Turkmen Carpets are Masterpieces of High Art
Turkmen Carpets are Masterpieces of High Art
Published 26.05.2024

Şu gün maý aýynyň soňky ýekşenbesinde däp bolan bellenilýän Türkmen haly festiwalyna bagyşlanan çäreler - haly we haly önümleriniň sergisi, şeýle hem paýtagtda Bütindünýä Türkmen Haly Bilimçiler Assosiasiýasynyň 24-nji ýygnagy geçirildi.

Milletiň özboluşly medeni mirasyna aýratyn hormat goýmagyň we hormat goýmagyň nyşany hökmünde döredilen zehinli we ylhamly işleri ajaýyp owadan halylary döredýän ähli ussat senetçileriň hormatyna elde dokalan haly dokamak sungaty, bu baýramçylyk hakykatdanam birine öwrüldi. Bezeg we amaly sungatyň ilkinji görnüşlerini gorap saklamagyň, milletiň medeni we ruhy mirasynyň dowamly gymmatlyklaryny gorap saklamagyň ajaýyp mysallaryndan. Bütin dünýä haýran galdyran halylar, adamlaryň iň gowy häsiýetlerini we iň esasysy, özboluşly bitewiligini we ýokary ruhyýetini görkezýär.

Dabaraly çäreler Türkmen halysynyň milli muzeýinde geçirilen sergi bilen başlandy. Bu ýerde nusgawy we häzirki zaman özboluşly haly önümleri bilen tanşyp bilersiňiz. Muzeý bilen ýanaşyk meýdançada ýaýbaňlandyrylan obanyň her bir künjegi agyr reňkli suraty berýärdi, ýöne döredijiligiň we döredijiligiň şatlygyndan, haly dokaýjylaryň işinden we yzygiderli iş tapgyrlaryndan ybaratdy. geljekki haly.

Haly dokamagyň ajaýyp eserleriniň türkmenleriň dünýägaraýşyny, geçmişe buýsanjyny, häzirki we geljegi üçin ajaýyp arzuwlaryny görkezýändigini bellemelidiris. Esasy nagyşlar - haly jelleri garaşsyz bitarap Watan döwlet nyşanlarynyň aýrylmaz elementlerine öwrüldi. Halkymyzyň agzybirligini we jebisligini, gözellige bolan tükeniksiz islegi, däp-dessurlaryň we häzirki zaman tejribesiniň sazlaşygyny janlandyrýarlar. 2016-njy ýylyň sentýabr aýynda açylan täze Aşgabat halkara howa menziliniň ýolagçy terminalynyň binagärlik aýratynlygy üçin Ginnesiň rekordlar kitabyna girizilmegi we “Iň uly jel” diýlip atlandyrylmagy möhümdir.

Milli muzeýde höküm sürýän baýramçylyk ýagdaýy döredijilik toparlarynyň çykyşlary bilen hasam güýçlendi, ajaýyp kompozisiýalarynda “Janly rowaýat” mowzugy - türkmen halysynyň dörediliş taryhy bar.

Serginiň dabaraly açylyş dabarasyna Mejlisiň başlygy, ministrlikleriň we bölümleriň ýolbaşçylary, biziň ýurdumyzda akkreditlenen diplomatik wekilhanalaryň we halkara guramalarynyň ýolbaşçylary, medeni işgärler we sungat ussatlary, talyplar, jemgyýetçilik guramalarynyň wekilleri, meşhur haly gatnaşdy. ýurduň dokaýjylary, şeýle hem daşary ýurtly myhmanlar.

Bu baýramçylyk mynasybetli geçirilen çäreler milli mirasy tanatmak, giň halky ýurdumyzyň gazananlary bilen tanyşdyrmak, şeýle hem potensial daşary ýurtly hyzmatdaşlar bilen hyzmatdaşlyk köprülerini gurmak üçin ajaýyp mümkinçilik döretdi.

Çuňňur üns bilen ýygnananlar Prezident Serdar Berdimuhamedowyň gutlag ýüzlenmesini diňlediler, asyrlaryň dowamynda özboluşly milli aýratynlyklary bilen gowulaşan halylaryň, türkmen durmuşynyň aýrylmaz gymmatyna öwrülendigini, öýlerimiziň, ojaklarymyzyň bezegine öwrülendigini bellediler. , bütin dünýäde ykrar edilen ruhumyzyň buýsanjy we UNESKO-nyň adamzadyň maddy däl medeni mirasynyň sanawyna girizilen türkmenleriň milli haly dokamak sungaty, bakylygyň ajaýyp nyşanydyr.

