Events of the week
The main goal of transformation programs – prosperity of our fatherland
Events of the week
The main goal of transformation programs – prosperity of our fatherland
Published 23.01.2024

Events of the past week have outlined a creative essence of large-scale transformations carried out in Turkmenistan for intensive development of economy, modernisation of branches of the economic complex, maintenance of worthy life of people according to requirements of the time under the leadership of head of the state Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

On January 15, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an online working meeting, the agenda of which included issues of development of the agro-industrial complex and the course of work in regions of the country.

The President of Turkmenistan underlined importance of further development of agriculture and strengthening of food abundance in our fatherland at the expense of production of rich harvest of agricultural crops and successful implementation of target goals.

In the given context, the head of the state instructed relevant authorities to keep under a strict control the issues connected with care of wheat fields, preparation of cultivated areas and seeds for the sowing campaign of cotton, potato and other vegetables and gourds as well as to provide uninterrupted functioning of heating systems of social projects and supply of people in velayats with electricity, natural gas and drinking water.

On January 16, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, army general Serdar Berdimuhamedov held an extended offsite meeting of the State Security Council at which results of activities of military and law enforcement bodies of the country for 2023 were considered and priority goals set before the given departments were defined.

For discussion the issues, connected with maintenance of peace and security in our independent fatherland, consolidation of the material and technical basis of security structures and further perfection of their work were also put on its agenda.

Having focused the attention on importance of continuation of military reforms with a view of increase of the capacities of the Armed Forces of the country, the head of the state underlined necessity of steady growth of level of training of servicemen and highly qualified specialists - true patriots of our native land.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, army general Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed Decrees on conferral of military special ranks and qualifying classes on heads of some military and law enforcement bodies, considering their personal contribution to the strengthening of independence and sovereignty of our fatherland, security, public order and the rule of law.

As the head of Turkmenistan pointed out, according to requirements of the military doctrine, which bears a fully defensive character, due measures are carried out to maintain a high level of military security and integrity of our independent, permanently neutral state, to strengthen its defensibility as well as further improve living standards of defenders of our native land and members of their families. And this work will be further carried on.

On January 17, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas.

The exchange of opinions on interaction prospects in the light of its key aspects and available versatile potential took place. In this connection, the head of the state emphasised importance of the upcoming EU-Central Asia investment forum on sustainable transport in Brussels at the end of January this year. Having assured that our country will take active part in its work, the President of Turkmenistan has expressed confidence that results of the forum will provide an opportunity to transform the Trans-Caspian transport corridor connecting Central Asia and Europe into a multimodal, modern, stable and express route.

Having expressed to the head of the state a deep gratitude for the substantial conversation, the Vice-President of the European Commission noted that the implementation by the European Union of new approaches to partnership with Turkmenistan country is a solid basis for effective joint activities.

On January 18, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the Minister of Oil of the Islamic Republic of Iran Javad Ovji.

During the meeting, it was noted that interstate relations, built on the principles of mutual respect and understanding, are successfully developing in both bilateral and multilateral formats, in particular, within the framework of international organisations. The strengthening of fruitful interaction promotes in many respects by working visits of governmental delegations of two countries at different levels, as well as consultations and negotiations.

As was marked, Productive ties have been established in the trade and economic sphere, the fuel and energy complex, in the fields of transport and communications, construction, agriculture, and between representatives of the private sector. An important aspect of the negotiations was cooperation in the oil and gas sector.

On January 19, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held the next online meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, in which drafts of documents as well as a number of other issues were considered.

Among them - activity of the national parliament for further improvement of the legislative basis of the country, discovery of new deposits of drinking water by means of modern technologies, course of seasonal agricultural campaigns and expansion of acreage of forested areas.

The special attention was given to the draft of the "Program for socio-economic development of the country for 2024", developed by the Ministry of Finance and Economy jointly with ministries and sectoral departments, khyakimliks of velayats, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities.

According to the given document, within a year it envisages realisation of the measures aimed at maintenance of macroeconomic stability and strengthening of economic power of our fatherland, steady growth of GDP, development of sectors and regions. It also considers full involvement of industrial enterprises, creation of new workplaces in velayats.

Among priorities - increase in export routes at the expense of increase of competitiveness of national economy, development of import replacing manufactures, growth of manufacture of non-polluting, high-quality agricultural produces and foodstuffs.

Besides it, the work on rendering state support to agricultural manufacturers, maintenance of food abundance, high-quality transport, housing-and-municipal, social and other kinds of service for population as well as dynamical development of small and medium enterprises, creation of favourable business environment, further improvement of state-private partnership will be continued.

The head of Turkmenistan pointed out that implementation of the measures planned in the draft of the Program of social and economic development of the country for 2024, urged to provide steady growth of our fatherland in the economic and social aspect, to strengthen capacities of sectors and regions, to raise the level of employment and living standards of population. In this connection, it was entrusted to analyse once again the macroeconomic indicators defined in the Program for the current year, production plans for all branches of economy, indicators of social and economic growth by velayats and cities.

For consideration of the head of the state, the draft of the investment program of Turkmenistan for 2024 was submitted. In its frameworks, it is planned to continue construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, a new airport in Balkan velayat, a combined cycle power plant with a capacity 1574 MW, Ashgabat-Turkmenabat international high-speed highway, a bridge through the gulf of Garabogaz kol, as well as projects of the second turn of the "smart" city of Arkadag.

