Events of the week
Turkmenistan confidently follows the path of progressive transformations
Events of the week
Turkmenistan confidently follows the path of progressive transformations
Published 10.04.2024

Key  priorities of the state policy consistently realised by President Serdar  Berdimuhamedov - systematic implementation of national programs on complex development of the country, popularisation of mass physical culture and health  movement, careful preservation of spiritual values, increase of well-being of population and intensification of constructive international cooperation found their due reflexion in the events of the past week.

Issues of development of agriculture, course of seasonal agricultural campaigns and preparation for the wheat-harvesting season were discussed at the online working meeting, which the head of the state held on April 1.

At the same time, heads of administration centers of regions were given concrete instructions to observe the quality and terms of construction of different projects implemented within the framework of the program of social and economic development of the country for 2022-2028 and the national rural redevelopment program, planned to be opened this year, as well as to organise mass cultural and sports events on the occasion of forthcoming holidays.

On April 3, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country general Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular meeting of the State Security Council to consider results of the work of military and law enforcement bodies for three months of the current year. Its agenda included issues of security and peace in our independent fatherland, strengthening of the material and technical basis of security structures and further perfection of their activity.

At the meeting, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country signed documents on appointment and release of public prosecutors as well as Resolutions on construction and reconstruction of a number of projects subordinated to security departments, strengthening of the material and technical basis of structures accountable to the State Customs Service and preparation of profile experts.

On April 4, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Executive Director of the “Turkmenistan-USA” Business Council Eric Stewart.

During the discussion of priority, issues of bilateral interaction the businessman confirmed the desire of US business circles to further develop productive ties with Turkmenistan, which has solid economic potential.

As the head of the state noted, taking into account programs of development and reforms implemented in our country as well as created favourable conditions for businessmen, oil and gas sector, electric power industry, renewal energies, transport and communications, agriculture, sphere of high technologies present perspective areas of intensification of cooperation.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined that Turkmenistan welcomes promotion of effective interaction with US companies and is ready to consider definite proposals of the Business Council.

On April 6, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the regular online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, summed up the outcome of work of branches of national economy for the first quarter of the current year.

As the head of Turkmenistan pointed out, indicators for the accounting period show successful realisation of adopted programs. The growth of GDP made up 6, 3 percent. This indicator in the industrial branch reached 4,7 percent, in the transport-communication sector - 6,6 percent, in the sphere of services - 7,6 percent, in trade - 8,2 percent, agriculture - 4,1 percent. The sizes of salaries grew by 10 percent.

Construction of large industrial and social projects, including new settlements, apartment houses, entertaining and medical centres, schools, kindergartens is carried out in the country. At the same time, according to the adopted plans, transformations are carried out in the sphere of science and education, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlined and emphasised necessity to take appropriate measures for implementation of the Program of social and economic development of the country for 2022-2028.

The head of Turkmenistan also drew the attention to due preparation for events and celebrations on the occasion of significant dates of the national calendar and opening of numerous projects planned for April, 2024, which passes under the motto «Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi».

In the past week, the President of Turkmenistan signed a number of documents. They included the Resolution on manufacture of sugar beet in etraps of Mary velayat with application of scientifically well-founded crop rotation according to agro-technical standards as well as the Order on organization of the international beauty show of Akhal-teke horses , competitions among artists, sculptors, carpet makers, jewellers, photographers , publishing workers , designers and TV cameramen on April 27, 2024 on the occasion of the national holiday of the Turkmen horse in the city of Arkadag .

On April 7, World Health Day in Turkmenistan was marked by the mass bicycle race. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov led the column of its participants in the capital.

Members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis, ministries and sectoral departments, military and law enforcement bodies, public organisations, mass media, rectors of higher educational establishments took part in the mass action. Among participants were also heads and representatives of diplomatic representative offices and international organisations accredited to our country.

Among adherents of the healthy life style - sportsmen of the national team of Turkmenistan in cycling, students, schoolchildren  of the school of young Olympians and comprehensive schools, schoolchildren of the Palace «Döwletliler köşgi», representatives of the public.

The bike marathon race took a start at the monument to "Bicycle" located on the crossroad of Chandibil Avenue and Bekreve Street. The route running across the most beautiful highways of the capital, finished in the centre of the city, on the crossroad of Bitarap Turkmenistan and A.Niyazov Avenues.

«Round tables», meetings, scientific-practical conferences, competitions and demonstrative performance in different sports, physical and health and cultural actions which took place in Ashgabat, Arkadag cities and velayats of the country were timed to World Health Day. TV and radio broadcasts, thematic publications in mass media were also devoted to the remarkable holiday.

The sportsmen, who displayed good results at international competitions, were awarded memorable gifts on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov under solemn conditions.

In the past week, at the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Slovenia to Turkmenistan Daria Bavdazh-Kuret were received in the Mejlis.

The diplomat was acquainted with basic areas of the home and foreign policy of our country as well as with structure and legislative activity of the national parliament.

Ambassador Darya Bavdazh Kuret noted a high international authority of Turkmenistan, which achieves great successes in social, economic and humanitarian spheres and assured that she will make her best efforts to further strengthen interstate cooperation based on principles of equality and mutual trust.

In the conference hall of the Centre of Public Organisations, the presentation of the book by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Anau – the culture from the depths of millennia», devoted to declaration of ancient city of Anau as cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, took place.