"Her kimiň nepisligi, çylşyrymlylygy, ýüpek ýumşaklygy, ýalpyldawuk reňk palitrasy we ajaýyp gözelligi bilen haýran galdyrýan halylarymyz, halkymyzyň ähli ajaýyp häsiýetlerini, milli aýratynlyklaryny, diline, sungatyna, asylly däp-dessurlaryna tükeniksiz söýgini özünde jemleýär" döwlet baştutanynyň gutlag hatynda nygtalýar.

Along with the masterpieces of ancient and original art of the Turkmen people, woven by skilled carpet makers of the Türkmenhaly State Association, modern carpet products were also presented by one of the large enterprises of the non-state sector – the Abadan haly Open Joint Stock Company, which organically combines ancient traditions and innovative ones in production technologies.

A large collection of souvenirs in stunning harmony of carpet patterns, distinguished by sophistication and an individual creative approach, attracted exhibition guests and domestic entrepreneurs who make a significant contribution to the development of the carpet and tourism industries.

Among the exhibits presented by guests from Uzbekistan and Afghanistan are magnificent classical ornamental and subject carpets and works of relief weaving. It is important to note that among them there are also new skillful samples, recreated from reproductions of ancient Turkmen carpets, as well as ceramic products.

As part of the celebrations, the workers of carpet enterprises were honored, by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan for their great services in the development of the national art of carpet weaving in the independent neutral Homeland, glorifying in the world the unsurpassed beauty and filigree of Turkmen carpets, which are the pride of our people, decorating carpets with artistic ornaments, taking into account the conscientious and selfless work over many years, professionalism, and also on the occasion of the Turkmen Carpet Festival, was awarded the honorary title “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan halyçysy”.

The recipients noted with gratitude that tireless concern for the preservation and enhancement of national heritage is one of the most important aspects of state policy. They expressed their heartfelt gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his special attention to providing favorable conditions for their harmonious creativity, educating young talented craftswomen who are eagerly adopting the secrets of the ancient craft.

Broad cultural, trade and economic ties with foreign partners play an important role in the development of domestic carpet weaving and the popularization of the unique advantages of man-made fabrics. In order to carefully preserve spiritual values passed down from generation to generation over the centuries, in the new historical era, large-scale work is being carried out to further improve this art, which is an integral part of the world cultural heritage.

The activities of the World Association of Turkmen Carpet Connoisseurs are also aimed at this, the 24th meeting of which was held in the afternoon in the conference hall of the Türkmenhaly State Association.

During the regular meeting of the organization, which brings together representatives of the scientific and business world, collectors of works of art and antiques, amateur enthusiasts from all over the world, reports were made on the history, present day and prospects for the development of Turkmen carpet weaving and other topics.

The speeches emphasized that the Turkmen carpet in its ornaments reflects the milestones of history, mentality and spiritual and moral values of the people.

As noted, true masters of the high art of hand-made carpet weaving in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state are implementing new creative ideas. Today, based on sketches developed by artist-designers, they produce carpets for decorating the interiors of educational and sports institutions, hotels and health resorts, office buildings, etc., being built throughout the country. Modern carpet weaving factories create unique fabrics that, as in ancient times, decorate magnificent halls government complexes, cultural centers and museums.

These successes became possible due to the active care of the state, which identified one of the priorities of the country’s socio-economic development as the consistent improvement of the art of carpet weaving. In order to widely popularize this unique artistic craft and preserve original examples of ancient paintings, the production infrastructure of the domestic carpet industry is being modernized. Artistic carpet weaving enterprises are being put into operation, where all conditions are created for fruitful work and comfortable rest for carpet weavers.

It was emphasized that recognition by UNESCO experts of the traditions of Turkmen carpet weaving as part of the great cultural heritage of all mankind would further promote this national brand abroad.

Speaking about the personal contribution of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the popularization of ancestral traditions, the speakers noted that thanks to his fundamental books on the eternal beauty of man-made carpets “Living Legend” and “Heavenly Beauty” the world rediscovered such ancient and modern art like carpet weaving.

At the end of the exhibition and the 24th meeting of the World Association of Turkmen Carpet Connoisseurs, its participants adopted an Address to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed sincere gratitude to the head of state for his active support in enhancing the glorious traditions of carpet weaving, creating favorable conditions for expanding international cooperation in this area.

In the evening, at the Aşgabat Song and Music Center, the celebrations continued with performances by creative groups.

On the occasion of the Turkmen Carpet Festival, meetings, exhibitions, scientific conferences, creative competitions, concerts and other events were held throughout the country.

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