Events of the week
The creative potential of Turkmenistan - for the happy life of people
Events of the week
The creative potential of Turkmenistan - for the happy life of people
Published 09.06.2024

In the state policy of Turkmenistan, an ecological aspect is closely co-ordinated with its social and economic component and is integrated into large-scale programs and infrastructural projects. At that, a great significance is given to popularisation and development of sports, which obtains more and more adherents in our country and is one of the bright tendencies of the new historical epoch. Traditions to organize regularly mass sports events, including bicycle races, put by Hero-Arkadag, today find a successful continuation in the complex strategy realised by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

On June 3, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov headed a mass bicycle rise in Ashgabat, organised on the occasion of World Bicycle Day.

Large-scale sports action started from the monument to "Bicycle" located on the crossing of Chandibil avenue and Bekreve Street and finished at the capital Rukhyet Palace.

The Chairwoman of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of ministries and sectoral departments, capital administration, public organisations, mass media, rectors of higher educational institutions became its participants. heads and representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in our country and representations of international organisations also took part in the bicycle ride.

Schoolchildren of the Palace «Döwletliler köşgi», students of the Training School for Young Olympians and schoolchildren of secondary schools, sportsmen of the national cycling team of Turkmenistan, students, and public representatives followed the column of bicyclists.

Participants of the Mary-Tejen-Ashgabat cycling marathon also joined the action organised for the first time in Turkmenistan along a special route on the Mary-Tejen-Ashgabat section of the Ashgabat- Turkmenabat high-speed highway.

Mass bicycle rides were held on that day in Arkadag city and in all velayats of the country.

Thematic conferences, «round tables», competitions, demonstrative performances and friendly matches in different sports with participation of young sportsmen and student's youth were timed to the holiday.

The Olympic village became a venue of championship of Turkmenistan in the bicycle track. Competitions were held in such events as flying 200 m time trial, individual time trial, individual pursuit and team sprints for 500 and 750 metres.

In the Sports complex of martial arts of the Olympic village events under the motto «Ashgabat - a city of sports opportunities and achievements», devoted to announcement of the capital of Turkmenistan City of new sports opportunities of the Commonwealth took place.

Speakers noted that in modern Turkmenistan sports have attained a new qualitative level of development. In the country, modern profile infrastructure was created and the corresponding material and technical basis was strengthened and modernised, and sports constructions are ready to hold large international competitions.

On June 5, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Dashoguz velayat where he took part in celebrations on the occasion of the commissioning of the new Balkan-Dashoguz high-voltage transmission line and two substations of 500 kilovolt each, built on this route within the project of creation of a uniform power ring of the country.

Realisation of the large-scale project, which was initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, allowed Turkmenistan to be the first among countries of Central Asia to create a uniform ring system that will provide reliability of the national power network and deliver smoothly electric power to local consumers and its surplus part - abroad, first of all to neighbouring countries.

All the work to construct the Balkans-Dashoguz power transmission line of 572 kilometres was carried out by local power builders. Thanks to the help from the Government, building and assembly jobs at that site, which passes through the Kara Kum, were completed within short terms.

The high quality of technologies and work at construction of a uniform ring power supply system as well as high tech and safety of substations were confirmed by international certificates from the Fraunhofer Institute of Energy Economics and Technology of Energy Systems (Federal Republic of Germany), the University of DUISBURG ESSEN (Germany) and Institute DEKRA (Germany).

Within the celebration, the head of the state handed the khyakim of Dashoguz velayat keys to new buses, presented to residents of the northern region of the country on the occasion of the given significant event.

As gift to the Maternal and Child Health Center of Dashoguz velayat two Dialog+ haemodialysis machines (artificial kidney) from the German company B.Braun, purchased with funds of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care were donated.

For many Dashoguz families to whom keys to new apartments were handed, that day became unforgettable. So, in an administrative centre of the northern region of the country four new four-storeyed apartment houses with a total of 80 apartments with modern conveniences were put in operation.

Four more four-storeyed houses – with 16 apartments each were constructed in the settlement of Gulistan. New houses harmoniously matched the city architectural ensemble. At their construction high quality modern building and finishing materials were used. Adjoining territories of houses are arranged well and planted with trees and shrubs.

On June 6, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country general Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular meeting of the State Security Council, at which results of work of military and law enforcement bodies for January-May months of the current year were considered. Its agenda included issues of security and peace in our independent fatherland, strengthening of the material and technical basis of security structures, further perfection of their activity.

At the meeting, the Decree «On appointment and release of judges of courts of Turkmenistan and assignment of qualification classes to them» was signed.

Results of the work of branches of national economy for five months of the current year were considered at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held online on June 7.

As macroeconomic indicators testify, during the considered period the rate of increase of gross national product made up 6,3 percent. This indicator in the industrial complex was equal to 3,6 percent, in the transport-communication sector - 7,1 percent, in the sphere of services - 7,9 percent, in trade - 7,8 percent, in construction - 7,8 percent, in agriculture - 5,4 percent.

