

As was marked, this year the state procurement prices of wheat and cotton were raised that considerably will affect well-being of the daykhan whose noble work promote strengthening of national food abundance.

Arkadagly Hero Serdar handed as gifts to tenant farmers and the khyakim of Balkan velayat - keys to 200 modern vehicles intended for residents of the western region.

Among other events of the week – meetings, which the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held with CEO of «Dragon Oil» Ali Rashid Al-Jarwan, Director General of «PETRONAS Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd» Ismadi Bin Ismail, Chairman of the Council of Managing Directors of the Group of Companies «Çalik Holding» Ahmet Chalyk, Chairman of the Board of Turkish company «Rönesans Holding» Erman Ilicak.

Perspective areas of cooperation taking into account available experience of teamwork and programs of economic development realised in Turkmenistan were  discussed with representatives of old foreign partners of our country, large-scale projects in the industrial sector as well as favourable conditions for business.

On the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, credentials from the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Australia to Turkmenistan John William Giering were received in the Mejlis.

During the exchange of opinions, presence of high potential for promotion of trade and economic and cultural-humanitarian interaction in priority areas of bilateral partnership was marked.

The international conferences with participation of national scientific figures and their foreign colleagues, teachers of higher educational schools, student youth was timed Science Day, a significant date of the national calendar widely marked on June 12.

The international science-technology park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and Oguz Khan engineering-technological university of Turkmenistan became platforms for discussion of modern areas of scientific and technical progress, popular areas of research work, cooperation prospects, in particular, in the field of development of high technologies and their application in various branches of economy.

Within the festivities awarding ceremonies of winners of the competition of scientific works among young scientists of the country as well as scientific-creative competition «Young innovators» in which schoolchildren took part, were also held.

The past week Ashgabat hosted the meeting of Chairwoman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan D.Gulmanova with Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev.

Prospect of bilateral inter-parliamentary interaction, expansion of exchange of experience in the legislation sphere served as the subject of interested discussion. Organizational issues of the next Inter-parliamentary forum of countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation, called to promote strengthening of multilateral mutually beneficial partnership were also considered.

The further development of strategic cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russia became a theme of the meeting of K.Kosachev in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.

Among political events – completion of the next stage of pre-election campaign -registration of the candidates to the deputies of the Mejlis, instead of those who resigned. In total 9 candidates - 3 for each election district of Ashgabat - № 1 «Garaşsyzlyk» were put forward, 

№ 2 «Bitaraplyk» and № 6 «Köpetdag». Now in election districts meetings of candidates with electors are held.

76 national observers appointed by political parties, public organisations and groups of citizens were registered and received certificates. They will conduct monitoring of election process within their powers.

In Ashgabat, on the area before the Constitution Monument as well as on the square of the National Flag in Avaza national tourist zone of Turkmenbashi city ceremonies of celebration of graduates of the Military academy, cadets of higher educational schools of security bodies of Turkmenistan and faculty of military medicine of the State Medical University named after Myrat Garryev.

Young officers brought an oath as a sign of fidelity to the military oath, devotion to their native land, people and the President of the country, readiness with honour to continue noble military traditions of ancestors.

As a whole in events of the past week, priority aims of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State laid down by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov - strategic partnership for universal peace, security and progress, augmentation of economic potential of our fatherland, enrichment of cultural wealth of the nation, growth of well-being of the Turkmen people found their reflection.

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