Special issue of «Arkadagly Ýaşlar» e-Magazine released
Special issue of «Arkadagly Ýaşlar» e-Magazine released
Published 06.01.2024

Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine dedicated its 12th issue for 2023 to the outcomes of the Year «Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar».

The next issue of the magazine of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan opens with a joint photograph of the young people, who successfully completed 2023, in the picturesque landscapes of Arkadag City.

The first article is titled «Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaşlaryň watansöýüjilik mekdebi».

«Arkadagly ýaşlar – dünýä çempionlary». An article with this title is about the Turkmen athletes’ achievements in the World Kurash Championships, which took place in Ashgabat.

The milestones and accomplishments of the Year «Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar» covered different areas. These achievements are highlighted in the articles «Berkarar döwletiň ykdysady gadamlary», «Oba hojalygy: ýokary bilimli hünärmenleriň taýýarlygynda täze üstünlikler» and «Türkmenistanyň energetika ulgamy: ählumumy ösüşiň hatyrasyna».

The value described in the article «Iň bereketli desterhan» is the brilliant works of our Hero Arkadag. The article «Ynsanperwerligiň belent nusgasy» proudly tells readers about the noble activities of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Fund for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

The article «Eaşlar döwrüň münberinde...» tells readers about the joining of Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan to the UNESCO Global Youth Community, which can be considered one of the most significant events of 2023. 

The article «Ýaşlar syýasatynda halkara hyzmatdaşlyk» is about the Beýik Ýüpek ýolunyň täze eýýamy Central Asia-China Youth Forum, which is one of the major events of the Year «Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar».

The article «Bagtly nesliň üstünlige baý ýyly» presents the creative achievements of Turkmen youth.

The article about the results of the state round of the Iň eýjejik gyzjagaz – 2023 contest is impressive and filled with the pride of the student who won the title «Talyp gözeli» last year.

The representatives of foreign youth organisations spoke on the pages of the e-Magazine for the first time over its one-year history. In his article, a representative of the Republican Youth Congress of Kyrgyzstan states that youth will cement cultural and economic bridges.

The article «Kämil bilim ulgamy - ösüşleriň binýady» is about research activities conducted at Magtymguly Turkmen State University, and the article «Milli sportuň şöhratly döwri» spotlights the achievements of the students from the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports at international and national competitions.

The e-Magazine offers the interesting articles about new scientific activities, the young participants of prestigious UNESCO conferences and the winners of the Ýylyň parlak ýyldyzy contest.

This issue provides a much broader overview on artistic and creative activities over its one-year history. Readers will find the poems of young poets on the pages entitled «Döredijilik dünýäsi».

The special issue concludes with the article «Täze ýyl - maşgala baýramçylygy» and announces the new winner of the Ýaş waspçy contest. Readers will find the calendar of the Year «Fount of wisdom Magtymguly Fragi» on the last pages of the 118-page issue.

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