As a whole, the volume of production increased by 11,5 percent. Retail goods turnover as compared with the same period of the past year grew by 11,1 percent.

Fulfilment of the revenue side of the state budget made up 102,2 percent and expenditure side of the state budget - 97,6 percent.

The amount of salaries by large and average enterprises of the country as compared with the corresponding period of 2023 for January-May was higher by 10,4 percent.

Within the realisation of the national rural redevelopment program during the considered period construction of 52 social projects, 32 water-purifying projects, 480,8 thousand square metres of housing and engineering systems was carried out.

At the meeting, the head of the state congratulated silkworm growers of the country who produced a harvest of cocoons and successfully fulfilment their production plans with their labour victories.

The President of Turkmenistan also congratulated members of the Cabinet and all compatriots with an important news, which arrived from the headquarters of the United Nations located in New York - on June 6 of the current year our country was unanimously selected vice-chairman of the 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. It is another evidence of broad support of the world community the foreign policy of our native land based on the status of neutrality.

With a view of complex development of research activity in the country as well as on the occasion of Day of Science, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on results of the competition of scientific works among the youth of Turkmenistan and the Resolution «On assignment to the Center of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan the status of the international scientific-technological park».

Turning to other events of the past week, we should point out that National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Honoured elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Arkadag city where he familiarised with the course of construction work and held a working meeting with corresponding heads.

Within the second turn of construction of the new city, the enterprises, which will enter «Arkadag Medisina Klasteri Menejment» are erected. On the basis of local raw materials they will make use there disposable medical preparations, masks, dressing gowns, bedding, shoe covers and others daily used in public health services sphere.

At the same time, Hero-Arkadag instructed to adjust manufacture of medical polypropylene and to take measures for production of medical salt at the enterprises of "Türkmenhimiýa" State Concern to prepare data on necessary volume of planned production as a whole by the country, to carry out work to get international certificates of ISO for raw materials and production as well as registration of trade mark of the company «Arkadag Medisina Klasteri Menejment» and issuance of corresponding patents.

On the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort were received in the Mejlis.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the friendly country was informed on priorities of the home and foreign policy pursued by the head of Turkmenistan.

Within exchange of opinions on prospects of promotion of mutual relations importance of reached results in interaction development in trade and economic, cultural-humanitarian spheres, including at the parliamentary level was underlined.

In the capital hotel "Arçabil" the International scientific-practical conference «Energy Prospects, New Technologies and Environmental Aspects of the Development of Hydrocarbon Resources» (TESC 2024), organised by "Türkmengaz" and «Türkmennebit» State Concerns as well as "Türkmengeologiýa" State Corporation took place.

The forum, which was held not only in the traditional format, but also broadcast in tens of countries of the world in the online mode, united representatives of the national and foreign profile companies, which spoke with presentations devoted to formation of strategy of future of international, regional and national industry of fuel and energy complex as well as with survey analytical materials on the state of affairs in the world oil market and marketing policy.

In the Center of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the International scientific-practical conference « Architecture is a man-made art in construction», dated to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great poet and thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi widely marked in the present year as well as to Day of Science, was organised.

Speakers marked that grandiose construction conducted all over the country - a visual evidence of success of the state socially oriented policy aimed at maintenance of peaceful and happy life of Turkmen nationals as well as at development of the necessary infrastructure corresponding to the international standards in urban and rural areas.

The scientific-practical online conference «Turkmenistan – the land of environmental well-being», was timed to World Environment Day held with participation of heads and experts of branch departments, scientific communities, higher educational schools and public associations of the country, authoritative international and regional organisations, including the United Nations and its specialised structures.

In papers, the many-sided work carried out in our fatherland on maintenance of ecological well-being and perfection of legislation in the given direction was comprehensively reflected.

Release of the 4th edition of the Red Book of Turkmenistan prepared on the basis of updated legislation of our country in the field of ecology was also timed to this holiday, taking into account the international standards.

At the Turkmen University of Engineering Technologies named after Oguz Khan, the International scientific conference «Important Directions of Green Economy: eco, nano, bio and information technologies», the agenda of which included issues of interaction in priority areas of scientific researches, application of new technologies.

Within the conference, the ceremony of awarding of winners of the competition of innovative technologies announced by Turkmen University of Engineering Technologies named after Oguz Khan among the youth of the country took place.

The past week the grain-harvesting season started in our fatherland. Grain-growers of Akhal, Lebap and Mary velayats started the grain harvesting campaign. The grain harvesting campaign will start in Balkan and Dashoguz velayats on June 14. This year farmers should obtain 1 million 400 thousand tons of grain from 690 thousand hectares of land.

Thus, overall objectives of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State - the further strengthening of stably developing economy, recognition of ecological outlook and principles of healthy way of life, education of physically strong, spiritually rich and harmoniously developed younger generation, creation of comfortable conditions for life and fruitful work of Turkmen nationals found reflexion in various events of the past week.

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