In the solemnity organised by the Khalk Maslakhaty, Mejlis and public organisations of Turkmenistan, representatives of spheres of science, education and culture, mass media, honoured elders and student youth took part.

Speakers underlined an exclusive importance of the book in study, preservation and wide popularisation of the greatest cultural heritage and history of Turkmen people, who brought a weighty contribution to development of universal civilisation.

The exhibition of the trade complex of Turkmenistan, held in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry displayed an unprecedented large scale of the process of perfection of branches of the national economy, successfully carried out within the framework of the adopted programs of development, high quality of production, a wide assortment of services and export possibilities of home producers.

Over 210 enterprises and structures of the trading complex, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country presented a wide spectrum of goods made by them - foodstuff, electronics, household chemical goods, cosmetic and perfumery production, furniture, carpet, textile and tanning products, printing production, arts and crafts products as well as rendered services to trade areas, building, public catering, consumer services, computer technologies.

The enterprises and structures of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, "Rysgal" joint-stock commercial bank and State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange took part in the exhibition. The trade department of Arkadag city was displayed there for the first time.

National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also visited the exhibition.

During his familiarization with a wide range of exposition, Hero-Arkadag focused attention on importance of the issues connected with advertising of national production, development of international cooperation, exchange of experience in the sphere of innovative manufactures as well as increase of culture of trade, perfection of level of rendered services.

On April 4-5, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made an official visit to the Republic of Tajikistan.

During negotiations of Hero-Arkadag with President Emomali Rahmon, interlocutors discussed the present state and prospects of development of bilateral cooperation as well as stated their readiness to consider possibility of realisation of new joint projects in strategically significant spheres for national economies.

Having noted that this year our country and countries beyond its marches celebrate the 300th birthday anniversary of the great classic of Turkmen literature and thinker of the East Magtymguly Fragi, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited the Tajik leader to take part in celebrations planned to be held in Ashgabat on the occasion of the significant date.

Following the results of negotiations, important agreements were reached and a package of documents, called to promote further development of traditional friendly Turkmen-Tajik relations, expansion of fruitful cooperation in various spheres was signed.

The aim of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan at strengthening of inter-parliamentary contacts acting as an integral component of interstate dialogue was confirmed during the meeting, which took place on April 4 between National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedova and Chairman of the Majlisi Milli Majlisi Oli Rustam Emomali.

Priority issues of bilateral partnership taking into account its solid potential were touched upon on the agenda of the Turkmen-Tajik business forum in which representatives of the private sectors of two countries took part.

In the second day of the official visit to the Republic of Tajikistan, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with participation of some Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet and other corresponding heads. The issues, concerning the present condition of bilateral cooperation and its prospects in various spheres, in particular, in the field of agriculture, fuel and energy sector, transport, town planning were discussed.

Within the framework of his visit, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a number of bilateral meetings.

Perspective vectors of interaction in the area of parliamentary diplomacy, which carries out a weighty part in of maintenance of peace and sustainable development, strengthening of interstate relations as a whole, were considered during the meeting with Chairman of the Mejlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of Tajikistan Mahmadtoir Zokirzoda.

Issues of trade and economic cooperation, interaction in the field of water management, as well as culture, science, education, public health services and sports became a subject of discussion with Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan Kokhir Rasulzoda.

On the same day, the meeting of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedova with President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon took place in the governmental residence and its course expressed mutual confidence in agreements and documents signed during his visit for facilitation of further dynamical development of Turkmen-Tajik cooperation.

On the margins of the official visit of Hero-Arkadag to the Republic of Tajikistan, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care donated gifts for children of Tajikistan at the Istiklol Medical Complex in Dushanbe.  The given humanitarian action was held according to the Order of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, following primordial traditions of noble relations and humanism of Turkmen people.

The Centre for Written Heritage at the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan with the participation of scientists and cultural figures from the two countries hosted the round table devoted to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi.

On the sidelines of Days of culture of Turkmenistan, organised in the friendly state, in the conference hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, the presentation of books by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Ýaşlar - Watanyň daýanjy» and «Anau - culture from the depths of millennia» took place. Scientific and creative figures of the two countries took part in the event.

Among other events of the past week – the opening mosques in settlement of Khazar of Balkanabat city of Balkan velayat, settlement of Ruhubelent in Ruhubelent etrap of Dashoguz velayat, Dovletli settlement of Khojambaz etrap of Lebap velayat as well as  settlement of Shatlyk of Sakarchage etrap of Mary velayat on the eve of the Sacred Night of Omnipotence Gadyr gijesi. All this served as visible acknowledgement of careful attitude of Turkmen people to cultural wealth.

At the regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission to ensure the implementation of Turkmenistan’s international obligations in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law for three months 2024 were summed up.

At the same time, priorities, ways of realisation of final recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee regarding the protection of the interests of citizens, the plan of measures on increase of legal literacy of population and expansion of availability of legal information were discussed. The issues connected with the opening of new areas in the structure of the Ombudsman’s Office were considered.

Thus, events of the past week brightly displayed efficiency of the large-scale socially oriented policy implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State and its priorities - augmentation of economic potential of the country, adherence to nation cultural wealth, steady increase of well-being of people, strengthening of the international authority of our fatherland.  

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