Great volumes of investments will be put into construction of residential houses, establishments of public health services, high schools and kindergartens, highways, systems of water, gas and power energy supply and communication, water-purifying constructions.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the Investment program for 2024 includes complex measures aimed at development of industries, creation of new enterprises, further strengthening of food abundance, maintenance of social protection of the population. With a view of successful realisation of practical steps provided by the Investment program for the current year, the head of the state instructed relevant authorities to reconsider the presented draft once again.

The information on the course of preparation of the Work plans of ministries and departments of the trading complex for 2024 according to which steps on maintenance of abundance of consumer goods and stable prices in the markets will be undertaken, was also delivered. Among priority areas - development of digital economy and electronic commerce, private sector, expansion of trade and economic relations with foreign countries, increase in volumes of goods turnover and export.

According to Work plans of the Ministry and departments of the sphere of culture, within a year it is planned to hold a number of events and art competitions on the occasion of the 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker of the East and poet-classic Magtymguly Fragi as well as the motto of 2024 "Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi" and announcement of Anau city a cultural capital of the Turkic world.

Work plans of establishments of spheres of science, education, public health services, sports and public organisations for 2024 prepared according to instructions of the President of the country and requirements of the time, were also informed.

For consideration of the head of Turkmenistan, proposals on further development of partnership with OSCE were presented. In particular, in the first half of the current year, it is proposed to hold in Ashgabat the International conference “The role of neutral states in strengthening security and trust in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe”.

Its agenda will include such issues as basic areas initiated by Turkmenistan "Strategy of global security” as well as use of important mechanisms of neutrality in solution of various international crises by the political and diplomatic way and revival of culture of the political dialogue.

Besides it, another proposal was made to organize a visit of the OSCE Secretary General to our country in March of this year with the aim of developing and enhancing relations between Turkmenistan and this organization as well as visits of the Vice President of Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the head of the Counter-Terrorism Committee under this Assembly to our country in April.

It was also proposed to hold a regional meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Ashgabat in May of this year in order to strengthen bilateral cooperation regarding support for Turkmenistan’s neutrality policy with the participation of members of the parliament.

Having noted that the all-around development of relations with authoritative international organisations, including with OSCE, acts as one of the priority areas of the foreign policy of the country, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the presented proposals.

As was reported at the meeting, practical steps are taken to develop the digital economy, aimed at introducing advanced technologies in Turkmenistan and constantly expanding the range of digital services.

So, the list of expansion of digital services was filled up with mobile application “Duralga”, started by "Türkmenawtoulaglary" Agency together with private companies, and new video hosting “Belet Video”, including regularly updated scientific-educational, musical, training, information materials.

The special attention is given to establishment of the “Electronic Government” system and the introduction of an information exchange system in the X-Road architecture format, which is successfully used in world practice. At present, selection of the supplier is currently carried out jointly with the United Nations Development Programme.

Having pointed out that as one of the requirements of the time, the strengthening of cyber security of the country and preparation of highly qualified experts in this area acts, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree “On planned measures to step up work to ensure cybersecurity in Turkmenistan”.

On January 20, National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Honoured Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the new equestrian complex of Arkadag city located in the picturesque place of foothills of the Kopet Dagh.

Hero-Arkadag made a horse ride and familiarised himself with projects and plans of arrangement of objects which are planned for construction within the second turn of construction of the city and decor of some of them.

Among the presented projects - drawings of a complex of buildings of Agricultural University, industrial projects, a museum, health homes, fire protection service and "Saglyk" park.

At the working meeting, which took place there the basic attention was given to the quality and observance of terms of building, maintenance of favourable ecological environment, course of the campaign for resettlement of population in modern apartment houses of the "smart" city and development of trade and services spheres.

The issues connected with reconstruction of the Ahalteke horse complex of the President of Turkmenistan were also considered.

Hero-Arkadag informed participants of the working meeting a happy news, which arrived from the Russian Cynological Federation, that the Turkmen Alabay Akdost presented in 2021 by Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the President of the International Association of Akhal-Teke Horse Breeding and International Association “Türkmen alabaý itleri” as a gift to Rustam Minnikhanov, head of the Republic of Tatarstan became the champion of Russia in the "Central Asian Shepherd Dog" category in two distinct areas.

On January 15, 2024, it was awarded the first award for thoroughbredness and beauty and on January 17, 2024 - a prize for comprehension and attentiveness. About 200 dogs participated in the championship.

Hero-Arkadag solemnly handed corresponding certificates to the vice-president of the International Association “Türkmen alabaý itleri”, having wished him further successes in his work.

In honour of this victory, which has become a unique symbol of joyful events of the first days of the year “Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, as a gift the President of Turkmenistan was presented with a puppy nicknamed Shatlyk.

Publication of literary-philosophical work by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Ömrümiň manysynyň dowamaty” in the Japanese language became a new token of traditional friendship between Turkmenistan and Japan.

Experts of University of Tsukuba, of which Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is an Honoured Doctor since 2015, rendered their assistance with its translation.

Among other events of the past seven days of the week – the meeting of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in which members of the Cabinet, heads and representatives of profile ministries and departments of the country, public organisations and mass media took part.

At the meeting, a wide spectrum of issues of cooperation within this specialised establishment of the United Nations were discussed, plans of interaction for 2024-2025, in particular, in the context of proposals put forward by our country on inclusion of national values into the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity were outlined.

As a whole, events of the past week became clearly displayed major priorities of the state policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at successful realisation of long-term transformation programs, the main goal of which - to transform our fatherland into an developed prospering state, where the most favourable conditions for life, work and realisation of creative potential of people are provided.

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